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WAL ah REY yn MARA i iN My a, Bi A) AL} Mit) at) ity} +t; 1h ae ESI SIS PIP PEAS SS = oe ae Se Pe ee i it Maly Seat Venn Kale i Hratye ’ NY MOY da A Mute H(\ a SGA Hi th My a! — a Se ae Sans SS ay Ly HRA th } } "A eS Ei . i ANIA ts ay i saat (08 ; PNR INN Mk ; Ta Avs BONY be *) NS fy iS eutth) i i i thi } i) ih a i aie bth Sri } ai SNA RAT Ta MD Leia ih ot Math Fiche NE ith Oe ib A BUNUN A RMU TS AY ANY KARA GRR SAN i HH) batt Tens t \ My , Ne ai sh iat H CHUM TCL CU tai lH ARNG "i cient Shs “=~ = pee = haa) ' SS Sa = —= i Hi) Pe) Me ma sat ini Ni, nih cat} NAb A + i Ut ha i At \ r ti fel Pia | i 1a Mehta CN aa f NYY Te A =— + = As ut 4 ha Sere expeae — = a \ J y TAY APPEAR Ree HEM A yn y RYT LAME AS it SL MDA e LTS Ae OL MEO Te By AISA SM ASR ESSE eh oN aa tata aan AVA nriey Ca | v | ATL : eset en sat Hy fh y Hy win Re ha RAR Ht) Wea ANTES Mi BANTAM AE IEA Ay Ht ie sf Pe A OALL Te " AYES Ne PA A EAE IR NS HTL DreSasiRRNUN AH NIM aT Viasat br ae NUE u a Pimat Rasa TAMU i HAMNER Mila Rar tecese he Ny AOU VATU eaten tae tit UM ARUAG RO LAM AUR LON 8 HARVARD UNIVERSITY sMelS CO ES) LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology Be ea 9 Dee Pe POLLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII 1956-1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York Urs: A. =a P ell 7 y ‘~ @ ; 7 , j , 2, @ ry = bf yi A. ae VERE OS VOCIOOL SM00 EU EEMM BOOIREN AG CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXXVII Bulletin No. Plates Pages 161. Rudist Assemblages of the Antillean Upper Cretaceous BAZ by de (Clotbil lo) Leet eee Se i 1- 23 162. Middle Devonian Stromatoporoidea of Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio By J. J. Galloway and Joseph St. Jean, Jr. 1-23 24-308 163. Late Oligocene Larger Foraminifera’ from Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone (with a detailed analysis of Ameri- can Miogypsinids and Heterosteginids ) By WEY StOnnsi © Oli tee eee a ae ee 24-30 309-338 164. Structure and Classification of the Stromatoporoidea LE Ad ec mel G NU Kon teh vd pki SCT oot tapas pee alee Ns ere ea SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER V ICESPREBIDENT. 1 ER eee hy ee SRE fe Ne eee NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY SD REASURERZ2 ©. tye Pak wy ee. Ee Pe er AD REBECCA §. HARRIS DIRECTORS 2a) Wee eile Np ee) ae KATHERINE V,. W. PALMER COUNSEEA Ie 22 ape yl eI MA DN ee fs 4 ARMAND L. ADAMs Trustees KENNETH E. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) W. STorrs CoLe (1952-58) RALPH A. LIDDLE (1950-56) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL A. Otsson (Life) ReBecca S. Harris (Life) NorMAN E, WEIsBorD (1951-57) SOLOMON C. HOLLISTER (1953-59) BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor Lemp! H. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E, CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN MArks G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All volumes available except vols. I-III, V, VI, VIII, xX, XII and XIV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes, are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York 1 Bfers¥va Price this number 40¢ BULLETINS | OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 37 No. 161 RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES OF THE ANTILLEAN UPPER CRETACEOUS By Le) Chubb Jamaica Geological Survey December 5, 1956 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 56-305 Printed in the United States of America CONTENTS Page ANTS Cpe C Cet cnt oe Rates oe eee er eee Re cee AS a oe ee RC a ec Ae 5 mer odin Gti orn of een eee 2 oe ed eee Pee Re at a ae nee 5 RU diastaassenn bla gies gains 58 Ss a eet ete ce 50 Pha Nee ce eae reset ce 6 Rea AVG AN eet ee one Ae See Ss eer, eee eS Os NEEM R Ls 8 Le 6 CCU ee ere RE EE Oe eae ia 8 OtherneAntilleanelslands, eee ee eee eee 15 CHOTIAELEBIOT 2 cae Ste er ee cee eee cena ree eee nee aoc eet ae 16 [Barina l yonONUOeeSy Lea ee ete ete St ee Oe ae pate Re) Set he pO Ea. 18 BANG Kit yi) Gl orn e Tas ee ee ee ares cme nee wa Be peti gs RnR der eek saree 20 IRETEMEN CES settee ee ne eee ee Lea yee RIE eee ds Oe ee ee 21 RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES OF THE ANTILLEAN UPPER CRETACEOUS* L. J. Cuuss Jamaica Geological Survey ABSTRACT In a recent publication it was shown that the oft repeated statement that the rudist genera Barrettia and Titanosarcolites occur in association in the Caribbean area is erroneous, and that in Jamaica, B.W.I., the Titanosarcolites horizon is some 2,500 feet higher than the Barrettia horizon. It is now found that a characteristic rudist assemblage, known to include over eight species, occurs in the lower horizon, and a different assemblage, comprising 31 named species, distinguishes the higher. The two faunas have only one species in common. In Cuba a still lower rudist horizon has been recognised, characterized by Tepeyacia corrugata and four other species. Most workers on the Cuban Cretaceous have lumped together the Barrettia and Titanosarcolites horizons in one comprehensive Habana formation, but a careful scrutiny of the published lists of fossils from recorded localities reveals that in Cuba, as in Jamaica, the rudists found in association with Barrettia are, with one possible excep- tion, different from those found in association with Titanosarcolites. The former assemblage includes 21 and the latter 18 named species. Our limited knowledge of the rudist faunas of the other Antillean islands suggests that here too dif- ferent assemblages are associated with the two genera. It is suggested that the Tepfeyacia fauna is Cenomanian-Turonian, and that Barrettia ranged from Upper Turonian through Lower Senonian. There is general agreement that the age of the Titanosarcolites horizon is Maestrichtian. Two faunal provinces may be recognized, separated by a line which passes between Cuba and Jamaica, and at its eastern end cuts southeast across the latter island. Few species are found on both sides of the line at any stage in the Upper Cretaceous. INTRODUCTION Rudists are the dominant, or at least the best known, fossils in the Cretaceous rocks of the Antillean region. The rudist faunas of Cuba and Jamaica have received much intensive study, and approximately 40 species have been described from each area. As these two islands are separated by a distance of less than 100 miles, it might have been expected that their rudist faunas would be substantially the same but, while a few species in the two areas have been recorded under the same names, it would seem * Read before First British Caribbean Geological Conference, Antigua, Dec, 5-8, 1955. 6 BULLETIN 161 that on the whole the differences are more marked than the resemblances. The rudist faunas of Haiti, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, are less well known. In Jamaica rudists have been found only in the limestones which constitute perhaps five per cent of the total thickness of the Cretaceous. They are usually associated with gastropods, normal lamellibranchs, corals, echinoids, and other fossils, and many mol- lusks and corals are found at various horizons in the shales and other deposits which lie below, between, and above the limestones. It is not too much to say that in the Jamaican Cretaceous other fossil species outnumber the rudists by at least four to one. In Cuba, however, little attention has been paid to the macrofossils excepting rudists, and a scrutiny of the literature has brought to light only one important reference to Cretaceous shale fossils, other than ammonites, in that island (Lewis and Straczek, 1955, pp. 193-200). This study will, therefore, be concerned mainly with the rudists. RUDIST ASSEMBLAGES JAMAICA The Cretaceous rudists of Jamaica have been described by Woodward (1862), Whitfield (1897a and b), Trechmann (1922 and 1924), and Chubb (1955a and 1956a and b). The rudist fauna of the eastern part of the island is not as yet well known. Brief accounts of the Cretaceous rocks in this area have been given by Barrett (1860), Sawkins (1869, pp. 26, 40-41, 47), and Trech- mann (1924, pp. 390-3, 1927, pp. 31-35), from which it would appear that their development here is rather different from that in the rest of the island, due perhaps to deeper water conditions. The original specimens of Barrettia monilifera Woodward were found by Barrett in this region, and in other parts of the area Trechmann found T7itanosarcolites giganteus (Whitfield), the small Biradiohttes mooretownensts, and other species. The associated shale fauna differs from that in the rest of the island in that it contains several species of ammonites (Spath, 1925). Closer study of the Cretaceous fauna of eastern Jamaica may perhaps show it to have much in common with the Cuban fauna. This area 1s separated from the rest of Jamaica by the Wagwater Belt, a zone Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 7 of intense thrusting, crushing, and folding, which crosses the island in a NW-SE direction. It has recently been shown (Chubb, 1955b) that in central and western Jamaica, that is the area west of the Wagwater Belt, there are two rudist horizons, the upper 7itanosarcolites limestone series being separated by 2,500 feet of tuffaceous and detrital material from the lower Barrettia limestone which is underlain by several thousand feet of sediments, the /noceramus shales. The principal species of Barrettia found here is not B. monilifera, which is un- known in the area, but B. gigas (Chubb, 1955a, pp. 9-12). The rudist fauna associated with Barrettia, so far as it 1s known at present, includes only the following species: Plagioptychus toucasi Matheron Ichthyosarcolites sp. Praeradiolites verseyt Chubb Bournonia, n. sp. Durania mcholasi (Whitfield ) D. cf. aguilae Adkins Barrettia gigas Chubb B. multilirata Whitfield rudist spp. indet. The recently discovered Plagioptychus listed above, from the Barrettia beds of Haughton Hall, Green Island, Hanover Parish, appears to be the same as the form described by Mullerried (1933, pp. 9-14) from the same horizon in Chiapas, Mexico, and identi- fied by him with P. towcast which characterizes the Turonian of Europe. The Titanosarcolites fauna of central and western Jamaica 1s far more abundant than the Barrettia fauna and is known to include the following rudist species: Monopleura jamaicensis Chubb Gyropleura shaviensis Chubb Plagioptychus jamaicensis (Whitfield) P. trechmanni Chubb 8 BULLETIN 161 P. zansi Chubb P. minor Chubb Mitrocaprina multicanaliculata Chubb Antulocaprina occidentalis (Whitfield ) A. quadrangularis (Whitfield) Titanosarcolites giganteus (Whitfield ) Agria falcont Chubb Biradiolites forbest Chubb B. rudts (Whitfield ) B. rudissimus Trechmann B. minhoensis Trechmann B. gamaicensis Trechmann Thyrastylon adhaerens (Whitfield) T. coryi (Trechmann) T. senuannulosus (Yrechmann ) Bournomia cancellata (Whitfield ) B. barrettt Vrechmann Radiolites annulosus Whitfield Sauvagesia macroplicata (Whitfield) S. mcgrathi Chubb S. fluminisagni Chubb Durania nicholasi (Whitfield ) Chiapasella radiohitiformis (Trechmann) Hippurites (Orbignya) mullerriedi (Vermunt) H. (O.) ceibarum Chubb Parastroma maldonensis Chubb Praebarrettia sparcilirata (Whitfield) It may be noted that the only species at present known to be common to the Barrettia and Titanosarcolites faunas in Jamaica is Durania mcholasit, which may be a synonym of D. curasavica (Martin) characteristic of the Seroe Teintje limestone of Curacao, Netherlands West Indies. If so the latter name has priority. CUBA Douvillé (1926) described a number of Cuban rudists col- lected by Sanchez Roig, which were said to come from two horizons, the upper “Couches a Barrettia’, and the lower “Couches a Bour- Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 9 nonia.” The former yielded not only Barrettia but also Titanosar- colites and other rudists, while the latter contained Biradiolites lumbricoides and small Bournonias. In the following year he described some new species, and on the basis of lithology divided the rudist succession into five horizons, which he numbered in descending order. The highest horizon, Stage I, was the zone of Barrettia and Stage II that of Titanosarcolites. Stage IV was the Bournonia horizon of 1926, and Stage V was the earliest Cretaceous horizon in Cuba. Thus Douvillé recognised that the Barrettia beds should be separated from the Titanosarcolites beds, but following Trechmann (1927), he regarded the former as more recent than the latter. Reliance on lithology alone is notoriously risky, and it is now found that the faunas of Stages I and V commonly occur together while Stages II and IV both contain mixed faunas belonging to two horizons. Palmer (1933) described a number of new species without attempting to assess their relative ages. Exact localities were not given, but it seems probable that all species reported to occur in one neighborhood do in fact belong to one faunal assemblage. In the same year (1933) a party of students from Utrecht University under the leadership of the late Prof. L.M.R. Rutten carried out a reconnaissance survey over large areas of Cuba. They included H. R. MacGillavry, M.G. Rutten, A.A. Thiadens, and L.W.J. Vermunt. A second party, including J.J. Hermes, F.G. Keyzer, D.R. deVletter, and A. van Wessem, continued the work in the winter of 1938-39. These workers collected great numbers of rudists, recorded the exact site of every find, and marked it on their maps. So for the first time it became possible to ascertain with some certainty which species are associated together in Cuba. The Utrecht geologists, following Palmer, divided the Cuban Upper Cretaceous into two stages: the lower, or Tuff series, in which were interbedded many lenticles of limestone, certain of which, called the Provincial limestones, yielded a small rudist fauna, characterized by Tepeyacia and other forms; and the upper stage, the Habana formation, which contained many rudists, in- cluding both Titanosarcolites and Barrettia. 10 BuLLetTIN 161 In a recent publication (Chubb, 1955b, pp. 180-183), it has been shown that the oft-repeated statement that Titanosarcolites and Barrettia, s.s., occur together is erroneous. The only actual reports of this association in the Caribbean region are that by Douvillé (1926) quoted above, which he corrected next year (1927, p. 50), and a list by one of the Utrecht geologists, Ver- munt, showing the two genera as occurring together in one locality (H.802) near San Diego in Pinar del Rio Province. However, this association was reported in only one of this author’s publications (1937a, p. 263); in the stratigraphical memoir (1937b, pp. 36-37) Barrettia monilifera, B. multilirata, and three other rudist species, all common associates of Barrettia, were reported from this spot, but not Titanosarcolites. The site is surrounded by outcrops yield- ing Barrettia, while the nearest recorded Titanosarcolites locality is over 40 km. away. It appears reasonably certain, therefore, that the reported occurrence of the latter genus at this spot was due to a slip of the pen. If in fact the two genera were found together it was a unique occurrence. A careful analysis of the other locality lists of rudist species published by the Dutch geologists shows clearly, not only that Barrettia and Titanosarcolites do not occur together, but also that each of these genera is accompanied by a distinctive rudist assemblage, with hardly any species common to the two faunas. It appears, therefore, that in Cuba three rudist assemblages can be distinguished which may be respectively designated the T'epey- acia fauna, the Barrettia fauna and the Titanosarcolites fauna. The Tepeyacia fauna is that of the Provincial limestone. It is the oldest known rudist fauna in Cuba, and none of its species pass into higher horizons. The part of the Tuff series in which it is inter- bedded is older than the Habana formation and probably cor- responds with the /noceramus series which in Jamaica underlies the Barrettia horizon. The following forms are included in the Tepeyacia fauna ( Thiadens, 1936b): Caprinuloidea perfecta Palmer Coalcomana ramosa (Boehm) Sabinia sp. Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB ial Ichthyosarcolites sp. Tepeyecia corrugata Palmer Nothing comparable with this fauna has yet been found in Jamaica. The Barrettia fauna of Cuba, if we may judge by published descriptions and figures, appears to be characterized by the true B. monilifera, without B. gigas, but sometimes accompanied by B. multilirata. Certain limestones outcropping at Loma Yucatan north of Camaguey city, which were regarded by MacGillavry (1937, p. 20) as lower Habana or even pre-Habana, contain species which are typical of the Barrettia fauna so, although the zone fossil has not been reported in them, they must be regarded as belonging to this horizon. Douvillé’s lowest horizon, Stage V, also has species in common with the Barrettia beds. In view of these relationships and by analogy with Jamaica, it seems certain that the Barrettia fauna is older than the 7itanosarcolites fauna, not younger as Douvillé believed. This is confirmed by an observation by Zans, who found Barrettia in the basal beds of the Habana formation at Seibabo, south of Santa Clara, immediately above a Tuff series, which he found to contain beds lithologically identical with the Jamaican /noceramus series. The following species should probably be included in the Cuban Barrettia fauna: Plagioptychus antillarum (Douvillé) Antillocaprina crassitela MacGillavry Biradiolites cubensis Douvillé B. macgillavryt Vermunt B. tschoppi Vermunt B. cf. acuticostatus d’Orbigny B. cf. lameracensis Toucas B. cf. aquitanicus Toucas Parabournoma hispida Douvillé “Radiolites macroplicatus” Thiadens non Whitfield Durania curasavica (Martin) D. lopeztrigot (Palmer) 12 BuL_teTin 161 Chiapasella cubensis Rutten Tampsia ruttent Vermunt Vaccimtes macgilavry1 Palmer Torreites sanchez (Douvillé) T. tschoppit Macgillavry Parastroma sanchez Douvillé Pironea corralli Palmer Barrettia monilifera Woodward B. multilirata Whitfield Sixteen of these species have been found in association with Barrettia monilifera, and the remaining five with other members of the Barrettia fauna. These include Biradiolites cf. lameracensis which in northern Santa Clara is found with Biradiolites cubensis and Plagioptychus antillarum, two characteristic members of the Barrettia fauna. The other four species, Durania curasavica, D. lopeztrigot, Torreites tschoppi, and Pironea coralli are associated at Loma Yucatan with Vaccinites macgillavryi, which occurs with Barrettia in Pinar del Rio. The five species must, therefore, be regarded as members of the Barrettia fauna. The species called “Radiolites macroplicatus” by Thiadens and Vermunt is not the form described under that name by Whitfield, which is a Sawva- gesia characteristic of the Jamaican Titanosarcolites horizon. A comparison of the Barrettia faunas of Cuba and Jamaica west of the Wagwater Belt, reveals only one species common, Barrettia multilirata, or two, if Durama mcholasi and D. curasavica are synonyms. The TVitanosarcolites fauna of Cuba includes the following species: Mitrocaprina tschoppi (Palmer) Antillocaprina annulata (Palmer) A. pugniformis (Palmer) Titanosarcolites giganteus (Whitfield) Radiolites galofrei (Palmer ) Biradiolites aquitanicus Youcas B. lumbricoides Douvillé Bournonia planasi Thiadens Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 13 B. thiadensi Vermunt B. cancellata (Whitfield ) B. cf. bournom Des Moulins Chiapasella bermudez Palmer C’. pauciplicata Mullerried Hippurites (Orbignya) mullerriedi Vermunt Parastroma gutarti (Palmer) Pironea cf. peruviana Gerth Praebarrettia sparcilirata (Whitfield) P. porosa Palmer All except five of these species have been found in association with 7itanosarcolites. Of the five, Mitrocaprina tschoppi and Antil- locaprina pugmformis, according to Palmer (1933) and Macgillavry (1937), are found at Ciego de Avila, Camaguey, in company with Antilocaprina annulata, which occurs with Titanosarcolites in Pinar del Rio; of the other three species Palmer reported that Chiapasella bermudezt and Praebarrettia porosa occur at Sancti Spiritus, in southern Santa Clara Province, and Radiolites galofret in Sierra Najassa, Camaguey Province, where they are associated with characteristic members of the 7itanosarcolites fauna such as Praebarrettia sparcilirata and Parastroma guitartt. It may be noted that species referred to, or compared with Biradiohttes aquitanicus, are included in both the Barrettia and the Titanosarcolites faunas (Vermunt, 1937a, p. 263; Thiadens, 1937, p. 44). Possibly the two forms may be identical, but otherwise no species is known to be common to the two faunas. If the Cuban Titanosarcolites fauna be compared with the cor- responding list for Jamaica, it will be found that four species appear to be shared by both, but some reserve is necessary in draw- ing this conclusion. Certain Cuban specimens determined as Prae- barrettia sparcilirata cubensis, apparently by Palmer, and _ lent to the writer by the U.S. National Museum, have only a super- ficial resemblance to Whitfield’s and Trechmann’s type specimens of P. sparcilirata from Logie Green, Jamaica. It is doubtful if the Cuban species of Titanosarcolites is identical with the Jamaican type species, 7’. giganteus, for few if any adult Jamaican specimens have such prominent flanges as those shown in MacGillavry’s 14 BULLETIN 161 figures (1937, pl. 2, p. 69). The Cuban form attributed to Bour- noma cancellata has not been described so it is impossible to be sure if it corresponds with Whitfield’s species, but it appears that Orbignya mullerriedi really is common to the two islands, though rare in Jamaica. It is strange that none of the Utrecht geologists realized that they had found two distinct rudist assemblages, with hardly a species In common, in the Habana formation. Their failure to do so led them into frequent misstatements and misinterpretations, for example MacGillavry (1937, p. 111) wrote that Hippurites muller- riedi Vermunt occurs at locality H774, Pinar del Rio Province, and added “a typical Barrettia-strata fauna occurs at this locality so that the species belongs to the Maestrichtian.” In fact Titanosarco- lites giganteus and four other named rudist species were recorded from this locality (Vermunt, 1937b, pp. 36-37), and not one of the four has been reported by any author to occur in association with Barrettia, anywhere in Cuba or elsewhere. Actually the fauna is a typical Titanosarcolites fauna and is indeed Maestrichtian, though if it had been a Barrettia fauna it would probably have been pre- Maestrichtian. A careful scrutiny of the geological and locality maps published by the Dutch geologists, in conjunction with their fossil lists, reveals the fact that Barrettia localities and Titanosarcolites localities are not mixed indiscriminately but are to be found in different parts of the area. However, the authors frequently link a group of Titanosarcolites outcrops in one part of a map with a group of Barrettia outcrops in another part, across distances of up to 45 km., with no intervening rudist localities. If we link all the Barrettia localities on, for example, MacGillavry’s geological map of the region around Camaguey (1937), and similarly link all the Titanosarcolites localities, we will find that we have two roughly parallel belts alternating with belts of “Tuff Series” which lie be- tween and on both sides of the rudist belts. There is probably a fault trending NNE-SSW, and running from immediately east of Arroyo Hondo to the western end of the Sierra Najassa. This may bring the Titanosarcolites limestone on the west into line with the Barrettia limestone on the east. Both the limestones and the belts of “Tuff Series” are continued on neighbouring sheets. It, there- On Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 1 fore, appears that in Cuba, as in Jamaica, the two principal rudist horizons have tuffaceous and detrital beds below, between and above them. OTHER ANTILLEAN ISLANDS Some account of current knowledge about the rudist faunas of the islands east of Jamaica has already been given (Chubb, 1955b, pp. 181-182). Barrettia monilifera and B. multilirata have been found in Haiti, B. monilifera and Caprinula sp. in Maguey is., and B.monilifera and “Radiolites’ in Puerto Rico. Titanosarco- lites has not been recorded from these islands. A slightly larger rudist fauna is known from St. Croix in the Virgin Islands (Vaughan, 1923, p. 305), and following an examina- tion of the type specimens in the U.S. National Museum it has been possible to divide this into two faunal assemblages, based on differences in matrix, and on the fact that some specimens are silicified and others not. The St. Croix Barrettia fauna, comprising all the nonsilicified specimens, includes the following: Antillocaprina sp. Caprinula sp. Durantia nicholasi (Whitfield ) Barrettia monilifera (Woodward ) The Caprinula resembles that from Maguey Is. The Titanosarcolites fauna, all members of which are more or less silicified, includes: Titanosarcolites giganteus (Whitfield ) Durania nicholasi (Whitfield) Praebarrettia sparcilirata (Whitfield) There are also silicified gastropods and normal pelecypods. It is interesting to note that, as in Jamaica, Durania nicholasi ap- pears to be common to both faunas, for one specimen was silicified and two were not. Thus the evidence from these islands, so far as it is known, tends to confirm the previous conclusion that the Barrettia and Titanosarcolites faunas are distinct, with few species in common. 16 BuL_LetTin 161 CORRELATION Recently an attempt was made to correlate the Cretaceous succession in Jamaica with the standard succession (Chubb, 1955b, pp. 183-193). It was suggested that the Jnoceramus series was Cenomanian and the Barrettia limestone Upper Turonian; the Ventella shale, which underlies the Titanosarcolites limestone series was regarded as Campanian, and the latter series as Maestrichtian. As noted above, it is probable that the Provincial limestone of Cuba is equivalent to some part of the /noceramus series in Jamaica. This limestone was regarded by MacGillavry (1937, pp. 11-12) as Upper Middle Albian, and by Thiadens (1937, p. 12) as Cenoman- ian-luronian. The latter determination nearly agrees with the writer's suggestion as to the age of the /noceramus series. The determination of the Jamaican Barrettia limestone as Upper Turonian requires some modification as it is now known that an ammonite found by Trechmann (1936, p. 253) in the St. Ann’s Great River section, and determined by Spath as Nowakites aff. pailetter (Grossouvre), a Lower Senonian form, came from an horizon high in the /noceramus series, and about 800 feet below the Barrettia limestone. At my request Dr. Spath has recently re- examined this ammonite, and he confirmed that it is Coniacian in age. An Jnoceramus found near this spot, which has been mentioned as resembling J. inconstans Woods (Chubb, 1955b, p. 191), should probably be ascribed to the American species, /. deformis Meek. Recently Cobban and Reeside (1952, pp. 1018-1019) selected this species as a zonal index for the lower member of the Niobrara for- mation, the Fort Hayes limestone, which is regarded as_ basal Coniacian. Dr. P. Bronnimann confirmed the age of this horizon as he found Foraminifera including Globotruncata coronata, G. helvetica, Thalmanninella sp., Gumbelina globulosa, and other species indicating a Turonian or possibly a Turonian-Coniacian age. In Cuba an horizon yielding Turonian-Coniacian ammonites was found by M. G. Rutten (1936a, p. 7), but it appears to be uncertain whether or not it was interbedded in the Tuff series below the Barrettia horizon. On the other hand in Mexico Mullerried (1936, pp. 38-39) found Turonian-Coniacian ammonites not below, but above Barrettia. Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB ali, This apparent inconsistency is resolved if it is assumed that Barrettia, s.s., ranges through from the Upper Turonian into the Lower Senonian, a reasonable assumption. Possibly future inves- tigation may show that the range of Barrettia monilifera is not the same as that of B. gigas, though as both occur in association with B. multilirata there is probably no great difference. Recent evidence suggests that B. monilifera ranges at least into the Campanian in Puerto Rico as well as in Cuba. There is general agreement as to the age of the higher beds, the Titanosarcolites limestone series in both Cuba and Jamaica being almost universally regarded as Maestrichtian or Campanian-Maestrichtian. The few dissentient opinions have been discussed in the previous paper (Chubb, 1955b, ps 185). An attempt to correlate the Jamaican Cretaceous with the standard succession shows that, on the whole, the macrofossils give consistent results, but the microfossils have not always done so. As mentioned above, a sub-Barrettia horizon yielding an ammonite and an /noceramus of Coniacian age yielded also Turonian-Conia- cian Foraminifera. But another sample of identically the same material which was submitted to Dr. Bronnimann earlier yielded Globotruncana fornicata. He informed me that this does not con- tradict his age determination, as this species ranges at least from Coniacian to Campanian, and probably from high Turonian to basal Maestrichtian. Bronnimann is evidently right, yet accord- ine. coe sbolli(195i5¢ p 195) and -SigalGn Piveteau,. (1952, Vol. 1, p. 238) it originated in the Middle Campanian. Further, in St. James Parish, 40 miles west of St. Ann’s Great River, the sub- Barrettia shales yielded Foraminifera which he ascribed not to the Turonian-Coniacian, but to the Campanian, as far down as 3,000-5,000 feet below the beds that contain a Campanian macro- fauna, a discrepancy which suggests that the St. Ann sequence is older than the St. James sequence. The accuracy of the age determination made by means of any fossil species depends in part on the accuracy of the determina- tion of the age of the formation in which the species was originally found. If the latter determination was erroneous it follows that any age determinations based on the occurrence of the species will also be erroneous. 18 BuL_LetTIn 161 Two such cases from Jamaica may be cited. In the Cambridge- Catadupa area the middle Eocene Yellow limestone rests directly upon an Upper Cretaceous 7itanosarcolites limestone without any obvious angular discordance. Trechmann found a shale between the two limestones, from which he collected a foraminifer that was named Eponides jamaicensis by Cushman and Jarvis and attributed to the middle Eocene, and for years thereafter this species was regarded as an index fossil of that horizon. However, the writer found it a little startling to be informed that the Veniella shale, which is crowded with Campanian macrofossils, and underlies the main rudist horizon of Jamaica, was middle Eocene. The deter- mination was of course based on the presence of FE. jamaicensts, which Dr. Bronnimann subsequently found to be a synonym of Lockhartia bermudezi Cole, an Upper Cretaceous species. Evi- dently the shale in the Cambridge-Catadupa section is part of the Titanosarcolites series, and the unconformity is above it. Another case has been mentioned by Mullerried (1936, p. 158). He pointed out that Barrettia was originally attributed to the Maestrichtian because it was accompanied by a foraminifer be- lieved to be Orbitoides, a Maestrichtian genus. But this foraminifer was subsequently found by Douvillé to be a new genus, which he named Pseudorbitoides. This latter genus is today generally re- garded as Maestrichtian, because of its association with Barrettia, a complete argument in a circle. As Pseudorbitoides trechmanni 1s confined to the Barrettia gigas limestone, which lies 2,500 feet below the Campanian Veniella shale, it cannot be Maestrichtian, though the possibility that it may range into the Campanian is not excluded. FAUNAL PROVINCES In an earlier paper (Chubb, 1955a, pp. 11-12) it was shown not only that the known occurrences of Barrettia gigas in central and western Jamaica lay west of the Wagwater Belt but also that all known occurrences of B. monilifera throughout the Antillean 1egion, including eastern Jamaica, Haiti, Maguey Is., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands lay east of this belt. It was further pointed out that, if the line of the Wagwater Belt were produced towards Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 19 the northwest, it would divide Cuba from Jamaica. Hence it might be expected that the Cuban Barrettia would be a true B. monilifera as has now been found to be the case. On the other hand, it seems probable that the Guatemalan and south Mexican Barrettia 1s B. gigas. In this paper it has been shown that the rudist faunas assoc- iated with Barrettia on the two sides of the Wagwater Line are, in the main, quite different; also that the higher Titanosarcolites horizon contains different rudist assemblages on the two sides of the line. An interesting observation by Hill (1899, p. 173) may be quoted: “In San Domingo, St. Thomas and Porto Rico these for- mations (pyroclastics) are associated with limestone beds and Cretaceous fossils, in part resembling in species and faunal associa- tions those of Jamaica, and in part containing species not found in the latter island. In Cuba both the Jamaican and continental types of Cretaceous faunae are found.” It thus appears that in Upper Cretaceous times there was a kind of “Wallace’s Line” which ran between Cuba and Jamaica, and at its eastern end cut southeast across the latter island. It cannot be correlated with the Bartlett Trough, a long relatively narrow trench approaching a depth of 4,000 fathoms in places, which today separates the islands, as this feature cuts across the line at a considerable angle. The Trough is much more recent in origin. The line divided the Antillean region into two faunal provinces, probably throughout Upper Cretaceous. In the earlier publication it was suggested that the Wagwater Belt and its northwestern ex- tension already existed, and separated a northeastern deeper water from a southwestern shallow water area. The lithology of the rocks in the two areas suggests this, and Barrettia gigas would appear to be better adapted to shallow water conditions than B. monilifera. But it would be difficult to demonstrate that the other rudists associated with Barrettia and Titanosarcolites on the two sides of the line are adapted to different ecological conditions, indeed all rudists must have been relatively shallow water organisms. But the theory of slightly deeper water on the northeastern side of the Line becomes more plausible if the Cretaceous shale faunas are taken into consideration. Ammonites are generally re- 20 BuL_LeTIN 161 garded as indicative of conditions of open sea of at least moderate depth, and, as mentioned above, ammonites have been found in the Providence shales of eastern Jamaica (Spath, 1925), including species of Epigoniceras, Pachydiscus (Parapachydiscus), Glypto- ceras, and Baculites. Trechmann recently found another ammonite in these shales which Spath recognised as a species of Desmophyl- lites. A similar fauna has been reported from Haiti ( Reeside, 1947), including Parapuzosia ? Pachydiscus (Parapachydiscus), Paralenti- ceras, Texanites, and Baculites. From Puerto Rico species of Bar- roisiceras and Parapuzosia have been recorded (Myerhoff, 1932), and from Cuba species of Austiniceras, Pachydiscus, Peromceras, Crioceras, and Barrotsiceras (Rutten, 1936a). Yet in Jamaica west of the Wagwater Belt, the area in which the Cretaceous shales have probably been more intensively studied than in any other area in the Greater Antilles, one solitary speci- men of ammonite has been found, the Nowakites aff. pailletter referred to above. This relative abundance of ammonites in the areas northeast of the Wagwater Line certainly suggests that on that side the sea was more open, rather deeper, and _ less obstructed with rudist or coral reefs. The alternative explanation of the difference between the two faunas is that some kind of barrier existed, either a land barrier or a belt of deep water. In Schuchert’s paleogeographic map of the middle Upper Cretaceous (1935, plate 6), Jamaica is shown as covered by an extension of the Caribbean Sea, and parts of Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands by an extension of the Gulf of Mexico. A land barrier between Jamaica and Cuba extended eastwards to include the southern parts of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. But as rudists were purely benthonic forms, really deep water could form nearly as effective a barrier to migration as a ridge of land. Until further evidence is available it would be fruitless to speculate as to which of these hypotheses is the true one. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My thanks are due to my colleagues on the staff of the Jamaican Geological Survey, V. A. Zans, H. R. Versey, J. B. Williams, B. R. G. McGrath, and B. V. Bailey, who collected most Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 21 of the Jamaican rudists listed in this paper. I also owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. P. Bronnimann of the Cuban Gulf Oil Company of Havana, Cuba, who has kindly determined the Foraminifera in many samples of Jamaican Cretaceous material. His findings have been helpful in correlating certain parts of the succession. I should also like to acknowledge my indebtedness to the work of the eight former students of the late Prof. L. M. R. Rutten who, by their careful collecting and generally accurate locating of Cuban fossils, have rendered possible an analysis of the rudist faunas of that island. REFERENCES Barrett, Lucas 1860. On some Cretaceous rocks in the southeastern portion of Jamaica Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., vol. 16, pp. 324-326. Bolli, Hans 1951. The genus Globotruncana in Trinidad, B.W.I. Jour. Paleont., vol. 25, pp. 187-199. Chubb, L. J. 1955a. A revision of Whitfield’s type specimens of rudistid mollusks from the Cretaceous of Jamaica, B.W.1. Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 1713, pp. 1-15. 1955b. The Cretaceous succession in Jamaica. Geol. Mag., vol. 92, pp. 177-195. 1956a. Some rarer rudists from Jamaica, B.W 1. Palaeontographica Americana, vol. 4, No. 26, pp. 1-30, 5 pls. 1956b. Thyrastylon, a new rudist genus from the Upper Cretaceous of Guatemala, the Antilles, and Persia. Ibid., vol. 4, No. 27, pp. 31-48, 2 pls. Cobban, W. A., and Reeside, J. B. 1952. Correlation of the Cretaceous formations of the Western Interior of the United States. Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., vol. 63, pp.1011-1044. Douvillé, H. 1926. Quelques fossiles du Crétacé supérieur de Cuba. Soc. Géol. France Bull., ser. 4, vol. 26, pp. 127-138. 1927. Nouveaux Rudistes du Crétacé de Cuba, Ibid., vol. 27, pp. 49-56. Hermes, J. J. 1945. Geology and palaeontology of east Camaguey and west Oriente, Cuba. Geog. en. Geol. Med. Utrecht, ser. 2, No. 7. Hill, R. T. 1899. The geology and physical geography of Jamaica: study of a type of Antillean development. Mus. Comp. Zool., Bull., vol. 34, pp. 1-256. Lewis, G. E., and Straczek, J. A. 1955. Geology of south-central Oriente, Cuba. U.S. Geol. Sur., Bull. 975-D, pp. 1-336. 22 BuL_LeETIN 161 MacGillavry, H. J. : a 1937. Geology of the province of Camaguey, Cuba, with revisional studies of rudist palaeontology. Geog. en Geol. Med. Utrecht, ser. 2, No. 14. Meyerhofi, H. A. 1932. The pre-Oligocene stratigraphy of Puerto Rico. Science, n.ser., vol. 75, pp. 342-343. Mullerried, F. K. G. 1933. El genero Plagioptychus en Mexico. An. Inst. Biol. Mexico, vol. 4, pp. 3-14. , J 1936. La edad estratigrafica de la Barrettia y formas cercanos. Ibid., vol. 7, pp. 155-164. Palmer, R. H. : 1933. Nuevos rudistas de Cuba. Revista de Agricultura, vol. 14. pp. 95-125. Piveteau, J. 1952. Traité de Paléontologie, Masson, Paris. Reeside, J. B. 1947. Upper Cretaceous ammonites from Haiti. U.S. Geol. Sur., Prof. Paper 214-A, pp. 1-11. Rutten, M. G. 1936a. Geology of the northern part of the province of Santa Clara, Cuba. Geog. en Geol. Med. Utrecht, No. 11. 1936b. Rudistids from the Cretaceous of northern Santa Clara Province, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., vol. 10, pp. 134-142. Sawkins, J. G. ; 1869. Reports on the geology of Jamaica. Mem. Geol. Survey: H. M. Stationery Office. Schuchert, C. ; 1935. Historical geology of the Antillean-Caribbean Region. New York. Spath, L. F. 1925. On Senonian Ammonoidea from Jamaica. Geol. Mag., vol. 62, pp. 28-32. Thiadens, A. A. 1936a. Rudistids from southern Santa Clara, Cuba, Proc. Kon. Ak. v. Wet. Amsterdam, vol. 39, pp. 1010-1019. 1936b. On some caprinids and a monopleurid from southern Santa Clara, Cuba. Ibid., pp. 1132-1141. 1937. Geology of the southern part of the province of Santa Clara, Cuba, Geog. en Geol. Med. Utrecht, No. 12. Trechmann, C. T. 1922. The Barrettia beds of Jamaica. Geol. Mag. vol. 59, pp. 501-514. 1924. The Cretaceous limestones of Jamaica and their Mollusca. Ibid., vol, 61, pp. 385-410. 1927. The Cretaceous shales of Jamaica. Ibid., vol. 64, pp. 27-42 and 49-65. 1936. The basal complex question in Jamaica. Ibid., vol. 73, pp. 251-267. Vaughan, T. W. 1923. Stratigraphy of the Virgin Islands of the United States and of Culebra and Viegues Islands, and notes on eastern Porto Rico. Wash- ington Acad. Sci., vol. 13, No. 14, pp. 303-317. Rupist ASSEMBLAGES: CHUBB 23 Vermunt, L. W. J. 1937a. Cretaceous rudistids of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Jour. Paleont., vol. 11. pp. 261-275. 1937b. Geology of the province of Pinar del Rio, Cuba. Geog. en Geol. Med. Utrecht. No. 13. Wessem, A. van 1943. Geology and paleontology of central Camaguey, Cuba. Ibid., ser. 2 Nos 5: Whitfield, R. P. 1897a. Descriptions of species of Rudistae from the Cretaceous rocks of Jamaica, WJ. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull., vol. 9, pp. 185-196. 1897b. Observations on the genus Barrettia Woodward, with descrip- tions of two new species. Ibid., pp. 233-246. Woodward, J. P. 1862. Some account of Barrettia, a new and remarkable shell from the Hippurite limestone of Jamaica, The Geologist, vol. 2, pp. 372-377. . o eve Lu e \ > Lanne rN , ' i a ae Seuteh, Sale age Se me Aye OR rage ey gota ee “45 ‘&: A (rate 7.) ee hea os “ : = *, Th) < * 7 4 a mv e é i e ot pS. F : — . vi J é a ¥ < ~ vy - ; ass Mens It XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVIT. XXVIII. XXIX: XXX. XXXII. XXXII. XX XI. XXXIV. XXXYV. XXXVI. XXXVII. Volume I. I. Ti. HN (Nos. 80-87). 334 pp., 27 pls. Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos:-88-94B). 806 ppi,.*80 pIsi ae ee en, 9.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mesozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Mary- land Miocene mollusks. (NOS. 955100) .)>420"ppi\ "58" pisy i. 8 ee oN eS, 10.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fos- sils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eo- gene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecua- dor. (Noss7101-108)¢, 376 pp 36-plis: a2 VO Bale ee 9.50 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nes. 1092114). 412 \pps/54 pls. NY eS 9.75 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. CNOS.) 115 =196)< 2.738) pp 52" piso oy Se os. 13.00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. Nox dae Ac6d pps 6axple.cc tee) eS Oe £27 52.00 Jackson Eocene mollusks. (Nios. I198= 128) N45 8 pp.\-27) “pis, a es ee ey 10.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks Chemung and Pennsylvanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Nos. 12951383)... / 294 \pp4-39 piss Yoel ay, 8.50 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Noss 1342139) 5. 4497 /ppi 51) ps. eee eS 11.00 Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. ‘Nos: T40-145) 400. np 19) pis4 os ee ese 9.00 Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tas- manian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Or- dovician ostracods, and conularid bibliography. (Nos... 146-954)... (386 pps, 312 piss ek ee as 10.00 G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleo- cene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Aus- tralian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleisto- cene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nos. 1552160) 412 pp ose pls. 3S eG aot 13.50 Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian- Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. CNO. MO) S235 PDYis snl ee eeu el Re ye 40 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. SNOB. Malo), O51 Dp ST DIS (aes! oo ee ee. 20.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spon- dyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (Nos. 13-25),-) 513 pp.,. 61. wise 2) a ea nl 20.00 Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleo- zoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Creta- ceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. (Dg SE, F014 DIET 1 DIS) ee Ve ee A, 2.50 Rudist studies CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I. (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. II. (Nos, 6-10). 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. Ill, (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. EVs (Nos. 16-21) 7161 pp.,’ 26, pls. Bo ea ae ee 9.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections an faunas. ; Vy. (Nos. 22-30). 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. WB} SGN 007 SB) 6) (30. pp N99 pISN LES A a ee NA 13.00 Claibornian Eocene scaphopods, - gastropods, and cephalopods. VII. = (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly. Tertiary Mollusea. EX.) .. CNoS.- 37439) 3462" pps 85 psi wc WON oe ee 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. XI (Nos.,48-46). 3) 272 lasb Clathrodictyon vesiculosum Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology, vol. 14, p. 220, pl. 2, figs. 11-13 (Mid. Sil., Yellow Springs, Ohio) ; Nicholson and Etheridge, 1880 Mon. Sil. Foss. Girvan, p. 238, pl. 19, fig. 2 (Mid. Sil., Girvan, Scotland) ; Nicholson, 1887, Ann. Mag. Nat: Hist. ser. 5, vol. 19) ip. 1, ple 1% figs 1-3: (Mids (Sill Ohio; Wenlock ls., England) ; 1889, Palaeont. Soc. London, vol. 42, p. 147, pl. 17, figs. 10-13 ; pl. 18, fig. 12 (Mid. Sil., Ohio; Wenlock Is., England) ; Parks, 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser. No. 5, p. 14, pl. 7, fig. 1; pl. 8, figs. 2, 4 (Mid. Sil., Ont.) ; 1909, ibid., No. 6, p. 28; 1933, zbid., No. 33, p. 9, pl. 2, fig. 2 (Mid. Sil., Port Daniel, Quebec). Coenosteum cakelike up to 7 cm. high and 24 cm. in diameter; surface undulating but without mamelons; small scattered astro- rhizae, 2 to 4 mm. in diameter, may be seen on the polished surface; latilaminae 2 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton consists of round to oblong vesicles arranged in general horizontal but irregular and undulat- ing lines, with irregular laminae 0.04 to 0.06 mm. thick, 14 to 18 in 2mm. The laminae are composed of compact tissue, dusty in appearance, tending to be transversely fibrous and porous, but not maculate. The pillars are of the same thickness and composition as the laminae, and continuous with them, mostly oblique, extend- ing through only one interlaminar space, and not superposed. Some galleries are 1 or 2 mm. long without pillars. Astrorhizal canals 0.15 to 0.2 mm. in diameter are scattered throughout the section, and the astrorhizae do not make columns. Dissepiments are com- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 93 mon, mostly convex upward, many oblique, and some concave. There are no pseudozooidal tubes. The section has the same appear- ance right side up or upside down, a feature characteristic of the genus Clathrodictyon. Tangential section—The pillars are in part round, 0.1 mm. in diameter, but are mostly irregularly stellate and joining others and connected by dissepiments, making an irregular network. As- trorhizal tubes are vague, 2 to 3 mm. long, and some of our speci- mens have Syringopora tubes. This species, the type of the genus Clathrodictyon, is charac- terized by the small, oblong vesicles in undulatory lines, but not in zigzag lines as in C. fastigiatum Nicholson. Occurrence-—We have two well-preserved specimens from 2.8 mi. southeast of Marshall, Highland County, Ohio, in the Lilley formation, collected by R. S. Bowman. The species is of widespread occurrence: the Lower Silurian of Anticosti Island, and in the Brassfield limestone near Richmond, Indiana. It occurs in the Middle Silurian of Ontario, Quebec, England, Scotland, Estonia, Germany, and the Arctic. Plesiotypes—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, from the Louisville limestone, Charlestown, Ind., slides 303-65, 66. Cat No: 5365: The genus Clathrodictyon, with its vesicular character, has been confused with Anostylostroma which has definite laminae and vertical, short pillars. The description and figures of typical examples of the type species of Clathrodictyon are here included to empha- size the true characters of the genus. Clathrodictyon confertum Nicholson Pe etiese 2a sab Clathrodictyon confertum Nicholson, 1889, Palaeont. Soc. London, vol. 42, p. 154, pl. 18, figs. 13, 14 (Mid. Dev., Dartington, England). Coenosteum massive, 4 cm. high and 9 cm. in diameter. The surface is smooth, without mamelons or papillae. Although astro- rhizae are observed in tangential section, they were not detected on the surface of the specimen. Latilaminae are 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section —Laminae are thin, 0.03 to 0.06 mm. thick, 16 to 20 in 2 mm., and undulatory, turning down into short pillars. 94 BULLETIN 162 Pillars coalesce with the laminae, and are 0.03 to 0.06 mm. broad, 7 to 9 in 2 mm. The laminae are rows of closely appressed cyst plates, composed of a single layer of compact tissue, spotted with many irregular minute flecks of dark material, tending to be trans- versely fibrous and porous, but not maculate. The galleries are subrectangular to vesicular, 0.06 to 0.10 mm. high and 1 to 6 times as broad. Astrorhizal tubes or canals are scarcely distinguishable from large galleries. Tangential section—rThe pillars are round, 0.06 to 0.10 mm. in diameter, 0.05 to 0.11 mm. apart; some are connected by one or more thin, radial rods, 0.01 to 0.02 mm. broad. The tissue of the pillars is compact, dusty, and radially fibrous. The astrorhizae are composed of a few long, sinuous, radial canals 0.13 to 0.17 mm. broad, which bifurcate once or twice, with a central tube about 0.2 mm. in diameter. Clathrodictyon confertum is characterized by the large number of laminae and pillars in 2 mm. Our specimen differs from the type in having astrorhizae, though Nicholson said that the speci- men from Dartington was so poorly preserved that details were difficult to determine. It differs from C. vesiculosum in the smaller and more closely appressed cysts. The above described specimen 1s the only Devonian genuine Clathrodictyon known from North America. Occurrence —The specimen was borrowed from the Ohio State University Museum collections and is reported to be from the Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone at Dublin, Ohio. Plesiotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-97, 98, Cat. No. 5394; Ohio State University Museum Collections, specimen 3760, and 2 slides. Genus ANOSTYLOSTROMA Parks, 1936 Type species, 4. hamiltonense Parks, 1936, Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 44 (Mid. Dev., Traverse gr., Long Lake, Mich.). Clathrodictyon (part) of authors, including forms with definite laminae and pillars. Stylodictyon Parks (not Nicholson and Murie, 1878), 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 5, p. 29, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2; Kuhn, 1939, in Schinde- wolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A43, fig. 60; Shimer and Shrock, 1944, Index Fossils N. A., p. 61, pl. 18, fig. 23, 24. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 95 Coenosteum flat to massive, composed of definite laminae and separate pillars; laminae thin to medium, transversely fibrous or porous, and containing small vacuities in typical species; pillars in vertical section short, expanding, dividing and becoming vacuolate or Y-shaped at the top, or breaking into many secondary pillars, rarely superposed; pillars in tangential section round, elongate, vermicular, branching and confluent, or ringlike; galleries high, frequently with dissepiments; pillars transversely fibrous; skeleton without or with columns formed by superposed uparched laminae and thicker pillars; astrorhizae present or absent. Middle Devonian, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Aus- tralia. Fifty or more species. The most abundant Middle Devonian genus. Anostylostroma includes forms with vacuoles in the heads of expanding pillars, as A. hamiltonense Parks, forms with pillars breaking into strands, as A. substriatellum (Nicholson), and forms with thin laminae and pillars, as A. laxwm (Nicholson). Anostylo- Stroma includes most Devonian and some Silurian species heretofore assigned to Clathrodictyon, those composed of laminae and short pillars rather than of cysts; it also includes Lecompte’s “Group Il” (1951, p. 133). KEY TO SPECIES OF ANOSTYLOSTROMA FROM MIDWESTERN NORTH AMERICA la. Mamelons present, some small as papillae, not mere undulations 2a. Mamelons small, 1 to 5 mm. in diameter, 2 to 10 mm. apart 3a. Mamelons making continuous columns 4a. Laminae complete, continuous 5a. Columns | to 8 in 1 sq. cm. 6a. Columns 6 to 8 in TES Ge CIN ene te re Re A. columnare (Parks) 6b. Columns 3 to 5 in | sq. cm. .....A. mediale, n. sp. 5b. Columns 10 to 16 in I| sq. cm. 6c. Pillars round to oval in tangential section 7a. Coenosteum hemispherical 96 BULLETIN 162 Sat; Pillarssthickwese.e 2 A. pulpitense, n. sp. 8b. Pillars thin, rodlike A. swbcolumnare, n. sp. 7b. Coenosteum nodular ....... A. undescribed, n. sp. 6d. Pillars mostly confluent in tangential Section =.cesecsee eos A. confluens, n. sp. Se) Columns! 16) to 25 ‘inl sq cm: 6e. Pillars rodlike, not Y-shapeds ai clas A. crebricolumnare, n. sp. Git sPillarsY-shaped-.ee A. papillatum Parks 5d. Columns about 30 in IS qaneiniste tee. tron enema A. microcolumnare, n. sp. 4b. Laminae intermittently developed horizontally 5e. Columns about 1 mm. ime diameter se A. microtuberculatum (Riabinin) 5f. Columns about 3 mm. mediameter 22.20. A. microtuberculatum (Riabinin) 3b. Mamelons not making continuous columns 4c. Two mamelons in 1 sq. cm.; laminae close, 6 tos Ohneine2omin: eee A. compactum, n. sp. 4d. Three mamelons in 1 sq. cm.; laminae far Apane. 4 tO. 5.0m) Deanne eee A. dupontense, n. sp. 2b. Mamelons large, 5 to 15 mm. in diameter, 10 to 20 mm. apart 3c. Mamelons irregular, 2 to 5 mm. high 4e. Laminae regular Sg. Dissepiments SCAarCe rneceseremreereen A. arvense (Parks) 5h. Dissepiments aly unra ann cre eeeeee ne A. ponderosum (Nicholson) 4f. Laminae irregular, crumpled .......... A. insulare (Parks) 3d. Mamelons regular, low, 1 to 2 mm. high A. hwmile, n. sp. 1b. Mamelons normally absent, not counting irregular undulations 2c. Pillars not dividing into strands, may be Y-shaped 3e. Pillars without median dark line; no rings like aang=pillanss een ee A. laxum (Nicholson) DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND St. JEAN 97 3f. Pillars with median dark line; some rings resembling ring-pillars wesc A. meshbergerense, n. sp. 2d. Pillars dividing upward into strands 3g. Pillars not superposed 4g. Pillars thin, largely MOEPCONMWETNCs eae A. substriatellum (Nicholson) 4h. Pillars thick, confluent in tangential SECEION ES Sects cee eee A. hamiltonense Parks 3h. Pillars normally superposed ........... A. pipecreekense, n. sp. Anostylostroma columnare (Parks) 124U, al, sakes BE 10) Clathrodictyon laxum columnare Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 16, pl. 9, figs. 5, 6 (Columbus Is., Marblehead, Ohio). Coenosteum a large, flat mass, up to 20 cm. in diameter and 15 cm. thick; surface with small, domal mamelons, 2 mm. in dia- meter and 4 to 5 mm. apart, from center to center, 6 to 8 in 1 sq. cm., and small papillae, the ends of pillars; astrorhizae absent; latilaminae obscure, 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is delicate, composed of thin laminae and thin, short pillars, making a loose network, and small columns, 2 mm. in diameter, with thicker laminae and_ thicker pillars. The laminae are variably spaced, 4 to 7 in 2 mm., 0.04 mm. thick between columns and up to twice as thick in the columns. The laminae are composed of only one layer of transversely fibrous tissue, in places appearing porous, but not maculate. The pillars are | to 2 times as thick as the laminae, are short, rarely super- posed, some reaching only part way across the interlaminar space from the floor or the ceiling. The pillars are mostly straight, ex- panding upward, some dividing upward and becoming Y-shaped. The pillars are variably spaced, from 0.2 to 2 mm. apart, averaging 5 in 2 mm. The galleries are in general rectangular. In the columns the laminae rise at angles up to 45° and thicken. The pillars are much thickened, divergent and anastomose in the columns. The tissue of the pillars is darker, more compact and homogeneous than that of the laminae, and transversely fibrous. In the centers of some of the columns there is a tube up to 0.7 mm. in diameter, with 98 BULLETIN 162 thick walls and thin, straight and curved diaphragms. Dissepiments are common but unequally distributed. In specimens which have been crushed before fossilization the laminae make a confused mass of laminae and pillars; the denser columns are also crushed. Tangential section—The columns make conspicuous, concen- tric rings of two to six laminae, the centers being occupied by thick, radiating pillars separated by oblong galleries; in some columns there is a small axial tube, 0.17 mm. in diameter, and rarely a large tube up to 0.7 mm. in diameter. Between the columns the pillars are in part round, 0.08 to 0.12 mm. in diameter, in part making short, straight or curved lines, which may join, and some are joined by curved dissepiments. There are no astrorhizae. The structure of the skeleton of A. columnare is more open and delicate than that of most other stromatoporoids, expecting the closely related species A. laxwm (Nicholson), which lacks columns, and A. arvense (Parks), which has larger but less regular mamelons and columns. The structure is coarser than that of A. subcolumnare, which may be confused with it; the colurnns are larger and the laminae and pillars thinner and farther apart in A. columnare. Occurrence—Common in the Columbus limestone of Marble- head, Kelleys Island, and Dublin, Ohio. Reported by Parks (1936, p. 17) from Williamsville, N. Y., presumably from the Onondaga limestone. Abundant in the Jeffersonville limestone at the Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Ind., Charlestown, Ind., and in the quarry of the Scott County Stone Company, two miles south of Blocher, Ind. Plesiotype—lIndiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 282-24, 25, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70; 297-26, 27, 28, from the Columbus limestone, quarry at Marblehead, Ohio. Cat. No. 5395. Jeffersonville limestone, Charlestown, Ind., slides 285-1, 2, 3, 4,5; Falls of the Ohio, 272-9, 10; 275-24, 25; 295-28, 29, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47,50, 51, 52, 53, 68, 69, 70; 71; 304-96,.97; 305-3, 4: Anostylostroma mediale Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp., Pl. 1, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum a flat or hemispherical head, at least 13 cm. in DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 99 diameter and 10 cm. high; surface with close-set, variable, low mamelons, 2 to 5 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, and nearly touching at their bases, about 3 to 5 in 1 sq. cm.; also with low, round and elongate papillae; astrorhizae were not observed; latila- minae conspicuous, 3 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of strong laminae and strong, short pillars. The laminae rise into the mamelons, some of which have an axial tube 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, and have thicker, diverging pillars. The laminae are rather thick and variable from lamina to lamina, 0.06 to 0.12 mm. thick, consisting of a light- colored, transversely porous layer, below which there may be a secondary, gray layer derived from the pillars and in places a thin upper, gray layer, also derived from the pillars; there are five or six laminae in 2 mm. The pillars are thick, 0.1 mm. or more, expanding upward, rarely becoming Y-shaped, five or six in 2 mm., rarely superposed, and do not pierce the laminae. The tissue of the pillars is gray in color, and transversely fibrous. The galleries are vaulted to triangular in shape, rarely with a foramen between superposed galleries, but there are no pseudozooidal tubes. Many mamelon columns have a tubular axis 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are rare to absent. Tangential section.—Pillars are round in part but are mostly oval, elongate, bent, and some join others. The laminae make eccentric curves around the mamelons, and continuous contours be- tween the mamelons, best seen with a hand lens. The tissue of the laminae is yellowish in color and made up of small polygons. The tissue of the pillars is gray in color, and radially or transversely fibrous. Astrorhizae were not observed on large surfaces nor in sections of six specimens. Many mamelons have a single, round tube, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are rare. The species has smaller mamelons than A. humile and in- conspicuous mamelon columns, and larger mamelons than A. pulpi- tense and lacks as well-defined mamelon columns. The columns are larger and less regular than they are in A. colwmnare, and laminae and pillars are thicker. It lacks the confluent pattern of the pillars of A. confluens. It differs from A. dupontense in the thicker laminae, thicker pillars which are not superposed, and less definite mamelon columns. 100 BULLETIN 162 Occurrence——Abundant in the lower 10 feet of the Logans- port limestone in the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind., and in the Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. Holotype-—Indiana_ University Paleontological collections, slides 304-5, 6. Cat. No. 5324. Paraty pes.—Slides 285-86, 88, 89; 294-2, 3, 6, 7; 303-53, 54, 59, GON 72:73 05-526; Anostylostroma pulpitense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 2, figs. la, b Coenosteum massive, hemispherical to high domed, up to 10 cm. high and 16 cm. in diameter. The surface has small, low, domal mamelons, 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter, 0.7 mm. high, and about 3 mm. apart from center to center, 10-16 per square centimeter; papillae are small, low, domes. Astrorhizae apparently absent; latilaminae 2 to 3 mime thick Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of undulatory laminae, short pillars and small columns. The laminae are light in color, transversely fibrous, variable in thickness, 0.05 mm. to 0.09 mm. They turn smoothly into the mamelon columns, which are 2.0 mm. in diameter and 1 to 5 mm. apart. There are seven la- minae in 2 mm. in the type specimen and from 5 to 9 in 2 mm. in other specimens. The pillars expand upward but are not Y-shaped are short, straight, and 0.07 mm. in average diameter, but vary from 0.03 to 0.11 mm. in diameter and are thicker and divergent in the mamelon columns. The pillars are transversely fibrous, super- posed in a few places over a distance of as much as five or six laminae. Dissepiments are rare to absent. The galleries are round or oval to rectangular, tending to be mostly round in the mamelon columns, averaging 0.22 mm. high and about 1.5 times as broad. Tangential section—The columns are composed of a few rings of laminae and thick radial pillars, are about 2 mm. thick and 3 mm. apart. The pillars are round to vermicular, from 0.03 to 0.11 mm. in diameter, averaging 0.07 mm., and do not become confluent with other pillars. The galleries represent about 60 percent of the area of the thin section, and are continuous around the pillars. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 101 This species is characterized by the small mamelon columns, about 12 per square centimeter, by the upward broadening pillars, by the almost total lack of dissepiments, and by the compact, trans- versely fibrous tissue in the laminae and pillars. It differs from A. humile, the most closely related form, in the regular, small columns, and from A. conflwens in the lack of regularly confluent pillars, both of which occur with it. A. pulpitense differs prominently from A. columnare (Parks) in the smaller, more numerous mamelon columns and the thicker pillars. Occurrence.—Anostylostroma pulpitense occurs in the lower 10 feet of the Logansport limestone at Pulpit Rock, 3 miles east of Logansport, Ind., for which locality the species is named. It is rare in the same horizon at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, and abundant in the same horizon at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport. A very similar form occurs in the limestone above the Dock Street clay in the Thunder Bay quarry, Alpena, Mich. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 278-10; 303-51, 52. Cat. No. 5343. Paratypes.—Slides 275-18; 285-86, 87; 294-1, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46; 295-83, 84; 303-57, 58, 84, 85. Anostylostroma subecolumnare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PZ stigse caw D Stylodictyon columnare Parks, (not Nicholson) 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser. No. 5, p. 29, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Jeffersonville ls., Louis- ville, Ky.) ; Kthn, 1928, Foss. Cat., Hydrozoa, p. 37; 1939, in Schindewolf. Handbuch Paldozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A43, fig. 60 (not Sil., but Dev.) ; Shimer and Shrock, 1944, Index Fossils N. A., p. 61, pl. 18, figs. 23, 24 (not Traverse, but Jeffersonville ls.). Coenosteum massive, 6 cm. high, 13 cm. in diameter. The sur- face has small high mamelons or papillae, 1 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high, 2 to 3 mm. apart from center to center, 14 in 1 square centi- meter. Astrorhizae are absent; latilaminae are 1 to 2 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, seven to eight in 2 mm., and turn sharply into the mamelon columns at angles up to 60°. The laminae are composed of a single layer of compact, trans- versely fibrous tissue, 0.03 mm. thick. The pillars are narrow but 102 BULLETIN 162 flare slightly toward the top, twice as thick as the laminae, 0.06 mm. broad, five to six in 2 mm., rarely superposed, considerably thickened, close together and divergent in the small mamelon columns, which are about 1 mm. in diameter. Galleries are rectang- ular, many are vertically elongate, 0.17 mm. high and 0.21 mm. broad, varying considerably in breadth. Dissepiments are rare, irregular in size and shape, convex upward, 0.013 mm. thick. There are small vacuities in the thickened tissue. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 30 percent of the thin section. The pillars are round between the laminae, 0.06 mm. in diameter, many becoming elongate and join- ing near the laminae. The columns are outlined by two to four annuli, and radial pillars; the columns have one to several axial tubes. Anostylostroma subcolumnare is characterized by the thin laminae, small, round pillars, and small, closely spaced columns. It differs from A. coluwmnare (Parks) in having smaller, more closely spaced columns and closer laminae and pillars. Parks (1908, p. 29) described as “Stylodictyon columnare,” a specimen in the U. S. National Museum collections, reported to be from the Middle Silurian from near Louisville, Ky. He expressed doubt as to its being Silurian and as to its being Nicholson’s Stylodictyon columnare. It is not Silurian but is from the Jeffer- sonville limestone which occurs near Louisville. Parks’ illustrations indicate that the columns are small and close together, as in A. subcolumnare, n. sp., but not as in A. columnare (Parks). Shimer and Shrock (1944, p. 61) correctly placed the U. S. National Museum specimen in the Devonian, but it is from the Jeffersonville limestone rather than from the Traverse group. It cannot be Stylo- dictyon columnare (Nicholson), which is a species of Syringostroma, different from Anostylostroma. The mistaken identification of Stylo- dictyon columnare by Parks has caused much confusion. Occurrence.—One good specimen was collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone, on Highway 42, at 3.3 miles southwest of Prospect, near Louisville, Ky., by Mr. Preston Mc- Grain and Mr. F. H. Walker of the Kentucky Geological Survey. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 103 Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-34, 35. Cat. No. 5387. Anostylostroma confluens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 2, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum head-shaped, more than 8 cm. high and 15 cm. in diameter. The surface has small monticules, 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, 0.5 mm. high, and 2 to 3 mm. apart from center to center. The surface is also covered with minute papillae and punctae, representing pillars and galleries. Astrorhizae are absent. Latilaminae, 2 to 8 mm. thick, are conspicuous on both the freshly cut and the weathered surface. The laminae are more finely un- dulatory than the latilaminae and curve up into the monticules, forming vertical columns. Vertical section—The laminae are moderately thick, averag- ing about 0.08 mm., seven to nine in 2 mm. The tissue of the laminae is compact but light in color, and contains many fine, transverse pores. The columns are straight, continuous, about 1.5 mm. in diameter, and are made by upturned laminae, and thick, divergent pillars. The galleries are oval or lobed, especially in the columns, and about four times as high as the laminae are thick. In the intercolumnar area the galleries become much wider and tend to be rectangular. Superposed galleries are rare, and may be connected by large pores. The pillars are short, thick and expand upward, many are unbranched, but some are Y-shaped and many divide into strands producing the confluent small pillars as seen in tangential sec- tion. There is an average of eight pillars in 2 mm. The pillars are thicker and more divergent in the columns than in other areas. Occasionally a pillar does not extend the whole interlaminar distance, which is due to cutting the flare of the pillar. The pillars are darker in color, denser in structure than the laminae, and are composed of transversely fibrous tissue. The pillars are not super- posed. There are a few cyst plates passing diagonally through the galleries. Tangential section—The columns appear as rings, 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, filled with round, radial or confluent pillars. There are no tubes in the columns. The pillars are round when 104 BuLLeETIN 162 cut beneath the upward expansion, and highly vermicular and coalescing when cut in the upper branched part, the pattern be- coming finer and finer as the laminae are approached. The larger pillars are about 0.1 mm. in diameter and about 0.2 mm. apart. The tissue in the pillars is darker colored than in the laminae and is tranversely fibrous, and radially fibrous in round pillars. There are a few short, curved dissepiments. No astrorhizae occur either at the surface or in sections. The confluent pillars may form closed rings in tangential section, but the rings differ from those in Stromatoporella in that they are formed entirely by the confluent pillars, whereas in Stromatoporella the ring-pillars are produced by upturned laminae. The confluent pillars are the most diagnostic characteristic of the species. It differs from A. papillatum Parks (1936, p. 50) in the greater display of confluent pillars and geometric patterns as seen in tangential section. The name A. conflwens refers to the confluent nature of the pillars as seen in a tangential section. Occurrence—The type specimen is from the Logansport limestone at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Indiana, where it occurs commonly, and is perfectly preserved by infiltration of calcite. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-24, 25, 26. Cat. No. 5352. Paratypes.—Slides 295-85; 305-3, 4. Anostylostroma crebricolumnare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl; 2, figs, 4a;ab Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 8 cm. high and 15 cm. in diameter. Surface with sharp, conical mamelons, 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter, 2 mm. high and 2 to 3 mm. apart from center to center, and 16 to 20 in 1 sq. cm. Astrorhizae absent; latilaminae vague, 3 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section.—The skeleton appears as a complex, lacy net- work, composed of sharply undulose laminae, short rodlike pillars, strong columns, and dissepiments. The laminae are 0.05 mm. thick, 4 to 5 in 2 mm., and are discontinuous in most of the columns. The pillars are short and stout, many do not extend across the inter- laminar spaces, are four to five in 2 mm. and are thicker and DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 105 closer together in the mamelons. The dissepiments are large, thin, highly arched, larger and more obvious in the galleries between the columns. The galleries are large, 0.35 to 1.5 mm. long and 0.2 to 0.7 mm. high, rectangular, or curved. The columns are long, nar- row, 1.5 to 2 mm. thick, and closely spaced, 1 to 2 mm. apart, com- posed of sharply upturned laminae and thickened pillars. Some of the columns have tabulate tubes, up to 0.4 mm. broad. One or a few rows of superposed galleries, which are not vertical tubes, separate the mamelon columns. The tissue is compact, transversely fibrous, and dusty in appearance. Tangential section—The tissue occupies about one-quarter of the thin section. The columns are indicated by a confused radial arrangement of thick, branching pillars; some columns are marked by an annulus or two of laminae, but in most of the section, laminae are not discernible. The pillars between columns are round, 0.06 to 0.12 mm. in diameter. There is a tube in about one-tenth of the columns, from 0.11 to 0.28 mm. in diameter. The galleries are oval or rectangular where laminae are developed, or irregular. Dissepi- ments join some of the pillars but are inconspicuous. Astrorhizae absent. Anostylostroma crebricolumnare is characterized by the sharp, small mamelons, closely spaced columns of upturned laminae and pillars, the rodlike pillars, and the file of galleries between two columns. The Latin creber, means close together, referring to the closely spaced columns. A. crebricolumnare differs from A. sub- columnare, n. sp. in the fewer laminae in 2 mm. and the thicker, discontinuous laminae. Occurrence——This species occurs in the Middle Devonian, Hamilton group, Little Rock Creek limestone, 10 to 30 feet above the Silurian—Devonian contact, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-85, 86. Cat. No. 5344. Paratype.—Slides 294-83, 84. Anostylostroma microcolumnare Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. Pl. 3, figs. la, b Coenosteum a large head, 15 cm. in diameter and 10 em. high. 106 BULLETIN 162 The surface has small, regular mamelons or papillae, scarcely 1 mm. in diameter and 0.25 mm. high, 2 mm. from center to cen- ter, and about 30 in 1 sq. cm. Astrorhizae absent; latilaminae 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are fairly uniform in_thick- ness, composed of only one layer, 0.05 to 0.07 mm. thick, about six or seven in 2 mm., the tissue light-yellow in color, and finely fibrous transversely. The pillars are thick, 0.12 to 0.15 mm. broad, 3 to 6 in 2 mm., gray in color, transversely fibrous, and expand up- ward, but do not split into fibers, few are Y-shaped, and only incidentally superposed. The columns are small, mostly less than 1 mm. wide, and 2 mm. from center to center; they are made of smooth upturns of the laminae and thicker, diverging pillars. Gal- leries are mostly arched, higher than wide, but some are 1 mm. or more wide. Superposed galleries do not have foramina between; dis- sepiments are exceedingly rare. Tangential section—The columns are small, 1 mm. in diameter, but conspicuous, composed of one annular lamina, with thick, close- set, oval or elongate pillars which tend to have a radial arrange- ment. Between the columns the pillars are mostly round, 0.1 mm. in diameter, but some are oval, few are elongate, and rarely join other pillars. Dissepiments are practically absent. Astrorhizae absent. This species is characterized by the small columns, suggesting its name, the broad pillars which do not divide and are rarely superposed in longitudinal section and do not become confluent in tangential section, and the scarcity of dissepiments. The columns are much smaller than they are in A. pulpitense, with which it occurs. Occurrence—One specimen was collected from the Middle De- vonian Logansport limestone at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. Holotype-—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 304-87, 88, 89. Cat. No. 5353. Anostylostroma microtuberculatum (Riabinin) Pl. 3, figs. 2a, b Stromatopora microtuberculata Riabinin, 1941, U. S. S. R. Acad. Sci., Palae- ont. Inst., Moscow, vol. 1, p. 108, pl. 4, figs. 2-4 (U. Dev., Chudova beds, Kharlopekova village, Main Devonian Field, Russia). DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 107 Coenosteum a flat mass, 4 cm. thick and 14 cm. in diameter. Surface with small, conical mamelons, 3 mm. in diameter, 4 mm. high, and averaging 4 to 5 mm. from center to center, seven to nine in | sq. cm. Astrorhizae small, 3 mm. in diameter, with three to five short, radiating canals; latilaminae scarcely discernible. Vertical section—tThe skeleton consists of thin laminae, thick, short pillars and small columns. The laminae are thin, 0.03 mm. thick, eight in 2 mm., and missing in much of the section, their position being indicated by the concordant bases of the pillars. Pillars short and broad, six in 2 mm., many superposed, especially in the columns, mostly appearing as large dots, especially between the columns. Galleries vaguely round, many confluent horizontally, superposed in the columns, making pseudozooidal tubes. The la- minae undulate regularly, upward in the columns and downward between columns. Dissepiments rare. In the columns the pillars are larger, superposed and diverge strongly. The axes of the columns are mostly occupied by astrorhizal tubes, 0.4 to 0.6 mm. in dia- meter, with astrorhizal canals extending diagonally downward. The tissue is compact, gray, transversely fibrous and dusty in appear- ance, but not maculate. Tangential section—The columns are about 3 mm. in diameter, 3 to 5 mm. apart, and composed of a darker central part, each with an oval or lobed axial tube; the columns are composed of radiating pillars and vague, concentric laminae. The astrorhizal canals are short, and scarcely extend beyond the columns, and branch spar- ingly. Between the columns the pillars are mostly oval, many join- ing others. The tissue is compact and transversely fibrous, but not maculate. Dissepiments rare or absent. This species is characterized by the small columns, undulat- ing discontinuous laminae, and short and thick pillars. It is similar to A. retiforme, but has larger columns, higher undulations of the laminae, and the axial tubes are not round. The Indiana form seems to be identical with Riabinin’s Upper Devonian form from Russia, excepting that the mamelons are larger, 3 instead of 2-2.5 mm. in diameter. The name mucro- tuberculatum is scarcely appropriate; there are many forms with 108 BULLETIN 162 smaller mamelons in various genera. It is not a Stromatopora, for the tissue is not maculate. Occurrence-—Abundant in the Middle Devonian, Little Rock Creek limestone, 10 to 30 feet above the base, in the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. Plesiotype—Indiana Paleontological Collections, slides 294-50, i535, GO) Ol G5, 72.075, 89, 90, 97, 98; 303-22, 25, CO olene am No. 5345. Anostylostroma compactum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp., Pl. 3, figs. 3a,b Coenosteum massive, 5 cm. high and 9 cm. in diameter; the holotype is attached to a specimen of Anostylostroma pulpitense. Surface with low, domal mamelons, 4 to 5 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, 5 to 8 mm. apart, about two in 1 sq. cm.; astrorhizae absent; latilaminae 2 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are strong, undulating, 0.07 to 0.10 mm. thick, 6 to 10 in 2 mm. and curve smoothly into the mamelons; the laminar tissue is light in color, compact or flocculent in appearance, and composed of fine, transverse fibers, without visible pores. The mamelons rise and disappear within a latilamina and do not make continuous columns. The pillars are mostly straight, expanding slightly upward, from 0.07 to 0.1 mm. thick, fairly evenly spaced, about five in 2 mm., a little thicker and more flaring in the mamelons, rarely superposed. The pillar tissue is darker than that of the laminae, finely fibrous transversely, in some pillars with a darker median line. The laminae and pillars make a rather regular brickwork. The galleries are generally rec- tangular, twice as broad as high. Dissepiments are rare, long and convex upward. Tangential section—The pillars are mostly round with fuzzy outlines, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, dark gray and radially fibrous, some oval, but are rarely vermicular or confluent, as is common for the genus. The laminae are light in color, and composed of a finely granular and fibrous mosaic. A. compactum is characterized by the low mamelons, closely spaced laminae, round pillars and rare dissepiments. The name compactum refers to the compact appearance of the polished edge. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 109 A. compactum is similar to A. clarwm (Poéta, 1894, p. 150, pl. 18, figs. 7, 8), but Poéta gives no tangential section, so we cannot tell what shape the pillars have. Le Maitre (1933, p. 16) studied Poéta’s type and considered the Etroeungt specimens to be identical, but she figured (pl. 19, figs. 1-5) astrorhizae and vermi- cular and confluent pillars, which the Indiana form does not have. Occurrence.—One specimen from the Middle Devonian, lower Logansport limestone of Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Indiana, attached to Anostylostroma pulpitense, n. sp. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-48, 49. Cat. No. 5354. Anostylostroma dupontense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp., Pl. 3, figs, 4a, b Coenosteum massive, laminar, a fragment is 15 mm. high, 85 mm. in diameter. The surface has mamelons 4 to 5 mm. in dia- meter, 1.5 to 2 mm. high, 6 mm. apart from center to center, three in 1 sq. cm. Papillae are small, round to irregular prominences on a weathered surface. Latilaminae 2 to 3 mm. thick; astrorhizae absent. Vertical section—The laminae are variable in thickness, turn gently into the mamelons, are composed of a single layer of light, transversely fibrous tissue, 0.03 to 0.16 mm. thick, averaging 0.09 mm., four to five in 2 mm. The pillars are thick and flare upward, though few are Y-shaped, and are superposed in many places, averaging 0.13 mm. broad, four to five in 2 mm. The pillars are darker in color than the laminae, are transversely fibrous, and are the same in the mamelons as in the intermamelon areas. The gal- leries are subrectangular, and irregular, tending to be higher than broad, especially in places where the pillars are predominantly superposed, averaging 0.26 mm. broad and 0.28 mm. high. The dissepiments are rare, small, convex upward, transverse, or oblique. An occasional mamelon column has a tube 0.2 mm. in diameter. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 50 percent of the thin section. The pillars are round to vermicular and confluent, forming rings in some places, especially near the laminae, due to the upward splitting of the pillars. The pillars 110 BULLETIN 162 average 0.11 mm. in diameter and are about 0.12 mm. apart, and the tissue is radially or transversely fibrous. The galleries anasto- mose about the pillars. There are no astrorhizae. Dissepiments are absent in most of the section but common in places. Anostylostroma dupontense is characterized by low mamelons, thick to thin, widely spaced laminae, thick, flaring pillars which are superposed in many places, and by the lack of astrorhizae. A. dwpon- tense 1s nearly identical with A. mediale, having thicker, more wide- ly spaced laminae, superposed pillars, and less definite mamelon columns. Occurrence—One specimen was collected by Mr. W. E. Craig, from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone in the Independ- ent quarry, 4 miles scuth of Dupont, Indiana. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-40, 41. Cat. No. 5366. Anostylostroma arvense (Parks) Pie 4) hiestealaeeb Clathrodictyon arvense Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 23, pl. 3, figs. 1-4 (M. Dev., Onondaga Is., Simcoe, Ont.) Coenosteum flat massive, up to 60 mm. thick; surface undulat- ing, with large, irregular mamelons, 5 to 8 mm. in diameter, 5 mm. high, and 10 to 15 mm. apart; astrorhizae absent; latilaminae 3 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, 0.05 to 0.06 mm. thick, and variously spaced, four to six in 2 mm., consisting of one layer, which is light in color and transversely fibrous. Pillars darker than the laminae, transversely fibrous, narrow, 0.06 to 0.08 mm. wide, some enlarging upward but not Y-shaped, variable in arrangement, mostly straight, diverging in the mamelons, and frequently super- posed. Galleries quadrangular, narrow or wide transversely, some connected by foramina through the laminae. Dissepiments com- mon, arched upward or oblique. Mamelons irregularly developed, continuing through several latilaminae, a few with an axial tube, and some with thick, diverging pillars. Tangential section—tThe pillars are mostly round, 0.08 to 0.15 mm. in diameter, radially fibrous but not maculate, many joined by curved dissepiments. In the mamelon axes the pillars are vermi- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN I11 cular, angled and many join others. Laminae are thin, light in color, transversely fibrous, and make large annuli in the mamelons, in which there is an occasional irregular tube. A. arvense lacks the regular, small columns of A. colwmnare, and has more mamelons of various sizes than A. laxwm, and is inter- mediate between the two, with which it occurs; the superposed pillars are common, whereas in A. colwmnare and A. laxum they are rare. We have studied Parks’ type, and find it, as Parks stated (1936, p. 24), much like A. laxwm, but still distinguishable from it. A, arvense is scarcely distinguishable from A. ponderosum, having thinner laminae, and may well be the same species. Occurrence——Onondaga limestone, Simcoe, Ont.; Columbus limestone, Marblehead, Ohio, (slides 282-72, 73, 74); Jeffersonville limestone of Charlestown, Ind., (282-9), Meshberger quarry in Bartholomew Co., Ind., and elsewhere in Clark Co., Ind., and Jefferson County near Louisville, Kentucky. It should occur at the Falls of the Ohio, but we have no specimen in a large collection. Plesiotypes—lIndiana University Paleontological Collections, Slides! 272-15, 16; 282-9) 72; 73, 74; 302-64, 65; 303-77, 92; 93; 305-19, 20. Cat. No. 5396. Anostylostroma ponderosum (Nicholson) 14h 2b queasy We 10) Stromatopora ponderosa Nicholson, 1875, Geol. Surv. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 246, pl. 24, figs. 4, 4a, 4b (M. Dev., Columbus ls., Kelleys Island, Ohio). Clathrodictyon ponderosum Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 42, pl. 5, figs. 5, 6 (Columbus ls., Kelleys Island and Marble- head, Ohio). Coenosteum large, massive, hemispherical, up to 15 cm. in dia- meter. We have a nearly complete specimen 10 cm. in diameter and 25 cm. high, growing around a rugose coral. Surface with large mamelons of variable size, 5 to 10 mm. in diameter, 2 to 4 mm. high and 10 to 15 mm. apart. Astrorhizae not apparent. Surface papillate, the outer ends of round pillars. The papillae are not perforate, as figured by Nicholson, (fig. 4a), which figure looks like that of a Stromatoporella. There are numerous round openings at the surface in our specimens, 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, which are calices of an infesting coral, Syringopora. It is most likely that the holes 12 BuLLETIN 162 shown in Nicholson’s fig. 4, from 1.5 to 4 mm. in diameter, are also those of a parasitic coral. Latilaminae are obscure. Vertical sectton—The laminae are rather thick, about 0.12 mm., undulating up into the mamelons, and composed of light- colored, transversely fibrous tissue. There are six to eight laminae in 2 mm., although Nicholson gives nine. The pillars are separate from the laminae, dark gray in color and transversely fibrous; they are nearly straight-sided, only a few expand upward, and several are superposed through two or three interlaminar spaces. There are about 7 pillars in 2 mm., and they are 0.1 to 0.12 mm. in diameter. The mamelons extend through two or three latilaminae and then stop; they are not superposed, do not make continuous columns, and do not contain pillars which are noticeably larger than the pillars between the mamelons; some sections do not show mamelons, as the figures by Nicholson (pl. 24, fig. 4b), and by Parks (pl. 5, fig. 5). The mamelons may contain several tabulate, astrorhizal canals, but there is no large axial tube. The galleries are rectangular to oval; some are superposed, a few with foramina between. Dissepi- ments irregularly developed, scarce in places and abundant in other places. Tangential section—The laminae are thick, mostly curved, and annular in the mamelons. The pillars are 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in diameter, mostly round or oval, and a few are short, vermicular, and radial in the mamelons where they are cut obliquely. Some of the pillars are joined by curved dissepiments. In some of the mamelons there is a cluster of oval tubes which seem to be unusual astrorhizae, with vertical to highly oblique, tabulate canals, rather than hori- zontal and branching ones (PI. 4, fig. 2a). Our specimen had grown around a cyathophylloid coral, 15 mm. in diameter, and most of the coenosteum is infested with Syringopora tubes 0.6 mm. in diameter. A. ponderosum is characterized by the large coenosteum, large, unequal mamelons which do not make continuous columns, the thick laminae and round pillars which tend to be superposed. Our specimens fit the description of Nicholson, excepting for laminae being farther apart, and they agree with Parks’ understanding of the species. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 113 Occurrence Reported from the Columbus limestone of Kel- leys Island and from Marblehead, Ohio. Our specimen is from the lower part of the Jeffersonville limestone, coral bed above the Gen- eva dolomite, from the Independent quarry, 4 miles south of Du- pont, Jefferson County, Indiana, and from the same horizon at the Meshberger Stone Company quarry, 8 miles southeast of Columbus, Indiana. Plesiotype-—Indiana_ University Paleontological collections, Sides 95=5 1525074, "795.476, 77; $0491 92 -~ 306-10; 11, 12 Cat. No. 5367. Anostylostroma insulare (Parks) Pi. 4, figs. 3a-d Clathrodictyon ohioense Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39. p. 24, pl. 3, figs. 5, 6 (Mid. Dev., Columbus Is., Kelleys Island, Ohio). Clathrodictyon townsendi Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 26, pl. 4, figs. 1-5 (Mid. Dey., Columbus ls., Kelleys Island, ae ee insulare Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 29, pl. 3, figs. 7, 8 (Mid. Dev., Columbus ls., Kelleys Island, Ohio). Coenosteum massive to thick, laminar, 3 cm. thick, 20 cm. in diameter. The surface has asymmetrical conical mamelons 10 to 15 mm. in diameter, 3 to 5 mm. high, and 10 to 20 mm. apart from center to center. Papillae are small, round to irregular. Large, in- distinct astrorhizae, 20 mm. in diameter, consist of a few broad, branching canals. Latilaminae 2 to 6 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are distinct, thin, irregular, and wrinkled, 0.01 to 0.03 mm. thick, five to seven in 2 mm., with occas- sional intercalated, vague, straight layers up to 0.05 mm. thick. The laminae turn sharply into the high, conical mamelons. The pillars are short, 0.05 to 0.12 mm. broad, two to seven in 2 mm., irregular and indistinct in the mamelons, obscured by thick tissue bounding mamelon tubes, rarely superposed. The pillars and laminae are conspicuous on a polished, vertical surface, and of about the same distinctness. In thin section, the pillars are much reduced in sharp- ness as compared with the crumpled laminae. The galleries are subrectangular to irregular, 0.04 to 0.09 mm. high, one to five times as broad. The pillar tissue and the upward and downward inflections 114 BULLETIN 162 of the laminae join in many places to form spheroidal vesicles, 0.1 to 0.17 mm. in diameter making rings in both vertical and tangen- tial sections. The rings are not ring-pillars, but cut spheroidal vesi- cles, and the species is not a Stromatoporella. The laminar and pillar tissue is compact, not transversely fibrous as is usual in Anostylostroma. Large, multiple mamelon tubes are 0.4 to 0.7 mm. broad, divided by broad, arcuate tabulae. Incomplete, horizontally joined, cystose plates, which vary greatly in size and shape, form some of the crumpled laminae, so that the structure approaches that of Clathrodictyon, but the laminae and pillars are more like those of Anostylostroma. Dissepiments are scarce, but in a few places they are numerous, strongly convex, and large. Tangential section—The laminae are thin. The pillars are mostly round or oval, 0.07 to 0.16 mm. broad, some irregular to coalescent. Numerous, hollow rings of many sizes occur in and adjacent to the laminae, but the vertical section shows that they are due to wrinkles in the laminae joined with pillars or are spher- oidal vesicles and are not ring-pillars. The multiple tubes in the mamelons are irregular, 0.5 to 0.8 mm. in diameter. The astrorhizae are large, and not well formed, with broad, bifurcating, tabulate canals, 10 mm. long and 0.23 to 0.45 mm. broad near the base. The tissue of laminae and pillars is compact. Dissepiments are rare. Anostylostroma insulare (Parks) is characterized by large, asymmetrical mamelons with astrorhizae, thin, wrinkled laminae, without fibres or pores, and round pillars. Parks (p. 26, 29) men- tioned irregular, cyst-appearing laminae but did not figure them. He noted the close similarity of A. insulare, A. ohioense, and A. townsendi, all from the same locality and horizon, but distinguished them on the basis of the irregular arrangement of pillars and la- minae; such irregularities are not of systematic value. We retain the name A. insulare for the species, even though Parks described A. ohioense first in his paper, because it is the least distorted of the three species, and is named for the island where it occurs. The type specimen of Clathrodictyon ohioense Parks (1939, p. 24) from which we have sections, has the same structure and has laminae close together, as in our specimen (PI. 4, fig. 3c). DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 115 Occurrence—TIwo specimens were collected by Dr. Mildred F. Marple, of Ohio State University, from the Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone, one from just north of the old quarry dump on the north shore, the other from the base of the south side quarry, on Kelleys Island, Ohio. Plesiotypes—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 79, 80, 81; 306-45. Cat. No. 5397. Part of the two specimens and two unnumbered slides of each were returned to Ohio State University. Anostylostroma humile Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 5, figs. la, b Coenosteum hemispherical to high domed, up to 12 cm. in diameter. Surface with large, low, arched, typically regular mame- lons, 6 to 10 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, 10 mm. apart, and six in 4 sq. cm. Between the mamelons there are low papillae. Astrorhizae are rare, an occasional small one occurs where there is an axial tube in a mamelon. Latilaminae 3 to 6 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton 1s composed of thick, gently undulating laminae and broad, short pillars. The mamelons do not usually make mamelon columns, and may not show in vertical section, but there may be indefinite columns through one latilamina. The laminae are 0.07 to 0.09 mm. thick, consisting of a primary, clear, transversely fibrous layer, usually with a secondary, gray layer derived from the pillars, and rarely with an upper, gray layer, also derived from spreading of the pillars. There are five or six laminae in 2 mm., being much closer together near the junc- tion of the latilaminae. The pillars average about 0.12 mm. thick, many thinner, and some two or three times that thick, where they broaden upward. The pillars flare upward and join others, but few are Y-shaped with a gap between the branches. There are about five pillars in 2 mm. Pillars may be superposed through 3 to 10 inter- laminar spaces but they are not continuous, therefore, do not pierce the laminae. The tissue of the pillars is gray and transversely crys- talline. None of the tissue is maculate. Some of the galleries have dissepiments, tending to occur in horizontal zones. In a few places there are foramina between superposed galleries, but there are no pseudozooidal tubes. 116 BuLLeETIN 162 Tangential section—The tissue occupies about half of the sec- tion. The pillars are in part round, but mostly are oval, elliptical, bent, subtriangular, and some join others. In the laminae the pillars are smaller and close together, making a pattern like leopard spots. The pillars do not increase in diameter upward, but broaden and divide. The tissue of the round pillars is radially fibrous, and in the broad pillars is transversely fibrous; none of the tissue is macu- late. Astrorhizae are scarce, small ones occurring rarely where there 1s an astrorhizal tube in a mamelon. Some of the pillars are joined by curved dissepiments. The mamelons ordinarily show as one ring in tangential section. This species is characterized by the large, low mamelons, thick laminae, broad, flaring pillars and scarcity of astrorhizae and dis- sepiments. Specimens with smaller mamelons and broad, discontin- uous columns in the mamelon axes, are named A. mediale, and are intermediate between A. humile and A. pulpitense, which has strong, continuous mamelon axes 2 mm. in diameter. The mamelon axes which do occur in some specimens of A. hwmile are not continuous. The vertical section 1s much like that of A. confluens which has smaller and more continuous columns, but in tangential section the pillars do not consistently join others as they do in A. confluens. Occurrence-—Abundant in the lower 10 feet of the Logansport limestone at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind., and at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-4, 5. Cat. No. 5325. Paratypes.—Slides 278-7; 285-61, 62, 90, 91; 294-2, 3, 6, 7, 47, 48. 303-59. 605, 98599: Anostylostroma laxum (Nicholson) Pl, 5, figs) 2ayD) Clathrodictyon laxum Nicholson, 1887, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 19, p. 12, pl. 3, figs. 4, 5 (M. Dev., Onondaga ls. Port Colborne, Ont.) ; Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser.. No. 39, p. 13, pl. 1. figs. 1-8; pl. 2, fig. 4 (Onondaga ls., Ont.). Coenosteum massive to laminar, up to 50 mm. or more thick; DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 117 surface smooth, or with large, sporadic mamelons; astrorhizae apparently absent; latilaminae inconspicuous, 3 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, consisting of only one layer, 0.03 to 0.04 mm. thick, light in color, transversely fibrous, and porous in places, but without foramina, six to seven in 2 mm., irregularly undulating. Pillars narrow, 0.06 to 0.08 mm., short, rarely superposed, some bent and diagonal, few enlarging upward, rarely Y-shaped, 6 to 10 in 2 mm., darker than the laminae, transversely fibrous but not porous. Galleries quadrangular, many narrower transversely than vertically, some wider transversely. Dissepiments few to common, arched upward. None of the tissue is maculate. Mamelons occur sporadically, each with an axial, tabulate tube, 0.35 mm. in diameter, confined to one latilamina. The laminae bend up into and over the axial tube, and the mamelon fades out in the next overlying latilamina. Tangential section—The laminae make eccentric curves about the mamelons but not concentric annuli, as do forms with regular columns. Laminae compact, light in color, transversely fibrous, and making a fine mosaic where cut parallel to the laminae. Pillars mostly round, in part vermicular, some joining, and some joined by curved dissepiments, radially fibrous and darker than the laminae. A sporadic tube, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diameter may occur in the section. Astrorhizae appear to be absent. This species is characterized by the lack of regular mamelons and columns, by the one-layered, continuous laminae, the short rodlike pillars which are not superposed, and few dissepiments. It differs from A. columnare (Parks), with which it is associated, in the lack of regular mamelon columns. It differs from A. arvense (Parks) in the lack of mamelon columns of upturned laminae, and the pillars are not superposed. Occurrence—Onondaga limestone, Ontario; abundant in the Columbus limestone, Kelleys Island and Marblehead, Ohio; in the Columbus limestone, Snouffer’s quarry, east bank of the Scioto River, 5 miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio, common in the Jeffer- sonville limestone, Charlestown, Ind., and one specimen was loaned from the Ohio State University Museum Collections by Dr. Mildred F. Marple, from the Columbus limestone at Dublin, Ohio. 118 BuLLeTIN 162 Plesiotype-——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, from Snouffer’s quarry, Columbus limestone, slides 282-8, 52, 53; 305-38, 39; 306-25, 26. Cat. No. 5399. Anostylostroma meshbergerense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 5, figs 3a, b Coenosteum massive, 5 cm. high, 7 cm. in diameter. Mamelons and astrorhizae absent; latilaminae 4 to 8 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are 0.8 to 0.14 mm. thick, four to five in 2 mm., and zigzag up and down; they are composed of light-colored, compact tissue which is finely fibrous transversely, with indications of tubular pores, but without maculae and without a median or upper or lower line. The pillars are narrow and rodlike, and attached to the upturns on the upper sides and to the down- turns on the lower sides of the laminae. The pillars have a thin, dark core; the pillar tissue is darker in appearance than it is in the la- minae, and coarsely fibrous transversely, but has no tubules. The pillars are 0.1 to 0.2 mm. thick with five or six in 2 mm., some of which are incidentally superposed in a few places. The zigzag points are not high enough to be called ring-pillars. The galleries are rec- tangular, mostly higher than they are broad, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. high. Dissepiments are common, irregular in size, shape and occurrence, some making closed cysts. There are no indications of mamelons or astrorhizae. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 40 percent of the area of the thin section. The solid pillars are mostly round 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in diameter, some vermicular, many coales- cent, with a fine dark central dot or line. The closed cysts make thin-walled rings; where the upturns of the laminae are cut, rings appear, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter with lumina 0.05 to 0.1 mm. in diameter but they do not have porous walls and are not typical enough to be called real ring-pillars, such as those of Stromatopor- ella. The galleries are irregular in shape. Anostylostroma meshbergerense is characterized by the lack of mamelons and astrorhizae, the widely spaced, zigzag laminae, short, closely spaced pillars with dark cores, solid pillars which are round or vermicular with dark cores, and occasional rings. A. meshbergerense has the fibrous wall tissue typical of Anostylostroma, but the pres- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 119 ence of rings is unusual for the genus. The tissue is not porous as it is in Stromatoporella, but the zigzag laminae and presence of rings shows the close relationship of the two genera. The species is un- usual further in the thin, dark, median cores of the solid pillars. Some of the pillars are vermicular plates, but rarely do they flare or divide. The laminar tissue is lighter in color than the pillar tissue, as 1s usual in Anostylostroma. Occurrence.—One specimen was collected by Dr. H. H. Murray and Mr. Robert Blakely, from the Middle Devonian, lower Jef- fersonville limestone, 2 feet above the Geneva dolomite, in the Meshberger Stone Company quarry, 8 miles southeast of Columbus, Indiana. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 299-18, 19, 20; 304-90, 93. Cat. No. 5368. Anostylostroma substriatellum (Nicholson) eb etiess 4a Stromatopora substriatella Nicholson, 1875, Geol. Surv. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 248, pl. 24, figs. 5, 5a (M. Dev., Columbus Is., Marblehead, Ohio). Clathrodictyon substriatellum Parks, Univ. Toronto Studies Geol. Ser., No. 39 pylon placa hese l= iiple 2) Nesey iss Coenosteum subhemispherical to tuberose, up to 25 cm. in diameter. The surface is smooth and without astrorhizae. Latila- minae are 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of eccentric la- minae and short, dividing, radial pillars. The laminae are smooth- ly continuous, moderately thick, 0.05 to 0.06 mm., normally five in 2 mm., closer near the upper borders of the latilaminae, many appearing double, rarely eight or nine in 2 mm., as stated by Nicholson and Parks. Tissue compact and transversely fibrous, but not visibly perforate, light in color, with a thin upper and lower dark layer derived from the pillars. The pillars, four to six in 2 mm., 0.06 to 0.08 mm. in diameter, become Y-shaped upward and divide into two to six smaller pillars; pillars are mostly straight, some lean or curve, but are not superposed, with many incomplete intercalated pillars, especially at the tops of the galleries; the tissue is compact, darker in shade than in the laminae and transversely fibrous. Dissepiments are scarce, being more common in the highest 120 BULLETIN 162 galleries of a latilamina, curve upward, and tend to be parallel to the laminae. In a few places there are large, vertical, tabulate tubes, 0.7 mm. in diameter, extending through one lamina; the laminae arch upward to and over the tube. Tangential section —The cut laminae appear yellowish in color, finely crystalline with darker spots, indicating the pillars. The pil- lars, near their bases, are round and from 0.07 to 0.12 mm. in diameter. At the upper ends the pillars divide, are smaller, 0.03 to 0.05 mm. thick, some are round but mostly they are vermicular, many divide and some join. The galleries occupy three-fourths of the section. Some pillars are joined by curved dissepiments. The pillar tissue is dusty, but not maculate. A. substriatellum is characterized by the high, subhemispherical shape, smooth surface, lack of columns, and especially by the pil- lars which divide upward into strands. Our description is drawn largely from two well-preserved topotypes. There is some doubt as to what Nicholson really named, his figure 5a is not from a thin sec- tion and is of little value; it shows oval galleries, so the pillars expand upward, but they do not show division into strands. The round holes in Nicholson’s figure 5 are probably Syringopora; and the “fin-like or vermicular perforations” are galleries. We agree with Parks in his identification of Nicholson’s species. This species is not an Atelodictyon, for the pillars lack radial processes. Occurrence—Abundant in the Middle Devonian Columbus limestone at Marblehead, Ohio, where it is splendidly preserved. One specimen and one questionable specimen encrusting on Stroma- toporella eriensis (Parks) were loaned from the Ohio State Uni- versity Museum by Dr. Mildred F. Marple. The specimen was collected from the Columbus limestone at Marblehead, Ohio; the questionable specimen is from the same horizon at Columbus, Ohio. Plesiotypes——Indiana University Paleontological Collections, Cat. No: 5398; slides 282-55, 56, 57,61, 62, 71; 303-62, 63; 306221 23, 24; Ohio State University Museum Paleontological Collections, specimens No. 3855 and 7002 (and 4 unnumbered slides ). Anostylostroma pipecreekense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. - Pl: 6) figs) las b Coenosteum massive, 20 cm. in diameter; surface without DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 121 mamelons, but slightly undulating; astrorhizae absent; latilaminae conspicuous, 2 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical sectton—Laminae rather thick, 0.06 to 0.1 mm., about six in 2 mm., nearly straight but rising over many pillars, light in color, finely fibrous and porous transversely with small vacuities, not maculate, with lower irregular layer derived from the pillars. Pillars darker in color than the laminae, transversely fibrous, four or five in 2 mm., expanding and dividing upward, forming an ob- conical, spongy clump of smaller pillars. The pillars do not pierce the laminae; many are spool-shaped, and mostly are superposed through several latilaminae. The vertical rows of pillars increase by bifurcation. Curved plates are rare to common in the galleries, and where the skeleton was injured the absence of laminae and pillars is filled with upward curved, imbricating plates. Galleries oval and elongate horizontally, some superposed with large fora- mina between them. There are no mamelons, columns of upturned laminae, nor astrorhizae. Tangential section —The laminae are light in color, porous and flocculent in appearance, but not maculate. The pillars are mostly angular and vermicular, especially near their bases, confluent, variable in size, many forming round or odd-shaped masses of pillars with an outer, more compact border, made by the division of the large pillars into a clump of smaller pillars. The pillars are 0.06 to 0.12 mm. in thickness, and are frequently joined by dissepi- ments. The pillars are dark gray in color, and are transversely fibrous. The species is characterized by the coarse texture made by laminae and pillars, the flaring and superposed pillars, and com- plex, round pattern made by the pillars in tangential section. It differs from A. conflwens, with which it occurs, in the coarser tex- ture, superposed pillars and lack of columns. This species is much like Gerronostroma and Trupetostroma in the superposed pillars, but is included in Anostylostroma because of the pillars dividing into clumps beneath the laminae. Occurrence —Lower part of the Logansport limestone at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Indiana. 122 BuLLeTIN 162 Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 304-61, 62. Cat. No. 5355. Genus ATELODICTYON Lecompte, 1951 Type species, A. fallax Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 124, pl. 15, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Couvinian, Dinant Basin, Belgium). Coenosteum laminar, discoidal or globular, some latilaminate; surface smooth or undulate; astrorhizae well developed; laminae definite, regular; cyst plates common, pillars short, confined to one interlaminar space, with intercalated, incomplete pillars, some sup- erposed but not vertically continuous; in tangential section the pillars are round, with or without lumina, and joined in the laminae by processes, forming areolae and chainlike groups; tissue compact. Middle Devonian, Belgium, and Indiana. Four species. Atelodictyon differs from Actinostroma in lacking continuous pillars. It is close to Anostylostroma. We give the original figures and a description of the type species to show the diagnostic characters of the genus, and for convenience of reference. Atelodictyon fallax Lecompte Pil 6; fizsy ase Atelodictyon fallax Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 125, pl. 15, figs. 1, la-d (Mid. Dev., Couvinian, Belgium). Coenosteum massive, globular to laminar, more than 2.7 cm. high and 3.5 cm. in diameter, 2 to 4 mm. high and 4 to 10 mm. apart from center to center. The astrorhizae are small, 3.5 mm. in diame- ter, located in the mamelon centers composed of a few short, simple radial canals. The latilaminae are 4 to 10 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are well formed, undulatory into the mamelons, composed of a single layer of compact tissue, 0.05 to 9.10 mm. thick, five to seven in 2 mm., some bordered by a thin, dark layer. The pillars are short, thin, 0.05 to 0.1 mm. broad, 9 to 14 in 2 mm., many superposed, with small intercalated pillars. The galleries are rectangular, mostly higher than wide, 0.1 to 0.5 mm. high and 1/3 to 2 times as broad. Dissepiments are common, low broad arches. Tangential section—The pillars are mostly joined by strong DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND St. JEAN 123 processes next to the laminae, forming polygonal or chainlike pat- terns. In the centers of most of the pillars there are small lumina. The astrorhizae have short, simple canals, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. broad at the base. Atelodictyon fallax Lecompte, the type species, is characterized by the small mamelons, the simple astrorhizae, the thin, closely spaced, superposed pillars, mostly with lumina, and joined by processes to form chainlike groups in tangential section. A. fallax somewhat resembles A. intercalare in our faunas, differing in hay- ing mamelons, in the more prominent laminae, and larger and few- er dissepiments. The above description and the figures are based on the description and figures of the type and paratype given by Lecompte and are included to authenticate the genus and species. Occurrence——The holotype and paratype are from the Middle Devonian, Couvinian at Couvin in Belgium; one other specimen, not described or figured by Lecompte, is from the Middle Devon- ian, Givetian at Surice, Belgium. Atelodictyon interecalare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 6, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 2 cm. high and 8 cm. in diameter. The surface is smooth. Astrorhizae obvious only on cut surfaces and in thin sections, composed of large, radial canals with centers 13 to 20 mm. apart. Latilaminae are 1 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section.—Laminae in general straight, many discontin- uous or vague, 0.06 to 0.09 mm. thick, five to seven in 2 mm., composed of a single, transversely fibrous layer. The pillars are short, thin, 0.04 to 0.07 mm. broad, 7 to 10 in 2 mm., straight or flaring, some superposed and some dividing upward into two or more strands. Several short incomplete, pendant pillars are inter- calated between the regular pillars in many places. Galleries, oval to irregular, 0.18 to 0.26 mm. high and one to three times as broad, many superposed with foramina between. The pillar tissue is com- pact, slightly darker than that of the laminae, with finer transverse fibers than in the laminae, distinct from the laminae, as in Anosty- lostroma. Lumina in the pillars are rarely observable in vertical sections. Dissepiments are abundant, short and thin, nearly straight to highly arched upward, a few convex downward. Astrorhizal canals are oval and larger than the galleries. 124 BuLLeETIN 162 Tangential section.—The galleries are irregular in shape. The pillars are vermicular and branching, rarely round, confluent around the galleries, joining in the laminae to form areolae and a chain- like network pattern. Many of the pillars have small lumina but are not hollow. The transverse fibers in the pillar tissue are more prominent than in the vertical section. Foramina, seen in the darker laminae, are round or irregular in shape, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. in diameter. The astrorhizae are large, composed of long, broad, rarely bifurcating radial canals, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. broad at the base, without tabulae or definite boundaries. Atelodictyon intercalare is characterized by the lack of mame- lons, the incomplete laminae, the incomplete intercalated short pillars, for which the species is named, and by the large number of irregular dissepiments. It is similar to A. fallax Lecompte, but has larger astrorhizae, more dissepiments, and a more variable network of laminae and pillars. Occurrence.—One specimen was collected by Mr. G. D. Foley, from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at the Mesh- berger Stone Company quarry, 8 miles southeast of Columbus, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 300-7, 8. Cat. No. 5369. Genus STICTOSTROMA Parks, 1936 Type species (first species, here selected), Stictostroma mamilliferum, new name=Stromatopora mammiullata Nicholson (not Schmidt, 1858), 1873, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, p. 94, pl. 4, fig. 4 (Mid. Dev., Port Colborne, Ont.); Nicholson, 1874, Rep. Pal. Prov. Ont., p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 4; Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 14, pl. 1, fig. 10. Stictostroma Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser. No. 39, p. 78, pl. 14, figs. 3-6. Coenosteum a thin crust, cake-shaped or massive, composed of thin laminae, which in favorable sections shows a thin, trans- versely porous, light median layer, with thinner darker, transverse- ly fibrous and porous layers on each side. Pillars short, spool-shaped, confined to one interlaminar space, rarely superposed; pillars in tangential sections mostly round, rarely hollow rings, but not well- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 125 formed ring-pillars. Galleries wider than the laminae, with a few dissepiments, rarely superposed with foramina between. Surface smooth to mamillate. Astrorhizae absent or present. Middle Devonian, Onondaga and Hamilton groups, Ontario. Five species described, S. mamilliferum, n. name, S. problematicum (Parks), S. alpenense (Parks), S. elevatum (Parks), and S. kayi (Parks). The second group in Parks’ original description of the genus, in which the tissue is compact and there are hollow ring- pillars, obviously cannot be included in the genus Stictostroma, and is removed to Stromatoporella, which includes also S. ertense (Parks), and S. huronense (Parks). Stictostroma insolitum Parks is placed in the genus Gerronostroma. Stictostroma differs from Stromatoporella in lacking typical ring-pillars, but small rings may occur; it 1s much like Anostylo- stroma, but has porous tissue; it is intermediate between the two genera. Stromatopora mammillata Nicholson, 1873, is a homonym of S. mammillata Schmidt, 1858, and invalid, even if Schmidt’s species 1s now considered to be a synonym of Anostylostroma stri- atellum (d’Orbigny ), 1850. KEY TO MIDDLE DEVONIAN SPECIES OF STICTOSTROMA FROM INDIANA AND ADJACENT AREAS ita “Astrorhizae’ absent .202..0..05: S. mamilliferum, new name lb. Astrorhizae in mamelon columns 2a. Vaminae’ /in 2 mm, — ww. Jeffersonvillense, n. sp. Dee earnin ace lel Cue TMM semen nee te rae S. mcgraini, n. sp. Stictostroma mamilliferum Galloway and St. Jean, new name Pl. 6, figs. 4a, b Stromatopora mammillata Nicholson, 1873 (a homonym of S. mammillata Schmidt, 1858), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, p. 94, pl. 4, fig. 4 (Mid. Dev., Onondaga ls., Port Colborne, Ont.) ; 1874, Rept. Paleont. Proy. Ontario, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 4; Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 14, pl. 1, fig. 10; Dawson, 1879, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, vol. 35, p. 58, pl. 4, figs. 5, 6. Stictostroma mammillatum Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Series, No. 39, p. 78, pl. 15, figs. 3-6 (Mid. Dev., Onondaga ls., Ont.). Coenosteum in thin, flat expansions, 2 cm. thick and up to 18 cm. or more in diameter. The surface has regularly spaced mame- lons of moderate size, 3 to 7 mm. in diameter, 2 mm. high and 7 126 BULLETIN 162 to 12 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae are absent. Latilaminae are 1 to 2 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, closely spaced, 11 to 13 in 2 mm., undulatory, turning smoothly into the mamelons, composed of a single, fine, transversely porous layer, 0.03 to 0.06 mm. thick. The mamelons do not form mamelon columns. The pillars are short, partly with straight sides, partly flaring toward the top, and partly spool-shaped, but not dividing upward, in- cidentally superposed in places, transversely porous, four to seven in 2 mm., 0.02 to 0.2 mm. broad, not significantly different in the mamelons. Some pillars are oblique, but there are few double up- turns, indicating ring-pillars. The galleries are rectangular or oval, 0.08 to 0.19 mm. high and one to four times as broad. Dissepiments are common, small, thin, arched obliquely across the galleries. There are a few foramina through the laminae, but no pseudozooidal tubes. Tangential section—The pillars are round, 0.09 to 0.12 mm. in diameter, 0.04 to 0.23 mm. apart. The mamelons are marked by the laminae forming many concentric annuli, in the center there are one or several tubes 0.16 to 0.38 mm. in diameter. Astrorhizae are ab- sent. The dissepiments are abundant tying many pillars together, and make elongate patterns between mamelons, scarcely resembling astrorhizal canals. There are some rings which may be incipient ring-pillars but which can be scarcely recognized in vertical sec- tions. Stictostroma mamilliferum is characterized by the flat growth, by the moderately large, regular mamelons, and by the thin, closely spaced laminae and pillars, and oblique dissepiments. S. mamilliferum differs from S. mcgraini in having more regular mamelons and in having thinner, more closely spaced laminae and fewer dissepiments. Stromatopora mammillata Nicholson, 1873, now considered to be a Stictostroma, is a homonym of Stromatopora mammillata Schmidt, 1858. Parks (1936, p. 79) said that because both species were now assigned to different genera, Nicholson’s name could be retained. According to Article 36 of the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, a rejected homonym can never be used DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 127 again. We, therefore, propose the name Stictostroma mamilliferum for Nicholson’s Stromatopora mammillata. Occurrence.—Our specimen is from the Middle Devonian, Onondaga limestone, at Ashton’s quarry, Gorrie, Ontario, the same quarry from which Parks obtained the specimens upon which he based his genus Stictostroma. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 300-89, 90, 91, 92. Cat. No. 5400. Stictostroma jeffersonvillense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pi t1SSs eae Coenosteum massive, up to 11 cm. high and 16 cm. in diameter. The surface has irregular mamelons 5 to 10 mm. in diameter, 2 to 3 mm. high, and 10 to 15 mm. apart from center to center. Latila- minae are 2 to 4 mm. thick. Astrorhizae are visible only on corroded or polished surfaces and in sections. Vertical section—The laminae are rather thick, 0.07 to 0.1 mm., seven or eight in 2 mm., are composed of a single, transversely fibrous and porous layer; they rise smoothly into the mamelons. Pillars are thick, short, transversely fibrous, 0.09 mm. broad, four in 2 mm., superposed in a few places, and are thicker in the mame- lons. Some pairs of pillars bend together and form rings, but ring- pillars formed by upbends of the laminae, as in Stromatoporella, do not occur. The mamelon columns contain two to three vertical tubes. Galleries are rectangular, 0.15 mm. high, 0.39 mm. broad, regular in height, but vary in breadth. Overlying galleries are con- nected in some places by large foramina in the laminae to under- lying galleries; there are no pseudozooidal tubes. Dissepiments are sporadic, broad, low arches. Tangential section—The laminae are thick, transversely fibrous and porous in places. The pillars are round, radially fibrous, 0.10 to 0.12 mm. in diameter and average about 0.14 mm. apart; many coalesce and are joined by dissepiments. The galleries are large, connected and irregular in shape. The mamelons have three or four annuli of laminae and three to eight axial tubes. There are occasional rings next to the laminae, but they are neither as well formed nor as abundant as they are in Stromatoporella. Astrorhizae 128 BULLETIN 162 small, composed of a few short, thick, nonbranching radial canals, 0.25 mm. broad at the base. Stictostroma jeffersonvillense is characterized by the mame- lons, the thick laminae, and coarse network of laminae, pillars and dissepiments. S. jeffersonvillense differs from S. mcgraini in having thicker, more widely spaced laminae. Occurrence.—Seven specimens were collected from the Falls of the Ohio, at Jeffersonville, Indiana; two specimens are from the limestone quarry, east of Charlestown, Indiana; two specimens are from the Louisville Cement Company quarry at Speed, Indi- ana; and one specimen is from a roadcut on Highway 42, 3.3 miles southwest of Prospect, Kentucky, near Louisville. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 304-75, 76, from Jeffersonville, Ind., Cat. No. 5360. Paratypes.—Slides 282-7, 17; 295-2, 21, 22, 26, 27, 34-36, 38, 39, 44, 45, 65; 304-100; 305-32, 33. Stictostroma megraini Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. IDG Ao ules, BEL, 16 Coenosteum massive; the type is a fragment 10 cm. high and 8 cm. in diameter. Surface, with irregular mamelons, 5 to 10 mm. in diameter, 2 to 7 mm. high, and 7 to 15 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae are large, with broad, non-branching canals; latilaminae 1 to 2 mm. thick. Vertical section.—The laminae are thin, 0.04 mm. thick, close together, 11 in 2 mm., have distinct, fine, transverse pores, 0.014 mm. in diameter. The pillars are short, straight, inclined or spool- shaped, 0.10 mm. in diameter, four in 2 mm., with no indication of ring-pillars, and are rarely superposed. The galleries are quad- rangular, 0.40 mm. broad and 0.11 mm. high, rarely connected by foramina. Dissepiments are small, low to high arched, many oblique, common, but sporadic in occurrence, prominent in damaged areas and in the mamelons. Astrohizal canals are large, forming astro- rhizal cylinders. Tangential section—The pillars are mostly round, 0.09 mm. in diameter, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. apart. There are a few small rings, but no definite ring-pillars. The galleries occupy three to four times as DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 129 much area as the pillars, and have many curved dissepiments which join the pillars. The astrorhizae are large, up to 10 mm. or more in diameter, composed of large, unbranched, radial canals 0.62 mm. broad, with large dissepiments. The canals may appear short be- cause they are located in the mamelon centers and follow the steeply dipping slopes of the mamelons. Stictostroma mcgraint is characterized by the large mamelons, thin, closely spaced, porous laminae, round pillars, abundant small but sporadic dissepiments, and large, simple astrorhizal canals. It differs from S. mamuilliferum in being massive rather than la- minar and in having astrorhizae. This species is near Clathro- dictyon, differing in having definite and porous laminae. It is also close to Anostylostroma, differing in having larger laminar pores and less well-developed pillars. It emphasizes the close relationship of the three genera. It is similar to Anostylostroma insulare, differing in the porous, noncrumpled laminae and smaller but more numerous dissepiments, and round pillars. Occurrence—One specimen from the Middle Devonian, Jef- fersonville limestone was collected by Mr. P. McGrain, for whom the species is named, and Mr. F. H. Walker, from 3.3 miles south- west of Prospect, Ky., on Highway 42, near Louisville. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-27, 28, 29, 30. Cat. No. 5389. Genus STROMATOPORELLA Nicholson, 1886 Type species, Stromatopora granulata Nicholson, 1873, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, p. 94, pl. 4, fig. 3 (Mid. Dev., Arkona, Ont.). Stromatoporella Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 92, pl. 1, figs. 4, 5, 15; pl. 4, fig. 6; pl. 7, figs. 5, 6; 1891, vol. 44, p. 202, pl. 26, fig. 1 (S. granulata restricted to form from the Hamilton fm. of Arkona, Ont.) ; Parks, 1907, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 4, p. 29; 1936, No. 39, p. 90, pl. 16, figs. 1-7; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A45; Yavorsky, 1943, Acad. Sci. U. S. S. R., Compte Rendu (Doklady), vol. 39, No. 9, p. 369; 1950, Voprosy Paleontol., vol. 1, pp. 243-263, pls. 1-7 (In Russian): ?Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 152. Coenosteum laminar, massive or subramose, composed of thick laminae and wide interspaces which are traversed by short pillars of three kinds, (1) small, round, (2) large, hollow, cylin- 130 BuLLetTiIn 162 drical or oval pillars making thick-walled rings in tangential sec- tion, mostly formed by sharp upturns of the laminae, and (3) irregular. Pillars not regularly superposed. Dissepiments frequent. Superposed galleries may be connected by large foramina. Tissue coarsely to finely porous and fibrous transversely, not maculate. Astrorhizae largely developed. Silurian, rare; Devonian, abundant; Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, ?Carboniferous, Poland. About 80 species. Stromatoporella is similar to Stictostroma in vertical section, but differs in having abundant ring-pillars; from Anostylostroma it differs in the more porous tissue and the ring-pillars. The ring- pillars made of upturned laminae are the diagnostic feature of the genus. S. eriensis (Parks) and S. huronensis (Parks) have porous tissue, but the pores are difficult to detect; they have prominent ring-pillars. KEY TO DEVONIAN SPECIES OF STROMATOPORELLA FROM MIDWESTERN NORTH AMERICA la. Mamelons present 2a. Mamelons prominent, 8 or less in 4 sq. cm. 3a. Tubules in laminae anastomosing 4a. Laminae 8 to 10 in 2 mm. 5a. Papillae close-set; with ASGLOPMIZAC= seen ete n eos S. granulata Nicholson 5b. Papillae distant; no ASCEOHMZ Ay eee eee ee S. granulata distans Parks Ab: Vaminae >to 6 ani 2mm cee S. morelandensts, n. sp. 3b. Tubules transverse, straight 4c. Laminae distinctly porous Sc. Laminae 5 to 7 in 2 mm.; ring-pillars abundant 6a. Dissepimentswiatee eee S. selwynt Nicholson 6b. Dissepiments abundant 7a. Niamelonsslow,. domiall te-—eenees S. kirkt, n. sp. 7b. Mamelons high, conical .....S. solitaria Nicholson 5d. Laminae 9 to 10 in 2 mm., Fine=pillansysCanCe sess S. parasolitaria, n. sp. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 131 4d. Laminae transversely fibrous, INGIStIMCELY: POROUS! sce .h.seecsseee S. huronensis (Parks) 2b. Mamelons small, more than 8 in 4 sq. cm. 3c. Ring-pillars obscure, but large .....S. cryptoannulata, n. sp 3d. Ring-pillars abundant, of moderate CVA GL PLAST Sete eR tl ecate SP CMO eat eek er S. perannulata, n. sp. 1b. Mamelons absent 2c. Ring-pillars not superposed 3e. Ring-pillars, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter; laminar POres COMMON .reseeeeme S. cf. cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie) 3f. Ring-pillars, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diameter; laminar pores scarce ......... S. ertensis ( Parks) 2d. Ring-pillars superposed .ccceacceersscessceeens S. columbusensis, n. sp. Stromatoporella granulata (Nicholson) Pl. 7, figs. 3a, b Stromatopora granulata Nicholson, 1873, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, p. 94, pl. 4, figs. 3, 3a. (Included two species. Stromatoporella granulata, Hamilton age, and Stromatoporella selwyni, Onondaga age). Stromatoporella granulata (Nicholson), 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 10 (Mid. Dev., Hamilton fm., Ont.) ; 1886, Palaeont. Soc., VOL 305 jos SBS joll Wh itece 25 5, ISS ok Zh ames GS IE 7h ome, So GS ky Palaeont. Soc. vol. 46, p. 202, pl. 26, fig. 1. (Restricted species to Mid. Dev., Hamilton fm., Arkona, Ont.); Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Series, No. 39, p. 95, pl. 15, figs. 6, 7; pl. 16, figs. 1-7 (Mid. Dev., Hamilton fm., Arkona, Ont.). Coenosteum laminar, nonencrusting with wrinkled peritheca, irregular in shape, 0.2 to 3 cm. thick and up to 30 cm. in diameter. The surface has low, round or conical mamelons, 3 or 4 mm. in diameter, 0.7 to 1 mm. high and 5 to 12 mm. apart from center to center, and papillae, many with openings in the centers, the ring- pillars. Astrorhizae small, composed of simple canals radiating from the mamelon centers. Latilaminae 2 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—Laminae irregular, 0.05 to 0.14 mm. thick, 8 to 10 in 2 mm., composed of a single, thick layer of tissue with a clear median line and many anastomosing tubules. The laminae turn smoothly into the mamelons and sharply into the ring-pillars. Pillars are short, thick spools, 0.12 to 0.20 mm. broad, three to G2 BULLETIN 162 five in 2 mm. The laminar and pillar tissues are confluent and alike. Galleries are round to oval or subrectangular, 0.08 to 0.19 mm. high and one to six times as broad. Dissepiments common, thin to thick, broad to nearly flat, oblique, most common in the mame- lons. Tangential section—Pillars are round, or are thick rings, and variable in development. The round pillars are ordinarily more abundant than the ring-pillars. Ring-pillars in the interlaminar spaces have radially arranged tubules, the rings in or near the la- minae have tubules perpendicular to the plane of the thin section, so that they appear as clear, round dots, as they do in the solid pillars. The solid pillars are 0.09 to 0.12 mm. in diameter, the ring- pillars are 0.25 to 0.31 mm. in diameter, with lumina 0.07 to 0.10 mm. in diameter. Both ring-pillars and solid pillars are connected in many places by curved dissepiments. No definite astrorhizae were observed in the mamelons in the tangential section, but there are tabulate astrorhizal canals in the mamelons in vertical section, where the canals are 0.23 to 0.34 mm. broad. Stromatoporella granulata is characterized by the thin, irregu- lar, laminar coenosteum, with small, widely spaced mamelons and astrorhizae. S. granulata differs from S. granulata distans Parks in having more papillae and in having astrorhizae. Occurrence.—We have a good specimen from the Middle De- vonian, Hungry Hollow formation at the George Coultis and Son’s Brick and Tile Company clay pit, Thedford, Ontario. Plesiotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slide 282-38. Cat. No. 5390. We include a description and figures of the type species to emphasize the generic characters of Stromatoporella, the ring-pillars and porous tissue. Stromatoporella morelandensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Ply We esse talep Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 3 cm. thick, and 14 cm. in diameter; composed of latilaminae 2 to 3 mm. thick. Surface with conical mamelons, 3 to 5 mm. in diameter, 3 to 5 mm. high, 6 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 133 to 10 mm. apart from center to center. Papillae abundant, moder- ately large, high cones. Astrorhizae small, vague. The specimen has been silicified, but the structures are discernible. Vertical section.—The tissue is coarsely porous with anasto- mosing tubules, typical of Stromatoporella. The laminae are thick, 0.1 to 0.2 mm., five or six in 2 mm., and rise sharply into the mamelon columns. The pillars are thick, spool-shaped, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. broad, five to six in 2 mm., composed of tubulose tissue which coalesces with the laminar tissue. The ring-pillars are not prominent because of the thick laminae and pillars. Galleries are round to oval, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. high, one to three times as broad as they are high. Oblique dissepiments are common. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents 70 or 80 percent of the area of the thin section. The solid pillars are round, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diameter; the ring-pillars are common, thick- walled, 0.2 to 0.6 mm. in diameter, with lumina 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. Astrorhizae are small and simple, with short, broad canals 0.2 to 0.3 mm. wide near the base. Stromatoporella morelandensis is much like S. solitaria Nichol- son, but has smaller mamelons, thicker laminae and larger ring- pillars. It differs from S. selwyni Nicholson, in having mamelons and the laminae are thicker, and from S. tuberculata in having mamelons. Occurrence—The specimen was loaned by Professor B. F. Howell, of Princeton University and was reported to him as having come from the “Onondaga limestone” at Moreland, Lincoln Coun- ty, Kentucky. The junior author made a search at Moreland and elsewhere in Lincoln County, but found no specimens; all the limestone observed in the area is of Hamilton age. Holotype——Princeton University Paleontological Collections, specimen 830. Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slidesOO-10-11. 12, 13, 145'Cat.. No. 5388: Stromatoporella selwyni Nicholson Bis; ies) Was b Stromatoporella granulata Nicholson, (part) 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, pl. 1, fig. 14 (Mid. Dev., Onondaga ls., Ont.). Stromatoporella selwynit Nicholson, 1892, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 46, p. 205, pl. 26, figs. 2-4 (Mid. Dev., Onondaga ls., Port Colborne, Ont.) ; Parks, 134 BuLLETIN 162 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser. No. 39, p. 101, pl. 16, fig. 8; pl. 17, figs. 1, 2 (not figs. 5, 6) (Mid. Dev., Onondaga l|s., Selkirk, Ont.). Coenosteum massive, 5 cm. high, 12 cm. in diameter. The surface is not exposed, although large, irregular mamelons 8 to 10 mm. in diameter, 4 to 6 mm. high and 20 to 30 mm. apart from center to center are apparent on vertical surfaces and in thin sec- tion. No astrorhizae were observed. The latilaminae are 3 to 6 mm. thick. Vertical section——The laminae are thick, 0.1 mm., six in 2 mm., turn smoothly into the large mamelons and sharply into abundant ring-pillars. The round pillars are confined to one interlaminar space, are thin, thick and spool-shaped, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. broad, three to five in 10 mm., and separate from the laminae. The laminar and pillar tissue is altered and partly destroyed by silicification, but the tissue was typical for the genus Stromatoporella, with numer- ous transverse tubules in pillars and laminae. The galleries are oval to rectangular, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. high, 1 to 2 times as broad. Simple, straight, tabulate tubes, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. broad are situated in the center of the mamelons. Dissepiments are few, thin and convex, horizontal to inclined. Tangential section—The round, solid pillars are 0.15 to 0.2 mm. in diameter and the hollow ring-pillars are thick-walled and abundant, 0.28 to 0.43 mm. in diameter, with lumina 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. The mamelon tubes are simple, round, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. in diameter. The galleries occupy about three times the area of the pillars. The laminae are conspicuously porous. Stromatoporella selwyni Nicholson is characterized by large, irregular mamelons, coarse meshwork of thick laminae and pillars, thick-walled ring-pillars and scarce dissepiments. It differs from S. eriensis (Parks) in having thicker laminae and pillars and larger but less numerous ring-pillars. Occurrence.—One large specimen was collected by Mr. Guy Campbell from the Middle Devonian, basal Jeffersonville lime- stone, one mile northwest of Hanover, Indiana, and one specimen from the same horizon, two miles northwest of Butlerville, In- diana, was collected by Dr. William J. Wayne. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 135 Plestotypes—Indiana University Paleontological Collections slides 295-58; 305-83. Cat. No. 5373. >) Stromatoporella kirki Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 8, figs. 2a, b Coenosteum massive, 3 cm. high and 4 cm. in diameter. Sur- face covered, but thin sections indicate that it has large mamelons 10 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, and 10 to 15 mm. apart from center to center; astrorhizae absent; latilaminae are vague, 1 to 8 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are in general straight, com- posed of a single fibrous layer, 0.07 to 0.17 mm. thick, five to seven in 2 mm., turning smoothly into the mamelons. The solid pillars are somewhat spool-shaped, rarely superposed, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. broad, four to seven in 2 mm. Upturns of the laminae making ring-pillars are common, and the hollow usually extends only part way across the interlaminar space, the rest of the pillar above the lumen is solid, about the same size as the solid pillars. Pores are dif- ficult to distinguish, but are vertical in laminae, round pillars and in ring-pillars. The galleries are oval to rectangular, 0.14 to 0.26 mm. high and 1/2 to 2 times as broad. There are some foramina be- tween galleries in adjacent rows, but no pseudozooidal tubes. Dis- sepiments are highly arched and abundant. Tangential section—The ordinary pillars are 0.15 to 0.20 mm. in diameter, 0.09 to 0.21 mm. apart, and are round or oval, and many are tied by dissepiments. Ring-pillars are only about one- tenth as abundant as the ordinary pillars, 0.22 to 0.29 mm. in dia- meter, with lumina 0.06 to 0.14 mm. in diameter. The pores in the tissue are much more distinct than they are in vertical section, appearing as clear, round dots about 0.02 mm. in diameter in the ordinary pillars, laminae and ring-pillars; the dots are not maculae, but pores. The pores are radial in the ring-pillars of most species of Stromatoporella. No typical astrorhizae were observed, though some of the mamelons show indications of radial canals. The cut dissepi- ments make thin-walled rings. Stromatoporella kirki is characterized by the abundance of small dissepiments and by the pores in the laminae, round pillars and ring-pillars, which appear as clear, round dots in tangential 136 BULLETIN 162 section rather than as radial lines. S. kirki differs from S. selwynt Nicholson in the abundant dissepiments; it differs from S. solitara Nicholson in having large, low domal mamelons rather than high conical mamelons and has larger ring-pillars and more dissepi- ments. Occurrence-—We have one specimen collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone, at the Meshberger Stone Company quarry, eight miles southeast of Columbus, In- diana, by Mr. R. E. Kirk, of Indiana University, for whom the species 1s named. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slidesiSO6sI5 201617551 8aiCaty Non 753170: Stromatoporella solitaria Nicholson Pl 8) fess esas Stromatoporella eifeliensis Nicholson (part), 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Seir, 55 wolb 1/5 jos BSS, fol Gy ech 5, 7 (Gore |). Stromatoporella solitaria Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc. London, vol. 39, text fig. 7, pl. 7, fig. 4; 1892, vol. 46, p. 210, pl. 27, figs. 4-7, text fig. 28 (Mid. Dev., Gerolstein, Germany). Coenosteum flat, massive, up to 5 cm. high and 12 cm. in diameter. The surface has large, high, conical mamelons, 4 to 8 mm. in diameter, 2 to 5 mm. high, and 5 to 10 mm. apart from center to center, one or two per sq. cm. Astrorhizae small, obscure, in the mamelon axes. Latilaminae 1 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, strongly undulating into the mamelons and intermamelon areas, and are bent upward at sharp angles into abundant, distinct, moderate-sized ring-pillars. The laminae are transversely fibrous as ordinarily seen, but are coarsely porous in places, 0.05 to 0.07 mm. thick, five to seven la- minae in 2 mm., and may have foramina between galleries. The solid pillars are rodlike, 0.08 to 0.12 mm. thick, two to three in 2 mm.; the ring-pillars are 0.2 to 0.3 mm. broad, with large hollow centers, about two in 2 mm. A thin, straight, tabula is located at or near the base of the hollow center of some of the larger ring- pillars. The ordinary pillars are transversely fibrous and the ring- pillars have the same kind of fibrous and porous tissue as the laminae. The galleries are rectangular, averaging 0.18 mm. high DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 137 and variable in width. Dissepiments are few, broad and sporadic. Large tabulate tubes, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. broad, occur in the axes of some of the mamelon columns. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 30 percent of the thin section. Round pillars are few and average 0.11 mm. in diameter. Ring-pillars are abundant, and have an average outer diameter of 0.2 to 0.3 mm., with an inner diameter of half as much; some are C-shaped. Both laminae and ring-pillars are trans- versely fibrous and in places coarsely perforate. The galleries are irregular in form and anastomose about the solid and ring-pillars. Astrorhizae are nontypical, appearing as large, stellate pores, 0.4 to 0.6 mm. in diameter in some of the mamelon axes. Astrorhizal canals do not seem to be developed. Dissepiments are few. Stromatoporella solitaria is characterized by large, conical ma- melons, small, stellate astrorhizae, axial tubes lacking definite astrorhizal canals, and abundant ring-pillars. The Indiana specimens appear to be identical, structure by structure, with the German type. It is similar to S. ertensis (Parks), differing in the presence of mamelons. Occurence.—Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. A specimen with surface well preserved is from Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-84, 85; 295-97, 98; 303-3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Cat. No. 5326. Stromatoporella parasolitaria Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 8, figs, 4a, b Coenosteum flat; fragments are up to 4 cm. high and 20 cm. in diameter. The surface has conical mamelons 5 mm. in diameter, 2 to 3 mm. high and 10 to 15 mm. apart from center to center, and small, sporadic astrorhizae, with short, radial canals. Latila- minae vague, 2 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical sectionLaminae are closely spaced, 9 to 10 in 2 mm., 0.06 mm. thick, with light-colored median, transversely porous layer, and thin, upper and lower layers which are darker in color than the median layer; the laminar structure is nearly identical 138 BULLETIN 162 with that of S. granulata (Nicholson, 1886, pl. 1, fig. 5). The la- minae turn smoothly into the mamelons, and are inflected into low ring-pillars. Short, straight or spool-shaped pillars, five to eight in 2 mm., 0.07 mm. broad, are transversely fibrous and do not thicken in the mamelons. The galleries are oval to rectangular, 0.15 mm. high, and variable in breadth. Astrorhizal canals occur sporadically throughout the section, recognizable by their large size. They may be superposed, and a few mamelons have an axial tube. Dissepi- ments are common, mostly small, convex upward, and commonly oblique to the laminae. There are a few foramina through the laminae. Tangential section.—tThe solid pillars are abundant, round, oval to elongate, 0.12 mm. in diameter, four to eight in 2 mm.; the ring- pillars are rare to common, 0.3 mm. in diameter, with an inside diameter of 0.13 mm., and may be missing in most of the section, but both kinds of pillars are more numerous than the illustrated section shows (pl. 8, fig. 4b). The pillars, of both kinds, are in places tied together by dissepiments. The galleries constitute about twice the area of the pillars. The astrorhizae are sporadically de- veloped but are indicated by a few large, simple, broad, bifurcating canals, about 0.5 mm. broad at their base. The tissue of the round pillars is finely, radially fibrous; the tissue of the ring-pillars is both radially fibrous and radially porous. Stromatoporella parasolitaria is characterized by irregular mamelons, small astrorhizae, close-set, tripartite laminae, and few ring-pillars. Because of the paucity of ring-pillars in many places, it may be mistaken for Stictostroma, especially since sporadic rings occur in some species of Stictostroma. S. parasolitaria differs from S. solitaria Nicholson (1886, pl. 7. fig. 4; 1892, p. 210, pl. 27, figs. 4-7) in having more closely spaced laminae, 9 to 10 instead of 6 in 2 mm., and much fewer ring-pillars. It differs from S. cf. cellulosa (Nicholson) in having sporadic mamelons, and the laminae are closer together. Excepting for mamelons, S. parasolitaria seems to be identical with Clathro- dictyon amygdaloides subvesiculosum Lecompte (1951, p. 143, pl. 18, figs. 3, 3a, 3b), which is a Stromatoporella, showing ring-pillars in both vertical and tangential sections; but in the absence of DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 139 sections for comparison, we hesitate to identify the two forms. The bases of some of the specimens were crushed before infiltration having precisely the appearance of “Clathrodictyon” townsendi Parks (1936; pl. 4.figs. 15°25 3). Occurrence.—Three specimens were collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at Charlestown, Indiana, one highly infested with Syringopora. One fine specimen like S. solitaria but having closer laminae, was collected from the Middle Devonian Onondaga limestone on the school road at Ridgemont, Ontario, by Mr. John Sargent of The Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 282-18, 19; 305-50. Cat. No. 5374. Paratypes.—Slides 282-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 20, 21; 285-68, 69; 305-63. Stromatoporella huronensis (Parks) Pl. 9, figs. 1a-d Stictostroma huronense Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol., Ser., No. 39, p. 83, pl. 7, figs. 1-3 (Mid. Dev., Traverse, Long Lake, Alpena Co., Mich.). Coenosteum massive, lenticular, 22 cm. in diameter, 7 cm. thick. Surface with large, unequal, domal mamelons, 5 to 15 mm. in diameter, 2 to 8 mm. high. The mamelons are mostly terminated by a large, round pore. Astrorhizae absent. Papillae abundant, many have terminal pores, identifying them as ring- pillars. Latilaminae 3 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are straight or gently curved, in part curving downward into solid pillars, more commonly curving abruptly upward into ring-pillars, and curving strongly into the mamelons. In places there are long galleries without pillars. There are a few foramina through the laminae. The laminae are 0.03 to 0.08 mm. thick, seven or eight in 2 mm. The tissue is mostly transversely fibrous, and porous in places. Pillars less regular than the laminae, averaging eight in 2 mm., 0.05 to 0.08 mm. broad, becoming thicker in the mamelons, especially where the pillars are adjacent to mamelon tubes. Laminae and _ pillars are made of the same transversely fibrous tissue. Dissepiments 140 BuLLETIN 162 are common, especially where the laminae are farthest apart or have been damaged. A single, straight, wall-less tube, 0.4 to 0.5 mm. broad, traversed by curved tabulae, is located in the center of each mamelon. Tangential section—The solid pillars are round, 0.08 to 0.13 mm. in diameter, a few are oblong. The ring-pillars are 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, with lumina 0.07 to 0.11 mm. in diameter, and some are C-shaped and some are small. The _ ring-pillars tend to open outward and the solid pillars to turn inward on the flanks of the mamelons where they are cut obliquely. The mamelon tubes are irregular, 0.5 to 0.8 mm. in diameter, surrounded by a thick irregular mass of fibrous tissue. Some long dissepiments connect the pillars to each other and to the laminae. Stromatoporella huronensis is characterized by the large, domal mamelons, moderate number of ring-pillars of average size, and fibrous laminae. Our specimen agrees well with Parks’ description, though the vertical section has ring-pillars more the size of those in S. eriensis than that illustrated by Parks (1936, pl. 7, fig. 1). Parks’ illustration may be somewhat atypical. S. huronensis resembles S. solitaria, differing in the size of the mame- lons, and the lack of astrorhizae. It differs from S. ertensts (Parks) (1936, p. 81, pl. 5, figs. 1-4) in having mamelons and fewer ring- pillars. The species differs from S. basilu Yavorsky (1950, p. 262, pl. 7, figs. 4, 5), also in having mamelons and fewer ring-pillars, which is nearly identical with S. eriensis. We place this species in Stromatoporella on account of the ring-pillars which are gen- erally lacking in Stictostroma. Parks did not see the transverse tubules in the laminae, which his type specimen has. Although our specimen seems to fit Parks’ description well, our figures show more upturns into ring-pillars, and our specimen may not belong to S. huronensis Parks, from the Traverse of Michigan. Occurrence—A single, finely preserved specimen was found in a yard at Camden, Carroll County, Indiana, by Mr. G. O. Win- ston. There are no outcrops at Camden, which is underlain by glacial drift. The specimen is preserved in a similar fashion and has the general appearance of other specimens from the Logans- port limestone. Since the Logansport limestone occurs beneath DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 141 the glacial drift within a mile of Camden, to the northeast, and since stromatoporoids occur in Logansport limestone beds near the city of Logansport, to the northeast of Camden, we feel sure that the specimen came originally from bedrock near Camden, Indiana. We did not find this species at Logansport. Plestotype——Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 282-88, 89, 90, 91. Cat. No. 5375. Stromatoporella cryptoannulata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Eos Wess ecaseD Coenosteum massive, up to 7 cm. high and 19 cm. in diameter. The surface has small mamelons 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, 0.5 mm. high and 3 to 4 mm. apart from center to center. Small astrorhizae are located in the mamelon axes, with many short, radial canals which appear to coalesce with the canals from adjacent astrorhizae. Latilaminae are 1 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thick, 0.1 to 0.15 mm., seven to eight in 2 mm., and turn up into mamelon columns, and also turn up into the overlying laminae in simple pillars and obscure ring-pillars. The laminae are transversely fibrous and flocculent, with a complicated system of anastomosing tubules, making swirls, especially where the laminae merge into pillars, giving the identical appearance of that of Stromatoporella eifeliensis Nicholson (1886, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2, 3). The swirls are not shown well in our figure because the section is too thick. The pillars are thick, spool-shaped averaging nearly 0.3 mm. broad but vary greatly, made of the same material and structure as the laminae, not superposed except in the mamelon columns. The galleries are oval and elongate horizontally, about as high as the laminae are thick. A few gal- leries are joined by foramina with overlying galleries. There are no pseudozooidal tubes. Dissepiments are rare. The mamelon axes have several subparallel, nearly vertical astrorhizal tubes. Astrorhizal canals are round in cross section, located mostly on the flanks of the astrorhizal columns, and are slightly larger than the galleries, up to 0.2 mm. in diameter. Tangential section—tThe skeletal tissue represents about 70 percent of the area of the thin section. The laminae make broad 142 BULLETIN 162 rings about the mamelons. The pillars are in part round, radially fibrous and porous, and are in part thick rings which are obscure because they coalesce with the laminar tissue and with other ring- pillars. The solid pillars are 0.13 mm. in diameter. The ring-pillars are large and thick-walled, have an outside diameter of 0.3 to 0.4 mm. and an inside diameter of 0.15 mm. The galleries are small and irregular. Tubes in the mamelons are multiple, up to nine tubes in some mamelons, 0.15 mm. in diameter. The mamelon tubes may be confused with coalescent ring-pillars for they have much the same diameter. The astrorhizae are small, with broad, frequently branching canals which average 0.15 mm. broad near the base. The laminae and pillars being composed of the same tissue of radial fibers and anastomosing tubules, are largely amal- gamated, but the tissue is not maculate. Stromatoporella cryptoannulata is a typical Stromatoporella in tissue structure. It is characterized by small mamelons, thick laminae with anastomosingly porous, fibrous tissue; multiple tubes in the mamelon columns; large, obscure, ring-pillars; few dissepi- ments; and small irregular astrorhizae. The species is named for the hidden nature of the ring-pillars which can be distinguished with difficulty in vertical section and which are easily overlooked in tangential section. S. cryptoannulata resembles S. eifeliensis Nicholson (1892, p. 208) in tissue structure but differs in many other respects. It resembles S. damnontensts Nicholson (1892, p. 207) but differs in the stronger mamelons with multiple, tubular axes. Occurrence ——TIwo specimens were collected from the Middle Devonian lower Logansport limestone, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 278-8, 9; 294-8, 9. Cat. No. 5327. Paratype.—Slides 303-75, 76. Stromatoporella perannulata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. 1 Gy aie, Be, 1h Stromatoporella cellulosa Parks, 1936, (not Nicholson), Univ. ‘Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 108, pl. 4, figs. 6, 7. (Mid Dev., Onondaga drift, Simcoe, Ont.). DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND St. JEAN 143 Coenosteum massive, fragments are 2.5 cm. high, 8 cm. in diameter. The surface, based on vertical and tangential sections, has irregular mamelons, 4 to 6 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, and 10 mm. apart from center to center. Latilaminae are difficult to distinguish, about 1.5 to 2 mm. thick. Astrorhizae absent. Vertical section—The skeleton has a lacy appearance and is composed of thin, strongly undulating laminae which are crenulate and turn sharply into the abundant ring-pillars. The laminae are transversely porous, and tripartite in many places with a clear, transversely porous, median layer and thin, upper and_ lower, darker layers. The laminae are about 0.07 mm. thick, five to six in 2 mm. The solid pillars are 0.08 mm. broad, three to eight in 4 mm.; the ring-pillars are nearly twice as abundant as the solid pillars. Both laminae and pillars are transversely porous and fibrous. The galleries are subrectangular averaging 0.26 mm. high and 0.41 mm. broad. The dissepiments are broadly curved and irregular, common to abundant. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about thirty percent of the thin section. The solid pillars are abundant, round, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, some coalescent, about as numerous as the ring-pillars. The ring-pillars are striking in their abundance, about six occur in a field 2 mm. in diameter. They have an outside diameter of 0.2 to 0.4 mm. and an inside diameter of 0.15 to 0.2 mm. The tissue of the round pillars is radially fibrous; that of the ring-pillars is radially porous. The laminar tissue is mostly fibrous and is tubulose in a few places. Dissepiments con- nect many of the solid and ring-pillars. Stromatoporella perannulata is characterized by _ irregular mamelons, thin, undulating and crenulate laminae, and a great abundance of ring-pillars with large lumina relative to their outer diameter. S. perannulata differs from S. cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie) in having smaller, and a far greater number of ring-pillars for a given area. S. perannulata is exactly the same as the speci- men identified by Parks (1936, pl. 4, figs. 6, 7) as S. cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie). It differs from S. solitaria Nicholson in the greater abundance of ring-pillars and dissepiments. From S. erien- sis (Parks) (1936, pl. 5, figs. 1-4) S. perannulata differs in having 144 BuLLETIN 162 mamelons, thinner less regular laminae, and more dissepiments. Occurrence-—Two specimens were collected by Mr. Preston McGrain and Mr. F. H. Walker, from the Middle Devonian, Jef- fersonville limestone at the Jefferson County quarry, 1.2 miles northeast of the Louisville, Kentucky city limits on U. S. High- way 42. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-42, 43, 52. Cat. No. 5391. Paratypes.—Slides 305-44, 45. Stromatoporella cf. cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie) Pl. 10, figs. la, b Clathrodictyon cellulosum Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 14, p. 221, pl. 2, figs. 6-10 (Mid. Dev., Onondaga ls., Wainfleet, Ont.) ; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 43, 78, text) figs, 25 11 1887, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, ser 55 voll 19sipatdnmplanzs figs. 7, 8 (Mid. Dev., Onondaga ls., Port Colborne, Ont.). Stromatoporella cellulosa Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Series, No. 39, p. 108, pl. 4, fig. 8. (After Nicholson. Not figs. 6, 7=S. peran- nulata, n. sp.) ) Clathrodictyon aff. cellulosum Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 116, p. 140, pl. 17, figs. 2, 2a (Mid. Dev., Couvinian, Ardennes, Belgium). Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 1.5 cm. high and 5 cm. in diameter. Mamelons and astrorhizae are absent. The latilaminae are 2 to 5 mm. 'thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, 0.04 to 0.06 mm. thick, six to eight in 2 mm. and turn up into many ring-pillars. The pillars are in part short and rodlike, and in part open, trun- cated conical, not superposed. The solid pillars are 0.08 to 0.10 mm. broad, four in 2 mm., and transversely fibrous. Ring-pillars are abundant, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. broad. The tissue of the laminae and ring-pillars is transversely tubulose but irregularly developed. The galleries are oval or elongate, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. high with a breadth one to four times the height; the cellular appearance of the vertical section is due to the abundant upturns of the ring-pillars. Dissepi- ments are rare, usually broad. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 50 percent of the thin section, and shows the large galleries rather than chambers or cells. The round pillars are 0.11 mm. in diameter, DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 145 the ring-pillars are abundant, some are C-shaped, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter with lumina 0.06 to 0.07 mm. in diameter, and connected by long dissepiments. Astrorhizae absent. The specimen is strongly infested with tubes of Syringopora, 1 mm. in diameter, which have infundibular tabulae; this specimen demonstrates that caunopore tubes are the corallites of the coral Syringopora. The laminae are damaged and dip down to the coral. Stromatoporella cf. cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie), as we understand it, 1s characterized by the lack of mamelons and astro- rhizae, by thin laminae, thin closely spaced pillars, the cell-like galleries, abundant ring-pillars, and few dissepiments. Nichol- son and Murie’s original description of the species is not ade- quate, even for the identification of the genus, nor are Nichol- son’s figures in his monograph, (text figs. 2A, B). No _ rings were mentioned or figured but in his last publication of the species (Nicholson, 1887, pl. 2, fig. 8), several large rings are clearly figured, as well as long dissepiments connecting the _pil- lars. Parks (1936, p. 109, figs. 6, 7) described and figured a specimen from the Onondaga drift at Simcoe, Ontario, which has much more irregular and thinner laminae, and more numer- ous and smaller ring-pillars than Nicholson’s specimen. We have placed Parks’ form in our new species, Stromatoporella perannulata. Our species appears to be different from Nicholson’s last descrip- tion and figure of S. cellulosa in that the ring-pillars are smaller and more numerous, and the laminae are closer together. The species is similar to S. amygdaloides suwbvesiculosa (Lecompte ) (1951, p. 143, pl. 18, figs. 3, 3a, b) which shows ring-pillars in both vertical and tangential sections, but our species has no astrorhizae. There is much doubt as to what Nicholson and Murie’s species 1s. Occurrence-—One small fragmentary specimen was collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at Big Spring, two miles west of Hanover, Indiana, by Mr. Guy Campbell. Plesiotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 295-56, 57; 305-51. Cat. No. 5376, Stromatoporella eriensis (Parks) Pin Os ness 2a. Db Stictostroma eriense Parks, 1936, Uniy. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 146 BuLLeETIN 162 39, p. 81, pl. 5, figs. 1-4 (Mid. Dev., Columbus limestone, Marblehead, Ohio). Coenosteum massive, up to 4 cm. high and 10 cm. in dia- meter; surface broadly undulatory, without mamelons, astrorhizae or papillae; latilaminae thin, 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—Laminae thin, broadly curved, 0.02 to 0.05 mm. thick, six to eight in 2 mm., sharply inflected into abundant, high, cylindrical ring-pillars, which extend through one _inter- laminar space. Galleries polygonal to elongate, with a few foramina through the laminae. Two to six solid pillars and ring-pillars in 2 mm. Tissue compact, finely fibrous transversely, with transverse pores in places. Dissepiments are rare but occur where growth has been interfered with. Tangential section—The solid pillars are round, 0.10 to 0.15 mm. in diameter and 0.1 to 0.4 mm. apart. The ring-pillars are round, with an inner diameter of 0.08 to 0.15 mm., and an outer diameter of 0.3 to 0.4 mm., 0.1 to 1.2 mm. apart, more abundant than the solid pillars, and a few are tied by dissepiments. Stromatoporella eriensis is characterized by the lack of mame- lons and astrorhizae, by abundant, cylindrical ring-pillars and solid pillars in about equal numbers, and by the fibrous tissue in which the transverse pores are easily overlooked. The species dif- fers from S. huronensis (Parks) in lacking mamelons, and in having larger and more abundant ring-pillars. It belongs in Stromato- porella, rather than Stictostroma which does not have ring-pillars. Our vertical section has coarser structure than is normal in the specimen and in the species, but it is like the type sections, which we have examined. The main difference between S. eriensis and our understanding of S. cf. cellulosa is in the finer and fewer pores in the laminae, the more widely spaced laminae, and the fewer dis- sepiments of S. eriensts. Occurrence——The figured specimens are from the Columbus limestone at Columbus, Ohio, obtained in exchange with Ohio State University; at the Dublin quarry, Dublin, Ohio, collected by Prof. A. LaRocque; and 1.2 miles west of East Liberty, Ohio, collected by Dr. W. J. Wayne. One specimen from the same DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 147 horizon at Columbus, Ohio, was loaned to us from the Ohio State University Museum by Dr. Mildred F. Marple. Plesiotypes.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides™ 282-48, 49; 50; 303-8,.93-305-315 59:60; 306-21, 22: Cat. No. 5401. Ohio State University Museum Paleontological Collec- tions, specimen 3855, and two unnumbered slides. Stromatoporella columbusensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ledl, alQ), aa¥SR, BR 16) Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 5 cm. high and 11 cm. in diameter. The surface, based on thin sections and polished sur- faces, is smooth, lacking mamelons or astrorhizae. Latilaminae are thin, 1 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are straight, thin, 0.03 to 0.05 mm. thick, six or seven in 2 mm., and are strongly porous trans- versely. Solid pillars are short, thin, widely spaced, rodlike, many pendant from the lower sides of the laminae or flaring toward the top, 0.1 mm. broad, up to six in 2 mm. The laminae turn up into ring-pillars, 0.3 mm. broad, two to three in 2 mm., many of which are superposed. The galleries are rectangular, 0.17 to 0.5 mm. high, and up to 3 mm. broad. Dissepiments are broadly arched, rare to common. Tangential section—The laminae are pierced by a close set meshwork of round, elongate and anastomosing pores, not maculae. The pillars are in part round, but largely branching, vermicular and confluent plates near the laminae, formed by the pendant pillars, and largely ring-pillars between the laminae. The round pillars are 0.1 mm. in diameter, the platelike pillars are 0.1 mm. thick, up to 0.8 mm. long, transversely fibrous, and the ring-pillars are 0.3 mm. apart, 0.2 mm. in diameter, radially porous with lumina 0.1 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are rare. Stromatoporella columbusensis is characterized by the lack of mamelons and astrorhizae, by the thin, porous laminae, the superposed ring-pillars, and the branching, platelike, pendant pil- lars. Occurrence.—One specimen was collected from the Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone, at Snouffer’s quarry on the east 148 BULLETIN 162 bank of the Scioto River, five miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slide 282-54. Cat. No. 5402. Family ACTINOSTROMATIDAE Nicholson, 1886* Family Actinostromidae Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 74. Family Actinostromatidae Stechow, 1922, Archiv. Naturg., Abt. A, vol. 88, Hette 3, ps) 151: Coenosteum laminar or massive, rarely cylindrical, composed of definite laminae and continuous or superposed, strong pillars. The laminae are regular, irregular or irregularly cystose, with much secondary thickening tissue. Skeletal tissue compact or vacuolate, not maculate. Galleries usually superposed. Astrorhizae present or absent. Silurian common, Devonian abundant. KEY TO PALEOZOIC GENERA OF ACTINOSTROMATIDAE la. Pillars connected by radial processes in the lanai aes ak 28 aati ere ACTINOSTROMA 1b. Pillars not connected by radial processes 2a. Pillars throughout interlaminar spaces 3a. Laminae with tramsverse POres deccec GERRONOSTROMA 3b. Laminae without transverse pores oes TRUPETOSTROMA 2b. Pillars’ “only” imethe smamelons) {22.0 eas LopHIOSTROMA Genus ACTINOSTROMA Nicholson, 1886 Type species, 4. clathratum Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 75, ple we igs. 8-131) splay 2) figs Il py Sl epi 12) figs 1 Sa (Vird as Devs Gerolstein, Germany); Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 116, p. 67. Rosenia Waagen and Wentzel, 1887, Mem. Geol. Sury. India, Pal. Indica, ser. 13, vol. 1, p. 943, monotypic, Stromatopora astroites Rosen (Silurian, Oesel Island); Nicholson, 1889, Palaeont. Soc., vol. +2, p. 143, pl. 17, figs. 1-7. Actinostromella Boehnke, 1915, Palaeontographica, Beitr. Natur. Vorzeit, vol. 61, p. 162. Type species (first species), 4. tubulata Boehnke, ibid., text figs. 6, 7 (Silurian boulders, N. Germany). (Differs from Actinostroma only in haying wall-less, tabulated tubes, of doubtful significance.) Coenosteum massive, laminar to globular, some latilaminate, * The plural of stroma is stromata, the stem is stromat, hence, Actinos- tromatidae. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 149 composed of strong laminae and strong, continuous pillars. Pillars with or without lumina, connected in the laminae with three to six adjoining pillars by straight radiating processes. Tissue com- pact. Surface tuberculate. Astrorhizae generally present. Silurian and Devonian; Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, Australia. Over 70 species. Actinostroma trentonense Ulrich and Everett (1890, Ill. State Geol. Surv., vol. 8, p. 282, pl. 7, fig. 3) is surely a sponge. We include the original figures and a description of the type species to show the diagnostic characters of the genus. Actinostroma clathratum Nicholson PIV 10; tigs) 4a) b Actinostroma clathratum Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 76, pl. 1, figs. 8-13; pl. 2, fig. 11 (Mid. Dev., Gerolstein, Germany) ; 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 17, p. 226, pl. 6, figs. 1-3 (Mid. Dev., Hebborn, Germany and Dartington, England); 1889. Palaeont. Soc., vol. 42, p. 131, pl. 12, figs. 1-5; pl. 13, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev. Hebborn, Ger- many and Teignmouth and Dartington, England); 1890, Geol. Mag., decade 3, vol. 7, p. 193, pl. 8, figs. 8a, b (Mid. Dev., Western Australia) ; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 77, pl. 1, figs. 1-12 (Mid. Dey., Givetian and Frasnian, Belgium). The following description is based on the original description and figures by Nicholson, and on the redescription and new figures of the type by Lecompte. Coenosteum massive, up to 18 cm. in diameter. The surface is without mamelons but has numerous round papillae which represent the ends of the pillars. Astrorhizae are present in some specimens and not in others, usually small and inconspicuous, imperfect, irregular in distribution, not superposed. Latilaminae are 1 to 6 mm. thick. Vertical section—Laminae straight or slightly undulatory, composed of a single layer of compact tissue, 0.07 to 0.10 mm. thick, six to eight in 2 mm. Pillars long, extending through many laminae, nearly parallel, averaging 0.10 to 0.12 mm. broad, 8 to 10 in 2 mm. The pillars increase in number outward by inter- calation. Galleries mostly square, 0.15 to 0.18 mm. high. Dis- sepiments are absent. Tangential section.—Pillars round, some have a small central 150 BULLETIN 162 lumen; radial processes, 0.01 to 0.02 mm. thick, make an angular meshwork, leaving successive galleries connected by foramina. The astrorhizae are small, with canals which are 0.2 mm. broad at the base. Actinostroma clathratum Nicholson is characterized by the lack of mamelons, by the obscure astrorhizae, and by the promi- nent coarse, radial arms on the pillars. Occurrence.—The type is from the Middle Devonian of Gerol- stein, Germany. The species has been identified from the Middle Devonian of England, Belgium, other areas in Germany, south- east Asia, and Australia. We did not find this species in our midwestern material. Actinostroma tyrrelli Nicholson Pl an hic shee Actinostroma Tyrrellii Nicholson, 1891, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 7, p. 317, pl. 8, figs. 4, 5, text fig. 1 (Mid. Dev., Lake Winnipegosis, Canada); Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 121, pl. 19, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Presqu’ile dolo., Great Slave Lake, Canada). Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 4 cm. high and 7 cm. in diameter. The surface is undulatory but lacks definite mamelons. Papillae are small and round. Astrorhizae are distinguished only on a polished surface, are small but typical, about 3 mm. in dia- meter and 3 to 5 mm. apart from center to center. The latilaminae average | to 2 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thin, nearly straight, slightly crenulated, closely spaced laminae and _ long, thicker pillars. The laminae are 0.03 mm. thick, 18 to 20 in 2 mm. and made by the rays from the pillars at concordant levels and flat extensions from the rays, and are therefore discontinuous. The pillars are straight and thin, 10 to 12 in 2 mm., 0.06 mm. broad. The galleries are low, rectangular or arched upward, aver- aging 0.08 mm. high and 0.20 mm. broad, closer at the junction of latilaminae. The tissue of both the laminae and pillars is very compact, and the pillars have a thin, dark axis, but ordinarily no lumina. Round or oval astrorhizal canals, 0.18 to 0.26 mm. in diameter, are scattered through the section, but are not con- spicuous; the astrorhizae are not superposed and do not make mamelons or columns. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 151 Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 40 percent of the thin section, where cut between laminae. The pil- lars are round, 0.09 to 0.1 mm. in diameter, 0.15 to 0.2 mm. apart, and connected by four to six thin, radial arms, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. broad. The galleries are connected around the pillars, and polygonal between the radial arms. The astrorhizae are small and obscure, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, composed of thin, short, branching canals about 0.1 mm. broad at the base, without axial tube. The thin, close-set laminae, small pillars, and small astrorhizae characterize the species. The texture of the skeleton is unusually fine for the genus. Occurrence.—One well-preserved specimen, which fits Nichol- son’s type, was collected from the Middle Devonian Logansport limestone at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 303-67, 68, 100. Cat. No. 5328. Genus GERRONOSTROMA Yavorsky, 1931 Type species (first species, here selected), G. elegans Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United’ Geol) Prosp: Service, U. S. S! R:) vol! 50; fase. 94, p. 1406, pli 1, fig. 12; pl. 2, figs. 3-6 (Mid. Dev., Kuznetsk Basin, south of Bachat, Russia) ; Riabinin, 1941, U. S. S. R. Acad. Sci., Palaeont. Inst., vol. 1, Pals LO8: Coenosteum massive or nodular, with definite, thick laminae and wide interlaminar spaces. Pillars strong, superposed through many interlaminar spaces, spool-shaped between laminae, not composed of rods, nor with lumina. In tangential section the pil- lars are round or coalescing, without radial processes. Laminar tissue transversely porous, vacuolate; galleries superposed, fre- quently with dissepiments. Astrorhizae present or absent. Middle and Upper Devonian, Kuznetsk Basin, Urals, and Leningrad regions, Russia; Middle Devonian, Indiana. Six species. This genus is similar to Hermatostroma, but the laminae and pillars are not bordered with clear tissue. G. concentrica and G. batschatense resemble Trupetostroma, even to the presence of vacuoles in the tissue. Yavorsky considered the genus to be like 5 BULLETIN 162 Actinostroma but without radial processes from the pillars. A topotype of G. elegans sent to us by Mr. Yavorsky has laminae extending between short, superposed pillars, the laminar tissue is transversely porous, and the pillar tissue is transversely fibrous; small vacuities are the remnants of galleries. KEY TO AMERICAN DEVONIAN SPECIES OF GERRONOSTROMA la. Mamelons large, irregular, 7 mm. in GAIN ET ET ica tt asec ME Ss BAe cere eee an G. elegans Yavorsky 1b. Mamelons small, 1 to 3 mm. in diameter 2a. Miamelon columns! plicate (222. G. plectile, n. sp. 2b. Mamelon columns nonplicate jan Dissepiments abundant (2s G. excellens, n. sp 3b. Dissepiments rare to common .....G. cf. insolitum (Parks ) Gerronostroma elegans Yavorsky Pl; 1a) figs) 2a, Gerronostroma elegans Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United Geol. Prosp. Service U. S. S. R., vol. 50, fasc. 94, p. 1406 (English summary), pl. 1, fig. 12; pl. 2, figs. 3-6 (Mid. Dev., Kuznetsk Basin, Russia). Coenosteum massive, up to 10 cm. high and 17 cm. in dia- meter (Yavorsky’s measurements). Surface with prominent papil- lae, may have irregular mamelons 7 mm. in diameter and 1.5 to 2 mm. high, as indicated by tangential section. No astrorhizae were observed. Latilaminae are 1 to 3 mm. thick. Polished sur- faces show that the specimen had been badly broken and the pieces cemented together in an irregular manner. Vertical section—Laminae strong, irregular in thickness, 0.03 to 0.20 mm. thick, averaging 0.11 mm., seven or eight in 2 mm., straight to slightly undulatory, composed of a single coarsely porous layer, rarely with a clear, intermittent, median layer. Pillars short, spool-shaped, commonly superposed through 2 to 11 interlaminar areas, 0.07 to 0.24 mm. broad, four to six in 2 mm. The laminar tissue has coarse transverse fibers and is transversely porous in places. The pillars are transversely fibrous and spotted with small vacuoles about 0.02 mm. in diameter. The galleries are round to subrectangular, 0.10 to 0.29 mm. high and one to six times as broad. Superposed galleries, 0.05 to 0.42 mm. broad, DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 153 one to four in 2 mm., are short to long, irregular in breadth, and many are connected by foramina in the laminae. Dissepiments common, usually oblique, thin, mostly curved upward, a few curved downward. Tangential section—rThe skeletal tissue represents about 50 percent of the area of the thin section. The laminae are coarsely fibrous, the fibers in swirls, and there are scattered, round pores. The pillars are mostly round, 0.09 to 0.16 mm. in diameter, coales- cent to 0.27 mm. apart, without radial arms, some are connected by dissepiments, and some are elongate and not so thick as the round pillars. The vacuoles in the pillars are not so prominent as in the vertical section. No astrorhizae were observed. Gerronostroma elegans Yavorsky is characterized by the ir- regular mamelons, the grill of thick laminae and stronger, super- posed pillars, the small vacuoles and fewness of dissepiments. The species resembles G. insolitwm (Parks), from which it is dis- tinguished by the lack of tubes produced by sharp upturns of the laminae, by a more irregular thickness of the laminae, and by the lack of rings in tangential section. Occurrence.—We are grateful to Mr. V. I. Yavorsky, Head Geologist of the Central Scientific Institute of Geological Re- search at Leningrad, Russia, for sending us a fragment of a para- type of his species Gerronostroma elegans which he collected from the Middle Devonian of the Kuznetsk Basin in Russia, south of the village of Bachat. We have selected the species as the type of the genus, and include a figure and description in this work because the genus is little known outside of Russia. We have three species of Gerronostroma in our faunas. Although the paratype varies somewhat from Yavorsky’s published figures, we are con- vinced they are the same species. Paratype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections slides 306-43, 44. Cat. No. 5379. Gerronostroma plectile Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. 1PAL, Wil ee BR Te Coenosteum massive, up to 12 cm. high and 12 cm. in dia- meter. The surface has mamelons | to 1.5 mm. in diameter, 0.5 to 1 154 BuLLETIN 162 mm. high, and 2 to 3 mm. apart from center to center, 10 to 12 in 1 sq. cm. Astrorhizae absent; latilaminae 1 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are rather thin, 0.04 to 0.09 mm. thick, three or four in 2 mm., continuous, thicken and turn sharply into small mamelon columns; they are composed of a single, coarse, transversely porous layer, resembling the tissue of Stromatoporella and Stictostroma. The pillars, 0.09 to 0.15 mm. thick, are commonly superposed, two to five in 2 mm., are thin, rodlike, or spool-shaped, in some places with a dark central core. The pillar tissue is transversely fibrous, as in typical Anostylo- stroma. The pillars thicken in the mamelons and are arranged with the sharply upturned laminae in such a manner that the mamelon columns have a braided appearance as seen under low power, especially on polished vertical surfaces. The mamelon columns divide in some places. The mamelon tubes are compound, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. broad, two or three in a field 5 mm. in diameter. The galleries are rectangular, variable in size, normally 0.2 to 0.4 mm. high and one to three times as broad as they are high, with a few foramina through the laminae. Dissepiments abundant, thin, irregular in size and shape, mostly highly arched, horizontal or oblique. Tangential section—The pillars are round, rarely coalescent, 0.15 to 0.20 mm. in diameter, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. apart. The tubes in the mamelons are multiple, each mamelon containing from one to eight round to irregular tubes, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. in diameter; the multiple tubes are joined by curved dissepiments. The galleries are large, with an area 10 or more times the area of the pillars. Astrorhizae absent. Gerronostroma plectile is characterized by small mamelon columns with tubes having a braided appearance, suggesting the specific term. It differs from G. insolitwm (Parks) in the multiple, plicate tubes in the mamelons, and more abundant dissepiments, and from G. excellens in having multiple tubes in the mamelon columns. Occurrence-—One specimen was collected from the Louisville Cement Company quarry at Speed, Indiana, another from the DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 155 road metal quarry at Charlestown, Indiana, both from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone. Holotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 295-23, 24, 25. Cat. No. 5377. Paratype.—Slides 282-15, 16. Gerronostroma excellens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 11, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum massive, up to 9 cm. high and 16 cm. in dia- meter. The surface has mamelons 1 to 3 mm. in diameter, 0.5 to 10 mm. high and 2 to 6 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae absent; latilaminae 3 to 11 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are rather thick, 0.05 to 0.2 mm., four to five in 2 mm., are composed of a single layer of moderately coarse, transversely porous tissue, undulate slightly, and turn abruptly into simple, thick-walled tabulate mamelon tubes 0.5 to 0.7 mm. in diameter. The laminae do not turn up into ring-pillars. The pillars are straight, sporadically superposed, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. thick, two to four in 2 mm., and tend to thicken in the mamelons. The pillar tissue is composed of coarse, trans- verse fibers. The galleries are rectangular to oval, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. high and one to three times as broad as they are high. Dissepi- ments are abundant, highly arched, broadly curved, and oblique. Tangential section—The laminae are thick, flocculent and obscurely porous. The pillars are round, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in dia- meter, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. apart, rarely coalescent. The mamelons have usually one thick annulus, 0.5 to 0.7 mm. in diameter, much larger than ring-pillars; there are rarely mamelon rings with two or more tubes, and rarely one or two annuli of laminae around a mamelon column. The annuli are joined by curved dissepiments and by pillars. The galleries are five to ten times the area of the pillars. No astrorhizae were noted. Gerronostroma excellens is characterized by four to five laminae in 2 mm., small mamelons or tubercles, sporadic super- posed pillars, by simple, straight, tabulate mamelon tubes, abund- ant dissepiments, and abundant, large annuli. Two paratypes differ from the holotype in having thinner laminae and pillars, 156 BULLETIN 162 more superposed pillars, and fewer dissepiments, grading toward G. insolitwm (Parks), from which the species normally differs in having more abundant dissepiments, and more widely spaced laminae. G. excellens differs from G. plectile in having fewer and smaller compound tubes, the tubes do not have a braided appear- ance in vertical section. The thick-walled mamelon rings are two or three times as large as are ring-pillars of Stromatoporella, and they are not confined to one interlaminar space in vertical section, as are ring-pillars of Stromatoporella. The three species, G. insolitum, G. plectile, and G. excellens, have overlapping characters, so that some specimens are difficult to assign to their species. At present there is no difficulty in dis- tinguishing the holotypes of the three species, for they differ markedly in characters usually used to distinguish species in other genera, such as the number of laminae in a given distance, the number of tubes in the mamelons, the size of the tubes, the amount of superposition of the pillars, and the number of dissepiments. A! three species are anomalous in that the numerous, single mamelon tubes might be mistaken for the ring-pillars of Stromatoporella. The laminar wall tissue 1s porous like that of Stromatoporella or Stictostroma, but the transversely fibrous pillar tissue is like that of Anostylostroma. The dark core in many of the pillars in all three species is like that noted in Anostylostroma meshbergerense. The superposed pillars are like those of Trupetostroma, but the tissue is porous, not compact, as it is in Trupetostroma. Occurrence-—The holotype is from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at the road metal quarry at Charlestown, Indiana. Two paratypes are from the Middle Devonian, Jeffer- sonville limestone at the Falls of the Ohio at Jeffersonville, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides’ 282-1213, 14. ‘Cat. INo:-5378. Paratypes.—Slides 295-32, 33, 66, 67. Gerronostroma cf. insolitum (Parks) P12. fieseeel cee Stictostroma insolitum Parks, 1936, University of Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 86. pl. 15, figs. 4, 5 (Mid. Dev., Columbus limestone, Marblehead, Ohio). Coenosteum massive, up to 9 cm. high and 15 cm. in diameter. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND St. JEAN 157 The surface is irregularly undulate with irregular, small mamelons, 1 to 3 mm. in diameter. Astrorhizae absent: latilaminae indis- tinct. Vertical section—The laminae gently undulate, turning up sharply into tabulate tubes. The laminae are variable 0.05 to 0.15 mm. thick, variably spaced, five to eight in 2 mm. The laminar tissue is transversely porous, shown only in favorable sections, and flocculent, and normally consists of only one layer. The pillars are strong, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. broad, three or four in 2 mm. spool- shaped, and normally superposed through distances of two to eight interlaminar spaces. They are perpendicular to the laminae and are cut by the laminae and composed of transversely fibrous and flocculent tissue but without tubules. No ring-pillars made of up- turned laminae were observed in nine vertical sections. The galleries are oval to rectangular, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. high and one to four times as broad as high. The sharply upturned laminae are superposed to form tabulate thick-walled tubes, 0.5 to 0.6 mm. in outer diameter with an inner diameter 0.3 to 0.4 mm. and extending through 4 to 10 laminae. Up to three tubes may be seen in a field 5 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are few to common, highly arched, hori- zontal or diagonal, scarce where the laminae and _ pillars are straight. Tangential sectilon—The laminae are thick, coarsely fibrous and flocculent, and porous in places. Most pillars are uniformly round, not coalescent, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in diameter, and abundant, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. apart. The mamelon tubes occur as thick-walled, isolated rings, much larger than ring-pillars, with an outer diameter of 0.5 to 0.7 mm., and a few mamelons have two, three, or four tubes, with a diameter up to 1.2 mm. Mamelon tubes are not usually joined by dissepiments. Astrorhizae are absent. Gerronostroma insolitum is characterized by the strong laminae, superposed pillars, common dissepiments, and abundant annul. It differs from G. plectile in lacking the plicate columns and in having fewer dissepiments. It differs from G. excellens, from the same locality and horizon, in having fewer annuli and more super- posed pillars, and in general fewer dissepiments. Our specimens fit most of Parks’ descriptions and his figure 4, plate 15, but he 158 BULLETIN 162 does not show any large, mamelon rings, 0.5 to 0.7 mm. in diameter, only small rings, 0.3 mm. in diameter, in figure 5, plate 15, and there are more dissepiments in our specimens. One of our speci- mens (305-57) has small rings 0.17 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, formed by mere inflections of the laminae, and are not ring-pillars; it also shows mamelon rings 0.56 mm. in diameter and quadruple mamelon rings, 0.9 mm. in diameter, in the same field. The up- turns of laminae which form ring-pillars in Stromatoporella are not apparent in Parks’ vertical section, which we have examined, nor are they present in nine vertical sections we have of this species. Our specimens may not be G. msolitum, but only a variant of G. excellens. Occurrence-—One specimen was collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at the road metal quarry, Char- lestown, Indiana, and one specimen from the same limestone at the Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Indiana. Plestotypes.—Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 282-10, 11; 295-20, 49; 305-53, 54,57, 58,61, G2. CarNo SSGile Genus TRUPETOSTROMA Parks, 1936 Type species, T. warreni Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 52, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Great Slave Lake, Canada) ; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat., Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 219. Coenosteum massive. Primary laminae typically thin, second- arily thickened on both sides, leaving a clear or dark middle line. Pillars stronger than the laminae, large, round, regularly superposed, composed of secondary material, spreading on both sides of the microlaminae. Galleries superposed, some with dissepiments. Tissue compact, not maculate nor with tubular pores, but the median line may have small, round vacuities, or vertical pores, and vacuoles. Astrorhizae and mamelons strong to weak. Middle and Upper Devonian, North America and Belgium. Five American and twelve Belgium species. Trupetostroma is characterized by (1) the continuous micro- laminae, (2) the superposed pillars and galleries, (3) the pillars DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 159 and secondary thickening on the microlaminae with oval vacu- ities. The type species almost lacks dissepiments, but they are abundant in most species. 7Trupetostroma seems to differ from Gerronostroma in lacking pores in the laminae, and in the presence of vacuoles in the pillars and secondary tissue. The laminae, pillars and superposed galleries resemble Parallelopora, but the tissue lacks the large maculae and tubules and rods in the pillars. Figures and description of the type species are given to demon- strate the characters of the genus. KEY TO THE AMERICAN DEVONIAN SPECIES OF TRUPETOSTROMA la. Microlaminae prominent, continuous 2a. Pillars thin, microlaminae light 0... T. warrem Parks 2b. Pillars thick, microlaminae dark ........... T. raricystosum, n.sp. 1b. Microlaminae vague, intermittent, or absent 2c. Pillars thick, coalescent Dar Grall lOrIeS WANG Cece aea cnet ase ine ce T. iowense Parks Je Gallenres: small <.ee-cee aces co cent T. coalescens, n.sp. Jd Pillars thm: network lacy: coccs.eoec. T. maculosum Parks Trupetostroma warreni Parks 1s Us si PES 1) Trupetostroma warreni Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 55, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Great Slave Lake, Canada). Coensteum massive, fragments 25 mm. thick and 70 mm. in diameter. The surface has mamelons 5 to 7 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high and 8 to 12 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae are small and scattered, and a small fragment may not show any at the surface. Latilaminae are 2 to 6 mm. thick. Vertical section.—The laminae are strong, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. thick, eight or nine in 2 mm. turning smoothly into the low domal mame- lons, composed of a median, clear, compact layer, 0.03 to 0.07 mm. thick, covered above and below in most places by darker, homo- geneous tissue which spreads out from the pillars. The median layer varies in width, having a beadlike appearance. The darker covering tissue is 0 to 0.14 mm. thick. The pillars are short, superposed 160 BuLLeETIN 162 spools, composed of dark, homogeneous tissue with moderately large, ovoid vacuoles 0.05 to 0.08 mm. in diameter. The vacuoles in Our specimen are not so abundant as shown in Parks’ figure. The pillars are 0.06 to 0.12 mm. broad, two to six in 2 mm., in diver- gent rows in the mamelons. The tissue of both laminae and pillars is unusually dense, neither fibrous, flocculent, porous nor maculate. Under 150 magnification the tissue appears as dusty particles in a lighter groundmass. Galleries are rounded rectangular, 0.13 to U.45 mm. high by one to seven times as broad; many superposed galleries are connected by foramina in the laminae. Dissepiments rare, thin, low arched plates which are oblique in most places. Astrorhizal canals are scattered, about twice the height of the galleries, not confined to the mamelons, and not well shown in our figure. Tangential section—Between the laminae the pillars are round to elongate, tending to be rectangular, about 0.1 mm. in thickness. In the upper and lower layers of the laminae the pillars join into a honeycomb network, with round galleries 0.15 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. The thin median lamina is compact, flocculent, dusty in appearance and continuous, except where it is pierced by an intergallery foramen. The secondary tissue is dense, dusty and darker than the median lamina, and contains abundant, round, sporadic vacuities. Dissepiments are very rare. Trupetostroma warrent Parks, the type of the genus, is char- acterized by the mamelons, the strong laminae with prominent light, median line, and the strong, superposed pillars with vacuo- late tissue which spreads out over the median lamina. Our speci- men is infested by a wormlike tube, not Syringopora. Occurrence—Our specimen was collected by Mr. Dan Kralis, Jr., from the Middle Devonian, Key Scarp bioherm facies in the Fort Creek shale, at Hoosier Ridge, 22 miles down the Mackenzie River from Fort Norman, Northwest Territories, Canada. It is identical with the type specimen and slides of the type which we have studied. Topotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slide 282-26. Cat. No. 5380. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 161 Trupetostroma ? raricystosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 12, figs. 3, 4 Coenosteum massive, up to 3 cm. high, 15 cm. in diameter; a paratype is attached to a large head of Anostylostroma mediale, n.sp. The surface is irregular, lacking definite mamelons but with papillae. Astrorhizae are small, scattered and not typically radiate. Latilaminae are thin, 2 to 4 mm. thick, and obscure. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thin to thick, curved laminae, seven to eight in 2 mm., and thick, spool-shaped pillars which are superposed in long lines. The vertical lines of pillars are light in color and not obvious. The laminae are com- posed of prominent, dark, continuous median microlaminae, 0.014 mm. thick, bounded above and below by irregular layers of lighter, compact tissue. Some laminae are thicker with a light median line of variable width. The upper laminar layer is up to 0.09 mm. thick, the lower layer is up to 0.16 mm. thick. The tissue is compact, con- taining many faint, flocculent spots, 0.023 mm. in diameter, similar to maculae. Vacuoles, 0.035 mm. in diameter, are mostly concen- trated along the peripheries of the pillars. The spool-shaped pillars are 0.19 mm. in diameter at the thinnest point between the laminae. There are about four pillars in 2 mm. The galleries are oval, and superposed, averaging 0.17 mm. high and 0.25 mm. broad, with rare foramina between. Astrorhizal canals are scattered, and twice as wide and high as the galleries, rarely with dissepiments. Dissepiments in the galleries irregular in size and shape, rare to absent, suggesting the name. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 80 percent of the thin section. The pillars are large, oval to round, 0.21 mm. in diameter, 0.08 to 0.26 mm. apart, some are joined by cysts, and they coalesce in the laminae forming a mosaic pattern of roundish pillars separated by lines of darker tissue. The laminar and pillar tissue is flocculent, and porous in places but not regu- larly maculate. The galleries are round to irregular, about as wide as the pillars are thick. Astrorhizae are not well formed, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, composed of short thick, irregular canals about 0.12 mm. wide. Trupetostroma ? raricystosum is characterized by the rare 162 BULLETIN 162 dissepiments, the dark microlaminae, and the flocculent tissue. It differs from 7. crassum Lecompte in the rarity of dissepiments, and from 7. ardwennensis Lecompte in lacking the vertical, pseudozooid- al tubes, in the thinner median microlamina, and the astrorhizal canals are smaller. There is doubt that this and similar forms be- long in Trupetostroma; it may be a Clathrocoilona; it lacks the the pseudozooidal tubes of Stromatopora. The tissue is much like that of the Stromatopora pachytexta group of species, and might be called maculate tissue by some workers. Occurrence.—Three specimens were collected from the Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-14, 23, 24; 303-24, 25. Cat. No. 5329. Paratypes—Slides 294-25, 26; 30467, 68. Cat. No. 5330. Trupetostroma coalescens Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. Pl. 12, figs. 5a, b Coenosteum massive, 7 cm. high, 14 cm. in diameter; surface with small, low mamelons, 2 to 2.5 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high, and 5 mm. apart from center to center. Coalescent pillars form short, vermicular ridges. The astrorhizae are small, in the mamelon centers, with many short, radial canals. The latilaminae are 2 to 4 mm. thick. Polished sections have an unusually dense appearance. Vertical section —tThe skeleton is a dense network of laminae and pillars. The laminae are obscured by the pillars, but are thick, five or six in 2 mm., and composed of dark and light, discontinu- ous microlaminae, three or four to a lamina; they turn gently into the small mamelons. The pillars are thick, spool-shaped, and super- posed, making long straight or curved lines, and so close they touch and coalesce in many places, making dark tissue where they touch. The pillars, 0.13 mm. in diameter, six in 2 mm., are stronger than the laminae, and divergent in the mamelons. The pillar tissue is compact, and flocculent, with small vacuoles, but not definitely maculate. The galleries are small, low, elongate to oval, four to seven in 2 mm., superposed but do not make pseudozooidal tubes. Dissepiments are rare. Small astrorhizal canals occur in the mamelon columns. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 163 Tangential section—The skeletal tissue, mostly pillars, repre- sents 80 to 90 percent of the thin section. The pillars are round, 0.12 to 0.14 mm. in diameter, commonly coalescent in curved or vermicular lines, but obscure, with darker tissue where the pillars touch, up to 0.12 mm. apart. The galleries are round to oval in the inter-mamelon areas, about the same size as the pillars, but scarce. The astrorhizae are conspicuous, 4 mm. in diameter, with many short, radial canals, 0.1 mm. broad at the base, which may bifur- cate once. Many small, round vacuoles occur in the laminae and pillars, some with darker borders, like supermaculae, but the irregu- larity in size and number of the vacuoles leads us not to consider them as maculae. Trupetostroma coalescens is characterized by the small mame- lons, and dense skeleton of thick, closely spaced laminae and pillars, and the coalescence of the pillars in both sections, which suggested the name of the species. 7. coalescens differs from T. towense Parks in the thicker and closer pillars; the galleries are smaller and do not form pseudozooidal tubes. The pillars are closer together than in the associated 7. ? raricystosum, and in T. crassum Lecompte. The small size of the galleries gives this species somewhat the appearance of Stromatopora, but the long lines of superposed pillars and lack of pseudozooidal tubes and definite maculae makes it a Trupetostroma. It lacks the large, continuous pillars and_ the maculae of Syringostroma. Occurrence-—One specimen was collected from the Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 304-71, 72. Cat. No. 5346. Family STROMATOPORIDAE Winchell, 1867 Family Stromatoporidae Winchell, 1867, Proc. Am. Assoc. Ady. Sci., p. 98; Nicholson, 1886, Paiaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 74; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A44. Coenosteum massive to laminar, composed of latilaminae, laminae and short and long pillars, the interlaminar spaces more 164 BULLETIN 162 or less filled with secondary tissue. Tissue finely or coarsely macu- late and amalgamated. Pseudozooidal tubes are common. Astro- rhizae and mamelons common. Upper Ordovician doubtful, China, Japan; Silurian common, Devonian abundant, not definitely known above the Devonian. Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic forms probably do not belong to the order Stromatoporoidea but to the order Sphaeractinoidea. KEY TO GENERA OF STROMATOPORIDAE la. Pillars absent (except for secondary filling of interlaminar spaces, leaving very small PAETICS) vu heatet ees recente ROL Ute tha ae en a dee res STROMATOPORA lb. Pillars long, well marked, continuing through several laminae 2a. Pillars narrow, of denser tissue than SFO GNET eS CNR alc snes nee ances ieee a eee STROMATOPORA 2b. Pillars large, continuous, dominating vertical sections 3a. Pillars without lighter borders 4a. Pillars not composed of parallel tubes PTO Pug OY fetes ols lence nc et Seren SYRINGOSTROMA 4b. Pillars composed of parallel tubes FW aU 00 fami ears ee te Meaney MERA PARALLELOPORA Sipe: Pillarsewath! lichtersborders). 2. aoe HERMATOSTROMA lc. Pillars short, confined to one interlaminar space 2c. Pillars incidentally or sporadically superposed; laminae of three layers ween CLATHROCOILONA 2d. Pillars regularly superposed; laminae Composed Of MUCKOlAMIMNAC ceccececrscerecreccescsnecen SYNTHETOSTROMA 1d. Pillars long and short; skeleton mostly of GiSSep UTE MUS i ce etc eA alee ees tee eee ae ACTINODICTYON Genus Stromatopora Goldfuss, 1826 Type species (monotypic) Stromatopora concentrica Goldfuss, 1826, Petre- facta Germaniae, Ist ed., p. 21, pl. 8, fig. 5 (Mid. Devonian, Gerolstein, Germany); Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 91, pl. 11, figs. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 165 15-18; 1891, vol. 44, p. 164, pl. 21, figs. 1-3 (topotypes); Ripper, 1937, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, new ser., vol. 49, p. 184; Kihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Paldozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A44; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 263. Coenostroma Winchell, 1867, Proc. Am. Assoc. Ady. Sci. for 1866, vol. 15, p. 99. Type species (selected by Miller. 1889). Stromatopora monticulifera Winchell. (Mid. Dev., N. Michigan). (Supposedly distinguished from Stromatopora by mamelons and _ astrorhizae.) Lioplacacyathus Ludwig, 1866, Palaentographica, Beitr. Natur. Vorwelt, vol. 14, p. 139, 142, pl. 72, fig. 1 (Stromatopora renamed.) Prisciturben Kunth, 1870, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gessell., vol. 22, p. 82, (A combination of a stromatoporoid and a coral.) Pachystroma Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 14, p. 214, 223. Monotypic, P. antiquum N. & M. (Silurian, Ont.) ?Caunopora Phillips, 1841, Palaeoz. Foss. Cornwall, Devon and W.- Somerset, p. 18, pl. 10, fig. 29. Type species, Coscinopora placenta Lons- dale. (Mid. Dey., Devonshire.) (An unknown stromatoporoid with symbionts. ) Stromatopora? Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, Sci. Rept. Tohoku Imp. Univy., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 58, pl. 19, fig. 1; pl. 21, figs. 1-4 (Ordovician). (May well be a sponge.) Coenosteum massive to laminar, composed of latilaminae, which in turn are composed of thin, close-set, discontinuous micro- laminae, which are thickened by secondary, maculate tissue, leaving small galleries, tabulate tubes, and filling tissue which serves as pillars. The tissue of laminae and pillars is all fused and greater in amount than the galleries. Tissue finely to coarsely maculate, not compact nor porous, the maculae consisting of small, both light and dark, spheroidal dots. Astrorhizae usually well developed. Dissepi- ments usually rare. Ordovician, Japan?; Silurian and Devonian, Europe, North America, Asia, Arctic, and Australia. About 60 species. Stromatopora has smaller pillars than Syringostroma, and the pillars are not composed of parallel tubules, as in Parallelopora. Erect and ramose forms, otherwise like Stromatopora, may be placed in the genus Clavidictyon. Typical species of Stromatopora have the interlaminar spaces largely filled with secondary, macu- late, amalgamated tissue, as determined by Nicholson (1886, p. 91). In spite of the fact that Bargatzky, Nicholson, and Lecompte have studied Goldfuss’ type material of Stromatopora concentrica, and Lecompte gave a figure designated as a section of the type specimen, the internal characters of the type species have never been figured nor described, and the essential characters of the type 166 BULLETIN 162 specimen are almost as little known as they were when Goldfuss named and illustrated the species in 1826. Goldfuss’ figure 5c, an enlarged vertical section, shows strong latilaminae, strong laminae and vertical pillars. Bargatzky (1881, p. 282) considered the species to have the structure we now ascribe to Actinostroma, 1. e., strong laminae, continuous pillars and radial processes from the pillars, making the laminae. Nicholson (1886, p. 2, 3, 5; 1891, p. 164) noted that in Goldfuss’ specimen, “The general texture of the fossil is so dense that no clear idea can be obtained as to the minute structure of the skeleton by the use of a hand-lens”. He also said that a microscopic examination of thin sections of S. concentrica showed a network of horizontal and vertical fibers, “‘so united as to form a continuous reticulation,” with “corresponding complex anastomosing canals.” He gave no figure of Goldfuss’ type specimen, but did figure a fragment and tangential section of a topotype, which he said (pl. 11, figs. 15, 16), “Gs absolutely identical with the original example of the specimen figured in the ‘Petrefacta Germaniae’.” On plate 21, figs. 1, 2, 3, he figured another topotype from Gerolstein, and figure 2 shows the “sieve-like and porous structure of the fibre,” which dots we call maculae, since they are not tubulose but spherical. Nicholson’s interpretation of the structure of Stromatopora Goldfuss as having maculate tissue, with horizontal and vertical structures amalgamated, so that laminae and pillars are obscure in both sections, has been accepted by all subsequent workers on the genus, and is accepted by us. The lack of well-defined laminae and pillars, and the large amount of secondary, maculate tissue, makes the genus Stromatopora and its species the most difficult of all stromatoporoids to identify. The genus Stromatopora embraces four groups of species, in- volving considerable variation, but the groups still are not suffic- iently distinct to warrant the erection of new generic, or even sub- generic, names for each group. One group that 1s typified by S. antiqua, was named Pachystroma by Nicholson and Murie, in 1878, but was abandoned by Nicholson in 1886 (p. 91) as a synonym of Stromatopora. The four groups are defined below, and several typi- cal species of each group enumerated. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 167 GROUPS OF SPECIES OF STROMATOPORA Group 1. S. concentrica group. Interlaminar spaces largely filled with secondary, maculate tissue, obscuring laminae, pillars and galleries. S. concentrica Goldfuss. Middle Devonian . compta Poéta. Middle Devonian . obscura, n. sp. Middle Devonian . marpleae, n. sp. Middle Devonian . larocquei, n. sp. Middle Devonian . submixta, n. sp. Middle Devonian . antiqua (Nicholson and Murie). Middle Silurian ANNNAN Group 2. S. hiipschi group. Pseudozooidal tubes conspicuous to dominant over laminae and galleries. S. hipschi (Bargatzky ). Middle Devonian . florigera Nicholson. Middle Devonian . biicheliensis Bargatzky. Middle Devonian . inaequalis Nicholson. Middle Devonian . lilydalensis Ripper. Middle Devonian . dwergens, n. sp. Middle Devonian . typica Rosen. Silurian . discoidea Lonsdale. Silurian NANNANANHN Group 3. S. laminosa group. Laminae dominant over pillars and pseudozooidal tubes. S. laminosa Lecompte. Middle Devonian . dubia Lecompte. Middle Devonian . colliculata Nicholson. Middle Devonian . goldfusst Bargatzky. Middle Devonian . goldfusst mixta Lecompte. Middle Devonian . Stricta Lecompte. Middle Devonian . eumaculosa, n. sp. Middle Devonian ANANNNAN . mononensis, n. sp. Middle Devonian Group 4. S. pachytexta group. Laminae strong, coarsely macu- late; pillars long, light-colored and dense, round in tangential sec- tion. S. pachytexta Lecompte. Middle Devonian S. coopert Lecompte. Middle Devonian 168 BuLLeTIN 162 S. cumingst, n. sp. Middle Devonian S. comcomamillata, n. sp. Middle Devonian S. magnmamullata, n. sp. Middle Devonian KEY TO AMERICAN DEVONIAN SPECIES OF STROMATOPORA la. Laminae, pillars, and galleries obscure .....S. concentrica GROUP 2a. Astrorhizae small, 2 to 10 mm. diameter Jaa) Withoutemeamielons = see S. concentrica Goldfuss 3b. With strong mamelons, 3 to 5 mm. diameter 4a. Pseudozooidal tubes rare ween S. obscura, n. sp. 4b. Pseudozooidal tubes common ..S. swbmixta, n. sp. 2b. Astrorhizae large, 10 to 20 mm. diameter 3c. Laminae 6 to 8 in 2 mm., crinkled S. marpleae n. sp. 3d. Laminae 14 to 16 in 2 mm., NOt Crimkle dare: eee ee a eee S. larocquet, n. sp. 1b. Pseudozooidal tubes long and abundant ........... S. hiipscht GRouP Ze. Withoutemamelonsy eee S. hiipschi ( Bargatzky) Dds With “mamelonss ste..u.cce es ecco S. divergens, n. sp. lc. Laminae dominant over galleries, pseudozooidal tubes anid./pilllans soe ot ae Batted cok ieee te neon aeons S. laminosa GROUP 2e. Microlaminae prominent; 7 to 18 laminae in 2 mm. 3e. Laminae 7 to 9 in 2 mm. 4a. Pseudozooidal tubes albliind anita nee eee S. laminosa Lecompte 4d. Pseudozooidal tubes scarce ........ S. dubia Lecompte 3. Wamimae 10-tow12) ani 2 mime S. eumaculosa, n. sp. 3g. Laminae 16to 18 ain 2 mm... S. mononensis, n. sp. 2f. Microlaminae obscure; 4 to 5 laminae in 2 mm. S. submixta, n. sp. 1d. Laminae strong, coarsely maculate; pillars long, light-colored and dense, round in tangential SEC EIGN rae ceanesmeuen ten nal errr Osment Seat Meee S. pachytexta GROUP 2¢. Surface without mamelons sh Pillarsslaree and tone 2. S. pachytexta Lecompte Si, meilans: thing lone: oe cx.c5 ance eee S. cumingsi, n. sp. $j.) eillans. chins 1iteninmmttentiencsaee S. cooperi Lecompte DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 169 2h. Surface with mamelons 3k. Mamelons conical, 2 to 3 mm. in GiaIMme ter att ee or met S. conicomamillata, n. sp. 31. Mamelons low domes, 5 mm. in diameter S. magnimamillata, n. sp. Stromatopora marpleae Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 13, figs. la, b Coenosteum an undulating plate, 3 cm. thick and 18 cm. in diameter. Surface undulating but smooth, without mamelons or papillae. Astrorhizae large, 10 to 15 mm. in diameter and 15 to 20 mm. apart. Latilaminae 2 to 4 mm. thick. It is difficult to tell which side of the specimen is up, since there are no mamelons or dissepi- ments. Vertical section—The laminae are crinkled and thin, 0.015 mm., six to eight in 2 mm. The skeleton has been crushed in places, but as in the lower right corner of the figure, the crinkling of the laminae seems to be original structure. The interlaminar spaces are largely filled with secondary tissue. Under the 10 hand lens, the polished vertical edge shows the thin, crinkled laminae, the inter- laminar spaces largely filled with tissue and crossed by thin pillars scarcely thicker than the laminae, and a few are superposed. The galleries are roundish remnants of the interlaminar spaces and are mostly located at the base of the interlaminar filling. Round, astro- rhizal tubes, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, are scattered through the section. Under the microscope, the vertical structures are less well marked and the galleries are nearly filled with secondary tissue. There are abundant, short, vertical pseudozooidal tubes, but no dissepiments. Some of the astrorhizae are superposed, but there seems to be no axial tube, and tabulae are lacking. The tissue is amalgamated, and is finely, but obscurely maculate. Tangential section—The tissue occupies an estimated 60 to 70 percent of the field. The galleries are round and anastomosing but indefinite. Round, pseudozooidal tubes are common. Pillars are scarcely discernible, but are irregular, lacy, and confluent. The pattern of galleries, pillars and pseudozooidal tubes varies with the 170 BULLETIN 162 level cut. Astrorhizae are large, 10 mm. in diameter, with branching arms 0.4 mm. in diameter, without diaphragms. The tissue is finely maculate. This species is characterized by the lack of mamelons, the large astrorhizae, crinkled thin laminae, and obscure pillars. It belongs to the S. concentrica group of Stromatopora, which in- cludes S. obscura and S. larocqueit in our faunas. Parallelopora goldfusst of Johnson and Pfender (1939, p. 515) is not Paral- lelopora nor P. goldfussi Bargatzky, but is a Stromatopora similar to S. marpleae and S. larocquet. Anostylostroma insulare also has wrinkled laminae, but the pillars are stronger, the galleries not filled with maculate, secondary tissue. Occurrence.—The type specimen was collected by Dr. M. F. Marple from the Columbus limestone, from the southside quarry on Kelleys Island, Ohio. Holotype.—Part in the Paleontological Collections of Indiana University, slides 306-34, 35. Cat. No. 5403; part, with slides, in the Paleontological Collections of Ohio State University. Stromatopora obscura Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl, i3) figshyZanep Coenosteum a massive head, 10 cm. in height and 18 cm. in diameter. The surface is strongly mamillate; the mamelons are from 3 to 5 mm. in diameter, about 2 mm. high and from 5 to 8 mm. apart. Astrorhizae are seen with difficulty in the centers of the mamelons, about 2 mm. in diameter, with short, sparingly branching canals. Small pillars, eight in 2 mm., tending to be superposed, small, round galleries and small pseudozooidal tubes up to 1 mm. in length, can be seen with a 10 lens on a polished, vertical surface. Laminae, pillars and other structures are so nearly the color and composition of the infiltrated and crystallized calcite that the structures can scarcely be distinguished in very thin sections. Latilaminae are 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section —The laminae are wrinkled and thick, 0.1 to 0.15 mm., conspicuous on weathered vertical surfaces, six or seven in 2 mm., regularly flexed upward in the mamelons and downward in the interlaminar areas. Pillars are obscure, merely the inter- laminar fillings, so that they can scarcely be measured or counted DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 171 in thin sections. The galleries are small and roundish, occupying less than one-third of the interlaminar space, some making pseudo- zooidal tubes 0.06 to 0.08 mm. in diameter and up to 1 mm. or more long; there are no tabulae or dissepiments discernible. The mamelon columns are in part occupied by a vertical tube, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, and round astrorhizal canals of the same dia- meter occur mostly on the flanks of the mamelon columns. The tissue is finely maculate, best seen where the section is very thin. Tangential section—The tissue occupies about 80 percent of the section, in which darker, broad bands indicate the laminae. The chambers are small, round or irregularly anastomosing, and small, round spots which seem to be the pseudozooidal tubes. The pillars are roundish, about 0.15 mm. in diameter between laminae, and mostly amalgamate with the laminae so that neither can be distinguished. The tissue is finely but vaguely maculate. The astrorhizae are small, 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, in the mamelons and surrounded by annuli of laminae. The centers of the mamelons are mostly denser than the rims, rarely with an open tube 0.3 mm. in diameter, and the astrorhizal canals are short and sparingly branched. This species is characterized by the strong mamelons, small astrorhizae, strong laminae, the large amount of interlaminar tissue, and the obscurity of the finer structures. It is a typical Stromatopora, and belongs to the group of Stromatopora species typified by S. concentrica, in which laminae and _ pillars are obscured by secondary tissue. Occurrence.—A single, large specimen from the Middle Devon- ian, Jeffersonville !mestone, two miles south of Hartsville, Ind., was collected by Dr. E. R. Cumings. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-8, 9, 10, 11; 306-36. Cat. No. 5381. Stromatopora larocquei Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 13, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum a massive, flat head; a fragment is 6 cm. high and 17 cm. long. The surface is nearly smooth, with large, low mamelons, 10 to 12 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high and 15 to 172 BULLETIN 162 20 mm. from center to center. Each mamelon is occupied by a large astrorhiza up to 20 mm. in diameter, but without axial tubes; the branches radiate and divide dendritically; the canals are large, open in our specimen, joining canals from adjacent astrorhizae. The latilaminae average 2 mm. thick, and the coenosteum tends to split between latilaminae. The specimen is not completly in- filtrated; the astrorhizal canals are open, and the tissue is in part recrystallized. Vertical section—The laminae are thin but not so thin as microlaminae, 0.06 to 0.09 mm. thick, nearly straight, and close together, 14 to 16 in 2 mm. The pillars are vague, small, 0.1 to 0.17 mm. in diameter, about eight in 2 mm., spool-shaped; some are superposed for a distance of 1 to 2 mm. The galleries are small, round, 0.1 to 0.15 mm. in diameter, mostly closed by secondary tissue. Pseudozocidal tubes are numerous but narrow and indistinct. The laminae, pillars, and filling tissue are all alike and amalgamated, finely and vaguely, the maculae being from 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter. Astrorhizal canals are round or oval holes, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, and scattered through the section and the vertical polished face, but are larger and more abundant near the mamelon axis; there is apparently no tube in the mamelon axis, though none of our sections cut exactly in an axis. There are no dissepiments. Tangential section—The tissue occupies about 90 percent of the section. Round and confluent, dusky pillars, about 0.15 mm. in diameter, are separated in places by narrow, anastomosing galleries, half the width of the pillars; the cut laminae show as a nearly solid, dusty and maculate mass. Round, pseudozooidal tubes are common. Large, open astrorhizal canals, 0.23 to 0.3 mm. in diameter occur, not shown in the figure; some canals have tabulae. The tissue is finely but obscurely maculate; most of the finer structure has been destroyed by recrystallization. This species is characterized by the close laminae, the small remnants of galleries, the obscure pillars, and large astrorhizae in low mamelons. It is a typical example of the S. concentrica section of Stromatopora. It differs from S. obscura in the larger lower mamelons, large astrorhizae, and closer laminae. From DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 173 S. marpleae it differs in the noncrinkled, and closer laminae, larger pillars, and more secondary tissue. S. larocquei differs from S. compta Poéta (1894, p. 158) in having astrorhizae; Poéta does not give the magnification. Occurrence——The type specimen was collected by Prof. A. LaRocque, of Ohio State University, from the Columbus lime- stone at the Marble Cliff quarry, just outside of Columbus, east of Highway 33 and north of Trabue Road. Holotype——Indiana University Paleontological Collections, Cat. No. 5404, part of the specimen and slides 306-30, 31. Part of the specimen and slides in the Geology Department of Ohio State University. Stromatopora divergens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 13, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 5 cm. high and 21 cm. in diameter. Surface with low, conical mamelons 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, up to 1 mm. high, and 3 to 5 mm. from center to center; astrorhizae small, indistinct, at the center of each mamelon; latilaminae indistinct, 1 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of laminae, 0.16 mm. thick, six to seven in 2 mm., arched into the low mamelons, consisting of an upper, single, thin, dark microlamina, and a lower, thick, maculate layer, which is also microlaminate in places; the microlaminae are about 8 microns thick. Pillars short, straight, thick, superposed, six in 2 mm., mostly composed of secondary filling of the interlaminar spaces, and become thicker and diver- gent in the mamelons, filling all of the galleries in parts of the mamelons. Astrorhizal tubes long, thin, in the axes of the mame- lons. Galleries round to horizontally elongate, 0.12 mm. high, from 0.14 to 1.11 mm. long, occurring at the bases of the thick laminae, usually superposed, forming narrow but conspicuous vertical, pseudozooidal tubes, 0.09 mm. wide, four in 2 mm. Dis- sepiments rare. Tissue, microlaminae, laminae, and pillars are finely maculate; maculae 14 microns or less in diameter and not ar- ranged in vertical tubules in the pillars. Dissepiments rare to absent. Tangential section—The groundmass is uniform in texture, 174 BULLETIN 162 finally maculate, amalgamated so that microlaminae are not dis- tinguishable and composing 70 to 80 percent of the area of the section. Astrorhizae 5 mm. in diameter; astrorhizal canals long, without tabulae, 0.1 mm. wide at the base, with short branches. Astrorhizae may appear compound because the laminae curve up- ward in the mamelons so that up to three sets of astrorhizae may be cut in one mamelon. There 1s usually a round, vertical tube in the center of each mamelon, 0.18 mm. in diameter. Pillars mostly coalescent, merely the filling of the interlaminar spaces, some round and contiguous, 0.19 mm. in diameter. Galleries round to vermicular and anastomosing; pseudozooidal tubes round, giving a speckled appearance to the section. The specimen is perfectly preserved by infiltration of calcium carbonate. Stromatopora divergens is characterized by the divergent ar- rangement of the pillars in the mamelons, by the prominent astrorhizal columns in the mamelons, by small galleries, and by the prominent pseudozcoidal tubes. It is much like S. hiipschi but has mamelons. S. divergens resembles S. mononensis, but the microlaminae are always located superior to the thick maculate layer, and it has diverging pillars in the mamelons. The pillars, though large, are not round in tangential section, as they are in Syringostroma. Excepting for the lack of large, long pillars this specimen is much like Syringostroma micromamillata, n. sp. There is some resemblance between S. divergens and Syringostroma foveo- latum Girty (1895, p. 295), of the Lower Devonian, which we take to be a Stromatopora; it has small round pillars, but we have not been able to make comparisons of sections. Occurrence.—Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logans- port, Indiana. Holotype.— Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-29, 30. Cat. No. 5331. Stromatopora laminosa Lecompte 1], Wh ses, le, 1d, 2 Stromatopora laminosa Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci., Nat. Belgique, Mem. 117, p. 276, pl. 55, fig. 3; pl. 56, figs. 1, 2 (M. Dev., Givetian, Belgium). Coenosteum massive to tuberose, up to 10 cm. in diameter. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 175 Surface with low, conical mamelons, 0.5 mm. high, 3 to 5 mm. in diameter and 6 to 8 mm. apart from center to center, each mamelon occupied by a small astrorhiza. Latilaminae unusually thin, about 1 mm. thick, and marked by darker and closer micro- laminae. The specimens are dense and well preserved by infiltra- tion of calcium carbonate. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of microlaminae, 10 to 12 in 1 mm., which in turn are composed of conspicuous, dark maculae, about 0.027 mm. in diameter. The maculae are separated in the microlaminae and the microlaminae are separated by an equal or larger amount of light-colored, denser tissue. There are no ordinary laminae nor pillars, the laminate tissue between adjacent galleries serving as pillars, the rows of galleries indi- cating the laminae, seven to nine in 2 mm. There are no long pillars. The galleries are mostly round, some irregular and some superposed, making a few irregular, thin vertical tubes. The gal- leries appear as if they had been dissolved from the groundmass, and only tend to be at the same levels. The galleries are small, 0.07 to 0.18 mm. in diameter, and are bordered by large maculae. Astrorhizae are superposed through several millimeters, and consist of round canals and microlaminae which rise over the mamelons; columnar tubes are rare and thin and rarely cut in vertical section. Many sections show no astrorhizae in vertical sections when there are conspicious astrorhizae in tangential sections from the same specimen. The tissue is amalgamated, so that neither laminae nor pillars are definite. Tangential section—About 80 percent of the area is maculate groundmass. The galleries are oval and vermicular. Astrorhizae are conspicuous, but small, with sparingly branching and _ irregular canals, but ordinarily without central tubes. Caunopore tubes (Syringopora) occur rarely (slide 295-75). S. laminosa is characterized by the microlaminae (which com- pose the skeleton and suggest the name), the small galleries, the small low conical mamelons, the small astrorhizae, and lack of long pillars. It 1s much like S. cumingst, with which it occurs, which also has microlaminae of large maculae, but it lacks the long, narrow pillars of S. cwmingst. It has smaller and more ir- 176 BuLLETIN 162 regular galleries than S. dubia. The Indiana form may be a dif- ferent species from the Belgian type, for it has fewer pseudozooidal tubes, but it is similar. Occurrence-—Abundant in the Middle Devonian, at the type locality of the Logansport limestone, at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. It is also abundant in the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, in the lower 10 feet of the Devonian limestone. Plesiotypes—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 295-92, 93; 279-6. Cat. Nos. 5356, 5332. Other typical speci- mens, slides 279-4; 294-31, 32, 33, 36, 37; 295-74, 75, 76, 86, 94; S03=15; 16175 304-36,.37, 49; 50555, 56. Stromatopora dubia Lecompte Pl. 14, figs. 3a-c Stromatopora dubia Lecompte, 1952, Inst., Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 279, pl. 57, figs. 1, la, b, 2 (Mid. Dev., Frasnian, Dinant Basin, Belgium). Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 7 cm. high and 6 cm. in diameter. The surface does not show distinct mamelons, but based on thin sections, they are about 1 mm. high, 4 mm. in diameter and 9 mm. apart from center to center. The astrorhizae are intricate, with many radial canals, up to 9 mm. in diameter and 10 mm. apart from center to center. Latilaminae are 1 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae turn gently into the low mame- lons, are 0.14 mm. thick, seven to eight in 2 mm., and composed of a thin, dark, median microlamina, 0.015 mm. thick, covered on both sides with an irregular thickness of maculate tissue, which is confluent with the pillar tissue. The pillars are spool- shaped, 0.11 mm. thick, five to seven in 2 mm., thicker and more coalescent in the mamelons, and are merely secondary tissue between galleries. The laminar and pillar tissues are coarsely macu- late, with maculae averaging 0.02 mm. in diameter. The galleries are round to elongate, 0.1 to 0.15 mm. in diameter, and up to 1 mm. broad, and in conspicuous horizontal rows. There are no typical pseudozooidal tubes. Dissepiments are sporadic, mostly in the mamelons. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 85 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 177 percent of the area of the thin section. The pillars are coalescent, vermicular and anastomosing. Tubes in the mamelons may be single or compound, averaging 0.27 mm. in diameter, and the astrohizal canals are small and branched. The galleries are vermicular and anastomosing. The astrorhizae are composed of many short, irregular, disconnected, branching canals, 0.08 mm. thick at their base. The tissue is unusually coarsely maculate in the mamelons. Stromatopora dubia Lecompte is characterized by irregular pillars (which coalesce in vertical section), by a single dark median microlamina (the only feature by which the laminae can be distinguished), and by small round non-superposed galleries. Stromatopora dubia differs from S. laminosa Lecompte, in the one prominent dark microlamina in each lamina, and round galleries. S. mononensis differs in the finer structure, including maculae. Occurrence—One fragmental specimen was collected from the lower 10 feet of the Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-94, 95, 99; 303-14. Cat. No. 5333. Stromatopora eumaculosa Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 14, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum massive, 4.5 cm. high and 10 cm. in diameter. The surface, which is partly silicified and poorly preserved, is smooth, with indistinct astrorhizal canals. Latilaminae are 1 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are slightly undulatory, 0.05 to 0.14 mm. thick, 10 to 12 in 2 mm., composed of vertical rows of maculae and one or more thin microlaminae between or above the rows of maculae. The pillars, 0.07 to 0.21 mm. broad, 6 to 10 in 2 mm., are spool-shaped between laminae and in part super- posed, and composed of horizontal and vertical rows of maculae. The pillar and laminar tissue is confluent. The maculae are mod- erately large, 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter, are clear, and are close together in horizontal and vertical alignment. The galleries are small, round to elliptical, 0.06 to 0.11 mm. high by one to 178 BULLETIN 162 four times as broad, and are in part superposed, producing some pseudozooidal tubes, commonly crossed by the microlaminae. Most of the chambers are capped by a dark, thin, semicircular arc, an upbending of the microlamina. Dissepiments are small, arched and oblique, rare to common. Tangential section—The laminae are indicated by broad, dark bands of maculate tissue. The pillars coalesce, losing their identity. Galleries are round in the laminae and anastomose be- tween laminae. The maculae in the tissue are small, dark, close together and conspicuous. Pseudozooidal tubes are round, 0.06 to 0.12 mm. in diameter, scarcely distinguishable from galleries. The astrorhizae are about 10 mm. in diameter, composed of many narrow, elongate sinuous, branching canals, 0.08 to 0.10 mm. broad at the base. One astrorhizal center has a tube 0.47 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are rare to absent. Stromatopora ewmaculosa is characterized by the lack of mamelons, close laminae, thin pillars, small, round galleries, and the close packing of the maculae. S. ewmaculosa is much like a Parallelopora but has stronger laminae but without the continuous pillars characteristic of Parallelopora. Occurrence-—One specimen was collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone, at the Falls of the Ohio, Jef- fersonville, Indiana, by Dr. J. W. Huddle. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 274-21, 304-3,4. Cat. No. 5362. Stromatopora mononensis Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. Pl. 15, figs. la, b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 10 mm. high, and 65 mm. in diameter. Surface with low conical mamelons 4 or 5 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, and 5 to 8 mm. from center to center; papillae inconspicuous. Small astrorhizae occur in the center of most of the mamelons; latilaminae thin, about 1 mm. thick, not well marked but the coenosteum splits between the latilaminae. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of undulose, touching laminae, 16 to 18 in 2 mm., separated by light-colored microlaminae 0.018 mm. thick. Both laminae and microlaminae finely and uniformly maculate, the maculae being about 0.01 mm. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 179 in diameter, and light in color where the section is thin. Small galleries occupy the bases of the laminae, are round or oval, variable in size, averaging about 0.07 mm. in diameter; some occupy the whole width of a lamina, and commonly several smaller galleries are superposed, making the ordinary vertical, pseudozooidal tubes common for the genus. Pseudozooidal tubes narrow, 0.7 mm. wide, two to four in 2 mm., and have no tabulae except for the micro- laminae. Pillars not definite structures but only filling of the inter- laminar spaces, short, thick, irregular in size, about four in 1 mm. tending to be superposed, but not forming long pillars. Tissue in the mamelons larger in amount, filling most of the interlaminar space excepting the galleries, pseudozooidal tubes and astrorhizal canals, which are larger than the galleries, averaging 0.1 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are absent. Tangential section—About 80 to 90 percent of the area con- sists of fine, uniformly maculate tissue, enclosing round, vermi- cular and anastomosing galleries, and round pseudozooidal tubes. The pillars are in part round, mostly vermicular and coalescing. The astrorhizae are conspicuous, having larger canals than the galleries, without tabulae, and radiate from centers, which have no round vertical, axial tubes. Stromatopora mononensts is characterized by the thin laminae separated by the microlaminae, the low mamelons, the fine maculae, the small, round galleries, and thin vertical tubes. It differs from S. laminosa in the finer structures and finer maculae, and the laminae are not made of microlaminae. It differs from S. divergens in having larger mamelons, in lacking distinct diverging pillars in the mamelens, and in lacking mamelon tubes. S. mononen- sis does not have large, long pillars as does Syringostroma sub- fuscum. Occurrence——Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, or Little Rock Creek limestone, two miles west of Monon, Ind. A similar form occurs in the upper part of the Traverse group at Petoskey, Mich., but the laminae are composed of microlaminae. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 278-21, 22, 23. Cat. No. 5347. 180 BULLETIN 162 Stromatopora submixta Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 15, figs. 2a,b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 60 mm. high and 50 mm. in diameter. The surface is not preserved but based on thin sec- tions and cut surfaces; the mamelons are about 3 mm. in dia- meter, 1 mm. high, and 7 mm. from center to center; astrorhizae small, with short radial canals; latilaminae obscure, about 1 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thick laminae, not well distinguishable, four or five in 2 mm., which turn smoothly into the mamelons. The laminae are composed of maculate tissue which is fused with the maculate pillar tissue, and the tissue, in- cluding pillars, is vaguely microlaminate. The maculae are 18 microns in diameter, are in vertical lines in the pillars, but not making vertical tubules separated by rods, as in Parallelopora. Galleries are small, round or oval, 0.09 mm. in diameter. The superposed galleries form many narrow, pseudozooidal tubes, which are long, straight, or curved, crossed by closely spaced, arched tabulae. Pillars short, many superposed, not recognizable in the mamelons, which are filled with maculate tissue, excepting for the astrorhizal canals. Tangential section—The galleries are round to vermicular spaces in the groundmass which embraces about 90 percent of the section. Pillars are not distinguishable. Astrorhizae are of medium size with short, thick, radial canals which are mostly un- branched, and without tabulae. S. submixta is characterized by the thick laminae and small galleries, the pseudozooidal tubes with many closely spaced tabulae, and large, complex astrorhizae. It differs from S. mixta Lecompte (1952, p. 283) in the presence of mamelons, in having slightly thicker laminae and pillars, and fewer dissepiments. The specimen is solid and nearly perfectly preserved by infiltration of calcium carbonate, yet the lack of distinctness of laminae and pillars makes it difficult to illustrate the species. It has larger pseudozooidal tubes and larger astrorhizae than S. obscura. Occurrence—Uncommon in the Middle Devonian, Logans- port limestone, from Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logans- port, Indiana. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 181 Holotype —Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 295-80, 81. Cat. No. 5357. Stromatopora pachytexta Lecompte PipalbetieseeoayeD Stromatopora pachytexta Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 117, p. 265, pl. 54, fig. 6; pl. 55, figs. 1, 2 (M. Dev., U. Couvinian, Dinant Basin, Belgium). Coenosteum massive, hemispherical, fragments up to 65 mm. high and 100 mm. in diameter. Mamelons absent; astrorhizae small, about 5 mm. in diameter, 8 to 10 mm. apart from center to center; astrorhizal canals bifurcate once or twice; latilaminae 2 to 3 mm. thick, three to eight in 10 mm. Vertical section—The latilaminae are composed of 6 to 11 laminae. Laminae are 0.16 mm. thick, six to eight in 2 mm., com- posed of an intermittent, thin, dense, layer which grades into outer, thicker, coarsely maculate layers. The pillars are broad, 0.13 to 0.2 mm., continuous, conspicuous, six to eight in 2 mm., composed of a central, thick, compact, light-colored core of tissue, which grades sharply into an outer, thin, coarsely maculate layer. The maculae are large, 0.025 mm. in average diameter. Short pillars composed of maculate tissue occur in a few places between the long pillars. Galleries round, oval, or vermicular, tending to be horizontally elongate, especially at a latilaminar boundary, aver- aging 0.18 mm. high, width variable from 0.16 to 1.7 mm. Galleries are commonly superposed, with foramina between but do not make tubes. The laminae and pillars, which are of about the same strength, make a rectangular network. Dissepiments are rare or lacking. Astrorhizal canals, which are only slightly larger than the galleries, are difficult to distinguish. Tangential section—Pillars appear as round spots, 0.18 to 0.25 mm. in diameter, coalesce or up to 0.25 mm. apart; the central, thick compact tissue is sharply contrasted with the outer thin, coarsely maculate tissue. Galleries round, oval, or vermicular, about the same size as the pillars. Astrorhizal canals nonseptate, about 0.15 mm. wide. Stromatopora pachytexta is characterized by the thick pillars and laminae, making a conspicuous, rectangular pattern. S. pachy- 182 BULLETIN 162 texta differs from S. cumingsi in the more definite laminae and thicker long pillars, showing as conspicuous round pillars in the tangential section. The Indiana specimens seem to be identical with the type from Belgium; the Indiana horizon may be a little higher, middle Givetian, than the Belgian horizon. Occurrence.—Common in the lower 10 feet of the Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. and from the Logansport limestone at the top of Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles south- east of Logansport. Plesiotypes—Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides: 294-12:-296-1, 2,3, 10; He (Cat- No. 5358: Stromatopora cumingsi Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. Pl. 15, figs. 4a, -b Coenosteum massive, headlike, up to 10 cm. in height and 20 cm. in diameter. The surface is smooth and finely papillate; there are no mamelons. Astrorhizae are observable only in thin sections or polished surfaces. They are small, 3 to 5 mm. in diameter and 5 to 8 mm. apart, the longer canals of adjacent astrorhizae joining. Latilaminae are conspicuous on weathered surfaces, varying from 1 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thick laminae and short, spool-shaped pillars and thin, long pillars. The laminae and short pillars are composed of microlaminae, not always ob- servable, which are made of lines of large, dark maculae and light-colored, compact tissue. The long pillars have a light-colored core of compact tissue and a coarsely maculate sheath, and are thin, 0.06 to 0.13 mm. in diameter. The microlaminae average 12 to 15 in 1 mm. There are from 8 to 10 laminae in 2 mm., and about 8 pillars in 2 mm. The maculae are most numerous on the outsides of both short and long pillars, hence more numerous around the galleries and astrorhizal canals. They vary from 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter. The galleries are largely round chambers in the section, 0.16 mm. in diameter. Superposed galleries are common, many with foramina between but scarcely make vertical tubes. The horizontal and vertical structures are made of the same kind of tissue and are completely amalgamated. The astro- rhizal canals appear sporadically in the section; they are some- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 183 what larger than the galleries, occur in groups without vertical tubes, and the microlaminae rise slightly over the groups of astrorhizal canals. There are few diaphragms in the canals. Dis- sepiments few, small, arched or oblique. Tangential section—Both the tissue and the chambers make similar, vermicular, branching and anastomosing patterns. The tissue occupies about 60 percent of the area of the field, and is coarsely maculate, especially on the edges of the irregular pillars. In the irregular pillars there are scattered round pillars, 0.1 to 0.16 mm. in diameter, composed of compact tissue of a yellowish hue, with large, dark maculae surrounding the compact tissue. Astrorhizae are conspicuous in most tangential sections when viewed with a 10 lens. The canals are about 0.15 mm. wide branch and anastomose moderately, and radiate from centers with fewer than ordinary maculae. The astrorhizal centers do not have tubes. Caunopore tubes (Syringopora) occur sparingly in some speci- mens (slides 299-13; 295-95, 96). The specimens appear to be perfectly preserved by infiltration of calctum carbonate. The species is characterized by the smooth surface, predomin- ance of round galleries, the few vertical tubes, the microlaminae, the coarse maculae on the borders of the structures, and especially by the long, thin, vertical pillars. It differs from S. lamtnosa Lecompte (1952, p. 276, pl. 55, fig. 3) in the fewer vertical tubes and the presence of the long pillars. It differs from S. pachytexta Lecompte (1952, pl. 55, figs. 1-3) in having fewer and smaller long pillars and more microlaminae. It differs from S. conicomam- illata and S. magnimamillata mainly in — lacking mamelons. It is much like S. cooperi Lecompte, having larger galleries and more regular pillars. The species is named for Prof. E. R. Cumings, formerly head of the Department of Geology of Indiana University, who col- lected some of the specimens. Occurrence —Abundant in the Middle Devonian, lower Logans- port limestone at the Upper Dam on Eel River, six miles northeast of Logansport, Ind., abundant in the France Lime and Stone Company quarry five miles east of Logansport, the holotype, and at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport. 184 BULLETIN 162 Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 304-47, 48. Cat. No. 5334. Paratypes.—Slides 282-95, 96, 97, 98; 294-13, 18-22, 27, 28; 295-87, 88, 95, 96; 296-4, 5, 8, 9; 302-99, 100: 303-55, 56: 304-43: BAAD POR Oi DO 8D D5 afoul to LODO lawn. Toren Stromatopora conicomamillata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PIS IG fizssslarap Coenosteum a massive head 6 cm. high, 12 cm. in diameter. The surface is mamillate and papillate; mamelons 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, 1 to 1.5 mm. high, and 4 to 6 mm. apart from center to center, averaging 14 in 4 sq. cm.; papillae are small anastomos- ing ridges with pits and grooves between. Astrorhizae are small and indistinct, occurring sporadically in the mamelon centers. Latilaminae conspicuous on a weathered surface, 1 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of discontinuous laminae of variable thickness, interlaminar tissue making short, irregular pillars, and long, thin pillars. The laminae and _ short pillars are composed of microlaminae, which in turn are composed of lines of large, dark maculae 0.016 mm. in diameter. The laminae are 0.07 to 0.17 mm. thick, 7 in 2 mm. The long pillars are abund- ant and thin, 0.06 to 0.11 mm. in diameter, have a light-colored, compact core of primary tissue, and large, dark maculae on the outside. Galleries are round to oval or irregular, 0.12 mm. in diameter. Pseudozooidal tubes, 3 to 10 in 4 mm., 0.05 to 0.14 mm. wide, are long, with straight or curved tabulae. Pillars are narrower than the pseudozooidal tubes, and look much the same in photo- graphs, but are more strongly marked by dark maculae on the edges. Astrorhizal canals sporadic, larger than the galleries. Tangential section.—The tissue occupies about 80 percent of the section. The tissue is coarsely maculate, with the maculae concentrated around the edges of the long, round pillars, which are 0.09 mm. in diameter, but difficult to distinguish. The short irregular pillars anastomose and cannot be distinguished from the laminae. The galleries are round to irregular, and the pseudozooidal tubes are round and numerous. Astrorhizae, 2 to 4 mm. in diameter, are simple and indistinct, without axial tubes. The astrorhizal DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 185 canals are 0.15 mm. wide. The primary, round pillars are smaller and less conspicuous than they are in S. cumingsi. Stromatopora conicomamillata is named for the character- istically small, closely spaced, conical mamelons. Neither the long thin, primary pillars, vertical tubes nor the laminae are con- spicuous. S. magnimamillata is similar, but has larger, low mame- lons, and the vertical tubes are not so conspicuous. This species differs from S. cumingsi in having mamelons and smaller, long, narrow pillars. S. cooperi Lecompte lacks mamelons, or indications of mamelons in thin section, and also lacks primary pillars, but does have long, small, vertical tubes and indefinite laminae. Occurrence.—Five specimens were found in the Middle Devon- ian, lower Logansport limestone at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 303-73, 74. Cat. No. 5335. Paraty pes —303-79, 80, 88, 89; 304-1, 2, 23, 24. Stromatopora magnimamillata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PIG Gsefieste2aeb Coenosteum massive, one fragment is 5 cm. high and 11 em. in diameter. The surface has low, broad mamelons, 5 mm. in diameter, 1 to 1.5 mm. high, 7 to 10 mm. from center to center, nine in 4 sq. cm., and low, round papillae. Astrorhizae in the center of each mamelon are composed of delicate, branching, radial canals, indistinct except on a wetted surface. Latilaminae 2 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of discontinuous laminae of variable thickness, six in 2 mm. and long narrow pillars and interlaminar tissue. The laminae are composed of microlaminae, which are rows of large, coarse maculae, 0.028 mm. in diameter, including the flocculent edge. The long pillars are abundant, straight or inclined, and narrow 0.13 to 0.17 mm. in diameter, with a narrow core of compact, primary tissue and an outer sheath of coarse maculate tissue. The interlaminar tissue serves as short pillars. The galleries are small, round to irregular, averaging 0.12 to 0.15 mm. in diameter, frequently superposed, making 186 BuLLeTIN 162 short, tabulate vertical or irregular pseudozooidal tubes. The pil- lars are slightly divergent in the mamelons. Dissepiments are rare to absent. The mamelons are not shown in the figure. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue covers about 70 per- cent of the section. Laminae are not distinguishable. The long pillars are round, 0.17 mm. in diameter, with light, yellowish centers, accentuated by the outer sheath of maculae, mostly con- fluent, but up to 0.14 mm. apart, and forming about half of the tissue of the section. The galleries are irregular and vermicular, about the size of the large pillars. The short pillars are not dis- tinguishable from the laminar and interlaminar tissue. Astrorhizae composed of long, thin, vermicular, branching canals, 0.10 mm. wide near their base. Maculae are large, 0.013 to 0.028 mm. in diameter, with clear centers. The galleries and round pillars are outlined by strong, dark maculae. Pseudozooidal tubes are com- mon, round and appear white. Stromatopora magnimamillata is named for its character- istic broad, low mamelons, which distinguish it from the smooth- surfaced S. pachytexta Lecompte and S. cumingst. The large, low mamelons distinguish it from S. conicomamillata, which has small- er, higher, more closely spaced mamelons, and the pillars are thinner than is S. pachytexta. It should be emphasized that all of the species of the S. pachytexta group are much alike. Occurrence—Common in the Middle Devonian, lower Logans- port limestone, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 303-78, 79. Cat. No. 5336. Paratype.—Slides 304-53, 54, 63, 64, 85, 86. Genus SYRINGOSTROMA Nicholson, 1875 Type species (selected by Nicholson, 1886, p. 98), S. densum Nicholson, 1875, Geol. Surv. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 251, pl. 24, fig. 2 (Mid. Dev., Kelleys Island, Ohio) ; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 97, pl. 11, figs. 13, 14; 1891, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 7, p. 326, pl. 10; figs. 8, 9; Girty, 1895, 48th Ann. Rept. State Geol. New York for 1894, DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 187 vol. 2, p. 289; Parks, 1909, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 6, p. 8; Ripper, 1937, Roy. Soc. Victoria Proc., new ser., vol. 49, p. 179; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A46; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 195. Stylodictyon Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. (4p 2 Coenosteum massive or tuberose, composed of latilaminae and thin, porous laminae. Interlaminar spaces largely filled with macu- late tissue, leaving small oval, and narrow, superposed galleries. Pillars large and long, and short and spool-shaped; in the type species the large pillars are made by sharp upturns of the laminae, making small columns which are filled with more compact maculate tissue. In many other species there are no mamelon columns. Tangential section with large, roundish pillars or concentric circles, round or irregular small pillars and round and anastomosing gal- leries. Tissue fused and conspicuously maculate. Astrorhizae largely developed. Silurian and Devonian, North America, Europe and Australia. About 20 species. Syringostroma differs from Stromatopora only in the large, continuous, round pillars, which are in the goundmass as seen in tangential section. It resembles Parallelopora in the maculate tis- sue and strong, long pillars, but lacks the vertical tubules and rods in the pillars. Syringostroma of Lecompte (1951, p. 195) is not typical, and most of his species belong in other genera. KEY TO AMERICAN MIDDLE DEVONIAN SPECIES OF SYRINGOSTROMA la. Surface without mamelons 2a. Long pillars not surrounded by galleries 3a. Long pillars less than 0.5 mm. broad 4a. Short pillars more abundant thane lone pillars 22. =e ce S. densum Nicholson 4b. Long pillars more abundant fhanasnont pillansnesescccetemeces. S. sanduskyense, n. sp. 3b. Long pillars about 1 mm. broad .....S. perdenswm, n. sp. 2b. Long pillars surrounded by galleries 188 BuLLeETIN 162 3c. Long pillars stellate; laminae turn 45°or less into the pillars 4c. Laminae turn up 45° into lonigespillang ets eee eh S. superdensum, n. sp. 4d. Laminae turn up 10° to 30° into longs pillars %.2.2. 2m ones S. papillatum, n. sp. 3d. Long pillars wheel-shaped in tangential section; laminae turn 60° into the pillars 4e. Coenosteum erect, tuberose ....crcseus S. tuberosum, n. sp. Ata Coenosteumn amassive.cessece nee S. sp. undescribed lb. Surface mamillate 2c. Astrorhizae large, 10 mm. or more In GAME TOR Gees eaten ie erence aera a S. radicosum, n. sp. 2d. Astrorhizae small, 3 to 5 mm. in diameter 3e. Mamelons 7 to 10 mm. in diameter ........... S.perfuscum, n. sp. 3f. Mamelons 3 to 6 mm. in diameter 4o. Pseudozooidal tubes abundant 5a. Pillars strong, mamelons strong .....S. fuscwm, n. sp. 5b. Pillars weak; mamelons weak ......S. swbfuscum, n. sp. 4h. Pseudozooidal tubes rare; laminae | TISGMInitoO pillars wmsseeeeeee ee S. bicrenulatum, n. sp. Syringostroma densum Nicholson Pl, 16, figs. 3a, b Syringostroma densa Nicholson, 1875, Geol. Surv. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 251, pl. 24, figs. 2a, b.; S. densum Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, ps 97, ply die figs; 13) 14-2 1890) Ann. Mis. Niateebist) sens 6-sv.olu7. p. 326, pl. 10, figs. 8, 9 (Mid. Dev., Columbus ls., Kelleys Island, Ohio). Coenosteum small, hemispherical, 2 to 3 cm. high and up to 9 cm. in diameter. Surface nearly smooth, without mamelons. Astrorhizae are large, up to 10 mm. in diameter, scattered and in- conspicuous, with long, narrow canals, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter. Latilaminae 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are moderately thick, about eight in 2 mm., each composed of two to four microlaminae with much coarsely maculate thickening tissue. The pillars are of two kinds, abundant short and common long. The short pillars are indefinitely spool-shaped, and tend to be superposed; the long pillars DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 189 extend through many laminae, are from 0.18 to 0.3 mm. in diameter and the laminae rise slightly into the long pillars. Short pillars and laminae are composed of coarsely maculate tissue; the maculae tend to be arranged in vertical lines, and are from 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter. The long pillars are composed of more compact tissue than the laminae and short pillars, and the maculae have smaller, light-colored centers and appear smaller because they are closer together. The maculae in the long pillars tend to be arranged in diverging, vertical lines, but no tubules are made by maculae as 1s true for Parallelopora. The microlaminae, laminae, short pillars and long pillars are amalgamated and composed of the same kind of maculate tissue. The galleries are round and irregular in shape; many are superposed, making pseudozooidal tubes 0.06 mm. in diameter, but they are not a conspicuous feature of the section. Astrorhizal canals are round to oval and 0.25 to 0.3 mm. in diame- ter some with curved tabulae. Dissepiments are scarce. Tangential section—tThe tissue is a lacy network of maculate tissue of three shades, the loose interlaminar tissue, the darker laminae, and the darker, large, round pillars. There are round pseudozooidal tubes, irregular and vermicular galleries, small vacui- ties, and large astrorhizal canals, up to 0.4 mm. in diameter, not shown in the figure. The maculae are irregular in shape, many are confluent, from 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter. In the maculate groundmass are dusky, roundish, more compact spots, 0.2 to 0.35 mm. in diameter, which are the large pillars. The dusty tissue of the pillars surrounding the maculae is more dense than in the groundmass, and few of the pillars are outlined by a ring of galleries, and none by microlaminae. The tissue is completely amalgamated, and microlaminae are not seen. This species is characterized by the smooth laminae, only slightly rising into the long pillars, by the small size of the long pillars, as compared with S. superdensum, and the lacy appear- ance in the tangential section. Our description and_ figures are taken from topotypes, and they fit the original and later des- criptions and figures of Nicholson. The generic term “syringo” seems to have had reference to the astrorhizal canals, which are by no means characteristic of Syringostroma, but occur in many genera 190 BULLETIN 162 of stromatoporoids. The specific term “denswm” is correct in indi- cating the finer texture of the species as compared with Anostylo- stroma and Parallelopora, with which it occurs, but it is no more dense than Stromatopora marpleae from Kelleys Island, and the dense structure is much less marked than in Syringostroma super- densum and other forms from southern Indiana. The genus Syrin- gostroma must stand on the presence of continuous, large pillars which lack the vertical tubules of Parallelopora, but the two genera are closely related. This species differs from S. superdensum, with which it might be confused, in the smaller long pillars and small rise of the laminae into the long pillars. Occurrence——We have several fragmentary specimens from the north shore of Kelleys Island, Ohio, collected through the kind- ness of Dr. M. F. Marple, of Ohio State University, and two large, well-preserved specimens from the Meshberger Stone Company quarry, two miles northeast of Elizabethtown, Ind. (Slides 302-60, GI G25165)) Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 306-8, 9. Cat. No. 5405. Syringostroma sanduskyense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 16, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 6 cm. high and 13 cm. in diameter. The surface is not preserved, but based on thin sections, it has large conical papillae 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter; mamelons absent; astrorhizae are large, up to 10 or 15 mm. in diameter, with centers about 15 mm. apart, composed of thin, branching radial canals. Latilaminae are 2 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section —Laminae are straight, thick, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. thick, five to eight in 2 mm., composed of two to six thin micro- laminae which are interlaminated with light-colored maculate tissue. The laminae turn sharply up into the long pillars through which they extend, though in many places, the pillars pierce the laminae. Long pillars abundant, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. broad, one to five in 2 mm., flaring into each lamina, with long parallel light and dark streaks, but scarcely making tubules and rods, as in Parallelopora. Short DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 191 pillars common, spool-shaped, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. broad. All of the pillars are composed of tissue containing large maculae, 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter, similar to the tissue embracing the microlaminae. The maculae are dusky spheres and clear spots, obvious in some places, obscure in others, the variation depending on preservation, where the maculae are cut, and the thickness of the section. The galleries are small round, or low broad, rectangles, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. high, one to four times as broad. The galleries are mostly superposed, but few are connected by foramina in the laminae. Dissepiments rare, broadly curved and cblique. Pseudozooidal tubes are short, rare, and not typical. Tangential section—tThe pillars are conspicuous, mostly 0.3 mm. in diameter, round with irregular edges and tenuous processes joining adjacent pillars, but not making radial rods, as in Actino- stroma. Many pillars coalesce and fuse with the laminae. Most of the thin section is composed of dark, mottled laminar tissue, with one or two rows of pillars between two laminae and with vacuities in the laminar tissue. The galleries are narrow, 0.12 mm. wide, anastomosing about the pillars. The large astrorhizae are composed of long, sinuous, branching canals with some intercalated short branching canals; both long and short canals are sparsely tabulate, 0.19 to 0.22 mm. broad at the base. S. sanduskyense is characterized by the lack of mamelons, by the large pillars, and by the multiple microlaminae within the thick laminae. It differs from S. radicosum, n. sp., in lacking mame- lons, and in having smaller pillars and smaller astrorhizal canals. This species is much like the type of Synthetostroma (Lecompte, 1951, p. 194, pl. 20, figs. 3, 4) including the maculate tissue and microlaminae, but has fewer dissepiments; the relative number of dissepiments is a specific character but not a generic one. It is much like Clathrocoilona, which has flocculent tissue, but not typically maculate tissue. Laminae are composed of microlaminae in many genera. S. sanduskyense emphasizes the clcese relationship between Syringostroma, Parallelopora, and Synthetostroma. Occurrence.—The specimen, loaned from the Ohio State Uni- versity Museum by Dr. Mildred F. Marple, is from the Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone of northern Ohio. The name Stroma- 192 BuLLETIN 162 topora sanduskiensis was on the label, so that the specimen is pre- sumably from somewhere near Sandusky, Ohio. To our knowledge the species has never been published, and we have adopted the name that was on the label, with a correction in spelling, changing the z to y. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 306-19, 20; Cat. No. 5406. Ohio State University Museum, Paleontological Collections, specimen number 2211, and 2 slides. Syringostroma perdensum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 17, figs. 1a, b Coenosteum massive, tuberose, an incomplete specimen is 9 cm. high and 15 cm. in diameter. Surface with papillae, 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter and 2 to 3 mm. from center to center; very small astrorhizae are located between the papillae. Latilaminae are 3 to 4 mm. thick, seen well on a polished surface, as are the diverg- ing columns. The specimen is well preserved, highly infiltrated with calcium carbonate, and very dense. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thin laminae, 12 to 16 in 2 mm., which rise sharply into the large pillars, and are in turn composed of thin microlaminae, 0.008 to 0.012 mm. thick, with a darker microlamina at the top of each lamina. The large pillars are about 1 mm. in diameter, some of which have tubes 0.1 mm. in diameter, and are marked by gray, dense tissue, making long diverging pillars. The laminae are largely superposed, leaving small, oval galleries, about 0.08 mm. in diameter, and narrow pseudozooidal tubes, five to six in 2 mm., crossed by thin micro- laminae. The short pillars, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. wide, are superposed, and in many cases are confluent laterally. The tissue is finely macu- late, the maculae being small, about 0.012 mm. in diameter, and visible only in favorable parts of the section. Tangential section—The groundmass is uniformly maculate, covering more than 90 percent of the area of the section. The confluent, amalgamated mass of maculate tissue is pierced by short, thin astrorhizal canals, about 0.1 mm. in diameter, by vertical tubes, from 0.06 to 0.09 mm. in diameter, and by branching, vermi- cular galleries 0.1 mm. wide. The truncated large pillars appear as slightly darker, round areas within the groundmass, set off by DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 193 several concentric rows of microlaminae, not outlined by a circle of galleries, and are difficult to distinguish. The small pillars are round, 0.2 to 0.27 mm. in diameter, and separated by narrow, anastomosing galleries, many confluent and merging with the la- minae. Stromatopora perdensum is characterized by the long, large pillars, into which the laminae turn, and by the small size and small number of the galleries and large amount of tissue. It is a typical Syringostroma, being like Stromatopora but having large, long pillars. It differs from S. denswm in the even more dense struc- ture, finer maculae, and smaller galleries. Occurrence——Middle Devonian, Logansport, 0 to 10 feet above the base, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-74; 303-19, 20, 21, 37, 38, 39, 46, 47, 48. Cat. No. 5337. Paratype.—Slides 304-77, 78. Syringostroma superdensum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl iie hestezab Coenosteum making hemispherical heads 15 cm. in diameter. Surface without mamelons, but with small papillae, 1 mm. in diameter, % mm. high and 2 mm. apart from center to center. Scattered astrorhizae, 3 mm. in diameter are difficult to detect. Lati- laminae, 2 mm. thick may be seen on the polished, vertical surface. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thick laminae, about eight in 2 mm., which in turn are composed of 4 to 6 micro- laminae. Round and oval galleries, 0.1 to 0.15 mm. in diameter occur in the lower half of the laminae. Superposed galleries are common, some making vertical, tabulate tubes, 0.1 mm. in diameter. Pillars are of two kinds, short and long. The short pillars are thick, spool-shaped, 10 to 12 in 2 mm., and usually superposed; micro- laminae cut across the short pillars, but are conspicuous. The long pillars, characteristic of the genus, occupy the axes of small columns, and traverse several latilaminae; they are mostly straight, 0.5 to 0.6 mm. in diameter, two to four in 4 mm. and are composed 194 BuLLeTIn 162 of more compact and finer maculate tissue than the small pillars, and the maculae tend to be in diverging lines, but not in parallel lines, as in Parallelopora. The laminae rise sharply, about 45° into the long pillars, and in places cut the pillars and curve back down. All pillars, the laminae and microlaminae are amalgamated and coarsely maculate, with maculae 0.023 to 0.038 mm. in diameter; the clear lumina in the maculae are only 0.018 mm. in diameter in dense specimens from the Falls of the Ohio, but in less dense specimens from northeast of Louisville, Ky., the lumina of the maculae are larger, 0.03 to 0.034 mm. Tangential section—The maculate tissue occupies about 80 percent of the area of the section. The maculae are more con- spicucus than they are in the vertical section. The short pillars may be round, but mostly coalesce, forming a groundmass in which occur the small, round, pseudozooidal tubes, round and anastomos- ing galleries, and an occasional astrorhizal canal. The long pillars are also small columns, about 0.6 mm. in diameter, 0.8 to 1.2 mm. apart, and appear stellate, each with a single ring of large, round or curved galleries surrounding the pillar. The maculae of the large pillars are more conspicuous than those in the small pillars and laminae, but are not measurably larger. The species S. suwperdensum is characterized by the small papillae, the small astrorhizae, the large, stellate pillars in which the microlaminae rise at about 45°. The specimens appear as dense limestone to the eye and hand lens, but no more dense than speci- mens of Stromatopora and Parallelopora occurring with them. It differs from S. tuberosum, n. sp., in the shape of the coenosteum, the more distant laminae and lower angle of micrclaminae in the large pillars, and a less lacy and more dense appearance. It has much larger long pillars than S. densuwm, hence the specific name. Occurrence.—This species occurs abundantly in the Jefferson- ville limestone at the Falls of the Ohio at Jeffersonville, Ind., (slides 272-6; 285-27, 28, 29; 295-3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18), and 1s common in the Jeffersonville limestone in the Independent quarry, four miles south of Dupont, Ind., (slides 285-53, 54, 58), the Mesh- berger quarry, eight miles south of Columbus, Ind. (302-60, 61), one mile north of Kent, Ind. (295-61, 62), and 3.3 miles south- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 195 west of Prospect, Ky., (306-1, 2). A similar species, with higher angle of microlaminae in the prominent, small columns, appearing wheel-like in tangential section, and larger astrorhizae, occurs in the Middle Devonian at Coral Rapids, northern Ontario (slides 301-98,.99; 100; 302-1, 2). Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-27, 28, 29. Cat. No. 5363. Syringostroma papillatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 17, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 25 mm. high and 55 mm. in diameter. The surface has low, domal papillae, 0.3 mm. high, 0.5 to | mm. in diameter, and | to 2 mm. from center to center, and small astrorhizae, 4 mm. in diameter, 5 mm. from center to center. The astrorhizal canals meander between the papillae, and their centers are in some cases in the centers of the papillae. The lati- laminae are slightly undulatory, four to five in 10 mm. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thick l]aminae, 0.25 mm. thick, 10 in 2 mm., which turn smoothly into large pillars. The laminae are made of several microlaminae 0.02 mm. thick. The top edge of each lamina is sharply demarked by a dark microlamina. The galleries are small, round to oval, or elon- gate, 0.08 mm. in diameter and occupy about half of the inter- laminar space at the lower sides of the laminae. There are 10 galleries in 2 mm. horizontally. Short, spool-shaped pillars occur between the galleries and are in general superposed. The long, large pillars are 0.3 to 0.5 mm. wide, about two in 2 mm. and make the papillae at the surface. Astrorhizal canals are abundant, round, 6.16 mm. in diameter and are located between the large pillars. Vertical astrorhizal tubes occur in places, 0.16 mm. in diameter and are crossed by upward curved tabulae. Pseudozooidal tubes are abundant, seven or eight in 2 mm., 0.06 to 0.08 mm. in diameter, mostly straight but some are diagonal and some curve. The tissue is yellowish and dusty in appearance and filled with both light and dark maculae, 0.02 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are rare or absent. Tangential section—Maculate tissue occupies about 80 per- cent of the section. The short pillars are in part round but mostly 196 BULLETIN 162 confluent. The large pillars are round, 0.3 to 1 mm. in diameter and 1 to 2 mm. apart from center to center and surrounded by galleries, and there are several round pseudozooidal tubes in each large pillar. The large pillars are thus difficult to distinguish under the microscope, although the tissue is more dense than that between the pillars which are readily seen with a 10 lens. The galleries are round to irregular and anastomosing. The section is dotted with round, pseudozooidal tubes, 0.06 to 0.08 mm. in diameter. Astro- rhizae are conspicuous, 4 mm. in diameter, some with a central, round tube 0.23 mm. in diameter; the canals are larger than the galleries. Syringostroma papillatum is characterized by the strong papil- lae, the small, round galleries and a large amount of tissue as com- pared with galleries. It is much like Stromatopora divergens, n. sp., but it has long pillars, lacks mamelons, and has closer laminae. The species differs from S. swperdensum, of the Jeffersonville lime- stone, in the smaller galleries and maculae, and the laminae do not turn as abruptly into the columns; the microlaminae rise at about 30°. The skeleton is fully as dense as it is in S. superdensum and more dense than it is in S. densum. Occurrence-—Middle Devonian, Hamilton group, Logansport limestone, from the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological _—_Coilections, slides 278-5, 6; 303-49, 50. Cat. No. 5338. Syringostroma tuberosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 17, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum erect, tuberose, up to 12 cm. high and 8 cm. in diameter, commonly elliptical in cross section. Surface with low conical papillae, 1 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, about half as high and 1.5 to 2 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae are difficult to detect, with small, short, simple canals. Latilaminae are 2 to 3 mm. thick. The axis of the coenosteum is a nearly vertical column 20 mm. in diameter, and the long pillars abruptly turn outward at an angle of 80° from the vertical and proceed to the surface in straight lines, thus producing an axial and a cortical region in mature specimens. Some of the pillars increase by bifurcation. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 197 Vertical section.—Laminae, 0.04 to 0.12 mm. thick, 10 to 12 in 2 mm., composed of one or more microlaminae, bounded on the lower sides by maculate tissue. The laminae curve continuously be- tween closely spaced long pillars, into which they turn at about 60° and become nearly vertical, the microlaminae appearing as sheaths around the pillars. The long pillars, 0.26 to 0.66 mm. broad, one or two in 2 mm., are in the axes of small, radial columns. Short pillars, 0.04 to 0.12 mm. broad, six to eight in 2 mm., between the long pillars, have a tendency to be superposed. Both pillar and laminar tissue contain large maculae, 0.02 to 0.04 mm. in diameter. Galleries are subrectangular, 0.09 to 0.16 mm. high and one to three times as broad. Superposed galleries are short, usually divided by microlaminae, 0.42 mm. broad, one to two in 2 mm., but typical, long zooidal tubes are not formed. One vertical section (296-20) has a large, straight, tabulate astrorhizal tube, 0.18 mm. broad, with several horizontal branches, but not in a papillar column. Dissepi- ments are thin, low to highly arched, mostly oblique, rare. Tangential section—The tissue composes about 50 percent of the area of the section. The section is a complex, lacy pattern of large pillars, small, confluent pillars, round and irregular galleries, round and elongate astrorhizal canals, small vacuities and maculae. The maculae are large, round, conspicuous, light-colored dots, about 0.03 mm. in diameter, separated by darker, dusty appearing tissue, which is larger in amount in the large pillars, so that the maculae appear smaller because of the restriction of the white centers. The tissue of laminae, short pillars, and microlaminae are amalgamated. The small pillars are irregular, coalescent, and not well defined, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. The large pillars are 0.9 to 1.1 mm. in diameter and 0.2 to 0.4 mm. apart, with solid but maculate centers, and marked by one or two rings of galleries, microlaminae, and astrorhizal canals. Astrorhizae are small, simple, rarely branching canals, 0.08 to 0.09 mm. broad at the base and extended between the large pillars. S. tuberosum is characterized by the erect, tuberose shape of the coenosteum, by the close spacing of the long pillars, and by the high angle at which the laminae turn into the pillars. It is similar to S. superdensum, n. sp., but differs in the tuberose shape, in the more 198 BuLLeTIN 162 closely spaced laminae, the smaller amount of tissue, and in the high angle at which the laminae turn into the columns. It is more similar to an undescribed species from the Columbus limestone from Coral Rapids, northern Ontario, differing in the tuberose shape of the coenosteum rather than massive and in having larger papillae and pillars. Occurrence.—Three specimens, including the holotype, were collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone, one mile north of Kent, Indiana, by Mr. Guy Campbell; one specimen is from Commiskey Cave, Jennings County, Ind.; common in the Meshberger Stone Company quarry, two miles northeast of Eliza- bethtown, Ind. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 296-20, 21, 22; 305-100. Cat. No. 5382. Paratypes.—Slides 295-63; 296-23, 24; 305-95, 96. Syringostroma radicosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 18, figs. la, b Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 4 cm. high, 8 cm. in dia- meter. The surface has prominent conical mamelons, 6 to 8 mm. in diameter, 2 to 5 mm. high, 10 to 15 mm. apart from center to center. Astrohizae large, 10 mm. or more in diameter, composed of numerous large, branching canals, some of which connect with canals of adjacent astrorhizae. Latilaminae thin, 1 or 2 mm. thick. The tissue appears dense, with mamelons, long pillars, and large astrorhizal canals. Vertical section —Laminae, 0.07 to 0.14 mm. thick, five to eight in 2 mm., are composed of several microlaminae, which are bound- ed by secondary tissue containing maculae 20 to 25 microns in the diameter. The laminae turn sharply into large mamelons and long pillars. The short pillars are spool-shaped and broad, filling most of the interlaminar space, and maculate; long pillars, about 0.5 mm. broad, composed of more compact, maculate tissue, extend through the laminae, in and between the mamelons. Both the laminae and pillars thicken in the mamelon columns, which are com- pact and finely maculate. The galleries are round or oval, 0.05 to 0.15 mm. in diameter, one to three times as broad, and are smaller than the astrorhizal canals. Pseudozooidal tubes are short and not common. Dissepiments are rare. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 199 Tangential section—The short pillars are mostly confluent and difficult to distinguish; in well-preserved specimens the pillar tissue is slightly darker than the surrounding tissue. The tissue occupies 80 to 90 percent of the section. The large pillars are 0.35 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, maculate and compact, with obscure an- nuli. The galleries are small and irregular. The astrorhizae are composed of large branching canals up to 0.28 mm. broad at the base, with curved tabulae; the astrorhizae have no particular re- lation to the large pillars, tend to be located in columns, but without axial tubes. Syringostroma radicosum is characterized by large mamelons, large astrorhizae and a large amount of tissue. The specific term refers to the conspicuous, astrorhizal canals. It is similar to S. superdensum but differs in having mamelons and large astrorhizae. Occurrence—Four specimens were collected from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at the Jefferson County quarry, 1.2 miles northeast of the Louisville, Kentucky, city limits on Highway 42, by Mr. P. McGrain and Mr. F. H. Walker of the Kentucky Geological Survey. The specimens are somewhat weathered. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-88, 89. Cat. No. 5392. Paratypes.—Slides 305-86, 87, 90, 91, 92. Syringostroma fuscum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 18, figs. 2a, b Coenosteum thick, laminar, 2 to 5 cm. thick and 15 to 20 cm. in diameter. The base is marked by prominent, concentric wrinkles, 10 to 12 mm. from crest to crest and 1.5 mm. high. Surface with domal mamelons from 4 to 6 mm. in diameter, 1.5 to 2 mm. high, and 8 to 10 mm. from center to center and with low, conical papil- lae, about 0.5 mm. in diameter, which are the upper ends of the long pillars. Astrorhizae are small and indistinct, located in the centers of the mamelons. Latilaminae are from 1 to 2 mm. thick, between which the coenostea readily split. Vertical sectton—The skeleton is composed of a network of thin laminae, 10 in 2 mm., and vertical pillars, the long ones being 200 BuLLETIN 162 more conspicuous than the laminae. The laminae are separated by thin, white microlaminae, about 0.03 mm. thick. The pillars are both short and long, with a few short pillars between two long pillars. The long pillars are 0.3 to 0.37 mm. wide, three in 2 mm., are recognized by their dusky appearance, suggest the name fuscum, and are composed of maculate tissue more compact than that of the laminae and short pillars. Both kinds of pillars are divergent in the mamelons and are traversed by the microlaminae. The la- minae rise gently in the mamelon axes and sharply in the long pillars. The mamelon axes are occupied by several vertical astro- rhizal tubes, by round, horizontal, astrorhizal canals, and by long, compact pillars like the ordinary dusky pillars. The mamelons are not shown by the figure. The galleries are mostly round, some horizontally confluent, about 0.13 mm. in diameter. Pseudozooidal tubes are abundant, round, traversing several laminae, thin, about 0.10 mm. wide, three to eight in 2 mm., with microlaminae extend- ing across them. The round astrorhizal canals in the columns are 0.17 mm. in diameter. The tissue is entirely maculate; the maculae are small, averaging 0.016 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments appear to be absent. Tangential section.—About 70 percent of the area is composed of a maculate ground mass. The larger pillars are round, 0.25 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, 0.25 mm. or more apart, composed of tissue darker and more compact than the surrounding groundmass, and recognized by their dusky appearance, rather than outlined by gal- leries, best seen under 10% magnification. The small pillars are coalescent. The skeletal elements are amalgamated, so that neither laminae nor microlaminae are distinguishable in tangential sections. The galleries are round, as well as vermicular and coalescent. Ver- tical tubes, 0.10 mm. in diameter, are round and abundant. The astrorhizae are composed of straight, short, thick radial canals, 0.12 to 0.24 mm. wide, without tabulae. Syringostroma fuscum is characterized by the thick, laminar coenosteum, the mamelons 4 to 6 mm. in diameter, the basal corrugations, and the small size of the long pillars which are not outlined by a ring of galleries. This species is like S. swbfuscum and S. perfuscum, with which it occurs, but has larger mamelons DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 201 than the former and smaller mamelons than the latter. It differs from S. densum in having mamelons, narrower long pillars, the la- minae do not turn into the pillars as strongly, and the pillars are not outlined by a ring or rings of galleries. S. fuscum approaches the Stromatopora hiipschi group of the genus Stromatopora but is placed in the genus Syringostroma on the basis of the large, round pillars which are distinguishable in tangential section. The speci- mens are well preserved but have been oxidized to a buff color. Occurrence.—Abundant in the upper Middle Devonian, Little Rock Creek limestone, 10 to 30 feet above the Silurian-Devonian contact, France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana, and on Pipe Creek, one mile north of Bunker Hill, Indiana. Holotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-66, 67. Cat. No. 5348. Paratypes.—Slides 294-54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 62, 68, 69, 70, 78, 79, SOMSTS2. Ok 92" 93). 303-18. 95; $6, 435 305-95 10.11 12: Syringostroma subfuscum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 18, figs. 3a, b Coenesteum laminar, one fragment is 3.5 cm. thick and 14 cm. in diameter. The surface has smoothly rounded, low mamelons, 3 to 4.5 mm. in diameter, | to 1.5 mm. high, and 8 to 10 mm. from center to center. Papillae, the ends of the round pillars, are abund- ant. Astrorhizae are small, 2 mm. in diameter. Latilaminae 1 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of undulose la- minae, 0.1 to 0.2 mm. thick, 10 to 15 in 2 mm., which rise into the mamelons and in places into the long pillars. Laminae are separated by light-colored microlaminae, with maculate tissue largely filling the interlaminar spaces and fusing with the pillar tissue. The long pillars are 0.2 to 0.3 mm. wide and composed of dusky, superposed, short segments, six pillars in 2 mm., which become larger, divergent, curved, and branched in the mamelons. The galleries are small, round to oval, 0.11 mm. in diameter. Pseudozooidal tubes are 0.15 mm. wide, four or five in 2 mm., and abundant. The tissue is finely but conspicuously maculate, the maculae being 0.01 to 0.015 mm. in diameter. Dissepiments are absent. 202 BuLLeETIN 162 Tangential section—The groundmass makes up about 70 per- cent of the section. The long pillars are round, averaging 0.2 mm. in diameter, slightly darker than the groundmass but difficult to distinguish, best seen with a 10 hand lens. The short pillars are confluent, about 0.2 mm. wide. There are tubes in some of the mamelons, but they are small, about 0.2 mm. in diameter. The pseudozooidal tubes are round, 0.12 mm. in diameter, and many are surrounded by a thick ring of tissue but not making ring-pillars. The galleries are small, 0.13 mm. wide, vermicular and anastomos- ing, making a regular meshwork with the groundmass. The astro- rhizae are small and simple, with radial canals about 0.1 mm. wide, mostly straight and sparsely branching. Syringostroma subfuscum is characterized by the small mame- lons, and indistinct, long, round pillars; otherwise this species can scarcely be distinguished from S. fuscwm or S. perfuscum, both of which have larger mamelons and stronger pillars. The specific name refers to the general similarity of the species to S. fuscum. This species resembles Stromatopora mononensis but has long, round pillars and longer and larger pseudozooidal tubes. It has a great re- semblance to the Stromatopora hiipschi group; some workers may consider it to be a species of Stromatopora. Occurrence—Common in the Middle Devonian, Little Rock Creek limestone, 10 to 30 feet above the Silurian-Devonian contact at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 294-71, 303-44. Cat. No. 5349. Paraty pes.—Slides 294-49, 52, 77, 87, 88, 94, 95, 96; 303-11, 12, 13: Syringostroma perfuseum Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. Pl. 18, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum thick, laminar, fragments are up to 5 cm. high and 14 cm. in diameter. The surface is strongly mamillate and papillate; mamelons are high domes, 7 to 10 mm. in diameter, 2 to 3 mm. high and 9 to 15 mm. from center to center; papillae are large, round, low domes about 0.8 mm. in diameter, with a height one-third to one- half the diameter; astrorhizae are small, 3 to 4 mm. in diameter, DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 203 indistinct, in the center of each mamelon; latilaminae about 1.5 mm. thick. Vertical section—tThe skeleton is composed of thick laminae four or five in 2 mm., and small and large pillars, best appreciated with a 10 lens. The laminae are undulose, turning smoothly upward into the large mamelons, and are composed of many micro- laminae, some light, some dark, and maculate tissue between the microlaminae. [The microlaminae turn sharply into the large pillars but cut straight across the small pillars. The small pillars are com- posed of maculate tissue, tend to be superposed, and branch, aver- age 0.15 mm. wide, four or five in 2 mm. The large pillars are straight, 0.34 mm. wide, one to two in 2 mm., and are also com- posed of maculate tissue, but the maculae are darker than in the short pillars and tend to be arranged in vertical rows. Both long and short pillars are slightly divergent in the mamelons. The la- minae and pillars are amalgamated. The pseudozooidal tubes are long and tabulate, 0.11 mm. wide, five in 2 mm. The galleries are round to oval, 0.16 mm. in diameter, less abundant than the vertical tubes. A thin epitheca, 0.44 mm. thick, is composed of maculate, thick-walled, highly-arched imbricating cyst plates 0.20 mm. broad, 0.09 mm. high. The maculae are about 0.012 mm. in diameter, and conspicuous in well-preserved specimens. Dissepiments are rare to absent. The mamelon axes are not shown in the figure. Tangential section —The groundmass covers about 80 percent cf the section. The short pillars coalesce and are indistinguishable as separate units. The large pillars are subround and distinguished by their dusky, darker appearance, 0.3 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, 0.8 to 1.0 mm. apart, and merge with the groundmass. The galleries are round or vermicular. The pseudozooidal tubes are round, abundant, averaging 0.11 mm. in diameter. Vertical tubes in the mamelons are subround, about 0.14 mm. in diameter. The astrorhizae are com- posed of long thin radial canals up to 0.14 mm. wide which may branch once or twice; several astrorhizae are cut in a single mamelon column, so the canals appear as oval openings. Syringostroma perfuscum is characterized by large mamelons and papillae, and by the large, roundish pillars which are not sur- rounded by rows of chambers or concentric laminae in tangential 204 BuLLeETIN 162 section. The name perfuscum refers to the characteristic large mamelons, larger than in S. fuscum. The long pillars are larger and much more obvious than those of S. subfuscum. The vertical rows of maculae in some of the large pillars suggest the genus Parallelo- pora, but the maculae are small and do not form rods or tubules, so that the species is placed in Syringostroma. Occurrence.—Rare in the Middle Devonian, Little Rock Creek limestone, 10 to 30 feet above the Silurian-Devonian contact, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 278-24, 25; 279-1; 303-32; 33, 34, 45. Cat. No. 5350. Syringostroma bicrenulatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. 4b UG), WES Ie, 18 Coenosteum saucer-shaped, up to 4 cm. thick and 13 cm. in diameter. The upper surface is concave and usually covered with foreign material, therefore, the surface characteristics are based on thin sections and polished surfaces. The mamelons average 3 to 5 mm. in diameter, | to 1.5 mm. high, and 6 mm. apart. Astrorhizae are small and simple, 2 mm. in diameter. Latilaminae scarcely dis- tinguishable, about 1 mm. thick. The under surface of the coeno- steum is marked by concentric wrinkles, 4 to 7 mm. apart, corres- ponding to the latilaminae. Vertical section—The laminae are closely spaced, 15 to 18 in 2 mm., and turn smoothly into the mamelons and _ sharply into the large pillars in a bicrenulate manner. The laminae are separated by thin, light-colored microlaminae, and the laminae are made of finely maculate tissue which fills most of the space between the microlaminae. Small, round astrorhizal canals, 0.1 to 0.15 mm. in diameter are scattered through the section, and are more numerous on the flank of the mamelons, they are larger than the galleries, and cut the white microlaminae. Small pillars are absent; the large pillars are well marked, long and straight, diverging strongly on the flanks of mamelons, 0.25 mm. wide, three in 2 mm., marked by maculate tissue, darker than the surrounding tissue into which it merges, and by sharp, upward bent laminae. The galleries are few, small, round or oval, 0.06 mm. in diameter. Pseudo- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 205 zooidal tubes are not conspicuous, but a few extend through several laminae. The tissue is filled with minute maculae, 0.012 mm. in diameter, and is amalgamated. Tangential section—The groundmass covers more than 90 percent of the section. The pillars are obscure, but abundant and marked by the darker color, round, 0.35 mm. in diameter, 0.08 to 0.36 mm. apart. The galleries are small, round or elliptical, about one-fourth the size of the pillars. The astrorhizae are small, about 2.2 mm. in diameter, not superposed but more numerous in the columns, composed of short, radial canals, 0.10 mm. wide. Syringostroma bicrenulatum is characterized by the saucer- shaped coenosteum, the bicrenulate microlaminae rising into the pillars as well as the mamelons, the dense texture of the skeleton, the scarcity of galleries and pseudozooidal tubes, the lack of short pillars, and by the small astrorhizae. It is similar to S. swbfuscum, differing in the greater bicrenulation of the microlaminae, smaller and fewer pseudozooidal tubes and galleries, and more prominent pillars. It resembles Stromatopora mononensis, but it has definite, long pillars, best seen on polished vertical surfaces with a 10 lens; it is, therefore, a typical Syringostroma. The surface is weathered, but in places the dotted appearance made by the long, round pillars is very different from the reticulate pattern of S. subfuscum. On account of the poor preservation of the tangential section, there is considerable difficulty in seeing the structure. It differs from S. fuscum in vertical section, in the closer laminae, but particularly in the smaller long pillars and scarcity of galleries and pseudozooidal tubes. Occurrence.—We have four specimens from the upper Middle Devonian, Little Rock Creek limestone, 10 to 30 feet above the Silurian-Devonian contact, at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—lIndiana University Paleontological Collect:ons, slides 294-63, 64; 303-26. Cat. No. 5351. Paratype.—Slides 294-75, 76; 303-27. Genus PARALLELOPORA Bargatzky, 1881 Type species (first species, selected by Nicholson, 1891, p. 193), P. ostiolata Bargatzky, 1881, Verhand]. naturhist. Vereins preuss. Rheinlande West- 206 BuLLeTIN 162 falens, vol. 38, p. 291 (Mid. Devonian, Germany); Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc. vol; 39, p. 95, ipl: 2) figs: 6, 73) 1891, vol: 44) hp-igie Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 53; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A45; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 292, pl. 51, figs. 3, 3a-c. Not Parallclopora Newell, 1935, Jour. Paleont., vol. 9, p. 241; a sponge. Not Parallelopora Johnson and Pfender, 1939, Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, p. 515; might be a Stromatopora. Coenosteum laminar to massive, composed of thin laminae or multiple microlaminae with maculate tissue between, above, and below the microlaminae. Pillars large, continuous, composed of small, parallel, vertical tubules and vertical rods or columns of dark dots; in tangential section the pillars are roundish between the laminae, and irregular and connected in the laminae. Galleries super- posed, some making pseudozooidal tubes, (the parallel pores of Bar- gatzky) not characteristic but occurring in other genera with continuous pillars. Dissepiments uncommon. Tissue coarsely macu- late and amalgamated. In tangential section the galleries are round, vermiculate, and anastcmosing. Astrorhizae numerous. Middle Devonian, Europe, North America, and Australia; Per- mian?, Japan. About 19 species. Many species in Kiihn (1928, Foss. Cat., p. 51) belong in Syringostroma or Stromatopora. This genus differs from other genera of the Stromatoporidae in having pillars composed of tubules and rods, and in the coarse maculae. It differs from Syringostroma in the coarser and super- posed maculae and more obvious tubules in the pillars. It 1s characterized by the superposed chambers or parallel pseudozooidal tubes, and by the coarsely maculate, amalgamated laminae and pillars in which the maculae are superposed. KEY TO AMERICAN DEVONIAN SPECIES OF PARALLELOPORA la. Coenosteum without mamelons 2a. Pillars confluent in tangential section, smaller than 0.5 mm. in diameter 3a. Pillars 10 in 2 mm. 4a. Galleries mostly round. cecsscessceseee P. ostiolata Bargatzky 4b. Galleries mostly vermicular and ANAS LOMMOSIING: Cocco cece eee P. campbell, n. sp. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 207 Sbyakillars (6:06 s/s? 2 smi a ee oe P. typicalis, n. sp. 2b. Pillars separate, amoeboid, 0.5 to 1 mm. in GiATE TG iprteet an CE Ue es P. pulchra, n. sp. 1b. Coenosteum with definite mamelons 2c. Mamelons 8 to 10 mm. in diameter 3c. Laminae weak; pillars 0.15 mm. in diameteiee ick A ae ee P. nodulata (Nicholson ) 3d. Laminae strong; pillars 0.2 to 0.3 mm. INBCIAIMELE Tes tesna sete ese ease P. snoufferensis, n. sp. 2d. Mamelons 3 to 5 mm. in diametet ........... P. eumamillata, n. sp. 2eViamelons) 155.to:2 mmx im diameter .e-.cen.a0e P. sp. undes. Parallelopora ostiolata Bargatzky PIP aS eiticshelaeb Parallelopora ostiolata Bargatzky, 1881, Verhandl. naturhist. Vereins Rhein- lande Westfalens, vol. 38, p. 292 (Mid. Dey., Biichel, Germany) ; Nichol- son, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 95, pl. 2, figs. 6, 7 (Mid. Dev., Buchel, Germany); 1891, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 44, p. 193, text fig. 23 (Mid. Deyv.., Buchel, Germany); Gutrich, 1896, Verhandl, russ. K. mineralog. Ges. St. Petersburg, ser. 2, vol. 32, p. 124 (Mid. Dev., Poland); Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 292, pl. 51, figs. 3, 3a-c (Mid. Dev., Buchel, Germany). Coenosteum massive, the holotype is a fragment 1.3 cm. high and 3.5 cm. in diameter. The surface is without mamelons. Astro- rhizae typical, 4 to 8 mm. in diameter, with centers 7 to 9 mm. apart; latilaminae 5 to 10 mm. thick. Vertical section—Laminae are indistinct, irregular, and inter- mittent, being continuous only at the latilaminar boundaries, 0.02 to 0.10 mm. thick, difficult to count, up to 20 in 2 mm. The laminae appear cystlike in many places where they are mere tabulae in the pseudozooidal tubes, not extending across the pillars, composed of one to two microlaminae with or without a covering of macu- late tissue. The pillars are long and straight, with straight sides, 0.07 to 0.15 mm. broad, 9 to 11 in 2 mm., composed of maculate tissue with the maculae arranged in vertical rows so as to form tubules, two to four rows of tubules in each pillar. The maculae are coarse, 0.025 mm. in diameter in both the laminae and pillars, and have clear centers. The galleries are mostly round or subround, 0.10 to 0.13 mm. in diameter, but they are much elongate at the 208 BuLueTIn 162 latilaminar boundaries. Pseudozooidal tubes are short to long, 0.08 to 0.12 mm. broad, seven or eight in 2 mm., divided only by microlaminae or tabulae. Dissepiments rare, small, thin, oblique, mostly in the astrorhizal canals. Astrorhizal canals are super- posed, forming cylinders. Tangential section—tThe pillars coalesce to form a network of anastomosing bands, 0.09 to 0.12 mm. broad, surrounding the round pseudozooidal tubes which are confluent in a few places, 0.10 to 0.17 mm. in diameter. The astrorhizae are composed of five or six simple, unequal branching, radial canals; some have a central tube 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diame.er. The tissue is coarsely maculate. Parallelopora ostiolata Bargatzky is characterized by the lack of mamelons, by the moderately large pillars with two to four rows of tubules, by the indistinct laminae between the latilaminae, and by the astrorhizal cylinders. P. ostiolata most closely resembles P. campbelli from our faunas, from which it is distinguished by the equal size of the pillars and galleries and greater regularity of the network of laminae and pillars in both vertical and tangential sections, and in having large, typical astrorhizae 10 mm. in diameter. The above description is based on Bargatzky’s description, Nicholson’s figures and description, and on the description and excellent figures of the type published by Lecompte in his mono- graph on the Belgium stromatoporoids. Occurrence-—Bargatzky’s type refigured and described by Lecompte, is from the upper Middle Devonian at Biichel, Germany, and is in the Museum of Paleontology of the University of Bonn. We have a specimen from the Columbus limestone of Kelleys Island, Ohio, which seems to be this species. (Slides 305-77, 78). A description and figures of the holotype of the type species are given to authenticate our understanding of the structure of Parallelopora. Parallelopora campbelli Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 19, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum hemispherical, 10 cm. or more in diameter. Sur- face smooth, without mamelons, tubercles or papillae. Astrorhizae small, atypical, up to 5 mm. in diameter and 4 to 8 mm. apart, DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 209 with central tube surrounded by about five oval canals of similar size. Latilaminae are 2 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section—Laminae thick, variable and discontinuous, averaging about 0.2 mm. thick, five or six in 2 mm., consisting of superposed maculae separated by dark rods, and with discontinuous microlaminae and curved plates 0.02 to 0.03 mm. thick. The pillars are continuous, 0.08 to 0.12 mm. in diameter, wider than the galleries, about 10 in 2 mm., joining others, especially in sections which are not exactly vertical; pillars composed of coarse, super- posed maculae making tubules 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter, two to four in each pillar, separated by vertical rods 0.02 mm. in diameter. Tissue coarsely maculate, the maculae 0.03 mm. in dia- meter, with large clear centers. The microlaminae and curved plates are not maculate, but composed of dusty particles in a clear ground- mass. The galleries join to form long, vertical, pseudozooidal tubes, V.06 to 0.09 mm. in diameter. There are some larger pillars, 0.5 mm. in diameter, best seen with 10 lens, which have maculae the same size as those in the general tissue. There are many round astrorhizal canals and some vertical, astrorhizal tubes, 0.25 mm. in diameter. Some of the astrorhizae are superposed in astrorhizal cylinders, but do not make mamelons. Tangential section—The pillars and galleries each occupy about half the area of the section, and have much the same size and shape. The pillars, about 0.1 mm. thick, join each other, making an irregular network; a few are isolated and amoeboid in shape, up to 0.2 mm. in diameter. Galleries are 0.08 to 0.1 mm. wide, and mostly vermicular and anastomosing, many round, 0.1 to 0.12 mm. in diameter. There are scattered astrorhizal canals 0.15 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, scarcely branching, and rarely making typical astrorhizae. The laminae and pillars are amalgamated, coarsely maculate, the maculae being light in color, 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter, separated by dark, dusty looking material. This species is characterized by the lack of mamelons, the long, narrow pillars, the anastomosing network of both pillars and galleries in tangential section, the small, atypical astrorhizae, and few microlaminae. It differs from P. ostiolata Bargatzky in the 210 BULLETIN 162 anastomosing network of both pillars and galleries, rather than having anastomosing pillars and round galleries and pseudozooidal tubes, and the astrorhizae are much smaller and without branching radial canals. This species is much like Syringostroma densum, also from Kelleys Island, but lacks the long, large pillars of more com- pact tissue of that species. It resembles Parallelopora goldfussi Bargatzky of Nicholson (1886, pl. 11, figs. 7-9; 1891, p. 191, pl. 25, figs. 4-9; woodcuts text figs. 22, 24, 25), which are not from Bargatzky’s type, but it lacks the dissepiments of Bargatzky’s type as figured by Lecompte (1952, pl. 57, fig. 3). Occurrence—Holotype from the Jeffersonville limestone, one mi. north of Kent, Ind., was collected by Mr. Guy Campbell, of Corydon, Ind. A specimen from the Columbus limestone, west of the North Side quarry, Kelleys Island, Ohio, collected by Dr. M. F. Marple, of Ohio State University, has large astrorhizae and seems to be P. ostiolata Bargatzky (305-77, 78). Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Ceollections, slides 295-64; 303-64. Cat. No. 5383. Parallelopora typicalis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. PI. 19, figs. 4a, b Coenosteum is represented by a fragment 5 cm. high and 9 cm. in diameter. Surface without mamelons. Astrorhizae absent or obscure. Latilaminae 2 to 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—Laminae regularly curved, not undulating, composed of from one to six, usually two, microlaminae surrounded by thickening tissue, with light-colored, coarse maculae and dark specks in vertical lines. Pillars continuous, 0.1 to 0.25 mm. in diameter, about seven in 2 mm., spool-shaped between microlaminae, continuous but cut by the microlaminae, composed of coarse maculae in vertical, parallel lines, making parallel tubules and dark specks in vertical lines, appearing as rods. Maculae light in color, large, 0.03 to 0.045 mm. in diameter, the dark specks and rods half as thick as the maculae. Laminae and pillars are amalgamated,, composed of the same kind of maculate tissue, not counting the microlaminae which are composed of a single line of light and dark specks similar in appearance to the dark rods in the pillars. Galleries round, oval or elongate horizontally, with ragged borders, many DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 211 superposed and forming pseudozooidal tubes, 0.12 to 0.18 mm. in diameter, crossed usually by the microlaminae but not by sporadic tabulae. Dissepiments scarce, convex, in the galleries and pseudo- zooidal tubes. Astrorhizal canals, scarcely distinguishable from galleries, but larger, and without vertical astrorhizal tubes. Tangential section—The pillars are confluent, 0.13 to 0.2 mm. wide, forming a network surrounding the oval, roundish and partly confluent galleries and pseudozooidal tubes, which are 0.15 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. Galleries forming long, confluent patterns be- tween laminae. The tissue of the pillars is a conspicuous network of large maculae, 0.03 to 0.038 mm. in diameter, separated by black dots, 0.01 to 0.015 mm. in diameter, which are connected by processes making a hexagonal network surrounding the maculae. Laminae and pillars amalgamated; microlaminae are rarely seen in the tangential section. Astrorhizae obscure, not forming stellate systems. Dissepiments are nearly absent. This species is characterized by the large, continuous pillars which are spool-shaped between microlaminae in vertical section, and are confluent in tangential section, and the large superposed maculae, making parallel pores like those illustrated by Bargatzky for P. goldfussi (1881, p. 279, figs. 9, 10). It differs from P. ostiolata Bargatzky, in the coarser network of pillars and pseudcozooidal tubes. Occurrence-—One specimen was cbtained from the Jefferson- ville limestone, at the Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 295-7, 8) Cat..No. 5364: Parallelopora pulechra Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 20, figs. la, b Coenosteum headlike, 10 cm. or more in diameter. Surface without mamelons but with papillae 0.6 mm. in diameter. Astro- rhizae doubtful. Latilaminae about 3 mm. thick. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thick laminae, five or six in 2 mm., and large, continuous pillars, three or four in 2 mm. The laminae are in turn composed of two to four thin micro- 212 BULLETIN 162 laminae, with coarsely maculate tissue between and above and below; the maculae are superposed. The galleries are round, oval, or horizontally elongate, from 0.2 to 0.37 mm. high, and mostly superposed, making large, vertical tubes cut by single microlaminae, in places 1 or 2 mm. long without tabulae. The long pillars are spool-shaped between laminae, and cut by the microlaminae, which rise in many of the pillars, and are composed of coarse maculae in vertical files, making 6 to 12 parallel tubules separated by vertical, black rods. Some of the galleries have curved plates. The maculae are large for stromatoporoids, 0.06 mm. in diameter, and surrounded by dustlike tissue. The microlaminae are 0.02 to 0.03 mm. thick, and composed of dustlike particles. Tangential section—tThe pillars are amoeboid in shape, sep- arate between laminae, 0.5 to 1 mm. in diameter, but joining and coalescing in the laminae, and forming 60 to 80 percent of the field. The clear maculae of the pillars makes a conspicuous network of round tubules, 0.05 to 0.07 mm. in diameter, separated by dark, dustlike tissue. The galleries are in part round and confluent between laminae. Dissepiments rare. This species is characterized by the large, amoeboid pillars, coarse network of laminae and pillars, and large maculae which give the tissue a coarse appearance. The type specimen is com- pletely silicified, yet all the structures are beautifully preserved. Occurrence.—Rare in the Jeffersonville limestone, three miles south of Westport, Decatur Co., Ind. Collected by E. R. Cumings anidele eee ienk: Holotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collect’ons, slides 282-46, 47. Cat. No. 5384. Parallelopora nodulata (Nicholson) P20 fiesee2aamb Stromatopora nodulatum Nicholson, 1875, Paleont. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 249, pl. 24, figs. 3, 3a, 3b (Mid. Dev., Columbus ls., Kelleys Island, Ohio). Syringostroma nodulatum Nicholson, 1891, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 7, p. 325, pl. 10, figs. 5-7. Coenosteum massive, over 15 cm. in diameter and 10 cm. high. Surface with strong, regular mamelons, 8 to 10 mm. in diameter and 12 mm. apart from center to center; the summits are sharply rounded and each summit is occupied by an astrorhiza with DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 213 small, radiating canals. Latilaminae are 2 to 3 mm. thick and well marked, so that the specimen breaks readily into layers. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of thick, or thin and discontinuous laminae, six to eight in 2 mm., and more prominent and regular, continuous pillars, six or seven in 2 mm. and 0.14 to 0.2 mm. in diameter. The laminae and pillars are amal- gamated and composed of the same kind of coarse, maculate tissue. The maculae are large, round, clear-colored, averaging 0.038 mm. in diameter, and separated by superposed, dark, dustlike specks, and arranged in vertical files in both pillars and thick laminae, making vertical tubules, and vertical rods. The galleries are round, 0.15 mm. in diameter, and in part horizontally confluent, and largely arranged in vertical files of varying sizes, making pseudo- zooidal tubes. The tabulae in the pseudozooidal tubes are in part convex upward. The microlaminae are composed of dark, dustlike particles. The laminae and microlaminae rise into the mamelons but not into the pillars. Tangential section—tThe pillars between laminae are roundish to amoeboid in shape, about 0.2 mm. in diameter, some with pointed projections joining other pillars, but largely coalescing, forming 50 to 60 percent of the field. Galleries round in the laminae and vermicular and anastomosing between laminae. The tissue of ordinary pillars and laminae is composed of coarse maculae, from 0.02 to 0.05 mm. in diameter, averaging 0.04 mm., separated by minute dark specks of varying size. The tissue in the mamelons 1s finer grained and more compact than that in the laminae and pillars. The mamelons have small astrorhizae, 2 mm. in diameter, with sparsely branching canals, 0.17 mm. in diameter. The canals do not have tabulae. The mamelons may have several small axial canals, but there is no large, axial tube. The above description is drawn from an infiltrated and well- preserved topotype from the Columbus limestone of Kelleys Island, Ohio, and it fits perfectly Nicholson’s 1891 description and figures. The species is characterized by the large, regular mamelons, strong pillars, and lacy tissue. It differs from P. ewmamillata in the larger, more regular mamelons and in the more compact tissue in the mamelons. It is a typical Parallelopora, with the coarse maculae 214 BULLETIN 162 making vertical tubules and rods in the pillars, from which it differs from Syringostroma. It has no particular resemblance to Actino- stroma. The pseudozooidal tubes, made of superposed galleries, are not characteristic of Parallelopora, for they occur as well formed in Syringostroma, Stromatopora, Hermatostroma, and Trupeto- stroma. Occurrence.—Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone, Kelleys Island, Ohio. Plestotype—Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 282-22, 23. Cat. No. 5407. Parallelopora snoufferensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 20, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum massive, discoid, more than 9 cm. thick and 15 cm. in diameter. Surface with regular mamelons, 6 to 8 mm. in diameter, 2 to 3 mm. high, and 8 to 15 mm. apart from center to center, and domal papillae about 0.4 mm. in diameter. Astrorhizae indis- tinct, 8 to 10 mm. in diameter, in the mamelon centers, with narrow, branching canals. Latilaminae 3 to 5 mm. thick. The holotype is well preserved but was embedded in the rock and the upper surface is not shown; the paratype exhibits the mamelons. Vertical section—Laminae prominent, 0.1 to 0.4 mm. thick, four to six in 2 mm., composed of two to six strong microlaminae which are covered and separated by tissue with large maculae, 0.03 to 0.04 mm. in diameter, and containing vacuoles 0.06 to 0.15 mm. in diameter, in part remnants of galleries, in part fused maculae. The laminae turn abruptly into long pillars and smoothly into the mamelons. Pillars long, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. broad, three to five in 2 mm., spool-shaped between laminae, composed of tissue with large maculae, about 0.038 mm. in diameter, arranged in three or four vertical tubules across the breadth of the pillar, and separated by dark, dusty appearing rods. The laminae and pillars thicken in the mamelons, become darker, merge and lose their identity (right end of fig. 3a). Galleries oval and elongate horizontally, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. high and up to 1 mm. broad at the base of a lati- lamina. The galleries are normally superposed but make few pseudo- zooidal tubes. Dissepiments rare to absent. Each mamelon column has several astrorhizal canals, but there is no single, large axial tube. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND St. JEAN 215 Tangential section—The laminae and pillars are amalgamated, including the microlaminae, which can rarely be detected. The laminae and the maculae have been filled with secondary tissue, so that the maculae, while very coarse, about 0.04 mm. in diameter, do not have clear centers and are not conspicuous as those of P. nodulata and other species. They are round to polygonal and surrounded by a polygonal network of dark, dusty material. The pillars are roundish with irregular edges and coalescent in the laminae, 0.4 mm. in diameter, round and discrete between laminae, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter. Some of the maculae in the pillars are unusually large, obviously double, about 0.07 mm. in diameter. Tubes in the mamelons are small and multiple, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. in diameter. The galleries are small and round, indistinguishable from pseudozooidal tubes, to large and anastomosing. There are small, round vacuities in the laminae, 0.06 to 0.1 mm. in diameter, which are remnants of galleries nearly filled with secondary material. Astrorhizae with broad, branching canals, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. wide at the base, cut obliquely in the mamelons, and with the two or three annuli of thickened laminae, making a roseate rather than a stellate pattern (not shown in the figure). Parallelopora snoufferensis is characterized by the large, domal mamelons, thick laminae, prominent microlaminae which turn up into the pillars, strong pillars, and few pseudozooidal tubes. It differs from P. nodulata, which has mamelons of much the same size, in the thicker laminae, thicker and fewer pillars, stronger microlaminae and the rarity of pseudozooidal tubes. Occurrence-——The holotype is from the Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone at the Snouffer quarry on the east bank of the Scioto River, five miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. The paratype, from the Columbus limestone at Delaware, Ohio, was borrowed from the Ohio State University Museum collection. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 282-29, 30, 31, 32, 34. Cat. No. 5408. Paratype.—Slides 305-93, 94; Ohio State University Paleon- tological Collections, specimen 17146 and 2 slides. 216 BULLETIN 162 Parallelopora eumamillata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Ply 20. figsss4aneb Coenosteum massive, up to 6 cm. high and 17 cm. in diameter. The surface has regular mamelons 3 to 5 mm. in diameter, 1.5 to 2 mm. high, and 4 to 7 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae are small, 2 mm. in diameter, in the mamelon centers, imperfectly developed, with branching canals. Latilaminae are 1 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae undulate regularly into the mamelon columns but not into the pillars, are variable in thickness, 0.02 to 0.19 mm. thick, five to seven in 2 mm., composed of one or more microlaminae which are composed of dusty tissue, and are mostly covered with coarsely maculate and vacuolate tissue. The laminae have large maculae in vertical lines and are pierced by a moderate number of pseudozooidal tubes, 0.10 to 0.15 mm. broad, with thin tabulae. The pillars are rather thick, 0.17 to 0.28 mm. broad, six to eight in 2 mm., straight, and about equal in size to the laminae. Both the pillars and laminae are thicker and more dense in the mamelons, and the maculae appear smaller. The laminar and pillar tissue has large, clear maculae, 0.03 to 0.04 mm. in diameter, making a lacy network. The maculae are superposed in the pillars and may coalesce to form two or three small tubules in each pillar. Some of the maculae, with their thick, dark walls, are over 0.1 mm. in diameter. The galleries are small to large, irregular, subrectangular, 0.14 to 0.30 mm. high, % to 3 times as broad. Several small mamelon tubes, 0.15 to 0.23 mm. broad, and commonly tabulate, are located in the centers of small astrorhizal cylinders. Dissepiments oblique, rare. Tangential section—The mamelons are well formed with several laminar annuli, radial pillars, and small astrorhizae. The pillars are in part round or stellate (not well shown in the figure), mostly coalescent, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, separated by gal- leries half as wide. The section has a lacy appearance, due to the large, clear maculae and the vacuoles in the tissue. The dark material makes a hexagonal network around the maculae. Tubes DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 217 in the mamelons are small, round to irregular in shape, 0.2 to 0.25 mm. in diameter. The galleries are curved and anastomosing around the pillars, 0.06 to 0.15 mm. wide. Pseudozooidal tubes are round but inconspicuous. Astrorhizae are composed of short, small canals which bifurcate no more than once; tabulae rare. Dissepi- ments nearly absent. Parallelopora eumamillata is characterized by the closely spaced, small mamelons, thin laminae, strong pillars, and coarse maculae. It has much smaller and closer mamelons than P. nodulata and less compact tissue in the mamelons. Occurrence.—Three specimens were collected for us by Mr. P. McGrain and Mr. F. H. Walker, from the Middle Devonian, Jef- fersonville limestone, from the Jefferson County quarry, 1.2 miles northeast of the present boundary of Louisville, Kentucky, on Highway 42, and two specimens were collected by Mr. A. C. Brook- ley, Jr. from the Jeffersonville limestone from a quarry at Charles- town, Indiana. Holotype—lIndiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-75, 76, from 1.2 miles northeast of Louisville, Ky. Cat. No. 5393. Paratypes.—Slides 302-58, 59; 305-73, 74, 84, 85; 306-27. Genus HERMATOSTROMA Nicholson, 1886 Type species (monotypic), H. schliiteri Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 105, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Hebborn, Germany); Nichol- son, 1892, Palaeont. Soc:, vol. 46, p. 215, pl. 28, figs. 12, 13; Parks, 1907, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 4, p. 34, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2; pl. 6, figs. 3, 4 (Mid. Silurian, Guelph dol., Elora, Ont.) ; Ripper, 1937, Roy. Soc. Victoria Proc., new series, vol. 50, p. 29; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 247. Coenosteum massive, tuberose or discoidal, composed of strong laminae and large, continuous pillars with darker or lighter and denser centers; the dark tissue may extend into the laminae. Pil- iars and laminae not originally hollow. Pillars in tangential section round and frequently coalescing and chainlike. Galleries super- posed, but not usually making pseudozooidal tubes, some species with dissepiments. The margins of pillars and laminae are lighter 218 BULLETIN 162 in color and are coarsely vesiculate. Tissue coarsely maculate. Astrorhizae generally well developed. Silurian, Canada; Middle Devonian, Europe, North America. Nine or more species. This genus differs from Syringostroma in the light borders of the pillars. It is much like Parallelopora, but the light borders of the pillars and lack of tubules and rods in the pillars distinguish it. The laminae are stronger than in T'rupetostroma, which lacks the light-colored layers on pillars and laminae, but does have vacuoles in the tissue. Gerronostroma lacks the light-colored layers on pillars. Coarse maculae are obvious in H. logansportense and obscure in H. schliitert. We give figures and a description of the type specimen of the type species to show the definite generic characters, and for convenience for comparison. Hermatostroma schliiteri Nicholson Pls 21s ficss ane Hermatostroma schliiteri Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 105, text figs. 1, 16; pl. 3, figs. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Hebborn, Germany); 1892, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 46, p. 215, text figs. 29-31; pl. 28, figs. 12, 13 (Mid. Dev., Hebborn, Germany) ; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 117, p. 247-251, pl. 45, figs. 1, 1a, b (Mid. Dev., Hebborn, Ger- many). The following description is based on the original description and figures and on the description and figures of the holotype republished by Lecompte. Coenosteum a small, massive fragment 2 cm. high and 7 cm. in diameter. The surface has mamelons 3 or 4 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high and 5 to 7 mm. apart from center to center. Astrorhizae are lacking. Latilaminae are 3 to 11 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are straight, smoothly curved into the mamelons, composed of a dark median lamina and an outer, light-colored, porous sheath. The dark, median layer is 0.02 to 0.10 mm. thick, the outer sheaths are 0.04 to 0.09 mm. thick, five or six laminae in 2 mm. Pillars are long and straight, continuous through many laminae into which they flare, 0.1 to 0.3 mm. broad, four to five in 2 mm., composed of a dark central core, 0.05 to 0.22 mm. broad, and an outer sheath, 0.04 to 0.09 mm. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 219 thick. The galleries are square to rectangular, 0.15 to 0.30 mm. high by 2/3 to 3 times as broad. Commonly there are 3 to 12 galleries superposed vertically, of which there are three to six rows in 2 mm. The laminar and pillar tissues are obscurely but coarsely maculate. Dissepiments rare. Tangential section—rThe pillars are round, 0.15 to 0.36 mm. in diameter, about 0.3 mm. apart, many confluent, forming chains, composed of a dark core, 0.10 to 0.24 mm. in diameter, and an outer sheath 0.03 to 0.06 mm. thick, which is divided radially by partitions. We do not agree with Nicholson (1892, p. 216) that the pillars and laminae are traversed by canals, nor does Lecompte agree (1952, p. 250). Astrorhizae are apparently absent. Hermatostroma schliitert Nicholson is characterized by the low mamelons, the lack of astrorhizae, the equally spaced laminae and pillars in a rectangular, trellis pattern, and by the thick prominent light-colored sheaths on the pillars and laminae. 7. schliteri differs from HH. logansportense, from our fauna, in having more prominent laminae. Occurrence——The species has been described only from the Middle Devonian, in the Paffrath District at Hebborn, Germany, where, according to Nicholson, it is rare. The species has never been reported from North America. Hermatostroma logansportense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 21, figs. 2a, b Coenosteum massive, flat; a fragment is 16 cm. long, 10 cm. wide and 8 cm. thick. It is made up of thick, regular latilaminae, about 4 mm. thick, slightly undulating but not bending up into mamelons, grown smoothly together, the junctions indicated by finer texture and lighter color. The surface is in general smooth, but covered with round papillae, the upper ends of pillars. There are small astrorhizae, not superposed, about 6 to 8 mm. in dia- meter and 6 to 10 mm. apart, without vertical tubes, with delicate, branching canals. Vertical section—The laminae are thick, coarsely maculate or vesicular, and under low power of the hand lens appear to be 220 BuLLeTIN 162 at the same levels and continuous; under the microscope. the laminae extend only part way from pillar to pillar, and rise, de- press and undulate and are not conspicuously at the same level on the two sides of a pillar. The laminae have no denser, inner part, as do the pillars. The laminae merge into the coarsely maculate sheaths of the pillars, and average about six in 2 mm. The gal- leries are roundish, oval and lobed, rather than rectangular, and in many places are superposed, but do not form typical pseudo- zooidal tubes. Dissepiments are absent. The pillars are more prominent than the laminae. They are long, nearly straight, ex- tending continuously through several latilaminae; about 4 occur in a horizontal distance of 2 mm. They are about 0.3 mm. in dia- meter and separated from each cther by about 0.2 mm. They consist of light-colored, coarsely maculate tissue outside, sur- rounded by a thin dark sheath, with more dense tissue toward the center. The pillars are built up of sheaths, which converge sharply in an upward direction, much as illustrated by Nicholson (1886, pl. 5, fig. 13) for “Stromatopora’ beuthu. The pillars have no lumina, although there is light-colored tissue in the centers of many pillars. There are no rods in the pillars, but the large, light maculae are superposed in the outer sheath. Tangential section—The pillars are round, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, consist of an outer thin, dark sheath, a ring of coarsely maculate, light-colored tissue and a central denser part, 0.16 to 0.24 mm. in diameter. There is no lumen. The pillars are connected by thick, coarsely maculate and vesicular processes of the laminae, making chainlike groups, leaving vermicular and anastomosing galleries. The long, branching, astrorhizal canals are slightly larger than the galleries, and without tabulae. The tissue is coarsely maculate, excepting for the inside column of the pillars in which the tissue is compact and dusty. This species has pillars similar to those of “Stromatopora” beuthu Bargatzky, as figured by Nicholson (1886, pl. 5), which species is better placed in the genus Hermatostroma, as has been done by Lecompte (1952, p. 253). Our form differs markedly in the less continuous laminae. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 221 Occurrence——Common in the ledge of blue limestone just above the Upper Silurian, Kokomo tan dolomite, in the lower part of the Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, in the quarry of the France Lime and Stone Company, five miles east of Logans- port, Indiana. The preservation is by infiltration of calcite, with- out altering in any observable way the original coarse or fine structure, and is so nearly perfect as to leave little to be desired in clarity of structures. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, Slidesp27.S= Sal 9= 279-23 Cate Nor 5339: Paratype.—Slides 285-30. Genus CLATHROCOILONA Yavorsky, 1931 Type species (monotypic), Clathrocoilona abeona Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United Geol. Prosp. Service, U. S. S. R., vol. 50, pt. 94, p. 1407, pl. 1, figs. 9-11; pl. 2, figs. 1,2, 2a (Mid. Dev., S. W. border Kuznetsk Basin, ee eile (part) Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116) ps 152: Coencsteum lamellar to massive. Laminae thick, tripartite, with clear median line. Pillars mostly confined to one interlaminar space, spool-shaped in vertical section and incidentally or sporadi- cally superposed, oval in cross section but not hollow rings. Gal- leries round or oval, scarcely higher than the laminae are thick, with thin dissepiments, and additional larger, round or elongate oval cavities with tabulae, the astrorhizal tubes. Yavorsky says, “tissue fibers compact,” but Yavorsky’s tangential section shows maculae or pores. Surface with mamelons and_astrorhizae. Middle Devonian, Kuznetsk Basin, Russia, Belgium and Indiana. Thirteen species. If the tissue were solid, this genus would belong in the Actinostromatidae near Trupetostroma. The large cavities (astro- rhizal tubes), which Yavorsky and distinguished Clathrocoiona from Clathrodictyon occur in many genera, especially in Trupeto- stroma (Lecompte, 1951, pls. 26-44), and even in forms assigned to Clathrodictyon (Lecompte, 1951, pl. 18), also in forms as- signed to Stromatoporella and Syringostroma (Lecompte, 1951, pls. 21-34). The triple laminae with median light zone is an im- portant feature; it occurs in the type species of Trupetostroma, 222 BULLETIN 162 and in Stromatoporella, Syringostroma, and Stictostroma. A recent- ly figured form most close to Clathrocoilona is Stromatoporella saginata Lecompte (1951, pl. 22, fig. 6a) which has, “Une vague structure alvéolaire” (p. 173). KEY TO SOME DEVONIAN SPECIES OF CLATHROCOILONA la. Laminae not transversely fibrous 2a. Galleries as thick as the laminae ga. -Dissepiments tale. aos ooo etenae C. abeona Yavorsky 3b. Dissepiments abundant =. .....0-4..--: C’. subclathrata, n. sp. 2b. Galleries narrower than the laminae ........... C. restricta, n. sp. 1b. Laminae coarsely, transversely fibrous ........... C. fibrosa; me sp: Clathrocoilona abeona Yavorsky IIL PAL dks Bei, Os dell PRI ries, Ale Io) Clathrocoilona abeona Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United Geol. Prosp. Serv., WES) Sa Re vole-50sipts 94 py 14075 ipl de fies. 9=1l ip lee Zante seal eal (Mid. Dev., Kuznetsk Basin, Russia). Coenosteum a large head, up to 9 cm. in height and 14 cm. in diameter. The surface has small mamelons, 4 mm. in diameter, 2 mm. high and 3 to 5 mm. apart from center to center; the mamelons make continuous columns, but are sporadically de- veloped, and may not show in vertical sections. Astrorhizae are not apparent at the surface, although the small, branching, root- like canals are obvious in tangential sections. Latilaminae are obscure, 3 to 4 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are tripartite, thick, averag- ing about 0.2 mm., and five or six in 2 mm. They consist of a median, thin, clear layer, and on both sides a layer about three times as thick, with coarse, granular and coarsely maculate tex- ture. The maculae are large but flocculent, about 0.03 mm. in diameter. In places there are short, clear vertical fibers in the laminae, but fewer and shorter than in C. fibrosa. The galleries are ovoid, elongate where the section does not cut pillars, and average about 0.15 mm. high. The transected astrorhizal canals are larger than the galleries, and are not definitely superposed, and are in part tabulate. Superposed galleries in places have DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 223 foramina between. Dissepiments are rare. Pillars are short, thick, spool-shaped, and merge without change into the upper and lower layers of the laminae. There are about six pillars in 2 mm. The pillars are of the same composition as are the upper and lower thick layers of the laminae, and are coarsely but sporadically maculate. Some pillars have a central clear nonmaculate, irregular center, but the pillars are not continuous and are only incidentally superposed. Mamelons are sporadic and rarely appear in small vertical sections. Tangential section—The tissue of the thick laminae occupies most of the field; it is coarsely and irregularly maculate, and the thin, median line can scarcely be detected, nor can pillars be dis- tinguished, for the laminae and pillars are amalgamated. Where the section cuts the galleries the pillars are oval to elongate, and the galleries are vermicular and anastomosing. Astrorhizae are conspicuous, but have no central tube, are not superposed, so that a section shows a maze of small, branching canals. Dissepi- ments are practically absent, although the type figure (PI. 23, fig. 1) shows some dissepiments. The Indiana form is close to the type species of the genus, C. abeona Yavorsky, from the Middle Devonian of Russia, but differs from Yavorsky’s first figure (1931, pl. 1, fig. 10) in lacking the lines of superposed pillars; it is nearly identical with his figure 11, plate 1, from a nearby locality, which shows no superposed pillars. It has fewer superposed pillars and especially fewer dis- sepiments than C. subclathrata. It differs from the abundant C. fibrosa in lacking the long and abundant transverse fibers in the laminae, but is otherwise quite similar. The tissue is neither com- pact nor uniform, as it is in Anostylostroma, nor is it uniformly maculate, as in Stromatopora. The tripartite structure of the laminae is much like that of Stictostroma, differing mainly in having much thicker upper and lower layers of the laminae, and in being maculate. Occurrence-—The figured specimen (PI. 21, figs. 3a, b) 1s from the lower part of the Logansport limestone, at the old Upper Dam on Fel River, six miles northeast of Logansport, Indiana. It should also occur at the same horizon in the quarry five miles 224 BULLETIN 162 east of Logansport, and at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport. Plesiotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-14, 15, 16, 17, 31. Cat. No. 5385. Clathrocoilona subelathrata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl 21, figs 4asep Coenosteum massive, 12 cm. high and 15 cm. in diameter. Surface with low mamelons, 4 mm. in diameter, 1 mm. high, and 5 or 6 mm. apart from center to center. Small astrorhizae are indicated by thin irregular, branching grooves. Latilaminae are 3 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae turn gently or abruptly into the mamelon columns; the laminae are thick, 0.15 to 0.2 mm., five or six in 2 mm., tripartite, with thin, clear, variable median layer, 0.06 mm. thick, and an inner and an outer layer twice as thick, dark gray in color and granular and flocculent, and in places is coarsely but obscurely maculate. Some of the maculae are minute, round, with white centers. The pillars are short, spool- shaped, composed of gray, granular, flocculent and maculate tissue, continuous with the outer and inner layers of the laminae, 0.1 to 0.15 mm. broad, two to six in 2 mm. Many of the pillars are superposed, but do not pass through the median layer of the laminae, making an imperfect network. The galleries are oval to broad, some with foramina through the laminae, and dissepi- ments are sporadic. Tabulae are broad or oblique, thin, abundant in the astrorhizal tubes and canals. The mamelon columns con- tain single or several astrorhizal tubes, and astrorhizal canals. 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, and occur in many places in the section. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 80 percent of the thin section. Laminae and pillars are fused. Be- tween laminae the pillars are round to oval, but not hollow, 0.12 mm. in diameter, coalescent or up to 0.13 mm. apart. The texture of the pillars is finer than that of the laminae. Astrorhizal canals are abundant, 0.14 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, but astrorhizae are DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND St. JEAN 225 not well formed and the vertical astrorhizal tubes are rare. Tabulae are rare in a section from the same specimen as the vertical section. The galleries anastomose around the pillars. Clathrocoilona subclathrata is characterized by the thick laminae, irregularly spaced, superposed pillars, astrorhizal columns and tubes and common tabulae and dissepiments. The maculae are smaller and more scattered than those in Parallelopora, and do not make a lacy network. The tissue and maculae are much like those of the Stromatopora pachytexta group of species. It differs from C. abeona Yavorsky in the abundant tabulae in the astror- hizal canals, and more numerous dissepiments in the galleries and smaller pillars; from C. fibrosa in rarely having transverse fibers in the laminae, but having superposed pillars and abundant dis- sepiments; from C. restricta in the thinner laminae, larger gal- leries, tabulae and dissepiments and lines of superposed pillars. This species resembles Gerronostroma in the superposed pillars, but the laminar structure and maculate tissue allies the form with Clathrocotlona. Occurrence-—Two specimens were collected from the lower 10 feet of the Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone at the France Lime and Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 304-7, 8. Cat. No. 5340. Paratype.—Slides 304-9, 10. Clathrocoilona restricta Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 22, figs. 1, 2 Coenosteum laminar to massive, up to 4 cm. high and 24 cm. in diameter. The surface has small, irregular mamelons 3 or 4 mm. in diameter, about 1 mm. high, 8 to 10 mm. apart from center to center, which are often difficult to distinguish. Astro- rhizae with small, simple radial canals, distinguishable in the mame- lon centers on a wetted surface. Latilaminae 3 to 5 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are straight or undulating, turning smoothly into low, conical mamelons; they are thick, 0.2 to 0.3 mm., four to five in 2 mm., and tripartite, composed of thin, light-colored median but discontinuous laminae averaging 226 BULLETIN 162 0.03 mm. thick, and upper and lower laminae, 0.06 and 0.09 mm. thick. The pillars are 0.15 mm. broad, three to five in 2 mm., thick and spool-shaped, tending to be superposed and coalescent. In some places, the pillars and laminae are abnormally thin. The tissue of upper and lower layers of the laminae and the pillars are continuous, and composed of dark, gray flocculent, maculate and speckled tissue with minute flecks of dark material, not well shown in the section which is too thick, and better shown in the tangential section. The maculae are large, spherical, 0.023 mm. in diameter. Galleries 0.17 mm. high, vary greatly in size, are restricted by the thick laminae and pillars, and are slightly oval to considerably elongate in a horizontal direction, many surrounded by a thin, dark rim. Vertical, astrorhizal tubes, 0.16 mm. wide, are rare, sporadic, short, and irregular, with tabulae. Dissepiments are sporadic, thin, short. Tangential section—rThe tissue occupies about 90 percent of the section. The pillars are round, 0.15 mm. in diameter be- tween laminae, and coalesce with each other and with the thick laminar tissue. The galleries are irregular, anastomosing and branching, one-half as wide to as wide as the pillars; dissepiments rare. The astrorhizae, 4 mm. in diameter, are composed of thin, branching radial canals, 0.16 mm. wide at the base, with rare tabulae. The tissue is flocculent and maculate, not lacy in ap- pearance, with most of the maculae filled by secondary tissue. Clathrocoilona restricta 1s characterized by the sporadic oc- currence of small, conical mamelons, by the thick laminae, re- stricted galleries, suggesting its name, and by the minutely flecked tissue with obscure maculae. It differs from C. abeona in the thicker laminae and smaller galleries; it might be considered only a variety or an extreme phase of that species. It lacks the trans- verse fibers so conspicuous in C. fibrosa. The laminae are thicker than in C. subclathrata, the pillars less definitely superposed. The restriction of the galleries by additions of tissue to the laminae suggests Stromatopora, such as S. dubia, but the tripartite laminae and lack of pseudozooidal tubes removes it to Clathrocoilona. Occurrence.—Four specimens were collected from the Middle Devonian, lower Logansport limestone at the France Lime and DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 227 Stone Company quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana, and one specimen was collected by Dr. T. G. Perry and Mr. Paul Raymond at the May Sand and Gravel Corporation quarry, two miles southwest of Fort Wayne, Indiana. The holotype is encrusted on Syringostroma perdensum, n. sp. Holotype——Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-96; 303-39, 40, 41, 42. Cat. No. 5341. Paratypes.—Slides 294-15; 296-6, 7; 299-24; 304-18, 19, 40, 42. Cat. No. 5342. Clathrocoilona fibrosa Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl. 22, figs. 3a, b Coenosteum massive, in heads of low to high domes, up to 10 cm. high and 14 cm. in diameter. Surface with mamelons, 4 to 6 mm. in diameter, 1 to 2 mm. high, and 8 to 10 mm. from center to center. Astrorhizae are in the mamelon centers, 8 to 10 mm. in diameter, with many small, long, radial canals, which join canals of adjacent astrorhizae. Latilaminae are 2 to 6 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae, four in 2 mm., average 0.22 mm. in thickness, are tripartite, composed of a thin, variable, clear, median layer, 0.04 to 0.06 mm. thick, and thick, upper and lower layers, 0.06 to 0.09 mm. thick. The tissue of the upper and lower layers of the laminae has large, spheroidal to flocculent maculae, 0.032 mm. in average diameter. The maculae tend to be arranged in nearly vertical rows, with light-colored, homogeneous, vertical fibers between. The fibers are abundant, 0.03 to 0.05 mm. thick, have no walls, pass through all three layers of the laminae, some even pass through the galleries; they are irregular in width, length, and direction. The fibers are considered to be original structures, for the specimens are perfectly preserved by infiltration of calcite, not weathered, and they occur in many specimens, in over 30 thin sections. A few fibers occur in other species of Clathrocoilona, but the fibers are the most conspicuous feature of the tissue in C. fibrosa. The pillars are short, thick, 0.1 to 0.2 mm., and spool- shaped, from two to five in 2 mm., more irregular and thicker in the mamelons, only incidentally superposed. The tissue of the pil- lars is confluent with that of the upper and lower layers of the 228 BULLETIN 162 laminae and of the same structure, some with vertical fibers. The galleries are round to oval, and elongate horizontally, are variable in size, 0.3 to 1 mm. broad, 0.24 mm. high; dissepiments are rare. Some astrorhizal canals have a few tabulae. In vertical section it is difficult to distinguish galleries and astrorhizal canals. The mamelons do not make continuous columns but ordinarily extend through only one latilamina (not shown in the figure). Pseudozooidal tubes are not developed. Tangential section—The maculate tissue occupies from 60 to 90 percent of the section, and the laminae and pillars are amalgamated, and pillars are difficult to distinguish. The maculae are round with white centers and dark borders (upper right quad- rant of the figure); the fibers are light, irregular in shape, 0.02 to 0.03 mm. thick, in places joining and making a mosaic with the maculate tissue, or the fibers make a scrawly pattern as seen in the upper left quadrant of Plate 22, figure 3b. The galleries are irregular, anastomosing in some places, smaller than the astro- rhizal canals. The astrorhizae are 8 to 10 mm. in diameter, com- pesed of many thin branching, radial canals. Tabulae in the canals are rare. Clathrocoilona fibrosa is characterized by the low mamelons, thick laminae and pillars, the transverse fibers, and coarsely macu- late tissue. It differs from C. abeona and C. restricta in having transverse fibers. C. fibrosa is frequently attached to other stroma- toporoids. Some workers may consider the fibers to be pores. Occurrence.—Nine specimens are from the Middle Devonian, ower Logansport limestone, at the France Lime and Stone Com- pany quarry, five miles east of Logansport, Indiana. Three speci- mens, the holotype and two paratypes are from the same horizon at Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Indiana. Holotype—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 295-89, 90, 91. Cat. No. 5359. Paratypes.—Shides 279-5, 6;: 285-92, 93; 294-10, Iie lepaiZ 295-77, 78, 99, 100; 303-28, 29, 86, 87; 304-11, 22, 25, 26, 34, 35, 38, 39) Sih 52: 8182-835, 84, 985,99: 305-7, 8: DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 229 Genus ACTINODICTYON Parks, 1909 Type species (first species, selected by Bassler, 1915), 4. canadense Parks, 1909, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 6, p. 30, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 (Sil., Southampton Island, Canada); Kuhn, 1928, Fossilium Catalogus, vol. 1 pars 36, p. 25; 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Paldozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A43, fig. 59; Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 113, pl. 8, figs. 1-7; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 116, p. 149. Coenosteum cylindrical to massive, latilaminate. Laminae sporadically developed, dissepiments dominant, pillars short and long and sporadically developed. In tangential section the pillars are round to irregular, both solid and maculate, in part open rings, joined by dissepiments but not by radiating processes. Tissue obscurely maculate. Astrorhizae generally absent. Silurian, Canada, four species; Devonian, Ohio, Canada and Indiana, one species, one undescribed. The great predominance of dissepiments and short and long pillars are characteristic. We have studied the type specimens and sections of all of Parks’ species; the tissue is plainly maculate, and the laminae are subordinate to dissepiments in the Silurian species and in some Devonian species. We include the original figures and a description of the type species to show the diagnostic characters of the genus. Actinodictyon canadense Parks Pl. 22, figs. 4a, b Actinodictyon canadense Parks, 1909, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 6, p. 32, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 (Sil., Hudson Bay). The following description is based on Parks’ original descrip- tion and figures and on the type specimen and slides in the paleon- tological collections of the Royal Ontario Museum. Coenosteum cylindrical, encrusting about a coral or with an axial tube; the fragment was 6 or 7 cm. in diameter. Vertical section—The skeleton is composed of irregular cyst plates, inflected upward and downward into short pillars, rather than of definite laminae, and of large, long, straight pillars which extend through three to six plates. The tissue of the long pillars is obscurely maculate. The galleries are irregular, 0.2 to 0.8 mm. high and % to 2 times as broad. 230 BuLLeETIN 162 Tangential section—Some of the long and short pillars are round, but most are irregular and confluent and are obscured by the irregular, connecting cyst plates. There are also rings 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter. The galleries are irregular and confluent. Astrorhizae are absent. Occurrence.—Parks’ specimen was collected from the Silurian on Southampton Island in Hudson Bay, Ontario. Actinodictyon vagans Parks Pie22, fiesta bane Actinodictyon vagans Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 113, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2 (mot figs. 3-7) (Mid. Dev., Columbus ls., Kelleys Island, Ohio). Coenosteum massive, a fragment is 3 cm. high and 6 cm. in diameter. Based on vertical, polished sections, it has mamelons 10 mm. in diameter, 4 mm. high and 10 to 15 mm. apart from center to center. No astrorhizae were observed. Latilaminae are about 2 mm. thick. Vertical section—The laminae are thin, 0.04 mm. thick, five or six in 2 mm., turning gently into mamelon columns. The laminae are continuous, with occasional foramina between superposed chambers. The laminar tissue 1s flocculent and obscurely maculate, and some laminae are tripartite, with a thin, median layer. The laminar tissue is transversely fibrous and porous in places. The pillars are thin, straight, irregularly spaced, some flaring upward, sporadically superposed. In the mamelons the pillars are not much thickened and are slightly divergent. The tissue of the pillars has fine maculae in obscure, vertical lines, but the pillars are small and the lines of maculae are not so definitely developed as in Parallelopora and do not show well in the figure because of imperfect preservation. The mamelons do not make definite columns. The galleries are rectangular, about 0.3 mm. high, vary- ing greatly in breadth. Dissepiments are abundant, highly arched and variable in size, and some are small, hollow spheres, much larger than maculae. Tangential section—The skeletal tissue represents about 40 percent of the area of the field. The pillars are round, 0.1 mm. in diameter, and many are joined by dissepiments. The tissue DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 231 of the pillars is finely but definitely maculate, and, as shown, in favorable places, the laminae are also definitely but sporadically maculate. In some places, especially near the laminae, there are common, small, spherical dissepiments. Actinodictyon vagans Parks is characterized by the large mamelons, thin laminae, superposed pillars, and by the great abundance of dissepiments. We were fortunate in being able to study Parks’ syntypes of Actinodictyon vagans, as well as the Silurian type species of Actinodictyon, A. canadense Parks, in the collections of the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Ontario. The type of Actinodictyon has a cylindrical coenosteum, maculate tissue, short and long pillars, irregularly shaped cysts, and lacks definite laminae. A. vagans has more definite laminae and the coenosteum is massive, but on the whole it fits the genus well. We here select as lectotype of A. vagans Parks, the specimen mentioned by Parks as being the most typical, specimen No. 1572 Cn (Parks, 1936, p. 114, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2). The maculae in the Devonian species are scattered, not evenly maculate as in Stromatopora and Syringostroma. This species has much resemblance to the genus Anostylostroma. Occurrence.—Parks’ lectotype is from the Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone of Kelleys Island, Ohio. Our figured speci- men is from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone, at Pendleton, Indiana, and is somewhat leached. A_ well-preserved specimen, with thicker laminae and stronger pillars and more obvious maculae, is from the Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone at the Meshberger Stone Company quarry, Bartholomew County, Indiana; it may be a different species. (306-13, 14.) Plestotype.—Indiana_ University Paleontological Collections, slides 305-17, 18, 46, 47. Cat. No. 5386. Family IDIOSTROMATIDAE Nicholson, 1886 Family Idiostromidae Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 74, 98. Family Idiostromatidae Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Paladozoologie, 13Gb Wels jo ANS Coenosteum cylindrical, dendroid or fasciculate, the erect branches usually with axial tube, which may give off branches, 2352 BuLLETIN 162 the superposed galleries or pseudozooidal tubes. Skeleton composed of thick laminae and irregular pillars, mostly short. Skeletal tissue transversely fibrous or porous, not maculate. Astrorhizae absent. Silurian, Devonian, common; Carboniferous doubtful. KEY TO GENERA OF IDIOSTROMATIDAE lay Coemosteum “without: axial” tubes 225....cccee CLAVIDICTYON Ib. Coenosteum with axial tube, irregularly developed 2a. Without large marginal vesicles 3a. Tissue not tubulate 4a. Pillars continuous or regularly superposed ..[DIOSTROMA 4b. Pillars confined to one interlaminar SPO ACets Ace Ne dos Mean es et eae ee DENDROSTROMA 3b. Tissue finely tubulate; galleries largely filled ..STAcHYODES 2b With Alarge, marginal’) vesicles: 2.250. een AMPHIPORA Genus AMPHIPORA Schulz, 1883 Type species (monotypic), Caunopora ramosa Phillips, 1841, Paleozoic Foss. Cornwall, p. 19, pl. 8, fig. 22 (Mid. Dev., South Devon, England). Amphipora Schulz, 1883, Jahrg. Konigl. Preuss. geol. Landesanstalt Berg- akad, for 1882, p. 245, pl. 22, figs. 5, 6; pl. 23, fig. 1; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 109, pl. 9, figs. 1-4; 1892, vol. 46, p. 223, pl. 29, figs. 3-7; Felix, 1905, Sitzungsber, Naturforsch. Gesell. Leipzig, for 1903-1904, vols. 30, 31, p. 73-75, 2 figs.; Yabe and Sugiyama, 1933, Japanese Jour. Geol. Geog., vol. 11, p. 19; Ripper, 1937, Jour. Roy. Soc. Western Australia, vol. 23, p. 37; Kthn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch, Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A54; Sugiyama, 1942, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 49, p. 112; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 321. Coenosteum consisting of slender, cylindrical, vermicular stems, which may branch at long intervals, with a variable axial tube, and large vesicles near the surface. Both tube and vesicles may have irregular, curved tabulae. Skeleton composed of obscure, thick, laminae and pillars, and anastomosing galleries. Tissue com- pact, transversely fibrous, with darker median line in the triple walls. Surface tuberculate around the apertures. Astrorhizae absent. Silurian, Russia; Middle Devonian, England, Belgium, France, Germany, Moravia, Poland, Estonia, Russia, Italy, Yunnan, Turkes- tan, China, Australia, Indiana, Montana, California, Alberta, and elsewhere in western North America. ?Carboniferous, Urals; Per- DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 233 mian, China, Japan. About 10 species, several of which may be synonymous. Amphipora resembles a tabulate coral, such as Cladopora (Coenittes). Opik (1935, Ann. Natur. Soc. Tartu University, No. 41, p. 3) considered Amphipora to be a calcareous sponge, but the lack of spicules, and lack of corallites and septa, ally the genus with the stromatoporoids. It is one of the most widespread forms of stromatoporoid, and one of the best index stromatoporoids of the Middle Devonian. It also occurs in the Frasnian, lower Upper Devonian, of Belgium, and the Montana horizon may be Upper Devonian. Amphipora ramosa (Phillips) Pl, 23, figs. 2-6 Caunopora ramosa Phillips, 1841, Figures and descriptions of the Palaeozoic fossils of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset, p. 19, pl. 8, figs. 22a-c Mid. Dey., England). Stromatopora (Caunopora) ramosa McCoy, 1851, A Systematic Description of the British Palaeozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the Uni- versity of Cambridge, vol. 1, p. 67. Amphipora ramosa Schulz, 1883, Jahrg. Konigl. Preuss. geol. Landesanstalt Bergakad., Abhandl., for 1882, p. 245, pl. 22, figs. 5-7; pl. 23, fig. 1 (Mid. Dev., Germany); Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 109, pl. 9, figs. 1-4 (Mid. Dev., Germany); 1892, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 46, p. 223, pl. 29, figs. 3-7 (Mid. Dev., England) ; Girich, 1896, Verh. Russ. Kais. Mineralog. Gesell., vol. 32, p. 129, pl. 1, fig. 5; Felix, 1905, Sitzungsber. Naturf. Gesell., vols. 30, 31, p. 74, text figs. 1-3; Vinassa de Regny, 1910, Boll. R. Com. Geol. Italia, vol. 41, p. 48, pl. 1, figs. 9, 10; Heinrich, 1914, Inaugural Dissertation, Friedrich-Wilhelms Univer- sistat, Bonn. p. 46; Vinassa de Regny, 1918, Palaeont. Italica, vol. 24, p. 109, pl. 9 (4), figs. 14, 15. (Mid. Dev., Italy); Riabinin, 1931, Bull. Geol. Prosp. Serv. U. S. S. R., vol. 31, p. 508, pl. 1, figs. 11-13 (Mid. Dev., Russia) ; Le Maitre, 1934, Soc. Géol. Nord, Mém. vol. 12, p. 202, pl. 17, figs. 2-4 (Mid. Dev., France); Opik, 1935, Ann. Nat. Soc. Tartu Univ., Pub. Geol. Inst. No. 41, p. 3, text fig. 1, pls. 1, 2 (Mid. Dev., Estonia) ; Le Maitre, 1937, Bull. Soc. Géol. France, ser. 5, vol. 7, p. 121, pl. 8, figs. 4, 5; pl. 9, fig. 6 (Mid. Dev., France); Ripper, 1937, Roy. Soc. Western Australia Jour., vol. 23, p. 38, text figs. 1-3, pl. 1 (Mid. Dev., Western Australia); Schafer, 1938, Austria Geol. Bundesanst. Verh. Nos. 3, 4, p. 114, text figs.; Ktthn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A54, text fig. 85; Sugiyama, 1942, Geol. Soc. Japan Jour., vol. 49, No. 587, p. 112, pls. 4(3), 5(4); Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 325, pl. 67, fig. 3: pl. 68, figs. 1-7 (Mid. Devy., Belgium); Yavorsky, 1955, Stromatoporoidea Sovetskogo Soyuza, p. 152, pl. 82, figs. 1-6. Coenosteum small, mostly about 2 mm. in diameter, varying from 1 to 4 mm., vermicular, rarely branching, usually with an 234 BuLLeETIN 162 axial tube, commonly making thick calcareous beds, and lying nearly horizontally. The surface has small, anastomosing grooves; there are no astrorhizae. Many specimens have a smooth surface due to weathering or a covering film of calcium carbonate. Cross section—The center usually has a round, axial canal, 0.2 to 0.6 mm. in diameter, followed by a few thick, concentric laminae in which there are small irregular galleries. Near the sur- face there is a ring of oval galleries. A peripheral lamina is com- posed of a single transversely fibrous layer, 0.05 to 0.10 mm. thick, without a dark median line. The laminar and pillar tissue 1s transversely fibrous. Where the laminae and pillars are thin, the fibers extend across the structure; where the laminae and pillars are thick, except for the outer sheath, there is a dark, median line, from which coarse fibers extend perpendicularly on either side. Where the skeleton is a solid mass of tissue around the axial canal, the fibers are in radial clusters. The galleries are 0.1 to 0.6 mm. in diameter and are connected to each other, to the axial canal, and to the outside by irregular, radial tubes. Tabulae are short, straight to variable, rare to common in the peripheral tubes and galleries. In cross sections with no axial canal, the peripheral lamina is thicker, up to 0.20 mm. thick, and the inner laminae form an irregular network pattern with the pillars and are thinner, 0.05 mm. thick. The pillars are short and irregular in size. Variation in the cross sections may be due to differences in the maturity of the specimen or due to different positions of the sections along the length of the coenosteum, or to some other reason of variability as varietal or even specific differences. Le- compte (1952, p. 321) erected four new species and one new variety: two of his species with smaller coenostea and larger axial canals than the Givetian A. ramosa, occur higher in the Devonian, the Frasnian. Axial section.—The laminae are mostly obscure, but are highly arched (PI. 23, figs. 4, 5), thick, pierced by foramina, transversely fibrous, and represented in the axial tube by arched tabulae. The pillars are thick, 0.1 to 0.15 mm. broad, commonly anastomose, branch, and diverge to the outer edge of the coenosteum. The DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 235 axial tube is single, 0.3 to 0.4 mm. broad, variable, with thin, widely spaced, upward curved tabulae. The radial tubes and marginal vesicles have curved tabulae. Tangential section—tThe section consists of about two-thirds of tissue and one-third of galleries. The tissue consists of inosculat- ing plates which are transversely fibrous with a thin, median, dark line. Laminae and pillars can scarcely be differentiated, but the structures are mostly pillars. The galleries are oval, vermicular and inosculating, some with thin tabulae. Amphipora ramosa (Phillips) is characterized by small, vermi- cular coenostea, with axial tubes and heavy, fibrous tissue, with a dark median line in the laminar and pillar tissue. Like Nichol- son (1886), Lecompte (1951), and most other students of the genus, we limit the characters of A. ramosa, to the common form just diagnosed. We do not recognize the variations as different species at this time. The following groups of specimens occur with- in a centimeter or two of each other in rock samples: 1. Axial tube prominent, surrounded by a zone of thick tissue, galleries marginal mainly, peripheral lamina thin, tissue with dark median line, tabulae rare. Typical A. ramosa. Abundant. 2. Axial tube prominent, surrounded by tissue making an open network. Common. 3. Axial tube absent or vague, surrounded by thin, con- fluent laminae and pillars forming a polygonal pattern. Common. Though the genus is anomalous as a stromatoporoid, there is a suggestion of a laminar-pillar type structure as in typical stromatopoids; the skeletal tissue is similar to the transversely fibrous tissue in Anostylostroma. The pillar tissue of A. mesh- bergerense has a dark median line and coarse transverse fibers on either side, much like that in A. ramosa, and there are tabular dissepiments in the galleries and tubes as is commonly the case in stromatoporoids. A. ramosa is one of the best index stromatoporoids we have encountered for the Middle Devonian. 236 BULLETIN 162 Occurrence—We have many samples from the Independent quarry, four miles south of Dupont, Indiana. Each sample is a coquina-like mass containing hundreds of individual specimens. Amphipora silicified and as molds occur in profusion in the lower part of the Jeffersonville limestone, in the facies referred to by geologists as “buhrstone”, in Bartholomew and Jennings counties, Indiana. Plesiotypes——Indiana University Paleontological Collections, slides 285-55, 56; 97/7306; 3, 445,(0 7/4. Cat Now 597155372. CHECK LIST OF DEVONIAN GENERA AND SPECIES OF STROMATOPOROIDEA The following list of genera and species of Devonian Stroma- toporoidea of the world is as complete as it has been possible for us to make.* Wherever descriptions and figures are adequate, we have corrected the genus under which a species should belong according to our understanding of the genera. Where we have seen a reference to a species but have not seen the original descrip- tion, the date is omitted after the author’s name. The check list may be used as a finding list for original descrip- tions by referring in the bibliography to the author and date after a species in the list. Another use is to aid in avoiding homo- nyms, though one should keep in mind that the list does not in- clude Ordovician and Silurian species, so that further checking is necessary before establishing a new specific name. The list includes 30 valid varietal names, 16 invalid varietal names, 384 valid specific names, 126 invalid specific names, 23 valid generic names, and 13 invalid generic names. Synonyms and species belonging to other genera than origin- ally designated are in italics. Where the genus has been changed, the original name is in parentheses. * Just as our paper was submitted for publication, we received Yavor- sky’s, “Stromatoporoidea of the Soviet Union’, (1955, p. 1-173) in which he described two new genera, Ferestromatopora and Paramphipora, 86 new species, and 12 new varieties from the Devonian. Many of the Russian forms are similar to those in North America and will require additional study to determine their relationships to American species. Yavorsky’s new genera will be considered in a paper on the classification of the Stroma- toporoidea in preparation by the senior author. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 237 The aster sk denotes species occurring in North America, of which 57 were previously described; 53 new species are added. Eight formerly A question Actinodictyon Actinodictyon Actinodictyon described species are new to North America. mark is placed after a name which is in doubt. Parks, 1909 vagans Parks, 1936 vaucellense Lecompte, 1951 — Anostylostroma vaucellense (Lecompte), 1951 Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Nicholson, 1886 bifarium Nicholson, 1889 clathratum Nicholson, 1886 clathratum intricatum Lecompte, 1951 clathratum polonica Girich, 1896 compactum Ripper, 1933 conglomeratum Lecompte, 1951 ? contextum Poéta, 1894 contortum Gorsky, 1935 = Anostylostroma con- tortum (Gorsky), 1935 Actinostroma contortum Ripper, 1936 = a junior homonym of Actinostroma contortum Gorsky, 1935 Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma couvinense Lecompte, 1951 crassum Yavorsky, 1951 = a coral crassepilatum Lecompte, 1951 dehorneae Lecompte, 1951 dehorneae constrictum Lecompte, 1951 dehorneae densicolumnatum Lecompte, 1951 densatum Lecompte, 1951 devonense Lecompte, 1951 derzavini (Yavorsky), 1951; (Hermatostroma der- zavint Yavorsky ) Actinostroma * Actinostroma dobrolubov1 Riabinin expansum (Hall and Whitfield), 1873; (Stroma- topora expansa Hall and Whitfield) * Actinostroma Actinostroma fenestratum Nicholson, 1889 ferganense Riabinin 238 BULLETIN 162 Actinostroma filitextum Lecompte, 1951 Actinostroma frustulum Poéta, 1894 Actinostroma fungiforme Le Maitre, 1931 = Anostylostroma fungi- forme (Le Maitre), 1931 Actinostroma furcatopilosum Gorsky, 1935 = Trupetostroma ? furcatopilosum (Gorsky), 1935 Actinostroma geminatum Lecompte, 1951 Actinostroma hebbornense Nicholson, 1886 Actinostroma irregulare Nicholson, 1889 Actinostroma 1stokense Yavorsky, 1951 = Stictostroma istokense (Yavorsky), 1951 Actinostroma lamellatum Le Maitre, 1931 Actinostroma mamontoyi Yavorsky, 1931 Actinostroma moosensts (Parks), 1904 = Stromatoporella moosen- sis (Parks), 1904 Actinostroma papillosum (Bargatzky), 1881; (Stromatopora papil- losa Bargatzky ) Actinostroma perlaminatum Lecompte, 1951 Actinostroma perspicum Poéta, 1894 Actinostroma pseudosquamosum Spinar, 1940 — Anostylostroma pseudosquamosum (Spinar), 1940 Actincstroma reversum Lecompte, 1951 salairicum Yavorsky septatum Lecompte, 1951 septatum robustum Lecompte, 1951 sertiforme Lecompte, 1951 Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma ~ Actinostroma Actinostroma Actinostroma ? squamosum Le Maitre, 1931 stellulatum Nicholson, 1886 ? stellulatum distans Ripper, 1936 stellulatum maureri Heinrich, 1914 stellulatum nicholsoni Heinrich, 1914 stellulatum tuberculatum Heinrich, 1914 tabulatum Lecompte, 1951 tabulatum crassum Lecompte, 1951 (Yavorsky), 1951; talovense (Hermatostroma episcopale talovense Yavorsky) DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 239 Actinostroma timanicum Riabinin Actinostroma trautscholdi Riabinin, 1941 = Anostylostroma traut- scholdi (Riabinin), 1941 *Actinostroma tuberosum, n. sp. *Actinostroma tyrrelli Nicholson, 1891 Actinostroma uralicum Yavorsky, 1947 Actinostroma ? vastum Poéta, 1894 Actinostroma verrucosum (Goldfuss), 1826; (Certopora verru- cosa Goldfuss ) *Actinostroma whiteavesi Nicholson, 1891 Actinostroma yavorskyi Riabinin Amphipora Schulz, 1883 Amphipora angusta Lecompte, 1952 Amphipora laxeperforata Lecompte, 1952 Amphipora patokensis Riabinin Amphipora patokensis minor Riabinin Amphipora pervesiculata Lecompte, 1952 *Amphipora ramosa (Phillips), 1841; (Caunopora ramosa Phillips) Amphipora ramosa desquamata Lecompte, 1952 Amphipora ramosa minor Riabinin Amphipora rudis Lecompte, 1952 Amphipora vetustior Giirich, 1896 Anostylostroma Parks, 1936 Anostylostroma aggregatum (Lecompte), 1951; (Atelodictyon aggregatum Lecompte ) Anostylostroma amygdaloides (Lecompte), 1951; (Clathrodictyon amygdaloides Lecompte ) Anostylostroma aperturatum Le Maitre, 1949 Anostylostroma aquisgranense (Dantz), 1893; (Clathrodictyon aquisgranense Dantz) *Anostylostroma arvense (Parks), 1936; (Clathrodictyon arvense Parks) Anostylostroma clarum (Poéta), 1894; (Clathrodictyon clarum Poéta ) *Anostylostroma columnare (Parks), 1936; (Clathrodictyon laxum columnare Parks) *Anostylostroma compactum, n. sp. 240 BuLLETIN 162 *Anostylostroma confluens, n. sp. Anostylostroma contortum (Gorsky), 1935; (Actinostroma con- tortum Gorsky ) Anostylostroma cracoviense (Giirich), 1904; (Stromatoporella cracoviensis Gurich) *Anostylostroma crebricolumnare, n. sp. Anostylostroma dehéei (Le Maitre), 1931; (Clathrodictyon dehéet Le Maitre ) Anostylostroma delicatulum (Ripper), 1937; (Clathrodictyon con- victum delicatula Ripper) *Anostylostroma dupontense, n. sp. Anostylostroma fungiforme (Le Maitre), 1931; (Actinostroma fungiforme Le Maitre) *Anostylostroma hamiltonense Parks, 1936 Anostylostroma hamiltonense papillatum Parks, 1936 = Anosty- lostroma papillatum Parks, 1936 *Anostylostroma humile, n. sp. Anostylostroma imperceptum (Gorsky), 1938; (Stylostroma im- perceptum Gorsky ) *Anostylostroma insulare (Parks), 1936; (Clathrodictyon insulare Parks) *Anostylostroma jewetti (Girty), 1895; (Clathrodictyon jewetts Girty ) Anostylostroma lamellatum (Le Maitre) 1931; (Clathrodictyon lamellatum Le Maitre) Anostylostroma latifistulatum (Lecompte), 1951; (Clathrodictyon latifistulatum Lecompte ) *Anostylostroma laxum (Nicholson), 1887; (Clathrodictyon laxum Nicholson ) Anostylostroma loutougini (Yavorsky), 1931; (Stromatoporella loutougint Yavorsky ) Anostylostroma mamillatum (Le Maitre), 1947; (Clathrodictyon mamillatum Le Maitre) *Anostylostroma mediale, n. sp. *Anostylostroma meshbergerense, n. sp. *Anostylostroma microcolumnare, n. sp. *Anostylostroma microtuberculatum (Riabinin), 1941; (Stroma- topora microtuberculata Riabinin) DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 241 Anostylostroma neglectum (Poéta), 1894; (Clathrodictyon ne- glectum Poéta) *Anostylostroma papillatum Parks, 1936; (Anostylostroma hamil- tonense papillatum Parks) Anostylostroma paramygdaloides (Lecompte), 1951; (Clathro- dictyon paramygdaloides Lecompte) Anostylostroma parvum (Le Maitre), 1934; (Labechia parva Le Maitre ) Anostylostroma ? phyloclymenium (Frech), 1885; (Stromatopora phyloclymenia Frech) *Anostylostroma_ pipecreekense, n. sp. *Anostylostroma ponderosum (Nicholson), 1875; (Stromatopora ponderosa Nicholson ) Anostylostroma praetenerum (Yavorsky), 1931; (Clathrodictyon praetenerum Yavorsky ) Anostylostroma pseudocolumnare (Riabinin), 1941; (Clathro- dictyon pseudocolumnare Riabinin) Anostylostroma pseudosquamosum (Spinar), 1940; (Actimostroma pseudosquamosum Spinar ) *Anostylostroma pulpitense, n. sp. *Anostylostroma retiforme (Nicholson and Murie), 1878; (Stylo- dictyon retiforme Nicholson and Murie) *Anostylostroma subcolumnare, n. sp. *Anostylostroma substriatellum (Nicholson), 1875; (Stromatopora substriatella Nicholson) Anostylostroma subtile (Potta), 1894; (Clathrodictyon subtile Poéta ) Anostylostroma tessellatum (Le Maitre), 1931; (Clathrodictyon tessellatum Le Maitre) Anostylostroma trautscholdi (Riabinin), 1941; (Actinostroma trautscholdi Riabinin) Anostylostroma tuberculatum (Riabinin), 1941; (Clathrodictyon tuberculatum Riabinin ) Anostylostroma variabile (Riabinin), 1932; (Clathrodictyon var- tabile Riabinin ) Anostylostroma vaucellense (Lecompte), 1951; (Actinodictyon vaucellense Lecompte ) 242 BULLETIN 162 Anostylostroma vilvense (Yavorsky), 1951; (Clathrodictyon var- tabile viluense Yavorsky ) Atelodictyon Lecompte, 1951 Atelodictyon aggregatum Lecompte, 1951 = Anostylostroma ag- gregatum (Lecompte), 1951 Atelodictyon fallax Lecompte, 1951 *Atelodictyon intercalare, n. sp. Atelodictyon pseudostriatellum (Yavorsky), 1931; (Clathrodict- yon pseudostriatellum Yavorsky ) Atelodictyon strictum Lecompte, 1951 Caunopora Phillips, 1841 = a composite of various stromatopo- roids and corals Caunopora bicheliensis Bargatzky, 1881 = Parallelopora biichel- iensis (Bargatzky), 1881 Caunopora hiipschi Bargatzky, 1881 = Stromatopora hiupschi (Bargatzky), 1881 Caunopora planulata Hall and Whitfield, 1873 — Parallelopora planulata (Hall and Whitfield), 1873 Caunopora ramosa Phillips, 1841 = Amphipora ramosa (Phillips), 1841 Caunopora verticillata McCoy, 1855 = Stachyodes verticillata (McCoy), 1855 Ceriopora Goldfuss, 1826 = a bryozoan Ceriopora verrucosa Goldfuss, 1826 — Actinostroma verrucosum (Goldfuss), 1826 Clathrocoilona Yavorsky, 1931 *Clathrocoilona abeona Yavorsky, 1931 Clathrocoilona crassitexta (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella crassitexta Lecompte) Clathrocoilona eifeliensis (Nicholson), 1886; (Stromatoporella eifeliensis Nicholson) *Clathrocoilona fibrosa, n. sp. Clathrocoilona intscherepense Yavorsky, 1951 Clathrocoilona irregularis (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella irregularis LLecompte) Clathrocoilona kirgisica (Yavorsky), 1947; (Stromatopora kir- gisica Yavorsky) DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 243 *Clathrocoilona ? lata (Parks), 1936; (Clathrodictyon latum Parks ) Clathrocoilona lemnisca (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella lemnisca Lecompte) Clathrocoilona ? remesi (Spinar), 1940; (Stromatoporella remest Spinar ) *Clathrocoilona restricta, n. sp. Clathrocoilona saginata (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella sagi- nata Lecompte ) *Clathrocoilona subclathrata, n. sp. Clathrodictyon Nicholson and Murie, 1878 Clathrodictyon actinostromiforme Riabinin, 1941 = Trupeto- stroma actinostromiforme (Riabinin), 1941 Clathrodictyon amygdaloides Lecompte, 1951 = Anostylostroma amygdaloides (Lecompte), 1951 Clathrodictyon amygdalotdes subvesiculosum Lecompte, 1951 = Stromatoporella subvesiculosa (Lecompte), 1951 Clathrodictyon aqusgranense Dantz, 1893 = Anostylostroma aquisgranense (Dantz), 1893 Clathrodictyon arvense Parks, 1936 = Anostylostroma arvense (Parks), 1936 Clathrodictyon cellulosum Nicholson and Murie, 1878 = Stroma- toporella cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie), 1878 Clathrodictyon clarum Poéta, 1894 = Anostylostroma clarum (Poéta), 1894 *Clathrodictyon confertum Nicholson, 1889 Clathrodictyon convictum delicatula Ripper, 1937 = Anostylo- stroma delicatulum (Ripper), 1937 Clathrodictyon dehéei Le Maitre, 1931 = Anostylostroma dehéei (Le Maitre), 1931 Clathrodictyon incubonum Yavorsky Clathrodictyon insulare Parks, 1936 — Anostylostroma insulare (Parks), 1936 Clathrodictyon jewetti Girty, 1895 = Anostylostroma jewetti (Girty), 1895 Clathrodictyon katavense Yavorsky Clathrodictyon lamellatum Le Maitre, 1931 = Anostylostroma lamellatum (Le Maitre), 1931 244 BuLLETIN 162 Clathrodictyon latifistulatum Lecompte, 1951 = Anostylostroma latifistulatum (Lecompte), 1951 Clathrodictyon latum Parks, 1936 = Clathrocoilona ? lata (Parks), 1936 Clathrodictyon laxum Nicholson, 1887 = Anostylostroma laxum (Nicholson), 1887 Clathrodictyon laxum columnare Parks, 1936 = Anostylostroma columnare (Parks), 1936 Clathrodictyon mamillatum Le Maitre, 1947 = Anostylostroma mamillatum (Le Maitre), 1947 Clathrodictyon ? montis castii Frech, 1911 Clathrodictyon moosense proximale Parks, 1936 = Anostylostroma retiforme (Nicholson and Murie), 1878 Clathrodictyon neglectum Poéta, 1894 = Anostylostroma neglec- tum (Poéta), 1894 Clathrodictyon ? ohioense Parks, 1936 Clathrodictyon paramygdaloides Lecompte, 1951 = Anostylo- stroma paramygdaloides (Lecompte), 1951 Clathrodictyon praetenerum Yavorsky, 1931 = Anostylostroma praetenerum (Yavorsky), 1931 Clathrodictyon problematicum Parks, 1904 = Stictostroma prob- lematicum (Parks), 1904 Clathrodictyon pseudocolumnare Riabinin, 1941 = Anostylos- troma pseudocolumnare (Ruiabinin), 1941 Clathrodicyton pseudostriatellum Yavorsky, 1931 = Atelodictyon pseudostriatellum (Yavorsky ), 1931 Clathrodictyon ? regulare carnicum Vinassa de Regny, 1910 Clathrodictyon regulare uralicum Riabinin Clathrodictyon ? spongiosum Giirich, 1896 Clathrodictyon subtile Poéta, 1894 = Anostylostroma subtile (Poéta), 1894 Clathrodictyon tessellatum Le Maitre, 1931 — Anostylostroma tessellatum (Le Maitre), 1931 Clathrodictyon townsendi Parks, 1936 = Anostylostroma insulare (Parks), 1936 Clathrodictyon tschussovense Yavorsky Clathrodictyon tuberculatum Riabinin, 1941 — Anostylostroma tuberculatum (Riabinin), 1941 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 245 Clathrodictyon undulatum Parks, 1936 = Stromatoporella ? undulata (Parks), 1936 Clathrodictyon variabile Riabinin, 1932 = Anostylostroma vari- abile (Riabinin), 1932 Clathrodictyon variabile viluense Yavorsky, 1951 = Anostylo- stroma vilvense (Yavorsky), 1951 Clathrodictyon vulgare Parks, 1936 = Anostylostroma retiforme Nicholson and Murie, 1878 Clathrodictyon yavorskyi Riabinin Coenostroma Winchell, 1867 = Stromatopora Goldfuss, 1826 Coenostroma ristigouchensis Spencer, 1884 = Parallelopora risti- gouchensis (Spencer), 1884 Dendrostroma Lecompte, 1951 Dendrostroma gracile (Lecompte), 1952; (Stachyodes gracilis Lecompte ) Dendrostroma oculatum (Nicholson), 1886; (Jdiostroma oculatum Nicholson ) Dendrostroma paralleloporoides (Lecompte), 1952; (Stachyodes paralleloporoides Lecompte ) Diapora Bargatzky, 1881 = a composite of various stromato- poroids and corals Diapora laminata Bargatzky, 1881 = Stromatoporella laminata (Bargatzky), 1881 Fistulipora McCoy, 1850 = a bryozoan Fistulipora porosa Roemer, 1855 = Stromatoporella stellifera (Roemer), 1855 Gerronostroma Yavorsky, 1931 Gerronostroma batschatensis Yavorsky, 1931 Gerronostroma concentrica Yavorsky, 1931 Gerronostroma elegans Yavorsky, 1931 *Gerronostroma excellens, n. sp. *Gerronostroma ? insolitum (Parks), 1936; (Stictostroma insoli- tum Parks) *Gerronostroma plectile, n. sp. Hermatostroma Nicholson, 1886 Hermatostroma beuthi ( Bargatzky), 1881; (Stromatopora beuthu Bargatzky ) 246 BULLETIN 162 Hermatostroma derzavini Yavorsky, 1951 = Actinostroma der- zavini (Yavorsky), 1951 Hermatostroma ? dolica Yavorsky, 1931 Hermatostroma episcopale Nicholson, 1892 Hermatostroma episcopale buchanensis Ripper, 1936 = Sticto- stroma ? buchanense (Ripper), 1936 Hermatostroma episcopale talovense Yavorsky, 1951 = Actino- stroma talovense (Yavorsky), 1951 Hermatostroma hainensis (Maurer), 1885; (Stromatopora hain- ensis Maurer ) *Hermatostroma logansportense, n. sp. Hermatostroma parksi Lecompte, 1952 Hermatostroma perseptatum Lecompte, 1952 Hermatostroma polymorphum Lecompte, 1952 Hermatostroma pustulosum Lecompte, 1952 Hermatostroma schliteri Nicholson, 1886 Hermatostroma sibirica Yavorsky, 1931 = Syringostroma ? sibi- ricum (Yavorsky), 1931 Idiostroma Winchell, 1867 *Idiostroma caespitosum (Winchell), 1866; (Stromatopora caespi- tosa Winchell ) Idiostroma crassum Lecompte, 1952 = Stachyodes crassa (Le- compte), 1952 Idiostroma elegans Yavorsky, 1951 = Trupetostroma elegans (Yavorsky), 1951 Idiostroma fililaminatum Lecompte, 1952 Idiostroma forresti Gregory, 1925 *Tdiostroma gordiaceum Winchell, 1867 *TIdiostroma nattres1 Grabau, 1909 Idiostroma oculatum Nicholson, 1886 = Dendrostroma oculatum (Nicholson), 1886 Idiostroma roemeri Nicholson, 1886 Idiostroma yulangensis Reed, 1911 Labechia Edwards and Haime, 1851 Labechia compacta Gorsky, 1935 = Syringostroma compacta (Gorsky), 1935 Labechia densa Gorsky, 1938 Labechia devonica Riabinin, 1932 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 247 Labechia geometrica Solomko, 1886 (may not be Devonian) Labechia macrostylophora Riabinin Labechia parva Le Maitre, 1934 = Anostylostroma parvum (Le Maitre), 1934 Labechia mugodijarica Yavorsky, 1931 Labechia polaris Gorsky, 1938 Labechia pskovensis Riabinin, 1941 = Trupetostroma pskovense (Riabinin), 1941 Labechia recessa Gorsky, 1938 Labechia regularis Riabinin, 1932 Labechia serotina Nicholson, 1886 = Labechiella serotina (Nich- olson), 1886 Labechia ? stylophora Nicholson, 1891 Labechia variabilis Riabinin, 1932 (may not be Devonian) Labechiella Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Labechiella serotina (Nicholson), 1886; (Labechia serotina Nich- olson ) Lioplacocyathus Ludwig, 1886 = Stromatopora Goldfuss, 1826 Parallelopora Bargatzky, 1881 Parallelopora bicheliensis (Bargatzky), 1881; (Caunopora biichel- tensis Bargatzky ) *Parallelopora campbelli, n. sp. Parallelopora capitata (Goldfuss), 1826; (Tragos capitatwm Gold- fuss ) Parallelopora dartingtonensis (Carter), 1880; (Stromatopora dartingtonensis Carter ) Parallelopora dartingtonensis filitexta Nicholson, 1891 Parallelopora eifehensis Bargatzky, 1881 = Stromatoporella ? elfeliensis (Bargatzky), 1881 *Parallelopora eumamillata, n. sp. Parallelopora ? gentilis (Gortani), 1912; (Stromatopora columnaris gentilis Gortan1) Parallelopora goldfussi Bargatzky, 1881 Parallelopora heckeri Riabinin, 1941 = Trupetostroma ? heckeri (Riabinin), 1941 *Parallelopora nodulata (Nicholson), 1875; (Stromatopora nodu- lata Nicholson) 248 BULLETIN 162 *Parallelopora ostiolata Bargatzky, 1881 Parallelopora parva Riabinin Parallelopora paucicanaliculata Lecompte, 1952 *Parallelopora planulata (Hall and Whitfield), 1873; (Caunopora planulata Hall and Whitfied ) Parallelopora polonica Giirich, 1896 *Parallelopora pulchra, n. sp. *Parallelopora ristigouchensis (Spencer), 1884; (Coenostroma ristigouchensis Spencer ) *Parallelopora snoufferensis, n. sp. Parallelopora socialis Riabinin, 1941 = Stictostroma ? socialis (Riabinin), 1941 Parallelopora stellaris Bargatzky, 1881 *Parallelopora typicalis, n. sp. Parallelopora volensis Riabinin Prisciturben Kunth, 1870 = Stromatopora Goldfuss, 1826 Pseudolabechia Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Pseudolabechia aequivesiculosa (Gorsky), 1938; (Stylostroma ramosum aequivesiculosum Gorsky) (may not be Devonian) Pseudolabechia crassa (Gorsky), 1938; (Stylostroma crassum Gorsky) (may not be Devonian) Pseudolabechia ramosa (Gorsky), 1938; (Stylostroma ramosa Gorsky) (may not be Devonian) Rosenella Nicholson, 1886 Rosenella labechioides Gorsky, 1935 (may not be Devonian) Rosenella latevesiculosa Gorsky, 1935 (may not be Devonian) Rosenella miniarensis Riabinin, 1932 (may not be Devonian) Rosenella normalis Riabinin, 1932 (may not be Devonian) Rosenella plativesiculosa Gorsky, 1938 (may not be Devonian) Sphaerostroma Giirich, 1896 = Stachyodes Bargatzky, 1881 Sphaerostroma exiguum Giirich, 1896 = Stachyodes exigua (Giirich), 1896 Stachyodes Bargatzky, 1881 Stachyodes caespitosa Lecompte, 1952 Stachyodes costulata Lecompte, 1952 Stachyodes crassa (Lecompte), 1952; (Idiostroma crassum Le- compte) DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 249 Stachyodes exigua (Giirich), 1896; (Sphaerostroma exiguum Giirich ) Stachyodes fasciculata Heinrich, 1914 Stachyodes gracilis Lecompte, 1952 = Dendrostroma gracile (Le- compte), 1952 Stachyodes monostiolata ( Bargatzky), 1881; (Stromatopora mon- ostiolata Bargatzky ) Stachyodes paralleloporoides Lecompte, 1952 — Dendrostroma paralleloporoides (Lecompte), 1952 Stachyodes ? polyostiolata (Bargatzky), 1881; (Stromatopora polyostiolata Bargatzky) Stachyodes radiata Lecompte, 1952 Stachyodes stalagmites Heinrich, 1914 Stachyodes verticillata (McCoy), 1885; (Caunopora verticilata McCoy) Stachyodes verticillata angustellata Giirich, 1896 Stachyodes verticillata irregularis Heinrich, 1914 Stachyodes verticillata latestellata Giirich, 1896 Stachyodes verticillata pesanseris Heinrich, 1914 Stictostroma Parks, 1936 *Stictostroma alpenense Parks, 1936 Stictostroma ? buchanense (Ripper), 1936; (Hermatostroma episcopale buchanensis Ripper) *Stictostroma elevatum (Parks), 1936; (Stromatoporella elevata Parks) Stictostroma ertense Parks, 1936 = Stromatoporella _ eriensis (Barks). 1936 Stictostroma huronense Parks, 1936 = Stromatoporella huronens's (Parks), 1936 Stictostroma insolitum Parks, 1936 = Gerronostroma ? insolitum GParks))54936 Stictostroma istokense (Yavorsky), 1951; (Actinostroma istokense Yavorsky ) *Stictostroma jeffersonvillense, n. sp. *Stictostroma kayi (Parks), 1936; (Stromatoporella kayi Parks) Stictostroma latum (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma micro- fibrosum latum Lecompte) 250 BULLETIN 162 Stictostroma lensiforme (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma len- siforme Lecompte ) *Stictostroma mamilliferum new name; (Stromatopora mammil- lata Nicholson, 1873 ) *Stictostroma mcgraini, n. sp. Stictostroma microfibrosum (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma microfibrosum Lecompte) Stictostroma micropertusum (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma micropertusum Lecompte ) Stictostroma minutitextum (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma minutitextum Lecompte ) Stictostroma obliteratum (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella obliterata Lecompte ) Stictostroma percanaliculatum (Lecompte), 1951; (Cyringo- stroma percanaliculatum Lecompte ) *Stictostroma problematicum (Parks), 1904; (Clathrodictyon problematicum Parks) Stictostroma ? socialis (Riabinin), 1941; (Parallelopora socialis Riabinin ) Stromatocerium Hall, 1847 Stromatocerium ? eximium Gorsky, 1935 Stromatopora Goldfuss, 1826 Stromatopora alaica Riabinin Stromatopora angulata Yavorsky, 1947 Stromatopora baccata (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma bac- catum Lecompte) Stromatopora beuthtii Bargatzky, 1881 — Hermatostroma beuthi (Bargatzky), 1881 Stromatopora beuthii radiata Vinassa de Regny, 1918 = Syrin- gostroma beuthi radiata (Vinassa de Regny), 1918 Stromatopora biicheliensis crassa Vinassa de Regny, 1918 = Syringostroma biicheliensis crassa (Vinassa de Regny), 1918 Stromatopora biicheliensis digitata Nicholson, 1891 Stromatopora caespitosa Winchell, 1866 = Idiostroma caespitosum (Winchell), 1866 Stromatopora capitata (Goldfuss), 1826; (Tragos capitatum Goldfuss ) Stromatopora cardonai Vinassa de Regny, 1918 = Syringostroma cardonai (Vinassa de Regny), 1918 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 251 Stromatopora celloniensis Charlesworth, 1914 — Hermatostroma beuthi (Bargatzky), 1881 Stromatopora ? columnaris Barrande, 1894 Stromatopora columnaris carnica Vinassa de Regny, 1918 Stromatopora columnaris gentilis Gortani, 1912 = Parallelopora ? gentilis (Gortani) 1912 Stromatopora compta Poéta, 1894 Stromatopora concentrica Goldfuss, 1826 Stromatopora concentrica astrigera Nicholson, 1891 Stromatopora concentrica colliculata Nicholson, 1891 *Stromatopora conicomamillata, n. sp. Stromatopora cooperi Lecompte, 1952 *Stromatopora corallifera Parks, 1909 *Stromatopora coralvillensis Thomas, 1923 *Stromatopora cumingsi, n. sp. Stromatopora curiosa Bargatzky, 1881 = Stromatoporella curiosa (Bargatzky), 1881 Stromatopora dartingtonensis Carter, 1880 = Parallelopora dart- ingtonensis (Carter), 1880 Stromatopora derzavini Yavorsky, 1947 *Stromatopora divergens, n. sp. *Stromatopora dubia Lecompte, 1952 Stromatopora elegans Carter, 1879 (a homonym of S. elegans Rosen, 1867) = Parallelopora dartingtonensis (Carter), 1880 Stromatopora elegans Rosen 1867 = Stromatopora discoides (Lonsdale), 1889 *Stromatopora ? erratica Hall and Whitfield, 1873 *Stromatopora eumaculosa, n. sp. Stromatopora expansa Hall and Whitfield, 1873 — Actinostroma expansum (Hall and Whitfield) Stromatopora florida Novak, in Poéta, 1894 Stromatopora florigera Nicholson, 1891 Stromatopora forojuliensis Vinassa de Regny, 1918 — Syringo- stroma forojuliensis (Vinassa de Regny), 1918 *Stromatopora foveolata (Girty), 1895; (Syringostroma foveolatum Girty ) Stromatopora goldfussi mixta Lecompte, 1952 = Stromatopora mixta Lecompte, 1952 Zoe BULLETIN 162 Stromatopora granulata Nicholson, 1873 = Stromatoporella gran- ulata (Nicholson), 1873 Stromatopora hainensis Maurer, 1885 — Hermatostroma hainensis (Maurer), 1885 *Stromatopora hiipschi (Bargatzky), 1881; (Caunopora hipschu Bargatzky ) *Stromatopora ? incrustans Hall and Whitfield, 1873 Stromatopora indubia Maurer, 1885 = Stromatopora_ hiipschi (Bargatzky), 1881 Stromatopora inequalis Nicholson, 1891 Stromatopora ischyrum Le Maitre, 1949 Stromatopora kirgisica Yavorsky, 1947 = Clathrocoilona kirgisica (Yavorsky), 1947 Stromatopora kudebensis Riabinin, 1941 *Stromatopora laminosa Lecompte, 1952 *Stromatopora larocquel, n. sp. Stromatopora ? latens Poéta, 1894 Stromatopora lilydalensis Ripper, 1936 Stromatopora longitubulata Riabinin, 1941 Stromatopora maculata Lecompte, 1952 Stromatopora maculosa Maurer, 1885 = Stromatoporella maculosa (Maurer), 1885 *Stromatopora magnimamillata, n. sp. Stromatopora mammillata Nicholson, 1873 (a homonym_ of Stromatopora mammillata Schmidt, 1858) = Stictostroma mamilliferum, new name *Stromatopora marpleae, n. sp. Stromatopora ? microlaminata Riabinin, 1941 Stromatopora microtuberculata Riabinin, 1941 = Anostylostroma microtuberculatum (Riabinin), 1941 Stromatopora miniarensis Riabinin Stromatopora mixta Lecompte, 1952; (Stromatopora goldfusst mixta Lecompte ) *Stromatopora mononensis n. sp. Stromatopora monostiolata Bargatzky, 1881 — Stachyodes mon- ostiolata (Bargatzky), 1881 *Stromatopora monticulifera Winchell, 1866 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 253 Stromatopora nodulatum Nicholson, 1875 = Parallelopora nodu- lata (Nicholson), 1875 *Stromatopora ? nulliporoides Nicholson, 1874 *Stromatopora nux Winchell, 1866 *Stromatopora obscura, n. sp. *Stromatopora pachytexta Lecompte, 1952 Stromatopora papillosa Bargatzky, 1881 — Actinostroma papil- losum (Bargatzky), 1881 *Stromatopora ? perforata Nicholson, 1874 Stromatopora phyloclymenia Frech, 1885 = Anostylostroma ?¢ phyloclymenium (Frech), 1885 Stromatopora placenta Roemer, 1855 = Stromatoporella stellifera (Roemer), 1855 Stromatopora polymorpha Goldfuss, 1826 (diversified and in- completely known); in part (pl. 64, fig. 8d) = Stromatoporella curiosa (Bargat- zky), 1881 in part (pl. 64, fig. e) = Stachyodes monostiolata (Bargat- zky), 1881 in part (pl. 64. fig. f) = Stachyodes ? polyostiolata (Bar- gatzky), 1881 Stromatopora polymorpha stellifera Roemer, 1855 = Stromatopora stellifera (Roemer), 1855 Stromatopora polyostiolata Bargatzky, 1881 = Stachyodes ? polyostiolata (Bargatzky), 1881 Stromatopora ponderosum Nicholson, 1875 = Anostylostroma ponderosum (Nicholson), 1875 Stromatopora porosa (Lecompte), 1952; (Trupetostroma poro- sum Lecompte) *Stromatopora pustulifera Winchell, 1866 *Stromatopora pustulosa Grabau, 1910 Stromatopora rugosa Le Maitre, 1931 Stromatopora ruedemanni (Lecompte), 1952; (Trupetostroma ruedemanni Lecompte) Stromatopora ? schelonensis Riabinin, 1941 *Stromatopora solidula Hall and Whitfield, 1873 Stromatopora spheroidalis Riabinin 254 BULLETIN 162 Stromatopora ? spissa (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella spissa Lecompte) Stromatopora stricta Lecompte, 1952 Stromatopora sublamellata (Lecompte), 1952; (Trupetostroma sublamellatum Lecompte) *Stromatopora submixta, n. sp. Stromatopora substriatella Nicholson, 1875 = Anostylostroma substriatellum (Nicholson), 1875 Stromatopora tuberculata Nicholson, 1873 = Stromatoporella tuberculata (Nicholson), 1873 Stromatopora turgidecolumnata Maurer, 1885 — Hermatostroma beuthi (Bargatzky), 1881 Stromatopora tyrganica Yavorsky, 1947 Stromatopora undata Riabinin Stromatopora varssanofieve Riabinin Stromatopora vesiculosa Gregory, 1925 Stromatopora vogulica Riabinin Stromatopora wortheni Rominger, 1886; an invalid composite of two old species. Stromatopora ylychensis Riabinin Stromatoporella Nicholson, 1886 Stromatoporella abensis Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella alveolata Lecompte, 1951 = Trupetostroma al- veolatum (Lecompte), 1951 Stromatoporella arachnoidea Nicholson, 1886 Stromatoporella basili1 Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella batschatensis Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella bifida Lecompte, 1951 Stromatoporella boutovi Yavorsky, 1950 *Stromatoporella cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie), 1878; (Clath- rodictyon cellulosum Nicholson and Murie) Stromatoporella convicta Yavorsky, 1950 *Stromatoporella columbusensis, n. sp. Stromatoporella convicta Yarvorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella cracoviensis Girich, 1904 = Anostylostroma cracoviense (Giirich), 1904 Stromatoporella crassitexta Lecompte, 1951 = Clathrocoilona crassitexta (Lecompte), 1951 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 255 *Stromatoporella cryptoannulata, n. sp. Stromatoporella curiosa (Bargatzky), 1881; (Stromatopora cur- iosa Bargatzky ) Stromatoporella curiosa carnica Gortani, 1912 Stromatoporella damnoniensis Nicholson, 1886 Stromatoporella decora Lecompte, 1951 Stromatoporella devonica Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella ? eifeliensis (Bargatzky), 1881; (Parallelopora etfeliensis Bargatzky) Stromatoporella eifeliensis Nicholson, 1886 = Clathrocoilona eifel- iensis (Nicholson), 1886 Stromatoporella elevata Parks, 1936 = Stictostroma elevatum (Parks), 1936 *Stromatoporella eriensis (Parks), 1936; (Stictostroma eriense Parks ) Stromatoporella gapeevi Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella gracilis Lecompte, 1951 *Stromatoporella granulata (Nicholson), 1873; (Stromatopora granulata Nicholson ) *Stromatoporella granulata distans Parks, 1936 *Stromatoporella huronensis (Parks), 1936; (Stictostroma huron- ense Parks) Stromatoporella insolita Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella irregularis Lecompte, 1951 = Clathrocoilona ir- regularis (Lecompte), 1951 Stromatoporella karpinskyi Yavorsky Stromatoporella kayi Parks, 1936 = Stictostroma kayi (Parks), 1936 Stromatoporella kettneri Spinar, 1940 *Stromatoporella kirki, n. sp. Stromatoporella kumpani Yavorsky Stromatoporella kuznetskensis Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella laminata (Bargatzky), 1881; (Diapora laminata Bargatzky ) Stromatoporella laminata undulosa Giirich, 1896 Stromatoporella lemnisca Lecompte, 1951 = Clathrocoilona lem- nisca (Lecompte), 1951 256 BULLETIN 162 Stromatoporella loutougini Yavorsky, 1931 = Anostylostroma loutougini (Yavorsky), 1931 Stromatoporella maculosa (Maurer), 1885; Stromatopora macu- losa Maurer) Stromatoporella mamelonsa Yavorsky, 1950 “Stromatoporella moosensis (Parks), 1904; (Actinostroma moos- ensis Parks) *Stromatoporella morelandensis, n. sp. Stromatoporella obliterata Lecompte, 1951 = Stictostroma obli- teratum (Lecompte), 1951 Stromatoporella pankratovi Yavorsky, 1931 *Stromatoporella parasolitaria, n. sp. *Stromatoporella perannulata, n. sp. Stromatoporella pertabulata Lecompte, 1951 *Stromatoporella ? planulata (Hall and Whitfield), 1873; (Cauno- pora planulata Hall and Whitfield) Stromatoporella regularis Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella remesi Spinar, 1940 = Clathrocoilona ? reme&i (Spinar ), 1940 Stromatoporella saginata Lecompte, 1951 = Clathrocoilona sagi- nata (Lecompte), 1951 “Stromatoporella selwyni Nicholson, 1892 Stromatoporella sniatkovi Yavorsky, 1931 Stromatoporella socialis Nicholson, 1892 Stromatoporella socialis conferta Gortani, 1912 “Stromatoporella solitaria Nicholson, 1886 Stromatoporella spissa Lecompte, 1951 = Stromatopora ? spissa (Lecompte), 1951 Stromatoporella spissa latitexta Lecompte, 1951 = Stromatopora ? spissa (Lecompte), 1951 Stromatoporella stellifera (Roemer), 1855 Stromatoporella subvesiculosa (Lecompte), 1951; (Clathrodict- yon amygdaloides subvesiculosum Lecompte ) Stromatoporella tchernyschevi Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella tchernyschevi kostenkovensis Yavorsky, 1950 *“Stromatoporella tuberculata (Nicholson), 1873; (Stromatopora tuberculata Nicholson ) DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 257 Stromatoporella turensis Yavorsky, 1947 Stromatoporella tyrganensis Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella undata Yavorsky, 1950 *Stromatoporella ? undulata (Parks), 1936; (Clathrodictyon undulatum Parks) Stromatoporella ussowi Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella volaica Charlesworth, 1914 Stromatoporella voltschensis Yavorsky, 1950 Stromatoporella yegorovi Yavorsky, 1947 Stylodictyon Nicholson and Murie, 1878 Stylodictyon columnare (Nicholson), 1875; (Syringostroma colum- naris Nicholson ) Stylodictyon retiforme Nicholson and Murie, 1878 = Anostylo- stroma retiforme (Nicholson and Murie), 1878 Stylostroma Gorsky, 1938 = Pseudolabechia Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Stylostroma crassum Gorsky, 1938 = Pseudolabechia crassa (Gor- sky), 1938 Stylostroma ramosum Gorsky, 1938 = Pseudolabechia ramosa (Gorsky), 1938 Stylostroma ramosum aequivesiculosum Gorsky, 1938 = Pseudo- labechia aequivesiculosa (Gorsky), 1938 Stylostroma imperceptum Gorsky, 1938 = Anostylostroma im- perceptum (Gorsky), 1938 Synthetostroma Lecompte, 1951 Synthetostroma actinostromoides Lecompte, 1951 Synthetostroma ? vesiculosum (Lecompte), 1951; (Syringostroma vesiculosum Lecompte ) Syringostroma Nicholson, 1875 Syringostroma baccatum Lecompte, 1951 = Stromatopora baccata (Lecompte), 1951 *Syringostroma ? barretti Girty, 1895 Syringostroma beuthi radiata (Vinassa de Regny), 1918; (Strom- atopora beuthu radiata Vinassa de Regny) *Syringostroma bicrenulatum, n. sp. Syringostroma biicheliensis crassa (Vinassa de Regny), 1918; (Stromatopora biicheliensis crassa Vinassa de Regny) 258 BuLuetin 162 Syringostroma cardonai (Vinassa de Regny), 1918; (Stromatopora cardona Vinassa de Regny) *Syringostroma centrotum Girty, 1895 Syringostroma columnaris Nicholson, 1875 = Stylodictyon colum- nare (Nicholson), 1875 Syringostroma compacta (Gorsky), 1935; (Labechia compacta Gorsky ) *Syringostroma ? consimile Girty, 1895 *Syringostroma densum Nicholson, 1875 Syringostroma forojuliensis (Vinassa de Regny), 1918; (Stroma- topora forojuliensis Vinassa de Regny) Syringostroma foveolatum Girty, 1895 = Stromatopora foveolata (Girty), 1895 *Syringostroma fuscum, n. sp. Syringostroma geba Yavorsky, 1931 = Trupetostroma gebum (Yavorsky), 1931 Syringostroma lensiforme Lecompte, 1951 = Stictostroma lensi- forme (Lecompte), 1951 Syringostroma microfibrosum Lecompte, 1951 = Stictostroma microfibrosum (Lecompte), 1951 Syringostroma microfibrosum latwum Lecompte, 1951 = Stricto- stroma latum (Lecompte), 1951 Syringostroma micropertusum Lecompte, 1951 = Stictostroma micropertusum (Lecompte), 1951 *Syringostroma microporum Girty, 1895 Syringostroma minutitextum Lecompte, 1951 = Stictostroma minutitextum (Lecompte), 1951 “Syringostroma papillatum, n. sp. Syringostroma percanaliculatum Lecompte, 1951 = Stictostroma percanaliculatum (Lecompte), 1951 *Syringostroma perdensum, n. sp. Syringostroma perfectum Lecompte, 1951 *Syringostroma perfuscum, n. sp. *Syringostroma radicosum, n. sp. *Syringostroma sanduskyense, n. sp. Syringostroma ? sibirica (Yavorsky), 1931; (Hermatostroma stbirica Yavorsky ) Syringostroma ? strahlenbergi Yavorsky, 1931 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 259 *Syringostroma subfuscum, n. sp. *Syringostroma superdensum, n. sp. Syringostroma tschichatschevi Yavorsky, 1931 = Trupetostroma tschichatschevi (Yavorsky ), 1931 *Syringostroma tuberosum, n. sp. Syringostroma vesiculosum Lecompte, 1951 = Synthetostroma? vesiculosum (Lecompte), 1951 Tienodictyon Yabe and Sugiyama, 1941 = a sphaeractinoid Tienodictyon zonatum Yabe and Sugiyama, 1941 = a sphaer- actinoid Tragos capitatum Goldfuss, 1826 = Stromatopora capitatum (Goldfuss), 1826 Trupetostroma Parks, 1936 Trupetostroma actinostromiformi (Riabinin), 1941; (Clathrodict- yon actinostromiforme Riabinin) Trupetostroma alveolatum (Lecompte), 1951; (Stromatoporella alveolata Lecompte) Trupetostroma bassleri Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma ? cellulosum Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma cimacense Lecompte, 1952 *Trupetostroma coalescens, n. sp. Trupetostroma ? compressum Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma crassum Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma elegans (Yavorsky), 1951; (Jdiostroma elegans Yavorsky ) Trupetostroma ? furcatopilosum (Gorsky), 1935; (Actinostroma furcatopilosum Gorsky ) Trupetostroma gebum (Yavorsky), 1931; (Syringostroma geba Yavorsky ) Trupetostroma ? heckeri (Riabinin), 1941; (Parallelopora heckert Riabinin ) *Trupetostroma iowense Parks, 1936 Trupetostroma laceratum Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma macrostylum Le Maitre, 1949 *Trupetostroma maculosum Parks, 1936 Trupetostroma maillieuxi Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma ? pingue Lecompte, 1952 260 BULLETIN 162 Trupetostroma porosum Lecompte, 1952 = Stromatopora porosa (Lecompte), 1952 Trupetostroma pskovensia (Riabinin), 1941; (Labechia pskoven- sis Riabinin) *Trupetostroma ? raricystosum, n. sp. Trupetostroma ruedemanni Lecompte, 1952 = Stromatopora rue- demanni (Lecompte), 1952 Trupetostroma sublamellatum Lecompte, 1952 = Stromatopora sublamellata (Lecompte), 1952 Trupetostroma tschichatschevi. ( Yavorsky ), 1931; (Syringostroma tschichatschevi Yavorsky ) Trupetostroma tenuilamellatum Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma thomasi Lecompte, 1952 Trupetostroma thomasi arduennense Lecompte, 1952 *Trupetostroma warren Parks, 1936 REFERENCES The following references include only 150 of the most important papers dealing with the Stromatoporoidea. A bibliography of over 500 items was published in the Journal of Paleontology, vol. 30, ans 1956, p-.1170: Bargatzky, A. 1881a. Stachyodes, eine neue Stromatoporengattung. Zeitschr. Deutschen Geol. Ges., vol. 33, pp. 688-691. 1881b. Die Stromatoporen des rheinisches Devons. Verhandl. naturhist. Vereins Preuss. Rheinlande Westfalens, vol. 38, pp. 233-304; separate pp. 1-79, 11 text figures. Bassler, R. S. 1932. The stratigraphy of the Central Basin of Tennessee. Geol. Survey Tennessee, Bull. 38, pp. 214, 226, pl. 16, fig. 9; pl. 22, figs. 10, 11. 1935. Descriptions of Paleozoic fossils from the Central Basin of Ten- nessee. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 25, pp. 404, 405. Billings, FE. 1857. Ordovician and Silurian rocks of North America. Geol. Survey Canada, Rept. Prog. 1853-56, pp. 343-345. 1865. Notes on some of the more remarkable gencra of Silurian and Devonian fossils. Canadian Nat. and Geol., ser. 2, vol. 2, pp. 405-409, nea, 1h, 2 Boehnke, K. 1915. Die Stromatoporen der nordischen Silurgeschiebe in Norddeut- schland und in Holland. Paleontolographica, Beitr. Natur. Vorzeit, vol. 61, pp. 147-190, pls. 16-18, 35 text figures. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 26] Carter, H. J. 1877. On the close relationship of Hydractinia, Parkeria, and Stroma- topora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 19, pp. 44-76. 1878a. On new species of Hydractiniidae, Recent and fossil and on the identity in structure of Millepora alcicornis with Stromatopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 1, pp. 298-311. 1878b. On the -probable nature of the animal which produced the Stromatoporoidea traced through Hydractinia, Millepora alcicornis and Caunopora to Stromatopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 2, pp. 304-324. 1879. On the mode of growth of Stromatopora including the commen- salism of Caunopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 4, pp. 101-106. 1880. On Stromatopora dartingtoniensis n. sp. with the tabulation in the larger branches of the astrorhiza. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 6, pp. 339-347. Charlesworth, J. K. 1915. Die Fauna des devonischen Riffkalkes. IV. Korallen und Stroma- toporoiden. Zeitschr. Deutschen Geol. Ges., vol. 66, for 1914, pp. 384-389, pl. 34, figs. 4-6, 8 (Anhang.) Obersilurische Korallen vom Westabhang des Findenig-Kofels bei paularo. Ibid., pp. 397, 398. Cloud, Preston E., Jr. 1942. Notes on stromatolites. Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 240, pp. 363-379, pls. eel text ne: Cumings, E. R. 1908. The stratigraphy and paleontology of the Ordovician rocks of Indiana, 32d Ann. Rept. Geol. and Nat. Res. Indiana for 1907, pp. 700-703, pl. 1. Cumings, E, R., and Shrock, R. R. 1928. The geology of the Silurian rocks of northern Indiana. Indiana Dept. Cons., Div. Geol., publ. 75, pp. 59, 189. Dehée, R. 1929. Description de la faune d’Etroeungt. Mém. Soc. Géol. France, new ser. vol. 5, fasc. 2, Mém. 11, p. 48, pl. 8, figs. 6, 6a. Dehorne, Y. 1916. Stromatopores du Givétien de Glageon (Nord), Bull. Soc. Géol. France, ser. 4, vol. 16, pp. 180-185, pl. 5. Eastman, C. R. 1913. In Zittel-Eastman Text-book of Paleontology. MacMillan and Co. Ltd., London, 2d ed., pp. 121-124, figs. 189-192. Endo, R. 1932. The Canadian and Ordovician formations and fossils of South Manchuria. United States Nat. Mus., Bull. 164, p. 40. Etheridge, R., Jr. 1917. An Australian Amphipora. Rec. Australian Mus., vol. 11, pp. 239-241, pls. 54, 55. 1921. Occasional descriptions of New South Wales fossils IV, Clathodic- tyon in the Upper Silurian of the Trundle District, New South Vales. Rec. Geol. Survey New South Wales, vol. 10, pp. 7-9, pl. 5. Felix, J. 1905. Ueber die Gattung Amphipora. Sitzungsbericht Naturforsch. Ges. Leipzig, vols. 30, 31, pp. 73-76, text figs. 1-3. 262 BuLLeETIN 162 Fenton, Carroll Lane 1931. Niagaran stromatoporoid reefs of the Chicago region. Am. Mid. Nat., vol. 12, pp. 203-212, figs. 1-3. Fenton, M. A. 1931. 4 Devonian stromatoporoid reef. Am. Mid. Nat., vol. 12, pp. 195-202, 2 pls., 2 text figs. Fliigel, Erik 1956. Zur Bibliographie der Stromatoporen. Mitteil. Naturw. vereins Steiermark, Bd. 86, pp. 26-31. Foerste, A. F. 1909. Preliminary notes on Cincinnatian and Lexington fossils. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 14, pp. 298-300, pls. 7-9. 1910. Preliminary notes on Cincinnatian and Lexington fossils of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., WOK WG, joe MG, BG ole al 1916. Notes on Cincinnatian fossil types. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 18, pp. 297-304, pls. 1, 2. Foord, A. H. 1883. Contributions to the micro-palaeontology of the Cambro-Silurian rocks of Canada. Geol. Nat. Hist. Survey Canada, p. 25, pl. 7, fig. 1. Fritz, M. A. 1941. Catalogue of types in the Royal Ontario Museum of Paleontology. Contrib. Roy. Ontario Mus. Paleont., No. 5, pt. 1, pp. 17-41. Galloway, J. J.. and St. Jean, J., Jr. 1955. The type of the stromatoporoid species Stromatocerium rugosum Hall. Am. Mus. Novitates, No. 1728, pp. 1-11, figs. 1-7. 1956. A bibliography of the order Stromatoporoidea. Jour. Paleontology, vol. 30, pp. 170-185. Garwood, E. J. 1914. Some new rock-building organisms from the Lower Carboniferous beds of Westmoreland. Geol. Mag., ser. 5, vol. 11, p. 268, pl. 21, figs. 3, 4. Girty, G. 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Seiler and Co., New York, pp. 385, 416-433, 444, 485, 943, figs. 85-90. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 263 Grabau, A. W., and Shimer, H. W. 1909. North American index fossils. A. G. Seiler and Co., New York, vol. 1, pp. 34-47, figs. 56-74. Giirich, G. 1904. Eine Stromatoporoide aus dem Kohlenkalke Galiziens. Beitr. Palaont. Geol. Osterr. Ungarns Orients, vol. 17, pp. 1-5, pl. 1. Hall, James 1847. Palaeontology of New York. Nat. Hist. New York. vol. 1, pp. 48, 323, pl. 12, figs. 2, 2a, 2b. Hall, James, and Whitfield, R. P. 1873. Descriptions of new species of fossils from the Devonian rocks of Iowa. 23rd Ann. Rept. Reg. Univ. State of New York, pp. 233-243, pls. 9-10. Hayes, (. W., and Ulrich, E. 0. 1903. Description of the Columbia quadrangle. U. 8S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Columbia folio, No. 95, pp. 2, 5; faunal chart, figs 23, 24. Hickson, S. J. 1934. On Gypsina plana and on the systematic position of the stroma- toporoids. Quart. Jour. Micro. Sci., new ser. 303, vol. 76, pp. 433-480, 2 plis., 13. figs. Johnson, J. H. 1951. An introduction to the study of organic limestones. Quart. Colorado Sch. Mines, vol. 46, No. 2, pp. 54-63, pls. 26, 27, 29-31. Johnson, J. H., and Piender, J. 1939. Parallelopora goldfussi from the Devonian near Cody, Wyoming. Jour. Paleontology, vol. 13, pp. 515, 516, pl. 60. (A_ species of Stromatopora). Kiihn, 0. 1927. Zur Systematik und Nomenklatur der Stromatoporen. Zentralb. Min. Geol. Paladont., Abt. B, pp. 546-551. 1928. Fossilium Catalogus 1. Animalia. Pars 36. Hydrozoa. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1-114. 1939a. Eine neue Familie der Stromatoporen. Zentralbl. Min. Geol. Palaont., Abt. B., pp. 338-345, figs. 1-3. 1939b. Hydrozoa. In Schindewolf, Handbuch der Paldozoologie. Band 2A, pp. A36-A68, figs. 51-96. Kunth, A. 1870. Beitradge zur Kenntnis fossiler Korallen, Zeitschr. Deutschen Geol. Ges., vol. 22, p. 82. Lecompte, M. 1938. Quelques types de “Récifs” Siluriens et Dévoniens de l’Amérique du Nord. Essai de comparaison avec les récifs coralliens Actuels. Bull. Mus. Roy Hist. Nat. Belgique, vol. 14, No. 39, pp. 1-51, pls. 1-5. 1951-1952. Les Stromatoporoides du Dévonien moyen et supérieur du Bassin de Dinant. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, pp. 1-215, rls. 1-35: Mém. 117, pp. 216-369, pls. 36-70. Le Maitre, D. : Sees 1931. Les Stromatoporoides de la zone d’Etroeungt. (Note Préliminaire). Ann. Soc. Géol. Nord. vol. 56, pp. 207-212. 264 BuLueTIn 162 1933. Description des Stromatoporoides de l’assise Etrocungt. Soc. Géol. France, Mém., new ser., vol. 9, pp. 1-32, pls. 1-7. 1937. Etude de la faune corallienne des calcaires Givétiens de la Ville- De-d’Ardin (Deux-Sévres). Bull. Soc. Géol. France, ser. 5, vol. 7, pp. 105-128, pls. 7-10. 1949. Sur quelques genres de Stromatopores Dévoniens et leur micro- structure. Bull. Soc. Géol. France, ser. 5, vol. 19, pp. 513-526, pls. 16-18, figs. 1-8. Lindstrom, G. 1873. Nagra Anteckningar om Anthozoa tabulata. Ofvers Kongl. 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On some new or imperfectly known species of stromatoporoids.- Ann. Mig. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, volt 18) pp: 8-82) pls: 1) 2: DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 265 1887. On some new or imperfectly known species of stromatoporoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 19, pp. 1-17, pls. 1-3. 1891a. On some new or imperfectly known species of stromatoporoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 7, pp. 309-328, pls. 8-10. 1886c, 1889, 1891b, 1892. 4 monograph of the British stromatoporoids. Palaeont. Soc. London, vols. 39, 42, 44, 46, pts. 1-4, pp. 1-234, pls. 1-29. Nicholson, H. A., and Murie, J. 1878. The minute structure of the skeleton of Stromatopora and its allies. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology, vol. 14, pp. 187-246, pls. 1-4. (Published August 31, 1878) Okulitch, V. J. 1943. North American Pleospongia. Geol. Soc. America, Special Paper 48, p. 83, pls. 16, 17. Opik, A. 1935. Amphipora ramosa (Phillips) in the marine Devonian of Estonia. Ann. Nat. Soc. Tartu Univ., Pub. 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Stratigraphy of the Hamilton group of eastern New York. Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., vol. 26, pp. 537-55L 1941. New Devonian stratigraphic units, Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 179-181. Cooper, G A., and Warthin, A. S. 1942. New Devonian (Hamilton) correlations. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 53, pp. 873-888, 3 figs. Cooper, G, A., et al. 1942. Correlation of the Devonian sedimentary formations of North America. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 53, pp. 1729-1794, 1 fig., 1 pl. Cumings, E. R. 1922. Handbook of Indiana Gelogy, Devonian. Indiana Dept. of Con- servation, Div. of Geol., pp. 463-475. Dawson, T. A. ; P 1941. The Devonian formations of Indiana. Part 1. Outcrop in southern Indiana, State of Indiana, Dept. of Conservation, pp. 1-48, 20 text figs. Grabau, A. W. ae 1902. Stratigraphy of the Traverse group of Michigan. Michigan Geol. Survey Rept. 1901, pp. 163-210. Lecompte, M., 1938. Quelque types de “Récifs” Siluriens et Dévonien de l’Amérique du Nord. Essai de comparaison avec les récifs coralliens Actuels. Bull. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, vol. 14, no. 39, pp. 1-51, pls. 1-5, 7 text figs. MeFarlan, A. C. 1950. Geology of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky, pp. 45-56. Pohl, E. R. 1930. Devonian formations of the Mississippi Basin. Tennessee Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 5, pp. 54-63. Savage, T. E. : cig 1910. The Grand Tower (Onondaga) formation of Illinois, and its relation to the Jeffersonville beds of Indiana. Illinois State Acad. Scis diranss) vOla ss (ppeell6-132- Stauffer, C. R. 1909. The Middle Devonian of Ohio. Geol. Surv. Ohio, 4th ser., Bull. 10, pp. 1-204. Teichert, Curt : 1943. The Devonian of Western Australia. Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 241, pp. 69-94, 167-184. DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 271 Ulrich, E. 0. 1911. Revision of the Paleozoic Systems. Geol. Soc. America Bull. 22, pp. 281-680, pls. 25-29. Warthin, A. S., Jr., and Cooper, G. A. 1935. New formation names in the Michigan Devonian. Washington Acad. Sci., Jour., vol. 25, pp. 524-526. Weller, J. M. 1944. Symposium on Devonian stratigraphy. Wlinois State Geol. Sury. Bull. 67-A, 222 pp. Whitlatch, G. I., and Huddle, H. W. 1932. The stratigraphy and structure of a Devonian limestone area in Clark County, Indiana. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., for 1931, vol. 41, pp. 363-390, 7 figs. PLATES 274 BuLLeETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 1 All figured specimens are catalogued and deposited in the Indiana Uni- versity Paleontological Collections. All figures are times 10 unless other- wise indicated. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. The figures have been moderately retouched, to bring out characters which are frequently obscure. About two-fifths of each specimen is deposited in the United States National Museum, Washington, D. C. Figure ie Clathrodictyon vesiculosum Nicholson and Murie .....................-.----- a. Vertical section of a typical specimen of the type species showing cysts end to end rather than regular laminae and pillars, as in Anostylostroma. b. Tangential section; Middle Silurian, Louisville limestone, quarry at Charlestown, Ind. (303-65, 66). Plesiotype, No. 5365. Clathrodictyon confertum Nicholson —_.........2.........-.2-2.222-.-----2--------- a. Vertical section; the cysts are smaller than in C. vesiculosum and tend to be in horizontal lines. b. Tangential section; Colum- bus limestone, Dublin, Ohio. (305-97, 98); Ohio State Univ. Mus. specimen, No. 3760. Plesiotype, No. 5394. Anostylostroma colummare (Parks) —_...............-.-0---2--------------------- a. Vertical section; note laminae and pillars, rather than cysts as in Clathrodictyon; a topotype of the species. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, old quarry, Marblehead, Ohio. (282-66, 69). Plesiotype, No. 5395. Anostylostroma mediale Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. _............. a. Vertical section, showing thick, transversely porous laminae, transversely fibrous pillars, and foramina. b. Tangential sec- tion; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (304-5, 6). Holotype, No. 5324. 98 PLATE 1 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 Pais his , G @ = t Rd ~ Fs 0 * . 3 aby, <4 ~ 3 P J * ri te 40 PLATE 2 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 "« AE) ‘ < Krew, a ed Pa mee Se? ier pe ee av 4 ; Mie PG SR ; Be CA Ne: o Bk is ans 4% rene * 2. eis Wie eS, - DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 275 Explanation of Plate 2 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Anostylostroma pulpitense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -........... 100 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Pulpit Rock, 3 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-51, 52). Holotype, No. 5343. 2. Anostylostroma subeolumnare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —...... 101 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Highway 42, 3.3 miles southwest of Prospect, Ky. (305-34, 35). Holotype, No. 5387. 3. Anostylostroma confluens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ............. 103 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (285-24, 26). Holotype, No. 5352. 4. Anostylostroma crebricolumnare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ....104 a. Vertical section, showing the highly undulose laminae, short pillars and small columns. b. Tangential section; Little Rock Creek limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294-85, 86). Holotype, No. 5344. 276 BULLETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 3 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure ie Anostylostroma microcolumnare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (304- 87, 89). Holotype, No. 5353. Anostylostroma microtuberculatum (Riabinin) —..........-.-.......... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Little Rock Creek limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294-97, 98). Plesiotype, No. 5345. Anostylostroma compactum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -........... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (305-48, 49). Holotype, No. 5354. Anostylostroma dupontense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -...... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Independent quarry, 4 miles south of Dupont, Ind. (305-40, 41). Holotype, No. 5366. Page 105 106 108 109 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 3 Bui. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 4 aan f FRe TS Re he See 4 BD. = a, BER a eo SAE Ne een - ve “ae. ' 2a une : a oe ez tg DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 277 Explanation of Plate 4 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page ie PANOStylostromay armvense: (Paks) ee eee 110 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, Marblehead, Ohio. (282-72; 303-77). Plesiotype, No. 5396. 2. Anostylostroma ponderosum (Nicholson) —.............0........00......--....--- fetal! a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Independent quarry, 4 miles south of Dupont, Ind. The large tubes are Syringopora. (285-74; 304-91). Plesio- type, No. 5367. See AMOSEVIOStrOmMalinsmlaren@2larks) ee eee 113 a. Vertical section in a mamelon center, with several mamelon tubes. b. Vertical section in an intermamelon area, show- ing wrinkled laminae, indistinct pillars, long and short disse- piments, and spheroidal vesicles. c. Vertical section of dis- torted laminae and pillars and spheroidal vesicles, from the same thin section as figure b. d. Tangential section through a mamelon, cutting astrorhizal canals obliquely, and show- ing round and oblong pillars and spheroidal vesicles; Colum- bus limestone, Kelleys Island, Ohio. (305-65, 67, 68). Plesio- type, No. 5397. 278 BuL_etTin 162 Explanation of Plate 5 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Anostylostroma humile Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —...........- 115 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport lime- stone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294-4, 5). Holotype, No. 5325. 2. Anostylostroma laxum (Nicholson) stone, Reka ee ee 116 a. Vertical section showing sporadic mamelon with short tube. b. Tangential section with sporadic mamelon; Columbus lime- Snouffer’s quarry, 5 miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. (282-52, 53). Plesiotype, No. 5399. 3. with dark centers. Anostylostroma meshbergerense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. 118 a. Vertical section, showing undulating laminae and pillars b. Tangential section, showing round pillars, and rings; Jeffersonville limestone, Meshberger Stone Co. quarry, 8 miles southeast of Columbus, Ind. (304-90, 93). Holotype, No. 5368. Anostylostroma substriatellum (Nicholson) ae er ee 119 old quarry, Marblehead, Ohio. 5398. a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, (282-55, 57). Plesiotype, No. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 5 Fe Rey, & @ » 3e she ‘ ww “ts a y ar ca Besotascey clean ge SETI UTA SA RS WMG + . $3 eae Te oo 2 SEES PONE Fait AL TE re a d - 4 me . Fat 4 Mee LON Se ps ya — ANe 4 ‘ , “poe _ Ga “SE gut jy e wy So OS LS nt ete We ao) aS "thay nthe Aa 4b Sih vey x erat! me Ai “yer BuLL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 6 “wit an @f. é cae 1 fA heart wet eli ro ra Wecnes narod CUO? ee eate All figures are times 10 unless otherwise DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 279 Explanation of Plate 6 indicated. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Anostylostroma pipecreekense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 120 a. Vertical section; b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (304- 61, 62). Holotype, No. 5355. Mtelodictyon fallax Wecompte. st a. Vertical section X4.6. b. Tangential section X8; Calceola sandalina beds, Couvinian, Dinant Basin, Belgium. (Type figures from Lecompte, 1951, pl. 15, figs. la, 1d). Atelodictyon intercalare Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Meshberger Stone Co. quarry, 8 miles southeast of Columbus, Ind. (300-7, 8). Holotype, No. 5369. Stictostroma mamilliferum Galloway and St. Jean, new name a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Onondaga limestone, Ashton’s quarry, 1% miles east of Gorrie, Ont. (300-90, 91). Plesiotype, No. 5400. 122 123 125 280 BuLLeETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 7 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of the slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Stictostroma jeffersonvillense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 127 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville, lime- stone, Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Ind. (3804-75, 76). Holotype, No. 5360. 2. Stictostroma megraini Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.................-- 128 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Hew. 42, 3.3 miles southwest of Prospect, Ky. (305-28. 30). Holotype, No. 5389. 3. Stromatoporella granulata (Nicholson) —............---------..-.......--.--- 131 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section showing repair tissue in the upper left corner; Hungry Hollow formation, George Coultis and Son’s Brick and Tile Co. clay pit, Thedford, Ont. (282-38). Plesiotype, No. 5390. 4. Stromatoporella morelandensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 132 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; “Onondaga lime- stone’, probably Hamilton limestone, Moreland, Lincoln Co., Ky. (300-11, 12), Princeton University Paleontological Collections, specimen, No. 830. Holotype, No. 5388. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 7 Ahi. CS a ie ren. coho ty Se Soin FS a ec Poet m3 al ears 5 tn} Aree : “SP ‘ ¢ ¥ ' Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 8 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 281 Explanation of Plate 8 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure il, Stromatoporella selwyni Nicholson ~.........................- eee ee a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; basal Jeffersonville limestone, 1 mile northwest of Hanover, Ind. (295-58). Plesio- type, No. 5373. Stromatoporella kirki Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -............2..... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Meshberger Stone Co. quarry, 8 miles southeast of Columbus, Ind. (306-15, 16). Holotype, No. 5370. Stromatoporella solitaria Nicholson) 2) --- ee a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport lime- stone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-4, 5). Plesiotype, No. 5326. Stromatoporella parasolitaria Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; both ordinary pillars and ring-pillars are more common in some parts of the sec- tion. Jeffersonville limestone, Charlestown, Ind. (282-18, 19). Holotype, No. 5374. 135 137 282 BuLLETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 9 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Stromatoporella huronensis (Parks) ............-...........-..-.------------------ 139 a. Vertical section of an intermamelon area. b. Vertical section of a mamelon center (the specimen was crushed in the upper left-hand corner). c. Tangential section of an intermamelon area, ring-pillars common. d. Tangential section of a mamelon center, ring-pillars rare, pores in some of the laminae (all figures from the same specimen); Logansport limestone, loose in a yard at Camden, Carrol Co., Ind. (282-88, 90, 91). Plesiotype, No. 5375. 2. Stromatoporella cryptoannulata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. 141 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logans- port, Ind. (294-8, 9). Holotype, No. 5327. 3. Stromatoporella perannulata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ... 142 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Jefferson County quarry, 1.2 miles northeast of Louis- ville, Ky. city limits on Hgw. 42. (305-42, 52). Holotype, No. 5391. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 9 Buti. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 10 OR shea? Bi # 2 yt et al, t. we : ie “4 al Ve Ming io oe 4a 4b DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 283 Explanation of Plate 10 All figures are times 10 unless otherwise indicated. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Stromatoporella cf. cellulosa (Nicholson and Murie) —.................. 144 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Big Spring, 2 miles west of Hanover, Ind. The large tubes are Syringopora (295-57; 305-51). Plesiotype, No. 5376. 2 Steomatoporelia @riensis (Parks)! 2200322425225. eee 145 a. Vertical section, the laminae are farther apart than is normal in the section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, Columbus, Ohio. (303-8, 9). Plesiotype, No. 5401. 3. Stromatoporella columbusensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 147 a. Vertical section, the galleries are in part filled with mud. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, Snouffer’s quarry, 5 miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. (282-54). Holotype, No. 5402. 4. Aectinostroma eclathratum Nicholson ..................0.22.2....02-22--------------- 149 a. Vertical section X12. b. Tangential section X12; Middle Devonian, Gerolstein, Germany. Type figures from Nicholson, 1886, pl. 1, figs. 11, 12. 284 BuLueTIN 162 Explanation of Plate 11 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page i? eActinostroma, tyarrelli Nicholson) eee 150 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logans- port, Ind. (303-67, 68). Plesiotype, No. 5328. 2. Gerronostroma) Clee ams) oYa.v.O TSK yan eee eee 152 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Middle Devonian, Kuznetsk Basin, Russia (306-43, 44). Paratype, No. 5379. 3. Gerronostroma plectile Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.........-..... 153 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Louisville Cement Co. quarry, Speed, Ind. (295-24, 25). Holotype, No. 5377. 4. Gerronostroma excellens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ................ 155 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, quarry at Charlestown, Ind (282-12, 13). Holotype, No. 5378. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 11 oo a eee te Satya se ~ ¥3 Se SC ae RT Ee cat ats ele ay EE) PENT Ay AF: aoe cate myrery >. (- Beets tit Pi Se PE Rl ee Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 12 FEROS EL RPI : "Pat De SME RY SR a ee, a0 ips to at ss DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 285 Explanation of Plate 12 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Gerronostroma cf. insolitum (Parks) —_.........2.........0.20.020202222- eee 156 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Ind. (305-57, 58). Plesio- type, No. 5361. Pri petostroma: Warren barks) es ee 159 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Middle Devonian, Fort Creek shale, Hoosier Ridge, 22 miles down the Mackenzie River from Fort Norman, N.W.T., Canada (282-26) Plesiotype, No. 5380. 3. Trupetostroma ? raricystosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ... 161 Vertical section from the holotype; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294-14). Holotype, No. 5329. 4. Trupetostroma ? raricystosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 161 Tangential section from a paratype; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294-26). Paratype, No. 5330. 5. Trupetostroma coalescens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. _........... 162 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport lime- stone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (304-71, 72). Holotype, No. 5346. 286 BULLETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 13 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Stromatopora marpleae Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ...............- 169 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, southside quarry, Kelleys Island, Ohio. (306-34, 35). Holotype, No. 5403. 2. Stromatopora obscura Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .................... 170 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, 2 mi. south of Hartsville, Ind. (285-10, 11) Holotype, No. 5381. 3. Stromatopora larocquei Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ............... iA a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, Marble Cliff quarry, east of Hgw. 33, north of Trabue road, Columbus, Ohio (306-30, 31). Holotype, No. 5404. 4. Stromatopora divergens Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .............. 173 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logans- port, Ind. (294-29, 30). Holotype, No. 5331. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 13 aN 2S Xe Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 14 BE OT ST eee eae ees DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 287 Explanation of Plate 14 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page i stromatopora laminosa Lecompte 2222-2 174 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Fipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (295-92, 93). Plesiotype, No. 5356. 2. Stromatopora laminosa Lecompte ................----22.0-2...2...2--22-eeeeee ee 174 Vertical section, showing the microlaminae which suggested the name laminosa. Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (279-6). Plesio- type, No. 5332. Se SELOMAtLOpora auIa wceCOMp teh ee ee, ee 176 a. Tangential section, showing coarse maculae. b. Vertical section in a mamelon center. c. Vertical section in an inter- mamelon area; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (285-94, 95). Plesiotype, No. 5333. 4. Stromatopora eumaculosa Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -........... 177 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Ind. (304-3, 4). Holo- type, No. 5362. 288 BULLETIN 162 Explanation cf Plate 15 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers 41 slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure il, Page Stromatopora mononensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —........- 178 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, or Little Rock Creek limestcne, 2 miles west of Monon, Ind. (278-21) Holotype, No. 5347. Stromatopora submixta Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.....--........ 180 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (295- 80, 81). Holotype, No. 5357. Stromatopora pachytexta Lecompte _..............--..----------- ee 181 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestcne, Fipe Creek Falis, 10 miles scutneast of Logansport, ind. (296- 1, 2). Plesiotype, No. 5358. Stromatopora cumingsi Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —......... 182 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (304-47, 48). Holotype, No. 5334. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 15 Ps ad r 2, wy Ay Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 ee : + S55: Deer Genet aes "aa Rs ; 3 ia h S : ¢, DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 289 Explanation of Plate 16 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Stromatopora conicomamillata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 184 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-73, 74). Holotype, No. 5335. 2. Stromatopora magnimamillata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... 185 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-78, 79). Holotype, No. 5336. 3. Syringostroma densum Nicholson .................2..22--2----cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee 188 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, north shore of Kelleys Island, Ohio. A topotype identical with Nicholson’s descriptions and figures; the structure is not dense as seen under the microscope but lacy. (306-8, 9). Plesiotype, No. 5405. 4. Syringostroma sanduskyense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ........ 190 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, northern Ohio. (306-19, 20). Holotype, No. 5406. 290 BuLLETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 17 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. © Figure il, Syringostroma perdensum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. --.....----- a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section. Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-37, 47). Holotype, No. 5337. Syringostroma superdensum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -...-.- a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Ind. (285-27, 29). Holo- type, No. 5363. Syringostroma papiillatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —...... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logans- port, Ind. (278-5; 303-50). Holotype, No. 5338. Syringostroma tuberosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. --.......... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, 1 mile north of Kent, Ind. (296-20; 305-100). Holotype, No. 5382. Page 192 193 19d 196 PLATE 17 BuLu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 3 a Bots “Ei « dee e ame d a, a eo ht PLATE 18 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 : re : rm A a he “ae “s eer AS ~ tan ra a) matey =] ¥ Aes os “ DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 291 Explanation of Plate 18 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Syringostroma radicosum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -........... 198 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; the astrorhizal center is at the middle of the left edge of the figure; Jeffersonville limestone, Jefferson County quarry, 1.2 miles northeast of the Louisville, Kentucky City limits on Hgw. 42. The specimen is not perfectly preserved. (305-88, 89). Holotype, No. 5392. 2. Syringostroma fuscum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —.........-...- 199 a. Vertical section, the section is cut between mamelons. b. Tangential section; Little Rock Creek limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294- 66, 67). Holotype, No. 5348. 3. Syringostroma subfuscum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —.......... 201 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Little Rock Creek limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-44). Holotype, No. 5349. 4. Syringostroma perfuscum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ............ 202 a. Vertical section, slightly oblique. b. Tangential section; Little Rock Creek limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (303-32, 45). Holo- type, No. 5350. 292 BuLLeTIN 162 Explanation of Plate 19 All figures are times ten. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure alts Syringostroma bicrenulatum Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Little Rock Creek limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 mi. east of Logansport, Ind. (294-63; 303-26). Holotype, No. 5351. Parallelopora ostiolata Bargatzky .........-..2....02022c.ccc22--2sseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Upper Middle Devonian, Btichel, Germany. Figures of type specimen, from Lecompte, 1952, pl. 51, figs. 3a, 3c. Parallelopora campbelli Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ...........-.... a. Vertical section, slightly oblique. b. Tangential section; Jef- fersonville limestone, 1 mile north of Kent, Ind. The large, vertical astrorhizal tubes are not shown. (295-64; 303-64). Holotype, No. 5383. Parallelopora typicalis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -...............-.-- a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Falls of the Ohio, Jeffersonville, Ind. (295-7, 8). Holo- type, No. 5364. 204 208 210 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 19 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 20 DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 293 Explanation of Plate 20 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Parallelopora pulchra Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -..................- 214 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, 3 miles south of Westport, Decatur County, Ind. (282- 47). Holotype, No. 5384. Parallelopora, nodulata (@Nicholson)) ...2..2-2---22-22--.--2-ce-eeeeececcs = a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section, showing coarsely maculate tissue outside a mamelon and finely maculate tissue in the mamelon. Columbus limestone, Kelleys Island, Ohio. (282-22, 23). Plesiotype, No. 5407. Parallelopora snouiferensis Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -...... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Columbus limestone, Snouffer’s quarry, 5 miles northwest of Columbus, Ohio. (282- 29, 32). Holotype, No. 5408. Parallelopora eumamillata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. —...... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Jefferson County quarry, 1.2 miles northeast of the Louisville, Ky. city limits on Hgw. 42. (305-75, 76). Holo- type, No. 5398. 212 214 216 294 BuL_eTIN 162 Explanation of Plate 21 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure 1, Hermatostroma schliiteri Nicholson _................ a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Middle Devonian, Hebborn, Germany. Figures of the type specimen from Le- compte, 1952, pl. 45, figs. 1a, 1b. Hermatostroma logansportense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .... a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport lime- stone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (279-2, 3). Holotype, No. 5339. Clathrocoilona ‘abeona: Vavorsky =... eee a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, old dam on Eel River, 6 miles northeast of Logansport, Ind. (285-14, 15). Plesiotype, No. 5385. Clathrocoilona subclathrata Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ........ a. [left b]. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (304-7, 8). Holotype, No. 5340. 219 222 224 PLATE 21 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 ee > a ‘ . at 4 » PRES DSBS 52 s ‘1 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 22 rd aga a a Petar Veo = Ss DEVONIAN STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY AND ST. JEAN 295 Explanation of Plate 22 All figures are times 10. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Clathrocoilona restricta Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ...............- 225 Vertical section from the holotype; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logans- port, Ind. (303-41). Holotype, No. 5341. 2. Clathrocoilona restricta Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ............ 225 Tangential section from a paratype; Logansport limestone, France Lime and Stone Co. quarry, 5 miles east of Logansport, Ind. (294-15). Paratype, No. 5342. 3. Clathrocoilona fibrosa Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. .............---.- 227 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section across a mamelon; Logansport limestone, Pipe Creek Falls, 10 miles southeast of Logansport, Ind. (295-91). Holotype, No. 5359. Pe PACTINOGICLYON ;CAnagGeNSeG = Parks: = .--2 os eee tee 229 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Silurian, Southhamp- ton Island, Hudson Bay, Ont. Type figures from Parks, 1909, pl. 20; figs. 1, 2: DPA CLIMOGIC EY ONDA SRS Pan KG. eel oe ee as ee eho 230 a. Vertical section. b. Tangential section; Jeffersonville lime- stone, Pendleton, Ind. (305-17, 18). Plesiotype, No. 5386. 296 BuLLeETIN 162 Explanation of Plate 23 All figures are times 10 unless otherwise indicated. The numbers in parentheses are numbers of slides from which the photographs were taken. Figure Page 1. Clathrocoilona abeona Yavorsky ......................-.-.-----------eeeeeeeeeeeee- 222 a. Vertical section, X 10. b. Tangential section, X 5; Middle Devonian, Kuznetsk Basin, left bank of Salairka River, left tributary to the stepnoe Bacht, Russia. Type figures from WAVOLSKYe eo ole ple hie Opp le 2 oun tl Sele DPA LUA ON eee UNI OS sh (ORE TILT 1 70'S) pee ee ee ea 233 Cross sections of typical specimens of ordinary size, 1.5 to 2 mm. in diameter with axial canals, heavy fibrous tissue, and marginal vacuoles, X 6.7; Jeffersonville limestone, Inde- pendent quarry, 4 mi. south of Dupont, Ind. (306-4). Plesio- type, No. 5371. Specimens figured in figs. 3-6 are from the same horizon and locality. 3) Amphipora, ramosa, ((ehillips) = 233 Cross sections of typical coenostea, with axial tube, heavy tissue with fibers in whorls, marginal vacuoles and _ peripheral lamina (285-55). Plesiotype, No. 5372. 4. Amphipora: ramtosa> (Phillips) 92 2.3 ee 233 Axial section of a small specimen, showing laminae, curved tabulae extending from the laminae across the large axial tube, indistinct pillars, galleries, marginal vacuoles and less dense tissue than that shown in Fig. 3. (306-6). Plesiotype, No. 5371. 5, Amphipora ramosa: (Phillips)© 2. .2:2:.2.28..2 ee ee 233 Oblique section, showing an arched lamina, flaring pillars, trans- versely fibrous tissue with dark, median line in the pillars, and tabulae in the superposed galleries (306-6). Plesiotype, IN@, Beal Gee AMD LUE) OR TreATIN OS eho (ES HTT S)) pee ee 233 Tangential section from inside the marginal vacuoles, show- ing one marginal vacuole with tabulae, irregular galleries and tripartite pillars (306-5). Plesiotype, No. 5371. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 23 INDEX VOLUME XXXVII NO. 162 Note: The left hand bold face figures refer to the plates. The names of species in the check list are light figures refer to the pages. The right hand not included in the index because they are already in alphabetical order and are not otherwise referred to in the present paper. Aachen, Germany ....... 55 abeona, Clathrocoilona 21, 23 75, 81, QINE223. 225), 2202228 Abitibi River limestone D2 PXGGIVIT Tene eee 64 Acervulinidae ......... ae 65 AlctInOGICtyOM! - 39, 40, 41, 78, oe 89 ,164, 229-231 Actinostroma “ A 39-42, 44, 45, 47, oT 60, 62, 63, 75, 81, 89, 148-150, 152, 166, 191, 214 Actinostromatidae ...... 29, 38, 39, 41, 44, 89, 90, 148 Mtl Coes ei a eto Px De i, SS), OSs 149 aN ESOT (0) Ra an 56 INVES Cy ee 56 AlbertassGanadas ss... 34, 232 Alpena, Michigan ........ 69, 82,101 Alpena County, Mich- Ieee Ree nee ee 72: alpenense, Stictostroma 125 Aeolites 9) fens. 63 Amalgamated ~............ 38 JANG MEINCHY c scateeasedoodeoonesec: 92595; Nooo MOONE! Sooareomecse AD SS BLO) Gs, 1, Bay Wea amygdaloides, Clath- 90, 232-236 OCUGLY OM ens ae 138 Stromatoporella ...... 145 subvesiculosa, Stroma- toporelllag pees. esa 145 amygdaloides subvesi- culosum, Clathrodictyon 138 Ann Arbor, Michigan .... Dil Anostylostroma .... 38-41, 44, 46, 47, 49, 75-85, 88, 91-124, 129, 154, 156, 161, 170, 190, 223, 231, 235 Anticosti Island ............ 5), KG, Ow: 93 antiqua, Stromatopora .. 166, 167 antiquum, Pachystroma 165 Appalachians) —..02..- 27050 Atcheocyathinay 12... 66 Arctic Pee Pee 93, 165 Arctic islands 2 : 55 Ardennes, Belgium 52, 83, 144 arduennensis, Trupeto- GUS ROSNY se. nba joacndeusboee 162 JENBVAOSTEL jaccictsee ah nee 34, 53 Arkona, Ontario... 129 arvense, Anostylostroma 4 77-80, 82, SB emeS Gano Gemlal Ose leluliew tly Ashton’s Quarry, Gorrie, Opa ome ; 127 IAS a Ste Se ees Sik 32 yD. 95, 130, 149, 150, 165 Astogeny . 38 astroites, Stromatopora 148 Astrorhizae meaenrs 38 Astrorhizal cylinders .... 38 Atelodictyon .............. ADE De SS. 91, 120, 122-124 Ala Gerais eee 35, 38, 39) 45, 47, 50, 68, 88 Pent NOY SISTA 52 sahcte openacesdesboe: 70 PAMUS tizallitaameen ee ee Bile BP, Sie S75 A, OBL AKO, sO ISI); 165, 187, 206, 232 FAUIS Ghiala meee mane as eee 55, 64 AWeSmIeS. EranGe n.5.c... Do, Acsiallycoluinniyeeeeeesa rece: 38 B Bachats Russias .s..s.3 151 Baffin Islands ..... 56 Baltes ase. s cae 61 Banft-Lake Louise area, Ganadaare ts eee 34 WD \© 66, 165, 166, 208, 210, 220 Bartholomew County, Bargatzky, A Iincianaee sees eee 74, 231, 236 basilli, Stromatoporella 140 batschatense, Gerrono- StLOM alesse eee scesnere- , Sil Bay View, Michigan . 70 Beechwood limestone . Wea We Belcianie.s.. eee 176 ISM FERUT ORY A aqosengeessonsce 4 he DTA Bille 84, 144, 149, 150, 158, 174, 15716; 18252325233 297 beuthii, ‘“Stromatopora”’ bicrenulatum, Syringo- StROMAe eee ese: soe KS) Big Spring, Indiana . IBS(OVMSIFINS soucocecnossconocesdoase Biostromes Black River limestone - Black River, Ordovician Blakely, Robert . Blocher, Indiana ............ Bonn, Germany Bonn, University of ...... Bowman, RAGS ace SyRTGNG, IL 18S Scccosdee sone Branson aes eee eee Brassfield limestone ...... British Columbia, Ganadater cannon Meee oe British Columbia, Uni- WORN OLE cossacnssccenscse Brookley, “ALG. Jr Bichel, Germany .......... biicheliensis, Stromato- DO LAp ee true estioe Buehler ee ois ccs Buffalo Society of Na- tuitalilistonvaee see: Bunker Hill, Indiana Butlerville, Indiana GaESpitosenese =e eee California .... Gambriangeeen ee Camden, Indiana Campbell, Guy .. campbelli, Parallelopora 19 80, 206, 208 Canada canadense, Actinodictyon 22 Canadian Geological SUV Varn yee eres Carboniferous ......... Carnic Alps Garpentatiagee eee Carroll County, Indiana (Casares, ele | 5: eboadacepoccsodse INDEX 220 Cass Station, Indiana .... Caunopora 75, 188, 204, 205) Gaunopore states 204,205 Caunopore tubes .. 77,145 cellulosa, Stromatoporella 3258s a0) ch cellulosa, Stromatopo- 160 ial belly Fae Oe pie tras WP 10 3255 58 51 aff. cellulosum, Clathro- 56, 62 dictyon {er 2 119 Central Scientific Insti- 98 tute of Geological Re- 208 search, Leningrad, 208 WSS Rope se ene toe 93 “centrotum, Stromato- 34 PORaga ey ete eee ee SA) ls! ramosa, Amphipora ...23 Caunopora Stromatopora ..... Ramose raricystosum, Trupeto- stroma . anon LLP Raymond, Paul «.........:..: restricta, Clathro- coilona re 22 Reticulate retiforme, Anostylo- SELOMane. cee ee Rtloyborbor, W/E ING seceseeesces Rubseeee Richmond, Indiana ........ Ridgemont, Ontario ...... Ringer MGeoree oe. = Ranespillars) 3.0. eee: Rugpyoere, 18 Za genceasseeetee Rockford. lowa = .:-.---nee- Rocky Mountains .......... Rods Roemen Gh neces Rosente hess ees pores. Rosene lla ..ssscea tec een: Rosenia Royal Ontario Museum, SOLOntOm eee kee 77, 101 555, 20,992, Os) 45 18, 79) 188, 191, 198, 199 29:78, 82> 83, 233, 235 232, 233 233 45 76, 159, 161, 163 D2; ee ne ee 225, 226, 228 45 96, 107 Gil, 62, GO; 69, 107 45 DB, YS 139 37 45 66 33 56 46 70 65 40, 46, 61, 62, 88 148 36, 229, 231 . Simcoe, Ontario . Rugosa rugosa, Stroma- toporelllaee eee Russia . 68 60 oy SG Gil. 82, 92) 1511, 152. 220-2a8 S Srulliteyas 5 AWG waaaesceorooneunce sanduskiensis, Stroma- topora Sandusky, Ohio sanduskyense, Syringo- GUROMTA osocecvovssesacons 16 Sarcodeme Sargent, John . schliteri, Hermato- stroma SchrOckss Reh eee Scioto River, Ohio ....... Scotland Scott County Stone Company quarry, Indiana Secondary tissue SelkirkaOntaniow selwyni, Stroma- toporella Shell Oil Company ........ Shimer clogs eee Siberia ... Silurian eee 61, 76 Was 232; 233; 296 65 192 81-83, 192 81, 187, 190, 191 46 139 217-219 102 81, 11701488 BS 92> 98 46 83, 134 BS WT 133) 130, 133, 134 34 102 87 54, ASG; 7, Oil, 92 93, 101, 102, 148, 149, 164, 165, 167. 187, 201, 202, 205, ZUG 22 229 230 N 252 SinOd (chy ones eee eee Skeleton Pee ert, Snouffer Quarry, Ohio ... snoufferensis, Paral- lelo portage eee 20 Society of the Sigma Xi Solenopotamee eee solitaria, Stroma- LO POC) eee een 8 South Americas eee 306 82; 783, alos 142, 145 8s A6 Qi2i15. nea 147 80, 81, 207, 214, 215 Sy 64 60, 76, 82, 130, 133, 136, 140, 143 Bl, SNE South Devon, England. Southampton Island, Canada SOvile te) 101 GO fieeweas tee Spain Speed, Indiana Sphaeractinoidea Sphaeractinoids ........... SPUMeSpe cere ees cceeeeee Spon ella eee Spongy squamosum, Actino- stroma SHAG POGIES: ss ssconssoshaorieteoe Stauffer, C. R. Stemmanns Gees eee stellulatum, Actino- stroma Stoney Mountain, Mant- toba Stictostroma 771-719, 83, INDEX 60 47, 90, 232 ZV eV Gis) 66 60 50 39, 43-47, 88, 91, 124, 125, 130, 138-140, 145, 146, Stapeans Jin Jises ee St eetersDure 2.5... ee: striatellum, Anostylo- SULOMAup eterna stricta, Stromatopora...... Stroma Stromata Stromatocerium Stromatopora 43-47, 55, “ie, “-0 88 3a, ahs 2h 64, 66, 75- 82, 89, 106, 111, 162, 169- 187, 190-194, 196, 201-202, 205-206, 214, “Stromatopora Beds”’ Stromatoporella ............ 60, 75-84, iia ey 154, Stromatoporidae ............ 44-46, Stromatoporoidea ......... 87, Stylastenses eee Stylodictyons =. Stylostromaees Ville eae octet ek ets 47 Ww WHERE. WY. o- Sbsedsomacscecoboe 66 Wabash River, Indiana.. Wy Wainfleet, Ontario ........ 83, 144 Wailer, 18, JEG 3 37, 102, 129, 144, 199, 217 RNS i teeta a te Fo Eee 47 warreni, Trupeto- Stromabe eh acne 12) 24555 aS S- 160 Waterloos Towa ee 33 Wayne, William J. ...... 134, 146 Wenlock limestone ........ 92 Wientzel is) ere 66 West Sommerset, England tas 3 eos: 233 Western Australia ........ 29, 82, 149, 2525255 Westport, Indiana ........ WE) AZ Wihittield SReeP ee: 33, 34 Williamsville, New More inaty eae nee 98 WalsonhpAlice ee 50 Winchell, Alexander .... 32, 33 WAinworny (Gs Os once soccsoe 140 woyuensis, Rosenella .... 62 WAKOSTITINES ehgdoebocsnaceoncee 34 Y Wabeste +t): Lok eee 61, 63, 66 NWiaviorskyan Vee leee eee ah DG, (AG, 87, 140, 152, 221, 223, 236 Yellow Springs, Ohio.... 91, 92 Munna China 63, 232 Z Zattel ARR CAR oe ee 66 \Zooidaletubesia sess: 41, 45, 47 308 XXIY. XXY. XXVI. XXVIII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXYV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXYVIITI. Volume I. Il. Ii. ly. (Nos. 80-87). S34 pny 27: Diss. let he tk, tee Mp 9.00 Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Noa. 68-948); 306 ph; 30. pla: \ chr a Fee 9.00 Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mesozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Mary- land Miocene mollusks. CVO.) 965300). }420 wp SS pla. pets hoe eps a 10.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fos- sils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eo- gene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecua- dor. (Nos. .1015108)1; 876. ony 86 nis. eho td ee 9.50 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. 100-114). 412 "pp, BA piss, Cah Ee 9.75 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. CNos."116-116) 5) “738 \ ppl, b2 pis. oa a 13.00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. (Woadt7).:: 562¢ pps s6ai pls! 2 keane Gee Gant Se hl 12.00 Jackson Eocene mollusks. (UNGs.: 118s1283. 458: pys28, pls: /i ot e 8 10.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsylvanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Noss. 129-193). -': 294) pp!,39. pls we ak el rh ae be 8.50 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (NOs. 334-389) 2) 448 pp:, Bl pie se 11.00 Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos. 140-145) /,: 400° pos 19. nls tale a 9.00 Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tas- manian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Or- dovician ostracods, and conularid bibliography. (NOs.'1462164)° 386 pox 3a ples Co vi a ES A 10.00 G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleo- cene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Aus- tralian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleisto- cene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. (Nes:-355-160). 412) pp: b3) ples ele da ae 13.50 Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian- Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (Nos..dOh S68). 59 “pp Sale etek eh Ae AN 1.45 Antillean Cretaceous Rudists, Canal Zone Foraminifera (Nos:- 16h, 066)3 49. pp, v6 uplse i fest Cs 1.65 Venezuela geology, Oligocene Lepidocyclina PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. NOR Aer thaL Di (At Disc Nee ke os ke 20.00 Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spon- dyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. (NesS-IG-25). 543 pp 361-ple. lawl A iS 20.00 Paleozoic cephalopod structure and phylogeny, Paleo- zoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous crinoids, Creta- ceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. CNGG.; eos" a C48) ODS U1 DISS Soak acchctiendte hide tedag yeast 2.50 Rudist studies CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY I, (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. II. (Nos. 6-10), 347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. Ill. (Nos. 11-15). 402 pp., 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. LV. €Nos,- 36-28). 061 -pp.,: 20 pis: S52. eee Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic sections and faunas. V. (Nos. 22-30). 487 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils. VI. (No. 31). 268 pp., 59 pls. Claibornian Eocene pelecypods. VIL. - (No. 33). *730, pp. 299 piss. Peet i MIN eh eae neha Mah AE 13.00 Claibornian . Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. VIII. (Nos. 33-36). 357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. EX, (NOST 87-39) 6. 462° pp, B5/ PIS... ee ee 12.00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. X. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary forams and mollusks mainly from Trinidad and Paleozoic fossils. X= (Nos. 48-46) 05272. pp 2 At spls ofc e eses eee 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Venezuela. XII. (Nos. 47-48). 494 pp., 8 pls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic inverte- brate bibliography. XU "\GN os. 49-50) <7, 264 ppc? pis.s Hw Bo ee i ea ee 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. XIV. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp., 44 pls. Mexican Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollusks of Peru and Colombia. , XV 22 (N083-05-58) 57-314> pps 380 npls. -co es he Ne ae 10.00 Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils. XVI! (Nos. 5956)0 240 pp., 48. pis. 4462 Sec ee 5.00 Venezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusea. XVI. (NOS. 62-65)\55 283. pve, Sao pl se nto Ae oe he ae eee 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollusca. X VIE. (NOs. 64-67), (5286 pp.,\ 29) mls: Sv Gon e ee 8.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Cretaceous corals. XAEKE 2 ) B ») I 2) B =) J J I 17 J 14 J 1pS avs q¥S {rs qty “Wy OWED “wy oryog aIeI =F SuowWoO) =) SyUrpunpe=v (uvuysn)) svsaamvurd saprourjni4adQ (uewysny) srsuauvurd (vurpshsropidajoipy ) QOD s4ajuns (uewysny) vazpiur (vursdisony) vuisqdsory uvwysny suvgsnra (vurpidajosqqaNn) QOD suvgsnvapurjlyon uvwysny vyzaivd J[ranog “y pure ‘way sazjaurs (vuspsksopiday) vurshsopiqaT vuurH{ pur [[aavID WM yS[avdsT urWysny varpur vulsa1so4aja (AusIqiO,p) s#ssasduos svivgI4p GNVISI OGVYOTOD OWUVA WOW VUIFININVUOI YAOUVT AO SHIOAdS BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 315 SPECIES FOUND IN THE BOHIO AND CAIMITO FORMATIONS Bohio_ | Caimito form- | form- ation ation Archaias compressus (d’Orbigny) x x Heterostegina antillea Cushman xe x israelskyi Gravell and Hanna D:< panamensis Gravell >.< Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) asterodisca Nuttall x canellei Lem. and R. Douvillé x x parvula Cushman > xX waylandvaughani Cole xe xX yurnagunensis Cushman >< morganopsis Vaughan xX xX (Nephrolepidina) dartoni Vaughan xX tournouer? Lem. and R. Douvillé xX vaughani Cushman xX (Eulepidina) favosa Cushman x undosa Cushman x gigas Cushman Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) x Dx guntert Cole (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman) x 316 BULLETIN 163 54f. Stream crossing Standley Trail at Standley 11 plus 60 meters, about 30 meters downstream from trail. 54h. Mouth of first stream north of Zetek House. 54k. Stream crossing Conrad Trail at Conrad 2, about 60 meters above mouth. 54/. Second stream northwest of end of Armour Trail, about 60 meters above mouth. The writer (1953, p. 7) listed previously from the Caimito formation from locality 53, a low garden islet 0.25 mile northeast of the landing at Barro Colorado Island, several species of larger Foraminifera. If these species as well as those found at other localities (Cole, 1953, p. 6, 7) in the Bohio and Caimito formations in Panama are subjoined to the species found on Barro Colorado Island, the included table shows the distribution of the species in the two formations. There are in the two formations 19 species and one subspecies, of which seven species and the subspecies are common to both formations, three species appear to be restricted to the Bohio formation and nine species appear to occur in the Caimito formation only. Study of other samples would undoubtedly demonstrate that more of these species are common to both formations. However, the information at hand demonstrates that the fauna of the upper part of the Bohio for- mation 1s closely related to that of the Caimito formation. Moreover, these faunas are the typical upper Oligocene association of the Caribbean region. My appreciation is expressed to Dr. Hans Kugler of Trinidad Oil Company, Ltd. for specimens from Trinidad and to Dr. Herman Gunter, Director, Florida Geological Survey, for specimens from Florida. All the figured specimens will be deposited eventually in the U. S. National Museum. The cost of the printed plates was defrayed by the William F. E. Gurley Foundation for Paleontology of Cornell University. AMERICAN MIOGYPSINIDS In the upper Oligocene of the Caribbean region there appear to be five distinct species of miogypsinids belonging to two genera that are readily separated from each other. Msogypsinoides represented by a single species, M. complanatus (Schlumberger), does not have lateral chambers, whereas Miogypsina has well-developed tiers of lateral chambers. There- fore, the primary separation of the miogypsinids is based on the vertical section. BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 27 The genus Miogypsina is subdivided into two subgenera: Miogypsina (Miogypsina) and M. (Miolepidocyclina), Their separation is based on the position of the embryonic apparatus and, therefore, oriented equatorial sections are needed. In M. (Miogypsina) the embryonic apparatus 1s apically situated so that either the embryonic chambers or the pertembryonic chambers are in contact with the peripheral zone of the test. In M. ( Mvolepi- docyclina) the embryonic apparatus is separated from the peripheral zone of the test by one or more rows of equatorial chambers. Specific determination within the subgenera is based on the arrange- ment of the periembryonic chambers with relation to the embryonic cham- bers. The following key based on the characters listed above has been found useful in identifying the American species of miogypsinids: KEY TO GENERA AND SPECIES OF AMERICAN MIOGYPSINIDS FAG sateraltichambers abSemtets, ace4 acts. seas ene ste oe ee tea eee _Miogypsinoides 1. Periembryonic chambers in a distinct coil about 11/4 volutions Miogypsinoides complanatus (Schlumberger). B. Lateral chambers present and well developed ..............00.000..000:000..... Miogypsina 1. Embryonic apparatus apically situated without equatorial chambers between it and the periphery of the test... <<. -c.cce-scec-<-ces-0 Miogypsina (Miogypsina) a. With periembryonic chambers between the embryonic chambers and the periphery of the test 1.’ Periembryonic chambers in a distinct coil of slightly more than ONERVOMULLO Neer eet eee eee M. (Miogypsina) gunteri Cole b. Without periembryonic chambers between the embryonic chambers and the periphery of the test 1.’ Periembryonic chambers in an indistinct coil of less than one VOU © 11a eee cc. M. (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) . Embryonic apparatus subapically to subcentrally situated with equatorial chambers between it and the periphery of the test .......... Miogypsina (Miole pidocyclina) a. Periembryonic chambers in a distinct coil of more than one volution and often composed of two or more rows of chambers at its distal endian ee es a... M. (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) b. Periembryonic chambers in an indistinct coil either completely or partially surrounding the embryonic chambers ...... M. (Miolepidocyclina) staufferi Koch Although a large number of specific names have been proposed for the American species, the five species enumerated in the key appear to be sufficient to include all the differences upon which various authors believed specific separation possible. 318 BULLETIN 163 Drooger (1952) studied a number of the American species and pro- posed a specific classification based largely on a statistical analysis of the embryonic apparatus. He recognized 13 species of Mrogypsina, four of which he believed represented new species, and two species of Mzogyp- sinoides. In addition he identified specimens from several localities as being intermediate between distinct species under the notation “exemplum intercentrale,”’ for example, Miogypsina ex interc. irregularis-intermedia. If the sketches of the embryonic apparati given by Drooger (1952, pls. 1, 2) of specimens of the genus Mvogypsina are analyzed, it 1s seen that the four subdivisions proposed in the above key can be readily recog- nized, and that all of his drawings can be assigned without hesitation to one or another of the proposed categories of the key. The writer believes that Drooger’s statistical approach was sound, but that he allowed himself to be overinfluenced by minor variations which occur in all the larger Foraminifera. These minor variations which occur within a single population must be evaluated carefully or the statts- tical results will be overbalanced in the direction of undue complexity. Therefore, the number of specific separations will be increased, as the divi- sion is artificial rather than natural. Moreover, even after a statistical analysis is made, the results should be combined in a key of the type suggested here inasmuch as paleontology is a practical as well as a theoretical science. The industrial paleontologist does not have the time, equipment, or often a sufficient number of spect- mens for a statistical evaluation. He must, therefore, either not identify his specimens, or have at hand a readily usable system for their identification. There follows a listing of all the specific names used for American miogypsinids arranged under the five species recognized in this article. Certain specimens have been inadequately described and were placed with difficulty. Reexamination of the actual specimens in such cases may prove that they were not assigned correctly in the listing given, but it is the best that can be done under the present circumstances. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family MIOGYPSINIDAE Genus MIOGYPSINOIDES Yabe and Hanzawa, 1928 Miogypsinoides complanatus (Schlumberger) RIP 25s tiosemlane 1933. Miogypsina complanata Schlumberger, Nuttall, Jour. Paleont., v. 7, No. 2, p. 176, 177, pl. 24, figs. 9, 13, 14 [not figs. 7, 11 which are M. (Miolepi- docyclina) panamensis (Cushman) }. BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 319 1937. Miogypsina (Miogypsinoides) complanata Schlumberger, Barker and Grims- dale, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, v. 14, p. 162, 163, pl. 5, fig. 6; pl. 6, figs. 1-6, 8; pl. 7, fig. 1; pl. 8, fig. 6. 1938. Miogypsina (Miogypsinoides) complanata Schlumberger, Cole, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 16, pl. 8, fig. 10. 1940. Miogypsinella sanjosensis Hanzawa, Jubilee Publ. in Commemoration of Prof. H. Yabe’s 60th birthday, p. 766, 767, text fig. 3. 1941. Miogypsinoides complanata (Schlumberger), Galloway and Heminway, New York Acad. Sci., Scientific Surv. Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands, v. 3, pt. 4, p. 444, 445, pl. 36, figs. 6-9 [not fig. 10 which is probably M. (Miolepr- docyclina) panamensis (Cushman) }. 1951. Miogypsina (Miogypsinella) bermudezi Drooger, Konin. Nederl. Akad. Amsterdam Proc., ser. B, v. 54, No. 4, p. 357, 359, figs. 1-6. 1951. Miogypsina (Miogypsinella) complanata Schlumberger, Drooger, idem, p. 360-365, fig. 7. Remarks.—This genus is easily recognized by the vertical section as lateral chambers are not developed. Excellent illustrations of vertical sections were given by Barker and Grimsdale (1937, pl. 8, fig. 6) and Drooger (1951, figs. 5-7). Drooger separated Cuban specimens, named M. bermudezi by him, from other American specimens which are referred to M. complanatus by the thinness of the walls covering the equatorial layer and the lack of surface ornamentation in M. bermudezi. However, these structures are individual ones rather than specific, therefore, the two species are combined, Hanzawa (1940, p. 768) erected the generic name Miogypsimella and assigned among other species the Mexican species Miogypsinoides com- planatus to this genus. Cole (in Cushman, 1948, p. 376) suggested that “There is complete gradation from this type to typical Mrogypsinoides, and it is doubtful if these forms should be generically or even subgenerically designated.” Drooger (1951, p. 364) without mention of Cole’s opinion reduced Miogypsinella to subgeneric rank under the genus Mzogypsina. Later, he (1953, p. 120) recommended that “the separation of the Miogypsinae without lateral chambers in two subgenera on these grounds is not recom- mendable. It is therefore proposed to reunite them. .. .”” Thus, Drooger eventually reached the same conclusion that Cole had in 1948, Occurrence in Panama.—Not reported. Occurrence elsewhere—Mexico with Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole and Heterostegina israelsky: Gravell and Hanna; Cuba (as M. complanatus (Schlumberger) and M. bermudezi Drooger) ; Porto Rico. 320 BULLETIN 163 Genus MIOGYPSINA Sacco, 1893 Subgenus MIOGYPSINA Sacco, 1893 Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) Pl. 26, figs. 6, 7; Pl. 28, figs. 1-9; Pl. 29, figs. 1-9 1919. Heterosteginoides antillea Cushman, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, p50) (plies, figs2 5; 6. 1924. Miogypsina cushmani Vaughan, Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v. 35, p. 813, pl. 36, figs. 4-6. 1926. Miogypsina hawkinsi Hodson, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 12, No. 47, p. 28, 29 pl 7. He 9 plese tigsnal 2: 1928. Miogypsina bracuensis Vaughan, Jour. Paleont., v. 1, No. 4, p. 283, 284, pl. 45, figs. 1-3. 1933. Miogypsina bramlettei Gravell, Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 11, p. 32-34, pl. 6, figs. 5-10. 1933. Miogypsina hawkinsi Hodson, Gravell, idem, p. 34, pl. 6, figs.11-14. 1941. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman), Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 79, pl. 45, figs. 5-7. 1941. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) hawkinsi Hodson, Vaughan and Cole, idem, p. 79, 80, pl. 45, fig. 9. 1941. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) cushmani Vaughan, Cole, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 19, p. 47, 48, pl. 17, figs. 3-5. 1951. Miogypsina ? M. antillea (Cushman), Drooger, Konin. Nederl. Akad. Amsterdam Proc., ser. B, v. 54, No. 1, p. 63, 64, text fig. 4. 1951. Miogypsina ? M. hawkinsi Hodson, Drooger, idem, p. 64, 65. 1952. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) tani Drooger, Doctor's Diss. Utrecht, p. 26, 27, pl. 2, figs: 20-24; pl. 3, figs. 2a, b. 1952. Miogypsina irregularis (Michelotti), Drooger, idem, p. 33, 34, pl. 2, figs. 25-29. 1952. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) intermedia Drooger, idem, p. 35, 36, pl. 2, figs. 30-34; pl. 3, figs. 4a, b. 1952. Miogypsina antillea (Cushman), Drooger, idem, p. 42, pl. 2, figs. 45-49. 1952. Miogypsina cushmani Vaughan, Drooger, idem, p. 37-39, pl. 2, figs. 40-44. 1952. Miogypsina ex. interc. gunteri-tani Drooger, idem, p. 23-25, pl. 2, figs. -19. 16 1952. Miogypsina ex. interc. intermedia-cushmani Drooger, idem, p. 37, pl. 2, figs. 35-39. 1953. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman), Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 35, 36, pl. 24, fig. 17; pl. 25, figs. 13-15. Remarks—The coil of periembryonic chambers never completely encircles the embryonic chambers, and the embryonic chambers always have a short area of contact with the peripheral zone of the test. The peripheral zone is composed of a series of radiating canals which form a fringelike border (fig. 9, Pl. 28) which shows clearly in specimens which have not been abraided. CS) N _ BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE Topotypes of M. (M.) antillea (fig. 1, Pl. 29) and M. (M.) cushmani (figs. 8, 9, Pl. 29) are identical. Moreover, these specimens have one or more (usually two) periembryonic chambers developed on the proximal margin of the initial periembryonic chamber. (Note: in fig. 8, Pl. 29 the initial periembryonic chamber is on the right side of the embryonic cham- bers, and its walls are in contact with the initial and second embryonic chambers. The main periembryonic coil revolves counter-clockwise from the distal wall of initial periembryonic chamber.) At first it was believed that the presence of these one or more smaller chambers might be a specific feature inasmuch as many specimens (for example, figs. 5, 7-9, Pl. 28) pos- sess only the counter-clockwise coil from the initial pertembryonic chamber. However, there 1s complete gradation from specimens without these secondary periembryonic chambers (Cole, 1953, fig. 15, pl. 25) to those which are identical (fig. 7, Pl. 29) with the topotypes of M. (M.) antillea and M. (M.) cushmani in specimens from the same locality. Occurrence in Panama.—USGS loc. 6012d (as M. cushmani Vaughan) with Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) yurnagunensis Cushman (Culebra for- mation) ; loc. 37, 53 (Cole, 1953, p. 7) (Caimito formation) ; Barro Col- orado Island: 42d, 424 (Bohio formation) ; 54f, 54/ (Caimito formation). Occurrence elsewhere—Anguilla [as M. antillea (Cushman) }; Ja- maica, B. W. I., (as M. bracuensis Vaughan) with Lepidocyclina (Lepi- docyclina) canellez Lem. and R. Douvillé; Trinidad (as M. hawkinsi Hod- son) with Heferostegina antillea Cushman, Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) canellez Lem. and R. Douvillé, L. (L.) parvula Cushman and other species ; Venezuela (as M. hawkins: Hodson and M. bramlette: Gravell) with Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) canellei Lem. and R. Douvillé, L. (L.) sanluisensis Gravell which 1s a synonym of L. (L.) yuwrnagunensis morgan- opsis Vaughan and other species; Florida (as M. cushmani Vaughan) ; Costa Rico (as M. tant Drooger) ; Cuba (as M. sntermedia Drooger). Miogypsina (Miogypsina) gunteri Cole PIS26s fess 1-418.) 9- SPI 27h toon 1937. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) cf. M. irregularis (Michelotti), Barker and Grimsdale, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, v. 14, p. 163-166, pl. 5, figs. 4, 5, 7-105) pl 7, figs. 2, 3: 1938. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) gunteri Cole, Florida Geol. Surv. Bull. 16, p. 42, 43, pl. 6, figs. 10-12, 14; pl. 8, figs. 1, 2, 4-9 [not fg. 3 which is M. (Mio- lepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) }. 1941. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) gunteri Cole, Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 79, pl. 45, fig. 8. 1952. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) thalmanni Drooger, Doctor's Diss. Utrecht, p. 15, pled, fies 1-5: pls 25 fies. 15> pls 35 figs. lal b: 322 BULLETIN 163 1952. Miogypsina basraensis Bronnimann, Drooger, idem, p. 30, pl. 2, figs. 6-10; textatioaml2e 1952. Miogypsina gunteri Cole, Drooger, idem, p. 23, pl. 2, figs. 11-15. 1952. Miogypsina ex. interc. thalmanni-panamensis Drooger, idem, p. 17, pl. 1, figs. 6, 9 [not figs. 7, 8, 10 which are M. (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cush- man), 1919}. Remarks.—The embryonic apparatus is peripheral. The periembryonic chambers are arranged in a regular coil, and the embryonic chambers are separated from the peripheral zone of the test only by the periembryonic coil. Miogypsinopsis (Hanzawa, 1940, p. 773), of which the type is this species, does not differ significantly from other species referred to Miogyp- sina except that the periembryonic coil completely surrounds the embryonic chambers. This is a specific, not a generic, character. Occurrence in Panama.—Barro Colorado Island: 424 (Bohio forma- tion). Occurrence elsewhere.—Florida; Mexico [as M. cf. M. srregularis (Michelotti) }; Dominican Republic (as M. thalmanni Drooger). Subgenus MIOLEPIDOCYCLINA A. Silvestri, 1907 Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) PI. 26, fig. 5) Rl, 27 higsa2-8 1918. Heterosteginoides panamensis Cushman, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 103, p. 97, pl. 43, figs. 3-8, not figs. 1,2 which are M. (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman), il). 1924. Miogypsina panamensis (Cushman), Vaughan, Geol. Soc. Amer., Bull., v.35, p. 802, pl. 36, fig. 7. 1932. Miogypsina aff. M. panamensis (Cushman), Barker, Geol. Mag., v. 69, p. 2805 281. pl. 16, fig. 7; text fig. 1: 1936. Miolepidocyclina ecuadorensis Tan, De Ing. in Ned.-Indié. 4. Mijnb. en Geol 3nijaaree pss: 1947. Heterosteginoides panamensis Cushman, Hanzawa, Jour. Paleont., v. 21, No. 3, p. 260-263, pl. 41, figs. 1-13. 1952. Miogypsina panamensis (Cushman), Drooger, Doctor's Diss. Utrecht, p. 17-19, pl. 1, figs. 11-15. 1952. Miogypsina ecuadorensis Tan, Drooger, idem, p. 25, pl. 1, figs. 16-28, text fig. 11. 1952. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) ecuadorensis Tan, Graham and Drooger, Contrib. Cushman Fd. Foram. Res., v. 3, pt. 1, p. 21, 22, text fig. 2. 1953. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman), Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 36, 37, pl. 25, figs. 1-8. Remarks —The embryonic apparatus is subapical, and there are one or more rows of equatorial chambers between it and the peripheral fringe. BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 323 There is either a primary periembryonic spire alone (fig. 8, Pl. 27) or a primary spire and several secondary spires (fig. 7, Pl. 27). Additional illus- trations which show the total variation have been published (Cole, 1953, ple25): Drooger (1952, p. 20) separated M. (M.) panamensis from M. (M.) ecuadorensis on the greater number of intercalary chambers developed between the coils of the primary spire. This is an individual character and varies from specimen to specimen in the same population. Therefore, only one species can be recognized. Occurrence in Panama.—USGS loc. 6025 with Lepidocyclina (Lepi- docyclina) canellei Lem. and R. Douvillé and Heterostegina panamensis Gravell; loc. 55 (Cole, 1953, p. 7) ; Barro Colorado Island: 54f (Caimito formation). Occurrence elsewhere.—Florida; Ecuador (as M. ecuadorensis Tan) ; California (as M. ecuadorensis Tan). Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) staufferi Koch - Pl. 30 1926. Miogypsina staufferi Koch, Eclogae geol. Helvetiae, v. 19, No. 3, p. 751- 753, pl. 28, figs. 1-3. 1926. Miogypsina venezuelana Hodson, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 12, No. 47, p. 29, 30, pl. 8, figs. 3-6. 1933. Miogypsina mexicana Nuttall, Jour. Paleont., v. 7, No. 2, p. 175, 176 pl. 24, figs. 1-6, 8, 10, 12. 1937. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) mexicana Nuttall, Barker and Grimsdale, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, v. 14, p. 166, pl. 7, fig. 4; pl. 9, fig. 6. 1938. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) hawkinsi Cole, not Hodson, 1926, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 16, p. 43, 44, pl. 7; figs. 5-7. 1938. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) venezuelana Hodson, Cole, idem, p. 44, 45, pl. 6, mies, GO), WSS jl, 7h saves. Metts yell alae asters 3). 1941. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) hawkinsi Cole, not Hodson, 1926, idem, Bull. OM Peer Con plemlypetiose lana: 1952. Miogypsina (Miogypsinita) bronnimanni Drooger, Doctor's Diss. Utrecht, p. 28-30, pl. 1, figs. 35-39; pl. 3, figs. 3a, c, not fig. 3b which is a vertical section of Lepidocyclina (Eulepidina) undosa Cushman. 1952. Miogypsina ecuadorensis Drooger, not Tan, 1936, idem, pl. 1, fig. 29, not figs. 25-28 which are M. (M/éolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman). 1952. Miogypsina mexicana Nuttall, Drooger, dem, p. 39, pl. 1, figs. 40-42. 1953. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) mexicana Nuttall, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 36, 37, pl. 25, figs. 9-12. 1953. (2) Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis Cole, not Cushman, Jour. Paleontav. 27, No» 3. p: 5356, 3375 pls 445 fies. 1-5. 1956. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis Cole, not Cushman, 1918, Bull. Amer. Paleont., v. 36, No. 158, p. 214, pl. 30, fig. 10. >’ Remarks.—The embryonic chambers are always subapical and com- pletely surrounded by a ring of periembryonic chambers which are larger on one side of the embryonic chambers than on the other side. There is 324 BULLETIN 163 always at least one row and often several rows of equatorial chambers between the embryonic apparatus and the peripheral zone. If the equatorial section is ground slightly tangential to the equatorial zone, a part of the periembryonic ring may be destroyed (fig. 3, Pl. 30). However, even in such specimens it is possible to recognize this fact because such specimens do not have the fringelike peripheral zone extending in- ward to the embryonic chambers as M. (M.) antillea does. The subgenus Miogypsinita erected by Drooger (1952, p. 61) was defined to include species which have ‘‘a position of the embryonic-nepionic stage up to half way between the periphery and the center of the test in the macrospheric generation. . . .” The type species was designated as Miogypsina mexicana Nuttall (=M. staufferi). As specimens of this species from a single population have a variable position of the embryonic apparatus from subapical (fig. 4, Pl. 30; Cole, 1953, fig. 9, pl. 25) to subcentral (Cole, 1953, fig. 11, pl. 25) this subgenus is invalid. Occurence in Panama,—Not reported to date, except possibly as M. (M.) panamensis from the La Boca marine member of the Panama for- mation. Occurrence elsewhere —Venezuela (as M. staufferi Koch with small Lepidocyclina; M. venezuelana Hodson) ; Mexico (as M. mexicana Nut- tall) ; Florida (as M. hawkinsi Cole, not Hodson; M. venezuelana Hodson) with Operculmoides forresti Vaughan and Cole; Trinidad with Lepi- docyclina (Lepidocyclina) supera (Conrad) and Amphistegina bullbrook: (Vaughan and Cole) (as M. bronnimanni Drooger) ; Jamaica, B. W. L., (as M. panamensis Cole, not Cushman) with Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) canellei Lem. and R. Douvillé. AGE AND OCCURRENCE OF THE MIOGYPSINIDS In the Port St. Joe test well 3 in Gulf County, Florida, Miogypsina (Miogypsina) staufferz was found at 700-721 feet, and Miogypsina (Mio- gypsina) guntert was encountered at a depth of 890-911 feet (Cole, 1938, p. 19). At 996-1017 feet in this same well Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis occuts. In Panama M. (Miogypsina) antillea and M. (M.) gunteri occut to- gether (locality 424) at one locality in the Bohio formation and M. (M.) antillea and M. (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis occur together (locality 54f) at another locality in the Caimito formation. Previously, Cole (1953, p- 7) found M. (M.) antillea in samples from two localities in the Caimito formation, one (locality 53) of which was from the middle member of this BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 325 formation in the Gatun Lake area and the other (locality 37) was from an undifferentiated member of this same formation in the Pacific coastal area. In samples from another locality (locality 55), also in the middle member of the Caimito formation of the Gatun Lake area, he found M. (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis. Thus, these three species appear to occur at nearly the same strati- graphic level in Panama, whereas M. (M.) staufferz would seem to occur at a slightly higher stratigraphic level in Florida and probably elsewhere in the Caribbean area. Miogypsinoides complanatus was reported by Nuttall (1933, p. 177) to occur in the Meson formation of Mexico in association with Lepidocyclina undosa Cushman. In a sample in the writer's possession from the Meson formation M. complanatus occurs with Heterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna and Lepidocyclina waylandvaughani Cole. This species, therefore, has apparently the same stratigraphic range as do the species of Mrogypsina. The types of M. (M.) cushmani (= M. (M.) antillea) are from USGS locality 6012d which is in the Culebra formation to which Woodring and Thompson (1949, p. 239) assigned a “‘late Oligocene(?) and early Mio- cene age.” Recently, Woodring (1955) definitely placed the Culebra formation in the lower Miocene. In examining the topotypes of M. cvshmani given me years ago by the late T. Wayland Vaughan one specimen of Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) yurnagunensis Cushman was found. Previously, Cole (1953, p. 7) re- ported this species from the middle and upper members of the Caimito for- mation. Therefore, the data at hand suggest that M. (M.) gunteri and M. (M.) panamensis occur in the middle member of the Caimito forma- tion, whereas M. (M.) antillea and L. (L.) yurnagunensis occur in the middle and upper members of the Caimito formation and in a part of the Culebra formation. Cole (1953, p. 336) identified M. (M.) panamensis from the La Boca marine member of the Panama formation. However, these specimens could represent M. (M.) sfawffer7 as the embryonic apparatus is not well exposed in the available preparations. These specimens occurred in the same sample with undoubted specimens of L. (L.) parvula Cushman. Thus, species of Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina), Miogypsina (Miogypsina) and Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) in Panama extend into the lower Miocene if Woodring’s age assignment for the Culebra through the La Boca is ac- cepted. 326 BULLETIN 163 In Trinidad M. (M.) staufferi occurs with Lepidocyclina parvula and L. supera at Morne Diablo quarry (Kugler loc. 11398). In Florida Cole (1934, p. 23) found L. swvpera in the same sample with L. ywrnagunensis. Therefore, on association of species it 1s probable that there is not a large stratigraphic difference in range between M. (M.) antillea and M. (M.) stau ff ert. Finally, M. (M.) antillea and M. (M.) panamensis occur with Lepi- docyclina canellei in Panama and M. (M.) staufferz occurs with this species of Lepidocyclina in Jamaica, inasmuch as reexamination of specimens from locality V170 previously identified (Cole, 1956, p. 214, pl. 30, fig. 10) as M. (M.) panamensis are not that species but do represent typical M. (M.) stauffers. These stratigraphic conclusions may be checked against the distribu- tion of miogypsinids in wells in southern Florida. Drooger (1952, p 39) reported specimens identified by him as Mzogypsina ex interc. cushmani- mexicana at a depth of 520-540 feet in a well in Collier County, Florida. These specimens undoubtedly represent M. (M.) stauffer7. In three other wells in Collier County he reported M. cuwshmani at depths from 760 to 800 feet. These specimens appear to be M. (M.) antillea. In samples from this same county the writer found specimens of M. (M.) panamensis and M. (M.) gunteri at depths from 960 to 1100 feet. AMERICAN EOCENE AND OLIGOCENE HETEROSTEGINIDS Four species of heterosteginids are recognized at present, one from the Eocene and three from the upper Oligocene. The Eocene species H. ocalana has been discussed and illustrated in detail recently (Cole, 1953, p. 13). The Oligocene species recognized in Panama are illustrated (figs. 3-9, Pl. 25) and a key for identification of the species is given below. KEY TO THE AMERICAN EOCENE AND OLIGOCENE SPECIES OF HETEROSTEGINA A. Test involute, evenly biconvex with pronounced axial plug. 1. With one to four operculine chambers ....... H. panamensis Gravell. B. Test evolute, more or less compressed. 1. Test thin throughout without a distinctly inflated umbonal area H. israelskyi Gravell and Hanna. BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 327 2. Test with a distinctly inflated umbonal area bordered by a thin flange. a. With two to fourteen operculine chambers ..................... Wee H. ocalana Cushman. b. With one operculine chamber ................H.. antillea Cushman.’ H. cubana de Cizancourt is a synonym of H. ocalana. ale. 7: if 2. exana Gravell and Hanna is a synonym of H. antillea. SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS Family CAMERINIDAE Genus Heterostegina d’Orbigny, 1826 Heterostegina antillea Cushman IL, PS, sakes, 5) 1919. Heterostegina antillea Cushman, Carnegie Inst. Washington, Publ. 291, jp, 2S), SO, jal Qo ames ills fl, So sss, il, De 1937. Heterostegina texana Gravell and Hanna, Jour. Paleont., v. 11, No. 6, p. 525, 526, pl. 63, figs. 1-4. 1938. Heterostegina texana Gravell and Hanna, Cole, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 16, p. 40, 41, pl. 5, figs. 18-21; pl. 6, figs. 1, 2. 1941. Heterostegina antillea Cushman, Vaughan and Cole, Geol. Soc. Amer., Sp. Paper 30, p. 54, pl. 15, figs. 10-12; pl. 16. 1941. Heterostegina texana Gravell and Hanna, Cole, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 19, p. 33, pl. 11, figs. 1, 2, not pl. 10, figs. 1, 2 which are Heterostegina pan- amensts. 1944. Heterostegina texana Gravell and Hanna, Cole, 7dem, Bull. 26, p. 52, pl. 6, figs. 7-9. 1953. Heterostegina antillea Cushman, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, joy, il, 2, joll Sh, amas, leis. Occurrence in Panama.—Barro Colorado Island: 424 (Bohio forma- tion), 54f (Caimito formation) ; loc. 38, 39 (Bohio formation), 11a, 37, 43, 45 (Caimito formation) (Cole, 1953, p. 6, 7). Occurrence elsewhere —Long Island, Antigua; Trinidad; Venezuela; Mexico; Florida; Texas, Heterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna Pl 25; hese 1937. Heterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna, Jour. Paleont., v. 11, p. 524, 525, pl. 62, figs. 1-4. 1953. Heterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 12, pl. 1, fig. 22; pl. 4, fig. 1; pl. 5, figs. 12-14; pl. 6, figs. 17, 18. 328 BULLETIN 163 Occurrence in Panama.—Barro Colorado Island: 54f, 54/; loc. 55, 110 (Caimito formation) (Cole, 1953, p. 7). Occurrence elsewhere—Texas; Cuba (specimens through the courtesy of Pedro J. Bermudez) with Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) asterodisca Nuttall. Heterostegina panamensis Gravell IML, DS), wes, GO, 7/ 1932. Heterostegina panamensis Gravell, Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., v. 89, No. 11, pol? USieple de ties: 10) 11: 1941. Heterostegina texana Cole, not Gravell and Hanna, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 19, p. 33, pl. 10, figs. 8, 9, not pl. 11, figs. 1, 2 which are Heterostegina antillea. 1945. Heterostegina texana Cole, not Gravell and Hanna, sdem, Bull. 28, p. 110, TILL, foul, 15), Tivers, iC). 1953. Heterostegina panamensis Gravell, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 14, pl. 5, figs. 15-19. Occurrence in Panama.—USGS loc. 6025; loc. 55 (Caimito forma- trom): (Gole, 1953; p. 7): Occurrence elsewhere.—Venezuela; Florida. Genus OPERCULINOIDES Hanzawa, 1935 Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman) 1953. Operculinoides panamensis (Cushman), Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 10, 11, pl. 2, figs. 1-4. Occurrence on Barro Colorado Island.—Loc. 54/1 (Caimito forma- tion). Family PENEROPLIDAE Genus ARCHAIAS Montfort, 1808 Arechaias compressus (d’Orbigny) Pl. 24, figs. 1-9 1919. Orbiculina compressa d’Orbigny, Cushman, Carnegie Inst. Washington, tulle AML, je5 WO falls wh ils ©. 1930. Archaias compressus (d’Orbigny), Cushman, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 104, Py ASsepl) ys riessalk, 2: 1941. Archaias compressus (d’Orbigny), Galloway and Heminway, New York Acad. Sci., Scientific Surv. Porto Rico and Virgin Islands, v. 3, pt. 4, p. 318, pll Swetigs. 1 Olas eo: The specimens from the Oligocene of Panama are identical with Re- cent specimens from Barbados from which an equatorial section (fig. 9, Pl. 24) anda vertical section (fig. 4, Pl. 24) were made for comparison. Occurrence on Barro Colorado Island.—Loc. 42d (Bohio formation) ; loc. 544 (Caimito formation). BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 329 Family ORBITOIDIDAE Schubert Genus LEPIDOCYCLINA Giimbel, 1870 Subgenus LEPIDOCYCLINA Giimbel, 1870 Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) canelHlei Lemoine and R. Douvillé 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) canellei Lem. and R. Douvillé, Cole, U. ». Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 18-20, pl. 16, figs. 1-22; pl. 17, figs. 1-3. Occurrence on Barro Colorado Island.—Locs. 42d, 42h (Bohio forma- tion) ; locs. 54f-/ (Caimito formation). Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyelina) parvula Cushman 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) parvula Cushman, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 20, pl. 15, figs. 6-10. Occurrence on Barro Colorado Island.—Loc. 42d (Bohio formation) ; loc. 54/ (Caimito formation). Lepidocyelina (Lepidocyeclina) waylandyaughani Cole 1953. Lepidocyclina (Lepidocyclina) waylandvaughani Cole, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 20-22, pl. 18, figs. 1-10, 16, 17. : : Occurrence on Barro Colorado Island.—Loc. 42d (Bohio formation) . Subgenus NEPHROLEPIDINA H. Douvillé, 1911 Lepidocyelina (Nephrolepidina) yvaughani Cushman 1953. Lepidocyclina (Nephrolepidina) vaughani Cushman, Cole, U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 29; 30, pl. 18, figs. 14, 15; pl. 20; figs. 1-6; pl. 21, figs, 1-15. Occurrence on Barro Colorado Island.—Loc. 42d (Bohio formation). PIFERALTURE ClLiED Barker, R. Wright, and Grimsdale, Thomas F. 1937. Studies of Mexican fossil Foraminifera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, v. 19, p. 161-178, pls. 5-9, 2 text figs. Cole, W. Storrs 1934. Oligocene orbitoids from near Duncan Church, Washington County, Florida. Jour. Paleont., v. 8, No. 1, p. 21-28, pls. 3, 4. 1938. Stratigraphy and micropaleontology of two deep wells in Florida. Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 16, p. 1-73, pls. 1-12, 3 text figs. 1948. Cole in Cushman’s Foraminifera, their classification and economic use. Harvard University Press. 1952 (1953). Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity. U.S. Geol. Sutv., Prof. Paper 244, p. 1-41, pls. 1-28, 2 text figs. 330 BULLETIN 163 Drooger, C. W. 1951. Notes on some representatives of Miogypsinella. Konin. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam Proc., ser. B, v. 54, No. 4, p. 357-365, 7 figs. 1952. Study of American Miogypsinidae. Doctor's Diss. Utrecht, p. 1-80, 3 pls., 18 text figs. 1953. Some Indonesian Miogypsinae. Konin. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam Proc., ser. B, v. 56, No. 1, p. 104-123, 2 pls. Hanzawa, Shoshiro 1940. Micropalaeontological studies of drill cores from a deep well in Kita- Daito-Zima (North Borodino Island). Jubilee Publ. in Commemoration of Prof. Yabe’s 60th Birthday, p. 755-802, pls. 39-42, 5 text figs. Nuttall, W. L. F. 1933. Two species of Miogypsina from the Oligocene of Mexico. Jour. Raleont., v7. No: 2p: liy5-liim, pla 24. Woodring, W. P. 1955. Geologic map of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama. U.S. Geol. Surv., Miscell. Geol. Investigations, Map I-1. Woodring, W. P., and Thompson, T. F. 1949. Tertiary formations of Panama Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol., Bull., v. 33, No. 2, p. 223-247, 2 text figs. PEARES 332 BULLETIN 163 *Explanation of Plate 24 Figure Page 1-95 Archaias COMpressus) (Gs Ox; bi emi) eee ee ee eee 326 1,2. External views; 1, x 13; 2, x 14; locality 42d. 3-5. Transverse sections, x 40; 3, 5, locality 42d; 4, Barbados, introduced for comparison. 6-9. Median sections; 6, x 40; 7-9, x 20; 6-8, locality 42d; 9, Barbados, introduced for comparison. 1-9, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562198-562206. *Unless otherwise designated, the description of the localities is given in the text. Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 24 wo a (me tbe * : a AF VEreok, po ee) een by wt) ep e.2s Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 AA fi ee, EN GT S > TG - ra hey? Bay |} EF take aes 3 BL) \ eee eh me . BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 333 Explanation of Plate 25 Figure Page 1,2. Miogypsinoides complanatus (Schlumberger) Equatorial sections; 1, x 40; 2, x 36.5, after Cole, Florida Geol. Suryv., Bull. 16, fig. 10, pl. 8; 500 meters east of Rancho Abajo which is near kilometer 9 on the Huasteca Petroleum Company's narrow gauge rail- road between San Geronimo and Cerro Azul, Mexico. 3-5. Heterostegina antillea Cushman 325 3. Median section, x 20, locality 424; 4, 5, transverse sections, x 20; 4, locality 424; 5, locality 54f. 6,7. Heterostegina panamensis Gravell 326 weccaswacann mae wee wew eee mew ns rene nmecederesceccwas cana =U fd 6. Median section, x 40; 7, transverse section, x 20; U. S. G. S. locality 6025, Bohio Ridge Switch, Panama Canal Zone. 8,9. Heterostegina israelskyi Gravell and Hanna ........................-------. 326 8. Median section, x 12.5; 9, transverse section, x 12.5; locality 54f. 2-9, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562207-562214. CSS) n BULLETIN 163 Explanation of Plate 26 Miogypsina (Miogypsina) gunteri Cole 320 1-4, 8, 9. Equatorial sections, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, x 40; 2, x 36:5; 1-4 at a depth of 890-911 feet in the Port St. Joe Test well 3, Gulf County, Florida; 2, after Cole, Florida Geol. Surv., Bull. 16, fig. i, jal, Be &, 95 lkoealltisy 42. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) ..321 Vertical section, x 40, which shows the subapically situated embry- onic apparatus with the equatorial layer developed on each side; at a depth of 1010-1020 feet from the Republic Oil Company’s O. D. Robinson well No. 1 located in Card Sound, Monroe Coun- ty, Florida. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) 319 Vertical sections, x 40, which show the apically situated embryonic apparatus with the equatorial layer developed only on the distal side; locality 54f. 1, 3-9, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562215-562222 PLATE 26 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 27 BuLu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 335 Explanation of Plate 27 Figure Page 1. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) gunteri Cole _..... eer ERMA Bees) Part of an equatorial section x 40, at a depth of 1090-1100 feet from the Republic Oil Company's O. D. Robinson well No. 1 located in Card Sound, Monroe County, Florida. 2-8. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyclina) panamensis (Cushman) 321 2-8. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40; 2, 5, locality 54f; 3, 6, 7, topotypes from U.S. G. S. locality 6025, Bohio Ridge Switch, Panama Canal Zone; 4, at a depth of 1010-1020 feet and 8, at a depth of 960-970 feet from the same well as figure 1. 1-8, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562223-562230. 336 BULLETIN 163 Explanation of Plate 28 Figure Page 1-9. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) ..000... 319 1-8. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40; 9, equatorial section, x 40; 1, 3, 5, 7-9, locality 54f; 2, locality 54/; 4, locality 424; 6, locality 53 of U. S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, low garden islet 400 meters northeast of landing at Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zone. 1-8, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562231-562239 PLATE 28 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 29 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 BARRO COLORADO OLIGOCENE FORAM.: COLE 337/, Explanation of Plate 29 Figure Page 1-9. Miogypsina (Miogypsina) antillea (Cushman) —..............................319 1-9. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40; 1, topotype of M. (M.) antillea from U. S. G. S. locality 6965, Crocus Bay, Anguilla; 2, 7, locality 53 of U.S. Geol. Surv., Prof. Paper 244, low garden islet 400 meters N-E. of landing at Barro Colorado Island, Panama; 3-6, Peninsular Oil and Refining Company's J. W. Cory well No. 1, Monroe County, Florida, 3, at a depth of 940-950 feet, 4, 5, at a depth of 930-940 feet, 6, at a depth of 950-960 feet; 8, 9, topotypes of M. (M.) cushmani Vaughan, U.S. G. S. locality 6012d, west side of Gaillard Cut, Culebra, Panama Canal Zone. 1-9, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562240-562248 338 BULLETIN 163 Explanation of Plate 30 Figure Page 1-8. Miogypsina (Miolepidocyeclina) staufferi Koch 0 20. 322 1, NO 3-7. Parts of equatorial sections, x 40; 1, 7, Kugler locality K11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad; 3, at a depth of 700-721 feet in the Port St. Joe Test well 3, Gulf County, Florida; 4, topotype of M. (M.) mexicana, Papantla-Tajin Road, bend in road N.E. of Finca de los Tremari, Veracruz, Mexico; 5, 6, Kugler locality K11399, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad. . Equatorial section, x 36.5, at a depth of 700-721 feet in the Port St. Joe Gs 30s, 7h; jols 7 . Vertical section, X20, Kugler locality K11398, Morne Diablo quarry, Trinidad. 1, 3-8, U.S.N.M. Nos. 562249-562255 Buu. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 30 XXIV. XXY. XXVI. XXVIII. XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. XXXII. XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXYV. XXXVL XXXVI. Volume I. It. Ii. (Nos. 80-87). 334 pp., 27 pls. Mainly Paleozoic faunas and Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos, 88-94B)<,. 306\ppy 3Oplsiv. 2.2.5 ck el ee OO Paleozoic fossils of Ontario, Oklahoma and Colombia, Mesozoic echinoids, California Pleistocene and Mary- land Miocene mollusks. (Nos, 954100)2.2 420-pp., 58ypls. .U.A8- 8) She A i 10.00 Florida Recent marine shells, Texas Cretaceous fos- sils, Cuban and Peruvian Cretaceous, Peruvian Eo- gene corals, and geology and paleontology of Ecua- 9.00 dor. CWoss 101-108) b 376 poy se4ple ee Aon al 9.50 Tertiary Mollusca, Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian fish and Paleozoic geology and fossils of Venezuela. (Nos. -309-114)3, .41.2 ~pp.. 54/pls. 250.7 ek 9.75 Paleozoic cephalopods, Devonian of Idaho, Cretaceous and Eocene mollusks, Cuban and Venezuelan forams. NOS? P5<4196)0 USS ppd 52, Galsee oo eee LE 13.00 Bowden forams and Ordovician cephalopods. CNG. LET). 7b6p lope G5 ple) Se Re 12.00 Jackson Hocene mollusks. (Most) 118-128)63 458) pp V2T pls. tbs) ek 10.00 Venezuelan and California mollusks, Chemung and Pennsylvanian crinoids, Cypraeidae, Cretaceous, Miocene and Recent corals, Cuban and Floridian forams, and Cuban fossil localities. (Nos. 1292183). °\:294 Dp., 39 pis. oo .....6 wo as.. - B50 Silurian cephalopods, crinoid studies, Tertiary forams, and Mytilarca. (Nos, (164-189). °5448 pp./-51 pI no ES hice ee 11.00 ‘Devonian annelids, Tertiary mollusks, Ecuadoran stratigraphy and paleontology. (Nos: 140-045)... 400 pps 19plsj 2.2 ee 9.00 Trinidad Globigerinidae, Ordovician Enopleura, Tas- manian Ordovican cephalopods and Tennessee Or- dovician ostracods, and conularid bibliography. (Nos: 1462154) /" 386. -pp.°'31 ‘pls, ayia er De, 10.00 G. D. Harris memorial, camerinid and Georgia Paleo- cene Foraminifera, South America Paleozoics, Aus- tralian Ordovician cephalopods, California Pleisto- cene Eulimidae, Volutidae, Cardiidae, and Devonian ostracods from Iowa. : (Nos,.255-160).7 ‘412 pp.) 53-plsk ae ee te 13.50 Globotruncana in Colombia, Eocene fish, Canadian- Chazyan fossils, foraminiferal studies. (No. 161). 23 pp. Antillean Cretaceous Rudists PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA (Nos. 1-5). 519 pp., 75 pls. Monographs of Arcas, Lutetia, rudistids and venerids. CN OS.) 6292) 0, 68d ppl 37) piss Ae. er No ee ee Heliophyllum halli, Tertiary turrids, Neocene Spon- dyli, Paleozoic cephalopods, Tertiary Fasciolarias and Paleozoic and Recent Hexactinellida. CNos, 18-25)... f613 pps,’ Gd-opls: ise he Set Nie OR 20.00 Paleozoic cephalscpod structure and phylogeny, Paleo- zoic siphonophores, Busycon, Devonian fish studies, gastropod studies, Carboniferous ecrinoids, Creta- ceous jellyfish, Platystrophia, and Venericardia. (NGs236; 2776.48) pp TLplads is. pe se, Rudist studies 20.00 2.50 CONDENSED TABLE OF CONTENTS OF BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY AND PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Bis (Nos. 1-5). 354 pp., 32 pls. Mainly Tertiary Mollusca. (Nos. 6-16). ‘347 pp., 23 pls. Tertiary Mollusca and Foraminifera, Paleozoic faunas. (Nos. 14-15). 402 pp.; 29 pls. Tertiary Mollusca ‘and Paleozoic sections and faunas. (Nos, 16-21). 1614pp., 726 pls: eel Zo ye a) 9,00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Paleozoic gectioné and ~ faunas. (Nos. 22-30).. 437 pp., 68 pls. Tertiary fossils mainly Santo Domingan, Mesozoic and - Paleozoic fossils. (No. 31)... 268 pp., 59 pls. 'Claibornian Eocene. pelecypods. CN 0.82) 25730 "pp, “GOs TS segue eo tee ee il Ee he ai 13. iy Claibornian- Eocene scaphopods, gastropods, and cephalopods. (Nos, 38-36)..357 pp., 15 pls. Mainly Tertiary. Mollusca. (NOS.87-59) 80462 pp.) Sb Sp ls es eh eee ee 12. 00 Tertiary Mollusca mainly from Costa Rica. (Nos. 40-42). 382 pp., 54 pls. Tertiary. forams -and mollusks “mainly from Trinidad '-and Paleozoic fossils. | (Nos./ 435-46) 3 (272) pop..47) piss 1S eT he lee 9.00 Tertiary, Mesozoic and Paleozoic fossils mainly from Venezuela. _ (Nos. 47-48).”-494 pp.,8 Yls. Venezuela and Trinidad forams and Mesozoic inverie- brate bibliography. i CNOS8: 49-56)... 264 “pp, 42 pis. fiLi 2c Le AE ey 9.00 Venezuelan Tertiary Mollusca and Tertiary Mammalia. (Nos. 51-54). 306 pp.; 44 pls. Mexican. Tertiary forams and Tertiary mollacia of Peru and Colombia. (NOS, 55-68).; 314 pp, 80 "pls. 2B tf eo cee 10.00 ‘Mainly Ecuadoran, Peruvian and Mexican Tertiary, ' forams and mollusks and Paleozoic fossils: (Nos, 59-6L) Sd 1405 pps. 49) PIB. NIA DAA Ca Se ee 5.00 ~~ ~WVenezuela and Trinidad Tertiary Mollusca. ; TY (Nas. :62-63)..1288" pps, BsAplst 2 Sasa) Sie ae cbenasens 9.00 Peruvian Tertiary Mollus ca. (Nos. 64-67) 3286) pp4:29 plsy- acces. Sica l S ea sace 8.00 Mainly Tertiary Mollusca and Orcmcouas corals. N (Nios*68) s\\ 272) ppl, 24 leer. h i: ee eb ea, ely ee 8.00 Tertiary Paleontology, Peru. ~ ‘ (NOs; 69-700).) 266 pp), 26 ple. Ye... Sk . 10.00 Cretaceous and Tertiary Paleontology of Peru and Cuba. (NOS. (24-72) 5.227 “Dpin, WDise ws ee Paleozoic Paleontology and Stratigraphy. 4 (Nos.| 3-76). 1856 pp.) Bling iy a allN Aees , 9.00 Paleozoic Paleontology and Tertiary Foraminifera. (NOS e- dO) |; 2510 oy.,” SHU pls, soi A et eyes 7.00 Corals, Cretaceous microfauna and biography of Con- rad. d BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY VOL. XXXVII Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York LSA: PALEONTOLOGICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTION 1957-58 PRESIDENT, 379) Pt ata oe Os ee LBS Ie Dk Ee, SoLomon. C. HOLLISTER VIGE=PRESIDENT Wisco Gi ea iS Se NOE Se Chae NORMAN E. WEISBORD SECRETARY=CREASURER 0.022050 Tet ee ad 8 ee ay REBECCA S. HARRIS DIRECKOR (202k ON eC COE NAG KATHERINE V. W. PALMER COU NSBE eon Ne Ee psig Gp Stee a Nee er ARMAND L. ADAMS Trustees KENNETH E,. CASTER (1954-1960) KATHERINE V. W. PALMER (Life) W. Storrs Cote (1952-58) RatpH A. LippLe (1956-62) WINIFRED GOLDRING (1955-1961) AXEL A. OLsson (Life) Resecca S. Harris (Life) NorMAN E. WetsBorD (1957-1963) SoLomon C. HOoLuisTErR (1953-59) Sustaining Members HuMBLE OIL & REFINING CoMPANY, Houston, Texas MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM COMPANY, Dallas, Texas Socony Mosit CoMpANY DE VENEZUELA, Caracas, Venezuela SUPERIOR OiL CoMPANY, Bakersfield, California BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY and PALAEONTOGRAPHICA AMERICANA KATHERINE V. W. PALMER, Editor LempPl1 H. SINCEBAUGH, Secretary Advisory Board KENNETH E. CASTER HANS KUGLER A. Myra KEEN Jay GLENN MARKS G. WINSTON SINCLAIR Complete titles and price list of separate available numbers may be had on application. All .volumes available except vols. I-VI, VIII, X, XII and XIV of Bulletins and vol. I of Paleontographica Americana. Subscription may be entered at any time by volume or year, with average price of $10.00 per volume for Bulletins. Numbers of Paleontographica invoiced per issue. Purchases in U.S.A. for professional purposes are deductible from income tax. For sale by Paleontological Research Institution 109 Dearborn Place Ithaca, New York U.S.A. BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Vol. 37 No. 164 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE STROMATOPOROIDEA By J. J. Galloway Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana October 18, 1957 Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: GS 57-305 Printed in the Umted States of America CONTENTS : Page JENVOXS SCE CO eet eee ee ee a Re ye a ee Re neo Eee ee Pe re 5 eeetecesetess 345 PNG Owl CCST MES ope ose ae cee ee en ewe ec es gece 345 Parteles Chanractentsticsvotsthensttomatop Onoi Cal esesesseesnaceeecececen eran -enaeseranencecees 347 MA GO GC GLO Tae ceases ee ae Reet ee EEL tenes coh ds 2 ce aC coca tae epee SERENE ab 2 347 RUE DOSEmOtat ej s GUNG iy acess sc aes races cece tees coc becca ces Shot yaar se cerca roar eens Anemos 347 Glossary of structural terms applying to Stromatupoidea ~....................-..-.....- 350 Structure of Stromatoporoidea and their taxonomic value ~......-..-.......-..-...--..-.. 360 amotlyean div pem eric) ;cWaina Cle TS ese oe = ate sees eae 360 eC hata ctenseo hf seer tlSS Uris sec se ome eek ee ee hs A Re Ee Seen 360 2 NMOMIZOMtAleeSEMMCCUGES) sescccaesscceenacsesncant Soe eaws sop scest aac cet a stebece den anbatensaventen ue 364 BF MAVEC EAGT Call has GU COUNTESS hse cee canescens aS EL 368 4-Chambers and: ipallleniegy soe. ssscctee cease co ies escent eee ee ee 371 SsePseudozooidiall tubes) G2. «esac eens eee ee ee eet see eee Dee Lee 372 GRACE OS TNC STE UIT, gees Hp Creer a eee renee ete et wee Perec eneee ae 374 PE OCNOSCEUINN SUZ E, nes -code scar te Sa es oe See oe a ene cee eee ween Passes ema ae tee 375 ope Noxaiteal GONADS oes eee ste eee ee eee ne eee ees See tte DO ee 375 SECC Cliarea CLE Sy eer se cece fee c ee cree re See ne eee PE ne 376 OP OU Ga CO ye aetna atecee 2 fee ee Ae eee ee eee es 377 MOM VAS ERO zap sec ee tae eee cenit ed eo, gS OR CU rae LEE RS eB ahc 378 11, Mamelonucolumns) and) astrorhizal columns sscces eee ae eee 381 PZS DISSED UM EMS socks oe voce cece ces aon eee ch net ee ees cede ee ee 382 TTS VAT eee ak se Pe ae Be pe ee ee ere ae De ee Bete 384 4 pLeichtercentersisimy pill arspssccess cee econ ee acre eee eet ges ea eee 384 AES eee OAT TN ale alee Loe aed ea TO Mel gees eee cee eee ese eee ne eee 385 Nie elite tip) els tao 11 Oma cane hnicaliy © Ge rs pee eee ee eee 385 MGremlb a tila ey ovens eters ou ens teeMee re eae ee sek eae ee, See MP ee eee es 385 Dect © ret ln © Galles 8 ceases se wee es ee I Se IRON ys ee EN te eae 387 MS aC AUNOP OReR CUD ES Aieac_ cen ccee ste ce ae ee eae eae oee ea ae te eee ee Ie eee 387 Geographic occurrence of Stromatuporoidea ~...............- spin AB es hte oes 388 Stratigraphic occurrence of Stromatoporoidea -...........-.:-----:1---e--ceeeece-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 389 ENSEOL ENiyatO fae S Eh OMMAL OP iON Cl Cc seer eee ene eee eee 392 AMcestryaand ephylogeny, OL StLomatoporord elec. cece sere cee aaa eae 395 EXCOLO Syed O fag, S tO TNAE po O10 eral eee eee 400 HOssiltzationeGiestLomatopOnoid caeeess eee see eee ene eee 403 SY SteMatlempPOsitlONM Ot Oo tEOMMATO POOL eases eset eee ea ee 408 Ramtes2moyste mati. €SeGtp tl OM Stee seccrac sos eee ee es, eee ies ee eee 413 Order etamiliess and jzenera jot Stromatoponoideal sess secs eereceeeeeee 413 OndersStronmatoporo1de ap e-toc ee ae eee ee ee ae ee, 413 Diagnostic characters of families and genera of Stromatoporoidea ...........-.... 416 IG yatGubaMillles mots EE Oma COP ONGr eae ee eee eee oem ee ene oer seeeens 419 Ramilyatlelabechtidiaegerss-- +o - 2 ee eecc we oe eA ee Ny ee he eee 419 Key atom general oes alec bili da emp see os sete aera nee eer ee 420 Genus Cystostroma Galloway and St. Jean, new genus .........---.------.-—- 421 Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. -.-...---------------- 421 Cystostroma simplex Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. ...-..is.c-c-0c-cecee-e-- 421 Genus Awlacera. Plummer, ol S43. 008 ce. al bel Re sa eee oan ee 422 Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. ...-...-------icteseeeeeee- 423 AU GE, METL LAL LCE ea (OE ara ecg) ae ee 423 GenuspRoseellamNicholsontel SS Geese ee ee 424 GenuseRseudosty lodichy om Ozaki! 3 oye eee ee ee 424 IPSEUAOSLYLOAIGHY OM POS ATL EILSTSm © zal liee tee sere eee eee en 425 Pseudostylodictyon kayi Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. —.-..---------- 425 Genus Sinodictyon Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 —........2....22.22.c2ce2seeseeeeeeeeeee 425 Genus Gry pioppragmius waymond, L914) cee ee ee 426 NGEMISUIMOS EACH NAGIIDANT 19S 6 eect oe eae oe cet ee eee ee eee 427 Genuselabechiashidward sand El anne el Si5)iiees se eee mesa anes 427 Genus) Labechvellay Viaber andes giants) 95 Opes renee 428 Genus Pseudolabechia Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 .......--.------------------------- 429 (Gemmg, DET OTEROTG WECIRS, MONG) ececeeneton cencsereiceceerepeeheochecescacuensccncecte 430 Gems ey S750 71a Geriatr Liam bed lll opel 9s 431 SET OTIU ALO GET ULLTIE MMI GLEGIOSALTID aa kel cl | geet mene cee eae 431 Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean, n.sp. -..........- 432 Ramily,2.\Clathrod i ctyiclate less: cee eee esse ee oes ee oe eee ot me 432 INeyatone eneramote ©lalehino clic tay clleate esses ies ee mena 432 Genus Clathrodictyon Nicholson and Murie, 1878 ...........-.-----.-------------- 433 (Genusedzzo ty ost 70rrry ciel, ats Seal 9) peer een aE 434 Genusmaitielodicty ome conap tess! 9/5) gases esteem ene 435 Genus Si7Gtoist osname telalr, Kis Spal 9/36 yume tee eee ee 435 Genus) Stromatoporella Nicholson, U8 86) see cee ee 436 Ramiulya 3 Actinostromatid aes Nicholson) 188 6esse-cssrecese eee 437 IKeyanton Sen erawo ter NCU OS tO ual tl Claes een een ae aE 437 GenuseAcrirostzoriae Ni CholsonanltS S Gps cess ee eee 437 GenuseGenjomost nora XGav Os koypuel 9 5) aurea ee ee ee 438 Gens eligi Pez OS 7.01771 cia ke ATi KS 5 19) Ome eo 439 Genuspilophvastnor/aaNicholsoneel(S 9) eee eee eens eee ene 439 Bamuily 4 ldiostromatidiaes Nicholl sons 1S \8Gy seers ase teas eee 440 Keyaitomeeneamo te lGios tronal tcc ey eee tesserae 440 GenusmGlaurd chy ores Wey eric sal 9 59a eee 441 GenuseRararip hop Onda Xian Ors Kiya 95 piste ee 441 Gems p/p OTe CL zi MES 3 ee ee 2 ne ae IE 442 Genus eDendrostr oma We comptes il 9)5)l ey cere ee ee ae 443 Genusmlidzostrorical wwvanclyvelllleegeltS 677g eee 443 Genuisy Sit@e/ryord es aBs ann; Saltz, Keyey ol 8 Sie ee ene ee 444 Family, 5. Stromatoporidae VV inchelll\, 18675 gcec: ee ee 445 Key stow genenanoty S tnommlatc p Or dla ey se see ee ee eee 445 Genus phienestjoratopo na aNiaviOls Kypeil9)5 5 ime ae ee 446 GenusyStroratoporas Gil ditnsSsel 82 6 pees eee ne 447 Genusilial castrorm/ae Gall ovaaiyapet © wae eI Syaeeers tes eee 448 Genus Syringostroma (Nicholson, 3187 5 oe... seen eee ee 448 Genus Stylodictyon Nicholson and Murie, 1878 ...........-.-----2--:-:-----:------ 449 GenuseRarallelorp ores age atez keyey tS 8 eee ee a ee 450 GenuswHlenmatostnorias Nicholson 88 \6yssceses see 451 GenuseGlathacorlo7a aX caw,o1s kcypyel\9 Sil serene eee ee 451 Genusesyazt/reto sitio rae lee Comp tess 19)5 lee nesses ee 452 Gen seAletimod tery ort ale arckese 19 (09 ese nee ee ee 453 AID ENGixait mS tO MALO OO Cl eee ease eae nee es een en 453 Invalid names and forms not Stromatoporoidea ..............------..-------0--eeeeeeeeeeeo> 453 Gentisweasp/2ncils sic Gs alta vyiO.0 Cea SN Mie ee as ee ea ee vee 453 GenuseAiarloeraiur beaks silt (0,9 ee eee ee 454 Genus Gamma poner VAMOS, WE cpoeececsseneo tes eee seeeccareceeera cee te sc ecece one ceceeeencotd 454 (Genus 77 p 07; coe aan, Or at-z, Keyl ee 455 Genus) Dictyostroma, Nicholson, 87/5). oe eee Seacbenedhsiueceereet 455 Genus AKentlandiay shirock, 1937) 2. ee ee ee ee 455 GenusyKutakamia. Sugiyama, 19402 ee ce ee 455 Genus) izeodictyo7e ialbes andi Su enya ric ae 19,4 eee ee 456 Oxdermopbiaeractim once ale Kcila mya 9) 27a eee 456 Reef ETO COS cee oe See i NB 2 ac Re Da cee 457 Pete as Be eae be ante eee Ee ee 463 TABLE Geologic ranges and xelationships of the families and genera of Stromatoporoidea EE aS EE ECE Ee RED REE AN aera 396 > a Ni Ms \ ‘ae : x \ \ ‘ STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF THE STROMATOPOROIDEA J. J. GALLoway Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana ABSTRACT Stromatoporoidea are layered, calcareous, organic bodies composed of thin laminae, pillars, and curved plates, occurring in marine deposits of Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian age. They frequently occur in large beds and make organic reefs or bioherms. They occur in profusion in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Morocco, but are unreported from South America. Stromatoporoidea are an extinct order of Hydrozoa, the ancestors of the upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic order Sphaeractinoidea, and in turn related to the modern order Hydroidea, especially to the hydractinoids. The stromatoporoids consist either of cysts and pillars, or of laminae and pillars. They are here classified into five families, a modification of H. A. Nicholson’s classification of 1886. The aim is to include every genus ever pro- posed for real Stromatoporoidea. Only 35 genera of the 69 which have been proposed, are recognized as valid, not including upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic genera. In the first part, the structures, their systematic significance, the geo- graphic and stratigraphic occurrence, the astogeny, ancestry and phylogeny, with phylogenetic diagram the ecology and fossilization, and the systematic position are discussed. The second part of the work consists of a precise description of each valid genus, with type species, synonymy, occurrences and distinctions, key of the families and genera, with typical figures of the genera, and figures of all the types with supplementary figures. Two new genera are proposed. A selected bibliography is given. The endeavor is to make the stromatoporoids recognizable to paleontolo- gists, useful to stratigraphers in age determination of strata, and available to petroleum geologists who study the occurrence of petroleum in ancient organic reefs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to acknowledge obligations to many persons and institutions who have given important assistance in the pre- paration of the present study: Mr. R. S. Bowman, Ohio State University, for the loan of topotypes of Clathrodictyon vesiculosum and a fine specimen of Stromatopora antiqua N. & M.; Mrs. Ruth G. Browne, Louisville, Ky., for the gift of many specimens of Aulacera; Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, for the loan of specimens; Mr. Guy Campbell, Corydon, Indiana, for the gift of many specimens of Ordovician and Devonian stromatoporoids; Uni- versity of Cincinnati, for the loan of specimens; Dr. G. Arthur 346 BULLETIN 164 Cooper, U. S. National Museum, for the loan of type specimens; Dr. E. R. Cumings, Indiana University, for the use of material col- lected by him in Indiana and New York; Dr. C. O. Dunbar, Yale University, for the loan of specimens from Anticosti Island; Dr. George M. Ehlers, University of Michigan, for the loan of A. Win- chell’s type specimens of stromatoporoids; Dr. Madeleine A. Fritz, Royal Ontario Museum, for making available for study the type specimens of stromatoporoids published by Dr. W. A. Parks; Dr. Otto Haas, American Museum of Natural History, for the loan of the type specimen of Stromatocertum rugosum; Dr. B. F. Howell, Princeton University, for the loan of specimens; Dr. Marshall Kay, Columbia University, for collecting Middle Ordovician specimens from Isle La Motte, Vermont; Dr. A. LaRocque, Ohio State Uni- versity, for the loan of specimens; Dr. Marius Lecompte, Institute Royal des Sciences Naturelle de Belgique, for the gift of his memoirs on stromatoporoids, and for counsel; Dr. M. F. Marple, Ohio State University, for collecting topotypes from the Devonian of Kelleys Island, Ohio, and loan of specimens; Dr. T. G. Perry, Indiana Uni- versity, for collecting specimens; Dr. Bruno M. Schmidt, Middle- bury College, for the loan of H. M. Seeley’s Middle Ordovician type stromatoporoid material; Dr. Wm. H. Shideler, Miami University, for gift of a fine topotype of Aulacera and loan of many specimens of Dermatostroma; Mr. Charles H. Southworth, Thedford, On- tario, Ward’s Natural Science Establishment, Inc., Rochester, N. Y. and Dr. W. J. Wayne, Indiana Geological Survey, for the gift of specimens; Dr. Harry B. Whittington, Harvard University, for the loan of a topotype of Cryptophragmus antiquatus Raymond; Dr. Alice E. Wilson, Geological Survey of Canada, for the loan of a type specimen of Beatricea undulata Billings, and other spec- imens; Dr. Charles W. Wilson, Jr., Vanderbilt University, for loan and gift of many specimens of Ordovician stromatoporoids; Mr. V. I. Yavorsky, Central Scientific Institute of Geological Re- search, Leningrad, for gift of his papers and pieces of types of his new genera; to members of the faculty and students of the Geol- ogy Department of Indiana University for the gift of specimens. Dr. Joseph St. Jean, Jr., then of Indiana University, and Dr. Richard S. Boardman, U. S. National Museum, assisted greatly in STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 347 the understanding of the structure of the stromatoporoids, the characteristics of the genera, and the classification. Dr. Charles F. Deiss, Chairman of the Geology Department of Indiana University, obtained quarters, apparatus, and secretarial assistance. The Graduate School, Indiana University, provided a grant for laboratory help, travel, and for translator of Russian lit- erature. Mr. George Ringer, Indiana Geological Survey, made the photographs, and the Drafting Department of the Indiana Geo- logical Survey, drafted the phylogenetic diagram. Finally, I am indebted to the Paleontological Research In- stitution for publishing the paper and to Dr. Katherine Van Winkle Palmer for editing and supervising the paper through the press. PART J. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STROMATOPOROIDEA INTRODUCTION Purpose of the study.—Stromatoporoids are abundant fossils in the lower and middle Paleozoic, yet they have been studied the least of any common fossils in America. The stromatoporoids are difficult to study, for the genera and species are recognizable only from thin sections. A vertical and a tangential section are needed for definite identification of every specimen, so that the labor of preparing specimens for identification is unusual for fossils. They are comparable to Paleozoic Bryozoa in methods used for identifi- cation. The stromatoporoids are considered by most paleontologists to be obscure organisms and difficult to understand. For evalua- tion of structures, even with thin sections, the supposed obscurity of structures has been overemphasized; most specimens are well preserved and the structures can be seen and evaluated as readily as for other fossils which need to be studied with a microscope. The principal difficulty in studying and identifying stromatopo- roids is the lack of literature with adequate descriptions and figures, notwithstanding nearly 600 papers on the group. It is a striking fact that there never has been a United States specialist on the 348 BULLETIN 164 group, and that the available literature is wholly inadequate for specific and even for generic identification. Although several people have published papers on North American stromatoporoids, the works of only two men are important; first are the famous works of the late Dr. H. A. Nicholson, of the University of Aberdeen, who was an early user of the method of studying corals, Bry- ozoa and Stromatoporoidea by means of thin sections, and of us- ing internal structures instead of external structures for classifica- tion and identification. The other specialist was the late Dr. W. A. Parks, of the University of Toronto, who had made great progress in elucidating many of the stromatoporoids of Canada and the United States. The identification of species is at present an entirely insuper- able task for most paleontologists. It is, furthermore, scarcely pos- sible to identify a genus, for no adequate description and figures have been published for many of the genera, e.g., Aulacera, Cryp- tophragmus, Clathrodictyon, Stylodictyon, Clathrocoilona, Idio- stroma and others. Furthermore, where adequate descriptions and figures of the type species have been published, e.g., Labechia, Syringostroma, Hermatostroma, Parallelopora, Stromatoporella, and others, authors have departed widely from the type species, or have actually substituted a different meaning to a genus than that understood by the original author, as Clathrodictyon for Anostylo- stroma. Stromatoporoids occur in the Midwestern States in great pro- fusion. There are scores of stromatoporoid biostromes and_bio- herms in Indiana and Michigan, some in Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, and in Ontario; and there are also great beds of biostromes and bioherms in the Upper Devonian strata of Iowa and the Rocky Mountain States. The writer has been engaged in collecting and studying strom- atoporoids for over twenty years, and has made extensive col- lections from Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, and On- tario, and has borrowed types and has been given many specimens. He has paid especial attention to the stromatoporoids since 1933, when Parks (1934, p. 344) advocated their placement in the Forami- nifera, a field familiar to the writer. Stromatoporoids require the STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 349 same technique for study as do the larger Foraminifera and Bryo- zoa, algae and corals, so that despite their large size, they are properly a part of the subject of micropaleontology. Nicholson in his great monograph (1886, pp. 1-27) reviewed the work of previous authors, and discussed the structure and classification of the Stromatoporoidea more thoroughly than had been done before or since. Other attempts at classifying the Stroma- toporoidea have been made with varying success (Heinrich, 1914; Dehorne, 1920; Steiner, 1932); important studies on classification were made by Kiihn (1927, 1939) and by Lecompte (1951, p. 44, and 1956, p. F107). There are two recent papers on the structure and classifica- tion of the Stromatoporoidea: (1) Yavorsky, 1955, Stromatopor- oidea Sovetskogo Soyuza, who has a brief discussion of the structure and a modification of Nicholson’s classification into two families in the hydractinoid group, in which zooidal tubes (superposed gal- leries) are absent, and three families in the milleporoid group, in which zooidal tubes are present. He included six Mesozoic gen- era but discussed only those genera found in Russia. Many of Yavorsky’s species in the “Milleporoid group” do not have vertical tubes, including his new genus Ferestromatopora; Yavorsky de- scribed and figured 195 Russian species. The figures are admirable. The work is in Russian, difficult to obtain and difficult to use even when translated, because different concepts are used in descrip- tions. (Review, Jour. Paleont., vol. 31, 1957, p. 834.) (2) The second recent paper is that by Lecompte, 1956, in Part F of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Lecompte, has a new classification of 62 genera, 36 lower Paleozoic genera and 26 late Paleozoic and Mesozoic genera, in 11 families, classified on the basis of general similarity, taking no account of geologic occurrence, interspersing the Mesozoic genera in Middle Paleozoic families. The discussions and descriptions are rather too brief to be readily understood, and the basis for the classification is obscure. (Review, Jour. Paleont., vol. 31, 1957, p. 836.) It is not here proposed to revolutionize the classification of Stromatoporoidea, but rather to bring together the best thought and findings on the group, so as to make the genera and species 350 BULLETIN 164 understandable to others. It is hoped to make the stromatoporoids more useful to students of systematic paleontology, and to make it possible to use the stromatoporoids for age determination, and for more detailed stratigraphic correlation. Petroleum occurs in many stromatoporoid reefs or bioherms, and a knowledge of stroma- toporoids should, therefore, be of considerable value in petroleum geology. Galloway and St. Jean (1957) used a preliminary classification of the one developed here. GLOSSARY OF STRUCTURAL TERMS APPLYING TO STROMATOPOROIDEA Amalgamated. United without visible sutures; coalesced or fused. Used particularly for the condition of the union of the hori- zontal and vertical structures in the family Stromatoporidae (Pl. 31, figs. 14-16; Pl. 35, figs. 1-7). “Continuously reticulated skeleton,” Nicholson (1886, pp. 34, 74). “Reticulate tissue,” ecompte (1956; ps F113): Astogeny. Development of a colony from its beginning to the adult condition. Astrorhizae. A group of radiating, branching grooves, generally centering at a mamelon and superposed in the axis of a mame- lon, but not regularly superposed when there are no mamelons. In vertical sections appearing as large, round, horizontal pores, or as vertical or oblique, tabulate tubes. (Named by Carter, H, J., 1880; Ann: Miag. Nat. Hist; ser.5,; vole 6, p: 3412) "Cone monly present in examples of the family Stromatoporidae, may occur in Actinostromatidae, Clathrodictyidae, and Labechiidae, not typically developed in the Idiostromatidae. Astrorhizae oc- cur in many genera of the Hydrozoa and are not confined to the Stromatoporoidea. Astrorhizal cylinders. Superposed mamelons and _ astrorhizae, 2 to 15 mm. in diameter, in which the laminae turn upward into the mamelons, giving the superficial appearance of a cyl- inder in vertical sections. (Nicholson, 1890, p. 165). Also called columns and astrorhizal systems. (Pl. 36, figs. 5, 6). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 351 Axial column. The tabulate axis with arched tabulae, as in Aula- cerae "OPI 32.eiies3)) Caespitose or cespitose. Bushy, fasciculate. [diostroma. Caunopore tubes. Conspicuous, vertical tubes, 0.5 to 1.5 mm. in diameter, having their own walls, generally with cystose or infundibular tabulae, (Pl. 35, fig. 2) and connected at their lower ends by stolons. They are most probably parasitic or commensal organisms, now generally agreed to be the coral Syringopora. Caunopora Phillips and Diapora Bargatzky are composite masses of stromatoporoids and tubular organisms and are not considered to be valid genera by systematists. Specimens with such tubes are often referred to as being in the “caunopore state.” Caunopore tubes are common in Strom- atopora, Stromatoporella, Anostylostroma, Stictostroma, Ac- tinostroma, and Gerronostroma but are rare or absent in other genera of stromatoporoids. Cells. Used by Yavorsky, 1955, for chambers and galleries. Chamber. An enclosed space, as the space in a cyst, as of the Labechiidae (PI. 31, figs. 1-3). Chamber is not a suitable term for the continuous interlaminar spaces traversed by pillars (used by Lecompte, 1951); galleries seem to be a more ap- propriate term for interlaminar spaces with pillars. Coenosteum. The entire head or colony or skeleton of a millepor- oid or a stromatoporoid. (Proposed by Moseley, 1881, p. 12, for the skeleton of the Hydrocorallina, and adopted by Nich- olson, 1886, p. 28, for the skeleton of the Stromatoporoidea). (Coeno, common, osteo, bone or skeleton). Columns. Vertical structures much larger than ordinary pillars, 1 to 10 mm. in diameter, making mamelons at the surface, composed primarily of upturned laminae, frequently with as- trorhizae. Anostylostroma columnare (Pl. 33, fig. 7), Paral- lelopora nodulata. Also the cystose axial column of Aulacera and Cryptophragmus (PI. 32, figs. 3, 8). Compact. Homogeneous, not alveolar or porous or maculate, nor dense like a mineral crystal or glass, but made of calcareous tissue closely appressed, as in the Labechiidae and Actino- stroma (Pl. 31, figs. 3,9). A better term than “dense.” B52 BuLLeETIN 164 Cyst plates. Curved or lenticular plates composing the skeleton of the Labechiidae (PI. 31, figs. 1-3; Pl. 32, figs. 1-4). Also the less regular, occasional curved plates crossing galleries, general- ly more or less horizontally or diagonally (PI. 33, figs. 6, 8, 10). Also commonly called interlaminar septa and dissepiments. Common in Actinodictyon (Pl. 35, fig. 10), Anostylostroma (PI. 31, figs. 5), Stromatoporella (P\. 33, fig. 10), and in many other genera where there has been resumption in growth, as at the base of latilaminae and repair of injury. (PI. 36, fig. 8). The generic and specific value of cyst plates varies. There is no indication that cyst plates are threads, fibers, or trabeculae; the cut plates are always curved lines, not fine, round dots or ellipses, as cut threads would be. Cysts or cytose vesicles. Vesicles formed by outwardly convex plates. Labechiidae (PI. 31, figs. 1-3); Actinodictyon (PI. 35, fig. 10); Clathrodictyon (Pl. 33, fig. 5). Dendritic. Repeatedly branching, as a tree. Idiostromatidae. Also the branching canals of astrorhizae. Dense tissue. Apparently solid, compact, and homogeneous, ex- cepting for small variations in texture. Not dense like glass. Not maculate, as in the Stromatoporidae, nor with transverse pores, as in Stromatoporella. Actinostroma has typically “dense” tissue (Pl. 31, fig. 9). Trupetostroma has dense tissue with small, ovoid, vacuoles (PI. 34, fig. 4). Compact is a better term. Massive is not a precise term for compact or homo- geneous. Denticles. Short spines on the upper cyst plates of Rosenella and Sinodictyon (Pl. 32, figs. 4, 7). Dissepiments. Thin, upward or obliquely curved plates, compos- ing the coenostea of the Labechiidae and occurring in galleries of many genera. Also called interlaminar septa, curved plates or tabulae, cyst plates, partitions. Cystostroma (PI. 31, fig. 1). Actinodictyon (Pl. 35, fig. 10), Anostylostroma (Pl. 33, fig 6). Epitheca. A thin, wrinkled, basal layer, of finer and different structure than superjacent, normal structures. Occurs at the base of many coenostea. More properly called peritheca; also called holotheca. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 353 “Fiber’, “fibre.’ Microscopic structure of the skeletal tissue; lit- erally, strands or threads; in general a misnomer since the term does not refer to genuine fibers. Also “‘skeletal fiber.” Tissue is a better term. Fibers. Fine, short, strands transverse to the laminae (PI. 31, fig A133) Fibrous. Composed of short strands transverse to the Jaminae, as in Amphipora and Anostylostroma (Pl. 31, fig. 5). Care must be used to distinguish between fibrous and porous. Flocculent. In loose groups, or not compact, as in the secondary layers of the cyst plates of the Labechiidae (PI. 32, figs. 1, 2). Foramen, -ina. A large or principal opening between two chambers, cells or superposed galleries (Pl. 31, fig. 11). Fused. Same as amalgamated. Galleries. Interlaminar spaces, traversed by pillars, not by vertical walls, in life occupied by part of the soft body of the animal or abandoned after a new lamina was laid down. Sometimes less aptly called chambers and cells. Superposed galleries, es- pecially where the laminae (tabulae) between are missing, pos- sibly resorbed, referred to by Nicholson and others as “zooidal pubes’ ( Pl--35, figs, 1,2). Granules. Small elevations at the surface: a fraction of a mm. in diameter, usually the ends of pillars, or papillae. Horizontal section. A section parallel to the laminae or latilaminae, when the laminae curve little, as in lenticular specimens. When the laminae curve much, the section is tangential. Usually referred to as the “tangential section.” Hydractinoid. Having pillars distinct from the laminae or hor- izontal processes, much as in the hydroid genus Hydractinia, and the tissue of neither the pillars nor laminae is maculate. Used by Nicholson (1886, p. 40, 74; Yavorsky, 1955, p. 7), and sometimes by others, to refer to the families Labechiidae and Actinostromatidae. Infiltrated. Filled in solid by calcite from solution, after burial, preserving the hard parts nearly perfectly. The usual method of fossilization of colonial organisms, such as stromatoporoids, corals, and bryozoans. A better term than permineralized. 354 BULLETIN 164 Interlaminar septa. hin, outwardly or upward curved or oblique plates or tabulae in the galleries. Also called dissepiments, cyst plates and partitions. Anostylostroma, Stromatoporella, Ac- tinodictyon (PI. 31, fig. 5; Pl. 33, fig. 10; Pl. 35, fig. 10). Interlaminar spaces. The galleries, cavities, spaces or chambers between the laminae. The spaces are more aptly designated as galleries, since they consist of connected rooms. The spaces are high in genera with thin walls, as Actinostroma and Ano- stylostroma; the spaces are narrow or more or less completely filled with porous and maculate tissue in the Stromatoporidae, and by fibrous or compact tissue in the Idiostromatidae. Inter- laminar spaces are partly filled by pillars, partly by secondary tissue and partly by dissepiments. Knobs. Large subconical or subhemispherical surface prominences, irregular in size, 10 to 50 mm. in diameter and height. Lamella, -ae. Same as lamina. Lamina, -ae. The thin parallel or concentric layers making up most of the coenostea. They are the fundamental structures of most stromatoporoids, modified from cyst plates of the Labechiidae. The primary or original laminae are thin and are called microlaminae. In most genera the laminae have been thickened by secondary layers deposited above and below the primary laminae. Also called lamellae. Laminar. In layers, whether thin or thick, as seen with the un- aided eye or with a low-power hand lens, and in most slightly weathered stromatoporoids. Some coenostea are thin and broad, 1. e., laminar, as Stromatoporella granulata. Latilamina, -ae. Thick layers or strata, 1 to 20 mm. in thickness, in turn composed of many laminae or cysts; seen in most weathered specimens of stromatoporoids. (Proposed by Nichol- son, 1886, p. 40). They may or may not be in specimens of the same species; they seem to be due to annual pauses in growth, and are without taxonomic significance, but do have ecological significance. The curved latilaminae make the stroma- toporoid distinguishable in the field from mere pieces of rock but do not distinguish stromatoporoids from stromatolites. Latilaminae are not merely thick laminae (PI. 36, figs. 1, 8; Pl. 37, fig. 1b). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 355 Lumen, lumina. Vertical, round, lighter or darker colored centers Mac of pillars. They were probably originally not open tubes, but the primary pillars around which the secondary material, of different color, was laid down. The luminalike portions of the pillars were considered by authors to be characteristic of Hermatostroma and Labechia, and occur in some species of Labechia (Pl. 32, fig. 9), Actinostroma (Pl. 34, fig. 2), Atelo- dictyon (Pl. 33, fig. 8), and even of Taleastroma (PI. 35, fig. 4). The lumina of the hollow pillars of Stromatoporella are due to upturns of the laminae and were, therefore, originally hollow (RBA Stig. 1). ulae, maculate. Dark or light spots or dots in a gray ground- mass. The dots are 0.01 to 0.06 mm. in diameter, typically with clear centers, and occur in the laminae, pillars, and secondary tissue, typically seen in Stromatopora (PI. 31, fig. 14), Syringo- stroma (Pl. 31, fig. 15), and Parallelopora (Pl. 31, fig. 16). The maculate structure is characteristic of the family Stroma- toporidae, contrasting with the compact and fibrous, porous, flocculent or homogeneous tissue structure of the other four families. ““Minutely porous or tubulated,” (Nicholson, 1886, p. 74); “minutely porous” (Parks, 1907, p. 29); “finely retic- ulate or spongy” (Parks, 1936, p. 99); “feinporous oder von feinen Kanalen” (Kiihn, 1939, p. A44); “microstructure por- euse ou vesiculaire” (Le Maitre, 1949, p. 517); “microstructure est du type reticulé” (Le Maitre, 1949, p. 523); “Fibre sequelet- tique alveolaire,” (Lecompte, 1951, p. 195); “Fibre poreuse ou réticulée”, “Fibre squelettique cellulaire” (Lecompte, 1952, p. 263); “cellular type” (Lecompte, 1956, p. F118). The appear- ance of the microstructure depends somewhat upon the char- acter of fossilization. Mamelons. Round, regular, or irregular elevations on the sur- face, as in Parallelopora nodulata (Nicholson) and Labechia huronensis (Billings). They vary from 2 to 15 mm. in diameter and 1 to 8 mm. high. They may be solid or occupied by a tube, frequently have astrorhizae at the summits and throughout the columns which make the mamelons. Surface elevations in order of size; granules, papillae, ring-pillars, monticules, mamil- lae, mamelons, knobs, or nodes, and undulations. 356 BULLETIN 164 Mamillae. Small mamelons, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter, some with a nipplelike point. Lophiostroma magnum (Parks). Mamillate. Having small mamelons or mamillae, generally less than 2 mm. in diameter. Marginal vacuoles. VLight-colored areas around pillars and on both sides of the laminae, as in typical species of Hermatostroma CRIS ttre. 2) Microlamina, -ae. Thin laminae which may be thickened on one or both sides, as in Stromatopora (Pl. 35, fig. 3) and Trupeto- stroma (PI. 31, fig. 11). Also used to distinguish thin laminae from latilaminae. Milleporoid. Having the laminae and pillars completely amalgamat- ed and hardly recognizable as distinct structures and having vertical tubes, much as in the hydroid genus Millepora; the tissue is mostly secondary and maculate. Used by Nicholson (1886, pp. 40, 74) and by Yavorsky (1955, p. 7) for the fam- ilies Stromatoporidae and Idiostromatidae. Monticules. Small mamelons, 1 to 2 mm. in diameter. Nodes. Large knobs on the surface, generally irregular in size and height. Nodules. Irregular mamelons. Ontogeny. The development of a single individual, not that of a colony. Papillae. Small knobs at the surface, generally much less than 1 mm. in diameter, the upper ends of pillars. Actinostroma, Labechia. Peritheca. The basal layer of many coenostea; less aptly called epitheca and holotheca. Pila, -ae. Same as pillar. Little used. Pillars. Small, vertical structures between laminae (short), or passing through many laminae, (long, continuous), 0.05 to 0.06 mm. in diameter, not to be confused with the larger columns. Pillars are substantially solid or compact, as in Actinostroma, maculate, as in Syringostroma, maculate, making parallel tu- bules, as in Parallelopora, or short and hollow (ring-pillars), made of upturned laminae, as in Stromatoporella (Pl. 34, fig. 1). Pillars are smaller than columns. They may be round, irregular, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 357 branched, and frequently divide and expand in the laminae, making vermicular, areolate and odd patterns, as seen in tangen- tial sections. Pillars are mostly built on the primary lamellae, and are frequently superposed, as in Gerronostroma and Tru- petostroma (PI. 31, figs. 10, 11). Some pass through the lamin- ae, as in Actinostroma (Pl. 34, fig. 2) and some clearly pierce the cyst plates, as in the Labechiidae (PI. 31, fig. 2). Pillars are mostly primary structures, as in the Labechiidae and Actino- stromatidae; some are secondary, as the short pillars of Stroma- topora (PI. 35, fig. 3) and Synthetostroma (Pl. 35, fig. 9). Also called radial pillars (Nicholson and Murie, 1878, p. 196), appli- cable to globular specimens. Pits. Small round depressions at the surface. Pores. Small, transverse tubes through the laminae, as in Stroma- toporella (Pl. 31, fig. 8) and Stictostroma (PI. 31, fig. 6). Not well used for pseudozooidal tubes or horizontal cavities or pits. Pores occur in ring-pillars at the surface, and at the sum- mits of monticules, as in Stromatoporella granulata. Porous. Having minute pores through the tissue. Stictostroma, Stromatoporella. Primary plate. he thin, compact, homogeneous, median layer of the cyst plates, especially of the Labechiidae (PI. 31, fig. 3). Primary tissue. The material of the laminae and dissepiments as first constructed. Protocoenosteum. The earliest astogenetic stage of stromatopor- aids (GP1-=36; fis.-3.): Pseudopillars. Vertical, thin bands of darker flocculent material in the flocculent, lower layer of the cyst plates in the Labechii- dae. GBh Silstiie, 2; (Pile 32e fie 4): Pseudozooidal tubes. Vertical tubes or superposed and restricted galleries, irregular in cross section, only incidentally round, generally crossed by thin tabulae, the remnants of laminae; characteristic of the Stromatoporidae (Pl. 35, figs. 1, 2) but not present in all species. They have been called “zooidal tubes,” but there is little or no evidence that they were oc- cupied by zooids. Radial processes. Arms in whorls extended from pillars. Actino- stroma (Pl. 34, fig. 2). 358 BULLETIN 164 Ramose. Round, erect and branching. Jdiostroma, Amphtpora. Reticulate. Like a net, referring to the network of laminae and pillars. “Continuously reticulated” of Nicholson (1886, pp. 34, 74) refers to the network of laminae and pillars which are united so that the laminae and pillars are not discernible, but amalgamated, in the Stromatoporidae. Reticulate is not syn- onymous with maculate or porous structure of the finer tis- sue, although some authors so used the word. Ribs. Longitudinal ridges, as in Aulacera plummeri (Pl. 37, fig. laee Ring-pillars. Short, hollow, thick-walled pillars, made by sharp upturns of the laminae; “hollow inflected points” of Parks, (1936, p. 94); characteristic of Stromatoporella (Pl. 33, fig. 1). Rings made by mere upward inflections of laminae (Pseudo- stylodictyon, P|. 32, fig. 6), or by splitting of pillars (Anostylo- stroma, Pl. 33, fig. 6), or by tubes in mamelons, or by spherical cysts (Actinostroma, Pl. 35, fig. 10), are not ring-pillars. Rods. ‘Thin, dark, vertical, parallel rods in the pillars of Parallel- opora (Pl. 35, fig. 6). | Sarcodeme. Obsolete term for coenosteum. (Nicholson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, p. 5). Secondary tissue. Tissue laid on the primary plates or laminae and pillars, in many genera and constituting the bulk of the tissue in some genera (PI. 31, figs. 11, 12, 14-18). Skeleton. All the hard parts of a stromatoporoid, usually implying the totality of internal structures. Spines. Short, conical pillars, as in Rosenella and Sinodictyon. Denticles. Spongy. Filled with irregular, minute vesicles or pores, as the finer skeletal tissue of the family Stromatoporidae. Sometimes used for larger structures, as the columns of some species of Ano- stylostroma, which are filled with irregular pillars and vacuities, and the structure of Amphipora. The term has no implication of relationship with sponges, nor of having spicules; a term to be avoided. Tabulae. ‘Thin, flat, or curved structures in vertical tubes or be- tween superposed galleries, either distinct structures or the remnants of laminae. Stromatopora (Pl. 35, fig. 2). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 359 Tangential. Refers to a section nearly parallel with the laminae especially as applying to small, globular or ramose forms, and in descriptions called the “tangential section.” Tissue. The microscopic structure or histology of the laminae, the pillars, the cysts, or other finer structures. Sometimes called “ultimate fibre” (Parks, 1936, p. 8), but not actually the finest calcite granules which compose the skeleton. The word “fibre” is not appropriate, since the substance is not composed of threadlike bodies. Trabeculae. Rods, frequently anastomosing, as in Millepora, Hydrac- tuma, the family Disjectoporidae, and the order Sphaeractin- oidea. Trabeculae do not make up the skeleton of the Stroma- toporoidea. Tubercles. Small, unequal prominences at the surface. Stromato- porella granulata. Tubes. Round, elongate openings, as in the axis of the Idiostroma- tidae, and in the axes of some mamelon columns. The ‘axial tube” of Aulacera and Cryptophragmus is better called an axial column. Tubulate. Having very small tubes or pores (not referring to pseudozooidal or caunopore tubes) in the laminae, as_ of Stromatoporella and Stachyodes. Superposed maculae simulate small tubules in the pillars of Parallelopora (PI. 31, fig. 16). Tubules. Minute parallel tubes, as in the pillars of Parallelopora, and through the laminae of Stictostroma and Stromatoporella (Pl. 31, figs. 6-8). Vacuole. A small cavity or space in the tissue of an organism, as in Trupetostroma (Pl. 31, fig. 11). A vacuity. Vertical tubes. Remnants of superposed galleries, pseudozooidal tubes, often called “zooidal tubes” (Pl. 35, figs. 1, 2). Vesicle. Small vacuities, as in the tissue of Trupetostroma; also the cavities made by cysts. Vesicular. Full of irregular vacuities, or spongy in appearance, as the skeleton of Dermatostroma and Hydractinia. Vili. Small, finger-like projections from the upper layer of the wall, as in Cystostroma (PI. 32, fig. 2) and Cryptophragmus. Walls. The substance surrounding tubes, chambers, or vesicles. 360 BULLETIN 164 Rarely used because the structures are not in general camer- ate or tubular; chambers occur in the Labechidae. Caunopore tubes have walls. “Zooidal tubes.” Vertical tubes, small and generally irregular and not round in cross section, usually tabulate, characteristic of forms with maculate tissue, as Stromatopora (PI. 35, figs. 1, 2), Syringostroma, and Parallelopora. They are restricted galleries which are superposed. Better called pseudozooidal or vertical tubes. Superposed galleries are common in forms with long pillars and thick lamanae, as Actinostroma and Trupetostroma (Pl. 34, figs. 2-4); they are rare in forms with thin laminae and short pilars, as Clathrodictyon and Anostylostroma, and are absent in forms composed of cysts, the Labechiidae. Parks and Lecompte did not recognize the existence of zooidal tubes, but considered them to be, as the writer does, merely super- posed interlaminar spaces or galleries, and the tabulae as rem- nants of laminae (Parks, 1936, p. 10). Yavorsky (1931, pp. 1405-1412) mistakenly used “zooidal tubes” for simple gal- leries, and in his latest work (1955, p. 7) attempted to main- tain the division of all genera of stromatoporoids into two groups, those without zooidal tubes and those with zooidal tubes. His new genus Ferestromatopora, however, a member of the Stromatoporidae, lacks zooidal tubes. STRUCTURES OF STROMATOPOROIDEA AND THEIR TAXONOMIC VALUE FAMILY AND GENERIC CHARACTERS 1. Characters of the tissue—The skeletons or hard parts of the stromatoporoids were originally composed, and mostly are now composed, of nearly pure calctum carbonate in the form of calcite. There is no indication, such as distortion or pseudomorphs, that the original calcium carbonate was aragonite. The skeleton of the hydrocorallines is called the coenosteum. The smaller structures of cyst plates, laminae, and _ pillars, which are visible with the microscope at ordinary powers, 16 mm. objective and 7.5 eyepiece (65>), are referred to as the tissue. About 30 magnification is ordinarily better for preliminary ex-- aminations and to see the variation of structures in the sec- tion. Also 48, 35, and 32 mm. objectives and 7.5, 10, and 15 eyepieces are used, depending upon the amount of field it is STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 361 desirable to see at once and the detail desired. A field of 4 mm. diameter (using 32 mm. objective) is satisfactory. With higher magnification, 4 mm. objective and 10 eyepiece (430), the structures are resolved into granules and crystals of calcite of vari- able size and shape, so that the real significance of the character of the tissue has been obliterated in the magnification. The size of the maculae and tubules can be measured with a camera lucida and 16 mm. objective and 10 eyepiece, giving a magnification, on the paper, of 132. As noted by Nicholson (1886, p. 36), under higher magnifica- tion, the tissue contains innumerable, tiny black specks, irregular in size and shape, giving a dusty appearance to the tissue. Most, but not all tissue, contains the black specks, and there are some black specks in the calcite filling of the chambers and galleries. The black specks are well developed in Labechia conferta (PI. 31, fig. 3) and are profuse in Parallelopora nodulata (PI. 31, fig. 16). The black specks are nothing like maculae. They seem to be secondary and to have been deposited by infiltrating water. Their composition is not known; they may be iron sulphide or iron oxide, or even organic carbon. The specks seem to be of no taxonomic value. The tissue is either, (1) primary, where it is the thin, median layer of cyst plates or the laminae (PI. 31, figs. 1-8), or (2) sec- ondary, where the tissue is thickening tissue or different kind of tissue laid down either below or above the primary tissues (PI. 31, figs. 11, 12, 14-18). The tissue of the stromatoporoids is fundamentally of three kinds: first, the compact and homogeneous and flocculent (PI. 31, figs. 1-3), family Labechiidae; secondly, the compact and vacuolate, transversely fibrous or tubulate structure (Pl. 31, figs. 4-13), fam- ilies Clathrodictyidae, Actinostromatidae, and Idiostromatidae; and thirdly, the tissue which is maculate, 2.e., full of dark or light round spots (PI. 31, figs. 14-18), the family Stromatoporidae. The tissue of the first and last families are more consistent than they are in the other three families. The tissue structure was first pointed out by Nicholson (1886, p. 35, 73). He referred to the forms with com- pact, or apparently solid tissue, to the “Hydractinoid” Group and the forms which had “dotted or porous” tissue, 7.e. maculate, he referred to the “Milleporoid” Group. There is no essential simi- 362 BULLETIN 164 larity between the kinds of tissue and the two Recent hydrozoan groups which Nicholson designated. It is, however, a tribute to Nicholson’s perspicacity that the most satisfactory classification is based upon the kinds of tissue, as well as the skeletal structure, and the geologic occurrence. Although the preservation of most stromatoporoids appears to be that of the original constitution they had in life, merely im- pregnated with calcite, there is some recrystallization, involving the enlargement of the original, minute crystals of calcite. The distor- tion of structure involved in leaching, silicification, and dolomitiza- tion must be distinguished from the original structure. Specimens distorted internally should be avoided for the purpose of studying the tissue, although the laminae and pillars may have their original size and arrangement. The skeleton of the oldest stromatoporoids, the family Labe- chiidae, consists of convex plates, the primary tissue of which 1s compact and nearly homogeneous (Cystostroma, Aulacera, Pl. 31, figs. 1-3). There are secondary layers inside or both inside and out- side of the compact, curved plate, in which the tissue has a floc- culent appearance (Cystostroma, Aulacera). The secondary tissue is neither fibrous nor tubulose but may have lighter areas between the loosely aggregated and irregular tissue. The laminae of the Clathrodictyidae (Clathrodictyon, Anostylostroma), some of the Actinostromatidae (Gerronostroma) and some of the Idiostroma- tidae (Amphipora) are minutely fibrous transversely, as seen under moderate powers of the microscope. The tissue of Stictostroma and Stromatoporella is transversely fibrous and tubulate, rarely with anastomosing tubules (Pl. 31, fig. 7). Lecompte (1956, p.. F118) denied the existence of such tubules. In some species of Stroma- toporella, as S. ertensis (Parks), the transverse fibers and pores may be seen only in the best preserved specimens. The tissue is compact in Actinostroma, Trupetostroma, and Idiostroma. Even though the laminar tissue appears compact and homogeneous, in many cases the pillars are transversely fibrous in appearance, as in the genera of the Clathrodictyidae (PI. 31, figs. 4-8). The tissue may be compact, excepting for conspicuous vacul- ties of many sizes in the pillars and secondary laminae, as in the STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 363 genera T'rupetostroma and Idiostroma (PI. 31, figs. 11, 12). There are other slight variations in the structure which is known as com- pact, or fibrous, and porous, but such variations do not include the maculate structure. Some specimens of Stictostroma and of Stromatoporella are so coarsely porous that the pores may be mis- taken for maculae (Lecompte, 1956, fig. 102, 3, maculae, 102, 4, pores ). The third fundamental kind of wall structure is designated as maculate, which is a better designation than “minutely porous or tabulated” (Nicholson, 1886, p. 90), or “fibre squelettique cel- lulaire” as used by Lecompte, (1952, p. 263), or “cellular type” (Lecompte, 1956, p. F118). Nicholson (1886, p. 36) correctly ap- preciated the “characteristic dotted or porous structure.” In the genera belonging to the family Stromatoporidae, the tissue contains spherical, light spots which are surrounded by darker tissue, so that in whatever direction the tissue is cut the same spotted or maculate appearance prevails. In some cases the dots do not show the white center but appear only as dark spots with lighter, gray tissue sur- rounding them. The maculae are fine in most of the genera, 0.2 to 0.3 mm. in diameter, as may be seen typically in Stromatopora, Ferestromatopora, and Syringostroma (Pl. 31, figs. 14, 15); in some cases the dots are coarse, 0.03 to 0.06 mm. in diameter, and have a thin, dark wall, and light center, as in most species of Paral- lelopora (PI. 31, fig. 16). The maculae are not pores (Kiihn, 1939, p. A37, fig. 51 right) but dots, either light or dark. The tissue may be minutely but uniformly maculate, as in Stromatopora concentrica (Pl. 35, fig. 1). The maculae may be arranged in horizontal lines in and between microlaminae as in Stromatopora laminosa (PI. 35, fig. 3); they may be large and ir- regularly arranged, as in Hermatostroma logansportense (Pl. 31, fig. 17); and the maculae may be very large and arranged in vertical lines, appearing as tabulate tubules in the pillars, as in all species of Parallelopora (Pl. 31, fig. 16). Although Nicholson pointed out in 1886 (p. 35) the funda- mental differences in structure between the forms with compact tissue and those with maculate tissue, few later authors, except- ing W. A. Parks, have paid special attention to the tissue structure, 364 BULLETIN 164 and he did not live to publish his studies on the maculate group. Workers in more recent years, Yavorsky, Riabinin, and Lecompte, have tended to minimize the finer tissue structure and have stressed the more obvious features, such as laminae, pillars, dissepiments, pseudozooidal tubes, and astrorhizae. 2. Horizontal structures—The most primitive and funda- mental structures of stromatoporoids are thin, curved plates or dis- sepiments, which are short and highly arched as in Cystostroma, Aulacera, and Labechia (Pl. 32, figs. 1-3, 9), or broad and low, as in Rosenella (PI. 32, fig. 4) and Stromatoceriwm (Pl. 33, figs. 3, 4). The plates are variable in size and usually without visible pores or foramina connecting the chambers thus formed. The plates are imbricated or overlapping, so that they do not form laminae, but may occur in layers. The earliest plates are simple arcs, as in Cystostroma followed in the phylogeny by broad, low arcs and short pillars on the tops of the plates, as in Rosenella and Sino- dictyon (PI. 32, figs. 4, 7), and later by long pillars, as in Labechia and Stromatocerium. In Labechiella (PI. 32, fig. 10) the cysts in the neanic stage pass into laminae in the ephebic stage of the astogeny. Shorter and more arcuate plates are more primitive than the broad, low ones, and they also are much more regular in size, as in Cystostroma, Aulacera and Labechia. Large, hemispherical plates occur in a single, superposed series, as in Cryptophragmus and in the axis of Aulacera. Such large, hemispherical plates seem to be so different from the short, arcuate plates occurring around the axis of Aulacera that they have sometimes been considered to belong to a separate organism (Shideler, 1946). When it is considered, however, that the larger axial plates may grade imperceptibly into the smaller, lateral plates, as seen in Sinodictyon (Yabe and Sugi- yama, 1930, pl. 19, figs. 3, 4), and in “Ludictyon” vesiculatum Ozaki (1938, pl. 33, figs. 3b, 3c; pl. 34, fig. 3), as well as in Aula- cera nodulifera intermedia (Foerste), it is apparent that the actual column of cystose plates is part of the same organism that built the outside (but not the sheaths of Cryptophragmus, a foreign organism ). The coenosteum of Cryptophragmus (and synonyms) is usual- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 365 ly complete without any outer sheath. In the case of Crypto- phragmus antiquatus from Carden, Ontario, the type locality, the central column, in some specimens, is enclosed by unattached sheaths of entirely distinct and foreign organisms, probably an alga, and in one case by a bryozoan. The curved plates occur side by side in typical members of the genus Clathrodictyon. The vertical and lateral appression of the cysts compel them to become flat on the tops and vertical on the sides, thus producing laminae and pillars, as in later species of Clathrodictyon, passing into typical laminae and pillars of Ano- stylostroma. The wide cysts of Rosenella seem to have become broad plates or laminae in Labechiella, and to have become regular laminae in the family Actinostromatidae. In addition to the primary curved plates, there is usually a layer of secondary, flocculent tis- sue deposited either inside, or both inside and outside, of the primary plates, as seen in Cystostroma, Aulacera, and Rosenella. Cystoid plates also occur as repair tissue, and at the lower sides of latilaminae in many genera (PI. 36, fig. 8). The fundamental structures of most stromatoporoids are the laminae, which are flat, eccentric or concentric plates. They may be thin or thick, and are usually continuous, but may be dis- continuous, as in Anostylostroma microtuberculatum (Riabinin), or the laminae may converge into one; they may be regular and nearly straight as in Anostylostroma laxwm (Parks), or finely un- dulating, as in Anostylostroma insulare (Parks) and variable in thickness. In Stromatopora concentrica (PI. 35, fig. 1) and other typical species of Stromatopora, the laminae can scarcely be dis- tinguished, but have been broken into curved tabulae, or have been resorbed by the secondary tissue, or may not have been formed be- tween latilaminar boundaries. In all the families and most of the genera the cyst plates and laminae have an upper or a median, thin dark- or light-colored primary lamina. The primary laminae are compact and mostly im- perforate in the families Labechiidae, Clathrodictyidae, Actino- stromatidae, and Idiostromatidae and porous and maculate in the Stromatoporidae. There is also considerable, but thin, secondary 366 BULLETIN 164 thickening on the two sides of the laminae in the families Clathro- dictyidae and Actinostromatidae. Such secondary tissue is coarser in texture than is the primary layer, but the secondary tissue in those two families is not maculate. In the family Stromatoporidae the thickening tissue becomes so great that it ordinarily fills from 50 to 90 percent of the original interlaminar spaces. Such secondary tissue is typically maculate or made up of minute, hollow spots surrounded by gray tissue, and such secondary tissue is also so conspicuous that the primary, thin laminae may be overlooked. In many specimens the thin, primary laminae may have been resorbed by the secondary tissue, or large- ly destroyed in the fossilization. Some specimens of Stromatopora, and other genera with maculate tissue, seem to show no primary laminae at all (Nicholson, 1886-92, pl. 5, figs. 15; pl. 9, fig. 11; p10; figs. 2, 7, 9, 12: pl. 11, fig. 18; ete; Lecompte,1952)-plaom fig. 4a; pl. 52, fig. 2a; pl. 53, figs. 2a, 2b; pl. 54, figs. 1-3 and others.) The fine laminae in Stromatopora can usually be seen when looked for especially. In the tangential sections the fine laminae of Stroma- topora, Syringostroma and Parallelopora and other genera, do not show at all, giving the “continuously reticulated”, fused appearance, noted by Nicholson (1886, p. 74). The secondary, maculate tissue shows the same kind of structure in both vertical and horizontal sections and has been referred to, especially by Nicholson, as reticu- late or fused tissue. When the secondary maculate tissue is large in amount, it obscures the primary pillars, as in Stromatopora or forms entirely new pillars, as in Syringostroma and Parallelopora. Whenever the laminae are thicker than the exceedingly thin primary laminae, the laminae may be double, with a secondary lower layer, as seen in Anostylostroma (PI. 33, fig. 6). Mostly the thick walls are triple, consisting of the thin, median, primary lamina and lower and an upper layer of different structure (PI. 31, fig. 6). The outer and inner layers of Cystostroma, Aulacera, and other genera of the Labechiidae, is flocculent and loose in appearance. In the Clathrodictyidae and Actinostromatidae the two secondary layers are compact and darker than the median lamina (PI. 31, fig. 11). In Dendrostroma (PI. 34, fig. 8), the secondary layers are trans- versely fibrous. In the Stromatoporidae in general, the secondary layers are finely or coarsely maculate. The laminae are composed STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 367 of microlaminae in Synthetostroma (Lecompte says, 1956, p. F131, “intertwined fibrils’). A remarkable kind of horizontal structure is the development of radial arms on the pillars in the genus Actinostroma, which radial arms occur at concordant levels, making what appear to be laminae, as seen in vertical section. They may be horizontal or bend downwards. The radial arms may be accompanied by a lamina just above the arms. In some genera, as in Anostylostroma, Atelo- dictyon, and Trupetostroma, there are secondary thickenings par- ticularly on the under sides of the laminae which produce curved lines and a complicated network of lines, as seen in tangential sec- tions. The particular pattern formed at the upper ends of pillars, whether curved, radial, or a complicated network (Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, pl. 2, fig. 3b), cannot be determined from the ver- tical section. Even the coalescence of the pillars, as seen in Ano- stylostroma, Labechiella, Hermatostroma, and Atelodictyon, can- not be determined from the vertical section alone. Cyst plates are of family importance when regular and im- bricated, as in the family Labechiidae. The writer does not con- sider the Labechiidae an order, for cyst plates occur in all fam- ilies. Cyst plates are of generic importance in Clathrodictyon, where they occur mostly side by side, and in Actinodictyon, where they are irregularly arranged. Most other genera of stromatoporoids have definite laminae, although the laminae may not be well marked in the Idiostromatidae. The average size of cyst plates and their variation in size in the same specimen are specific characters. The number of laminae in the convenient distance of 2 mm. is usually considered to be a specific character; there are six laminae in 2 mm. in Actinostroma verrucosum and 12 in 2 mm. in A. tyrrell1. The variation of num- ber of laminae in 2 mm. may be due to pauses in growth, as be- tween latilamina, or to cool seasons of growth, and in that case the number is without systematic value. The thickness of the lami- nae is a specific character when it is constant. In most species of Clathrodictyon the cysts are in fairly smooth layers; in C. fasti- giatwm the layers of cysts zigzag up and down. The cyst plates and the laminae are two of the most funda- 368 BuLLeETIN 164 mental structures of the skeletons of stromatoporoids. Without them the object could scarcely be a member of the Stromatoporoidea, although Stromatopora itself, may have neither laminae, pillars, nor dissepiments but do have other stromatoporoid structures, such as astrorhizae, pseudozooidal tubes, tabulae, and maculate tissue. 3. Vertical structures —Vertical structures, now called pillars and in the case of globular specimens called radial pillars, rarely called pilae, served the obvious purpose of holding the laminae apart, although they may have served some additional function. Pillars at the surface appear as papillae, and specimens with con- spicuous papillae, as in Stromatoporella, Labechia and Actino- stroma, were ready for the next lamina to be laid down. Pillars vary greatly in length, thickness, origin, and systematic value. The simplest pillars are short, conical spines or denticles on the upper cyst plate, as in Rosenella and Sinodictyon (PI. 32, figs. 4-7). Such short pillars or denticles obviously did not hold the long cysts apart, but the cysts touched other cysts at their ends. Most of the pillars are short, that is, they extend through only one interlaminar space. They were derived from upward growth of denticles in the Labechiidae, were formed by down-turns of the cyst plates in Clathrodictyon, formed by the addition of struc- tures separate from the laminae in Anostylostroma and were con- structed of secondary tissue in Syringostroma. There are both primary pillars and secondary pillars. The pil- lars of Actinostroma are long and may be called primary pillars, for they are part of the primary skeleton, and continue through the laminae. The long pillars of part of the Labechiidae and of the Actinostromatidae are frequently spoken of as continuous because they seem to pierce the laminae; but, it seems, the laminae were built around the pillars when the objects were alive. The continu- ous pillars pass from latilamina to latilamina, as long as the grow- ing surface stays alive. Where the pillars diverge the increase 1s mostly by implantation, in some cases by bifurcation. In some genera, such as Trupetostroma and Gerronostroma (Pl. 31, figs. 10, 11), the pillars are really superposed but appear continuous at first glance; close inspection shows the fine laminae to pass through STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 369 the pillars, and the pillars are therefore secondary to the Jaminae. Obviously the pillars were built on the laminae but continued to be built over the previous pillars, indicating some kind of connection in life between successive interlaminar spaces. Frequently, the pillars appear to be hollow, as in Labechia, Actinostroma, Atelodictyon, Hermatostroma, and Taleastroma. The writer cannot agree with Nicholson that the pillars ever were hol- low. In well-preserved examples the pillars do have axes of lighter color, but the conical sheaths of which the pillars are made may frequently be seen as, indeed, they were figured by Nicholson (1886, p. 46, fig. 4). In the case of Hermatostroma, the writer cannot agree with Nicholson (1886, pl. 3, fig. 2) that the pillars and laminae had a canal system, which was injected with some opaque material. Obviously there was some character in the compo- sition or structure of the pillars of Hermatostroma schliitert (PI. 35, fig. 7), and the laminae as well, which allowed them to be in- filtrated with some darker material rather than to have been in- jected into hollow cavities. The “lumina” of a pillar was not a real, original canal in a tube, but was merely lighter material, or it appears lighter because of the transverse structure of the axes of the pillars. In the Labechiidae (PI. 31, figs. 2, 3) the pillars are composed of less dense material than are the primary walls of the cysts, but still are not made of the same material as that of the secondary or flocculent layers of the walls. The pillars have been infiltrated with calcite, and the original calcite recrystallized, so that the pillars appear structureless, or have only a definite outer boundary. Pillars are spool-shaped in several genera, as in Anostylostroma, Trupetostroma, and Gerronostroma (Pl. 31, figs. 10, 11), because they are composed of secondary tissue, and constructed at the same time the secondary thickening was laid down on the laminae, and are continuous with the secondary laminae. Pillars rarely occur in groups, but they do in the genus Pseudo- labechia (PI. 33, fig. 1). In some cases the pillars divide upward into many small pillars, as in Anostylostroma (PI. 31, fig. 5; Pl. 33, fig. 6), or they may divide in a dendritic manner, as they do in Stromatocerium (Pl. 33, fig. 4). The pillars may be normally in 370 BULLETIN 164 groups, and some are plumose or like water-jets, as in Pseudo- labechia (Stylostroma Gorsky). There are adventitious groups of plumose pillars in some places in otherwise typical Labechia huro- nensis (Billings) (PI. 36, fig. 9); the irregularity of occurrence and form of the pillars suggests that in this case they may have been due to some pathological condition. A secondary deposit on both laminae and pillars, as in Herma- tostroma, may be light in color. Short pillars may be intercalated between normal pillars as in Atelodictyon and Anostylostroma (Plesietions): The pillars were made by down-turnings of the cysts in Cla- throdictyon and the structure of the pillars in that case 1s the same as that of the laminae (PI. 31, fig. 5). In most of the Clathrodict- yidae and Actinostromatidae the structure of the laminae appears to be distinct from that of the pillars. The laminae may be trans- versely fibrous and of light color; and the pillars also may be trans- versely fibrous and of darker color, as in Anostylostroma (PI. 31, fig. 5). Some pillars are made by up-turns of the laminae, making ring-pillars, as in Stromatoporella in which the tissue is fibrous and tubulose (PI. 31, figs. 7, 8). The dividing pillars of Anostylostroma may also produce rings (Pl. 33, fig. 6) as seen in tangential sec- tion; in this case both laminae and pillars are transversely fibrous, and care must be used to distinguish such fibers from maculate tissue. In the Stromatoporidae the pillars are dominantly composed of secondary maculate tissue. In Taleastroma there are primary pil- lars which are light in color and compact in appearance, as in T. cumingst (Pl. 35, fig. 4). In Stromatopora (Pl. 35, figs. 1, 2) and Ferestromatopora (Pl. 31, fig. 14) there are no separate pillars, but only the filling of the interlaminar spaces, leaving galleries and superposed galleries or pseudozooidal tubes. In Syringostroma and Parallelopora (PI. 31, figs. 15, 16) the pillars are large and long and are composed entirely of secondary, maculate tissue. In the case of Parallelopora the maculae are coarse and are arranged in vertical files in the pillars. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 371 The length of pillars is considered to be of family importance in the families Clathrodictyidae and Actinostromatidae; of only generic importance in the Labechiidae, the Idiostromatidae, and the Stromatoporidae. The absence of pillars in Cystostroma and in young stages of Aulacera distinguish those genera from Labechia, in which pillars occur from base to top of the coenosteum. In most genera, the pillars in all astogenetic stages of the coenostea appear to be the same in length, width, and numbers. In the genus Awlacera pillars may be absent (A. wndulata, A. nodulifera) or absent in neanic parts of specimens and Jong and narrow in the adult stage (A. plummert, A. nodulosa). It will thus be seen that the pillars of the stromatoporoids vary much in character, in origin, possibly in function, and also in systematic importance. 4. Chambers and galleries—TYhe space inside the curved plates of the Labechiidae may be referred to as chambers, since they are inclosed spaces. There are no foramina between adjacent or superposed cysts, but there are pores in places, and living mat- erial may have penetrated the median, compact plate. When there are laminae, the spaces between are sometimes re- ferred to as interlaminar spaces (Nicholson, 1886, p. 47) or as cells (Yavorsky, 1955, p. 10), sometimes as chambers, at other times not designated by a name by students of stromatoporoids, or not even mentioned (Lecompte, 1951, 1956). In general the inter- laminar spaces may be considered to be large, horizontal spaces, with real pillars set at more or less regular distances throughout the spaces; such spaces here are referred to as galleries, having in mind a coal mine, which has large galleries between which there are pillars. A gallery also refers to a structure with many connected rooms which are all used for the same purpose, as an art gallery. The shapes and sizes of the galleries are important characteristics of the coenosteum and should be described for both vertical and tangential sections. The interlaminar spaces are in part occupied by primary pillars, partly by secondary tissue, and partly by open spaces, the galleries. Galleries mostly are much higher than the laminae are thick. Their shape and size depends upon the closeness of laminae and pillars and the amount of secondary tissue on the 372 BULLETIN 164 laminae and pillars. The galleries of the Clathrodictyidae and the Actinostromatidae are mostly large, open, more or less rectangular areas as seen in vertical sections. When the tissue has been thick- ened, as in T'rupetostroma, Gerronostroma, Synthetostroma, Sticto- stroma, and the Stromatoporidae and Idiostromatidae, the galleries are oval or round and the space is much restricted by secondary tissue. The galleries are further modified by the presence of upward convex, interlaminar septa or cyst plates or dissepiments. Such partitions are mostly curved upward and outward, although they may be also oblique. The galleries are nearly closed by secondary tissue in most of the Stromatoporidae and in Stachyodes. The galleries are superposed in forms with continuous pillars, in which case they may be connected by foramina, as in Trupeto- stroma (PI. 31, fig. 11) and Actinostroma (PI. 31, fig. 9), and other genera. The size and shape of the galleries are always matters of specific importance and should always be described. The galleries are of odd shapes much modified from a rectangular form, as in Stromatoporella and Actinodictyon. In the case of Stachyodes, the interlaminar spaces have been for the most part completely filled with secondary tissue leaving small remnants of chambers. 5. Pseudozooidal tubes ——lIn the families Stromatoporidae and Idiostromatidae where secondary tissue fills a moderate or great part of the interlaminar spaces, there are normally small, super- posed galleries which make structures simulating tubes. They were referred to by Nicholson (1886, p. 49) as zooidal tubes. There is no evidence that such tubes were once occupied by zooids, and they are here referred to as pseudozooidal tubes. Such tubes are nothing more than remnants of galleries. Such remnants of gal- leries are of necessity superposed in genera which have long, con- tinuous pillars, either primary, as in some species of Actinostroma, Trupetostroma, and Taleastroma, or secondary, as in Stromatopora, Syringostroma, Parallelopora, and genera of the Idiostromatidae. The pseudozooidal tubes in secondary tissue are characteristic of Stromatopora and closely allied genera. Such superposed galleries are not ordinarily round in tangential section, but vermicular, or irregular in shape. Many of the pseudozooidal tubes are round in STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 373 the genera Syringostroma and Parallelopora which genera have large, long, secondary pillars which affect the shapes of the gal- leries. Nicholson (1886, p. 49) saw a considerable and fundamental similarity between such tubes and tubes in Recent genus Hydrac- tinia. He saw a great similarity between the supposed “zooidal tubes” of Stromatopora, and the tubes which housed dimorphic individuals, gastropores, and dactylopores, in the Recent Millepora. The writer does not see any genetic similarity between the remnants of superposed galleries in the stromatoporoids and the zooidal tubes of Recent hydrozoans; and, therefore, does not call the remnants of superposed galleries “zooidal tubes” but “pseudozooidal tubes.” The Recent Hydractina echinata (Fleming), as identified and figured by Lecompte (1956, fig. 101), shows tabulate zooidal tubes. Nevertheless, the writer agrees with Nicholson and_ others, that the stromatoporoids are Hydrozoa, as will be discussed below under the heading “Systematic Position of Stromatoporoidea.” Parks (1936, p. 10) denied hydrozoan affinities of the stromato- poroids, and he said that “zooidal pores” become simply “vertical pores.” Lecompte, in his great monograph (1951-52), seemed not to have mentioned zooidal tubes nor even superposed chambers and considered them merely “tabulate, vertical chambers” (personal communication ). The size and configuration of such superposed gal- leries, or “vertical chambers,” are of specific importance in some cases, but the writer does not attach any such importance to them as was done by Nicholson. Yavorsky (1955, p. 10) laid great stress upon the taxonomic importance of “zooidal” tubes and the con- comitant maculate tissue. The maculate tissue is a more reliable character for recognition of the family Stromatoporidae than are the presence of pseudozooidal tubes, for many nonmaculate forms have superposed galleries forming typical pseudozooidal tubes, as Gerronostroma, Trupetostroma, Idiostroma, Stachyodes, and Amphi- pora. Yavorsky’s Ferestromatopora (1955, p. 109) does not have pseudozooidal tubes, although it is closely allied to Stromatopora which does have such tubes. The superposed galleries are usually crossed by straight or curved tabulae. Such “tabulae” are probably not new structures but are merely the thin laminae. In some cases the laminae are miss- 374 BULLETIN 164 ing between superposed galleries, giving the effect of a short tube, but being no more than foramina in the laminae, as discussed in Section 15 below. 6. Coenostewm, shape——The coenostea of each species have a characteristic shape and size. Most coenostea tend to be hemi- spherical, varying to discoidal or laminar specimens on the one hand, and to bulbous, nodular, or ramose specimens on the other. Twenty- six genera have laminar or massive coenostea and nine are ramose or cylindrical. Some genera have a characteristic shape, as the vertical column of Cryptophragmus and Aulacera, and the ramose form of the Idiostromatidae. A branching form otherwise like Cryptophragmus is not a valid generic character, as considered by Raymond (1931, p. 180), but it may be a specific difference. The most modified form of coenosteum is short bush-shaped or cespitose, as in the Idiostromatidae. Amphipora and Paramphipora may be recognized by the long thin, cylindrical stems, which must have grown upright and close together, for they are normally found in- tertwined. The two genera are distinguished only by thin sections. There are no typically dentritic or treelike coenostea, the nearest approach, perhaps, being Sinodictyon and Idiostroma. While a genus can sometimes be identified from the shape of the coenosteum, a species can rarely be identified without thin sections within the massive and ramose groups. the particular shape of the coenosteum is not considered to be a generic character. In the case of Aulacera and Sinodictyon, the cylindrical or club-shape form of the coeno- steum, with a coarsely vesicular axis, has been considered charac- teristic of the genera. Massive forms which have simple cysts, as in the early stage of Awlacera, are placed in the older genus, Cysto- stroma. Parks (1936, p. 113) did not consider the size or shape of the coenosteum to be of much systematic importance; he may have had in mind only the massive or Jaminar forms. The axial tube is considered to be a family characteristic in the genera of the Idiostromatidae, although Clavidictyon has no axial tube. Ludictyon and Sinodictyon were erected of the basis of the character of the axial cystose zone. Those genera are much like Rosenella, excepting for the upright growth. There are specimens of Labechia huronensis which grow in the form of a tall cone with STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 375 large open convex spaces in the axis, somewhat resembling Auwla- cera; but that character alone is not considered to be either of generic or specific importance. The shape and form of the coenosteum, therefore, must be con- sidered, but in identification the external characters of the coeno- steum are outranked by the internal characters. 7. Coenosteuwm, size—The size of the coenosteum, for the common massive shape, varies with ontogenetic age of the specimen, the habitat and the species. Massive specimens vary from 1 cm. to 2 cm. in diameter, as in Stromatopora nux Winchell, to the usual size from 10 cm. to 20 cm. in diameter, to 1 meter in diameter, as in Stromatopora monticulifera Winchell. Specimens of Stromato- porella which lived on a muddy bottom, as S. granulata, are thin crusts usually less than 5 mm. in thickness. Cylindrical forms, as Aulacera are usually from 3 to 6 cm. in diameter, and in pieces less than 20 cm. long. Plummer (1843, p. 293) gave the size of Aulacera as up to three feet in length, and Billings stated that “Beatricea”’ nodulosa from Anticosti Island are up to a foot in diameter and 15 feet in length (1865, p. 406). Amphipora has the least diameter of any stromatoporoid 2 to 4 mm., and the length is a few cm. /diostroma has a normal diameter of 5 to 10 mms., and Cryptophragmus consists of cylinders or branches from 5 to 15 mm. in diameter. 8. Axial columns.—Several genera of the Labechiidae have an axial column, composed of large, superposed cyst plates or dis- sepiments. The typical axial column occurs in Aulacera, where the column is overlain by smaller, imbricating, convex plates, oriented perpendicularly to the plates of the column. The structure of the outer plates, outside of the size, is the same as those of the axis. In the genus Cryptophragmus from the type region, Carden, Ontario, there may be an outer zone of sheaths which is a separate organ- ism, but the zone of sheaths is not necessary for the identification of the genus, for the genus occurs in many localities, at the same horizon, without the sheaths, as well as at Carden, Ontario (Ray- mond, 1914, pl. 1, fig. 2; pl. 4, fig. 5). The axial column of cyst plates is sometimes referred to as “a large axial tube, crossed by strongly curved calcareous parti- tions, or tabulae” (Nicholson, 1886, p. 86) or a “‘camerate tube” 376 BULLETIN 164 (Shideler, 1946, p. 1230). The column of cysts is not in reality a tube, for the cysts are bound laterally by the lower ends of the overlapping cysts, rather than by a separate, continuous wall of a tube. In Aulacera nodulifera intermedia the axial zone of cysts is irregular in width and the large cysts grade imperceptable out into the cysts which are at right angles to the axial columns. Further- more, the genera Sinodictyon Yabe and Sugiyama (1920, p. 52), and “Ludictyon” Ozaki (1938, p. 33, fig. 3) have large and small cysts in an ill-defined axial zone, which in no sense makes a tube, but in which the axial cysts grade in size and position out into the lateral zone of cysts. The facts that the axial zone of cysts have the same wall structure as the cysts of the lateral zone, and the axial cysts grade in size out into the cysts of the lateral zones, seem defi- nite evidence that the axial zone in Aulacera and Sinodictyon is part of the organism and not a separate organism. The axial column may be covered by algae, other stromatoporoids, corals and bryo- zoans, but that fact is not of systematic significance, not being a case of symbiosis. There are forms of stromatoporoids whose growth is hemi- spherical and in which the skeleton is composed of overlapping, convex cysts without pillars, as in Cystostroma and Pseudostylo- dictyon. The forms with the axial column are readily distinguished from the flat or hemispherical bodies, and are considered to be separate genera. The oldest known stromatoporoids (not admitting that Yavorsky’s supposed Cambrian forms are really of Cambrian age, 1932, p. 613) are the hemispherical forms first described by Seely from the Chazy limestones of Isle La Motte (Seely, 1904, p. 148, pl. 72; pl. 74, fig. 1). Many specimens from the Chazy of Isle La Motte have arcuate cysts and some have wide cysts, but there are no known specimens with an axial column. Forms with the axial column begin with the Lebanon limestone of Tennessee and the Lowville limestone of Ontario, both of Black River age, and ex- tend to the top of the Ordovician, Ellis Bay formation of Anti- costi, and late Richmond of Indiana. SPECIFIC CHARACTERS In addition to the primary characters, those distinguishing families and genera, there are many other characters which are STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 377 present or absent in the same genus, and they are usually of specific importance. 9. Surface—Many species of stromatoporoids have essential- ly smooth surfaces. Much more commonly the surfaces have some kind of prominence, either small or large, regular or irregular. Most forms with pillars have papillae, which are the ends of pillars which extend through the last lamina or are new pillars built on the last lamina, as in forms with short pillars. The surface of Stromatoporella granulata, Anostylostroma retiforme, and many other species, is covered with sharp conical points. Anostylostroma hamiltonense has no mamelons, but an as- sociated form, A. hamiltonense papillatum, has small mamelons about 2 mm. in diameter and half that in height; it was considered by Parks (1936, p. 50) to be only a variation or subspecies of that species, but the writer considers it to be a distinct species. Several species have been recognized in the genus Aulacera (Beatricea) solely on the basis of the surface characters; A. wndu- lata has sharp, vertical ridges at the surface; the type species of Aulacera, A. plummeri, from Indiana, has wide and low surface ridges. A. nodulosa and A. nodulifera have surface knobs of different size, and other species have other surface characters which are prob- ably of specific or subspecific value. The cyst plates of the Labechii- dae appear at the surface as small blisters. In Aulacera undulata the cyst plates are highly arched, and look like large papillae at the surface. The particular kind of surface characters, and their dimen- sions, can be determined from the surface and from sections. ‘There may be knobs or undulations on parts of a specimen or in dif- ferent astogenetic stages of a specimen, which characters fade out before the surface is reached, or they may be missing on some parts of the surface and apparent on others, as in Anostylostroma laxum (Nicholson). Regular surface characters are usually of specific importance. Irregular knobs are generally of no systematic value. A genus may have different surface characters in the different species. The presence or absence of mamelons, their size, distance apart, shape and regularity or irregularity, seem to be consistent for each 378 BULLETIN 164 species, and of importance in distinguishing species, and constitute a convenient basis on which to differentiate species in keys. 10. Astrorhizae—The surfaces of many stromatoporoids are marked by depressions with branching, rootlike groups extending radially outward. The depressions or canals do not have any proper walls and merge with the galleries of the specimen. They were named astrorhizae by H. J. Carter (1880, p. 341), which name 1s apt, and it has been accepted by all subsequent authorities. The nature of the astrorhizae have been extensively discussed not only by Carter, but by Nicholson (1886, p. 53) and others, and re- cently by Lecompte (1951, p. 19; 1956 p. F114), and by Yavorsky (1955, p. 11). The presence or absence of astrohizae seem to be of no more than specific importance, although their presence in the Stromatoporidae is one of the strong points which ally the Stroma- toporidae with the Hydrozoa, as maintained by Carter, and ac- cepted by Nicholson, Kiihn, Lecompte, Yavorsky, and others. Astrorhizae vary greatly in size and development. The earliest astrorhizae, which are small, about 2 mm. in diameter, and im- perfectly developed, occur in Stromatocerium rugosum, where the radiating canals are short and only feebly branched (Galloway and St. Jean, 1955, p. 8, 10, figs. 5-7). Those in Syringostroma sub- fuscum Galloway and St. Jean (1957, pl. 18, fig. 13) are 2 mm. in diameter; in Clathrodictyon linnarsoni (299-51) about 3 mm. in diameter; in Stromatopora typica the astrorhizae are about 5 mm. in diameter (Nicholson, 1891, pl. 21, figs. 4, 7); in Actinostroma astroites astrorhizae are 10 to 12 mm. in diameter (Nicholson, 1889, pl. 17, fig. 1); in Ferestromatopora larocquet (Galloway and St. Jean) they are 15 mm. in diameter and well formed (PI. 36, fig. 4). The largest ones seem to occur in Stromatoporella eifeliensis, which are 25-30 mm. in diameter (Nicholson, 1886, pl. 4, fig. 2), and in a species of Syringostroma from the Meshberger quarry, Bartholomew County, Indiana. The astrorhizal canals may not form definite, radiating clusters but appear as sporadic canals (Parallelopora typi- calis Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, pl. 19, fig. 4). Some astrorhizae are superposed and occupy the centers of columns and may produce a tabulate axial column, and appear at the surface in the centers of mamelons, as in Stromatopora diver- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 379 gens Galloway and St. Jean (PI. 36, fig. 5), and in Hermatostroma perseptatum Lecompte (1952, pl. 45, fig. 2). In other cases the astrorhizae occur scattered throughout the skeleton and appear in vertical section as unusually large and oval galleries, as in Syringo- stroma radicosum Galloway and St. Jean (PI. 36, fig. 7). When the astrorhizae are well formed the branching canals of one astrorhiza merge with those of neighboring astrorhizae, in capillary fashion, as in Ferestromatopora larocquei (Galloway & St. Jean) (PI. 36, fig. 4). Syringostroma densum Nicholson (1875, p. 251, pl. 24, fig. 2) (syrinx, tube) was at first distinguished from Stromaiopora on the basis of horizontal (astrorhizal) canals one-fifth to one-fourth of a line (one-twelfth inch) in diameter, and the astrohizae were well described from the surface as, “starlike, not elevated, impressions, formed of vermicular bifurcating horizontal canals, which radiate from a central point.” Later Nicholson, (1886, p. 97, pl. 11, figs. 13, 14) distinguished Syringostroma from Stromatopora on the more important “large-sized radial pillars.” In some cases the astrorhizae are scattered at the surface without regard to the presence of regular mamelons, as in, Syringostroma tuberosum Galloway and St. Jean GISS/-aplewli7, tig 4). The branches of the astrorhizae may also be tabulate, the tabulae being oblique both to the laminae and to the astrorhizal branches. Both the axial tube and the branches of the astrorhizae may be crossed by curved or cystose plates. There 1s no necessary connection between astrorhizae and pseudozooidal tubes, since speci- mens may have astrorhizae but no pseudozooidal tubes, as Clathro- dictyon vesiculosum N. and M. Hermatostroma schliiteri has no astrorhizae, but most maculate species have both astrorhizae and pseudozooidal tubes. In the Idiostromatidae there is a tabulate tube, similar to an astrorhizal tube, from which branch smaller tubes similar to pseudozooidal tubes. In the Idiostromatidae, the axial tube with lateral branches suggest a similarity to an astrorhizal column in the other genera. Under the discussion of astrorhizae, Lecompte (1951, p. 19) ob- served that the axial tube of /diostroma roemeri branches into the normal network of the skeleton, implying that the axial tube and 380 BULLETIN 164 branches from it are real astrorhizae, an observation made more definite recently (Lecompte, 1956, p. F115). Numerous specimens of Idiostroma and Dendrostroma do not show any astrorhizae at the terminal ends of the branches, although there is the axial tube with a few branches. It is a rather intriguing idea that the Idio- stromatidae may be made up of largely isolated astrorhizal cyl- inders. The axial tubes of Amphipora (Pl. 34, fig. 7) and Param- phipora (Yavorsky, 1955, pl. 84, fig. 3) (Pl. 37, fig. 3) may have curved and irregular tubes resembling those of some mamelon and astrorhizal cylinders. One gets the impression from surface examination that astro- rhizae occur in scarcely one specimen in 10, although the fact that the surface of the stromatoporoids is not always well preserved may add to that impression; at any rate, astrorhizae are not so common as the discussion of their importance would seem to indicate. Small astrorhizae have small, sparsely branching canals. Some astrorhizal canals are large but not arranged in starlike manner, and the canals may not at first study be recognized as astrorhizae (PI. 35, fig. 8). Astrorhizae and astrorhizal canals are often visible in thin sec- tions when they are not detectable at the surface, as in Stroma- topora laminosa (PI. 35, fig. 3). In the fauna of 85 species described by Galloway and St. Jean (1957), 55 species had astrorhizae and 30 species did not have them. Only 3 species of 17 species of Ano- stylostroma had astrorhizae; about half of the species of Stroma- toporella had astrorhizae, and all described species of Stromatopora and Syringostroma had astrorhizae. The function of the astrorhizae is as yet unknown, although it is obvious that they were occupied by some kind of important soft structure. They may have been reproductive zooids, or ampullae for the production of medusae, or they may even have been female polyps, or coenostea with astrorhizae may have been female indiv- iduals, whereas similar specimens without astrorhizae may have been male or asexual. Steiner (1932) and Yavorsky (1955, p. 13) favored the hypothesis that astrorhizae were organs where zooidal budding took place. Whatever they are, they must have been im- portant in the life of the specimens which had them. Inasmuch as alternation of generation, with vegetative and sexual stages of dif- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 381 ferent characters, occur in Hydrozoa, the possibility that stroma- toporoids with astrorhizae may represent the sexed stages in the life cycle, and specimens without astrorhizae the asexual stage, must not be overlooked. But conspicuous and important as they seem to be, astrorhizae cannot be more than of specific importance, as they are understood at the present time, in which the writer agrees with Nicholson (1886, p. 11, 56). Sugiyama (1939, p. 443; 1940, p. 111) distinguished the genus Labechiella from Labechaa, solely on the basis of the presence of astrorhizae, not a generic difference. Winchell (1867, p. 99) proposed the new genus Coeno- stroma on the presence of astrorhizae and mamelons. Nicholson showed (1886, pp. 11, 56) that astrorhizae do not constitute a generic character; so Coenostroma has been placed in synonymy with Stromatopora by most authors since that time. The writer has stud- ied the type specimen of Coenostroma, C. monticuliferum Winchell, and it 1s a typical Stromatopora with maculate tissue and pseudo- zooidal tubes. The presence or absence of astrorhizae is always noted in spe- cific descriptions, but pairs of species, those with and those without astrorhizae, are not definitely known, as are pairs of species, those with mamelons and those without mamelons. Mamelon columns are produced where mamelons are consistently superposed, 11. Mamelon columns and astrorhizal columns. as in Anostylostroma columnare, Actinostroma stellatwm, Paral- lelopora nodulata, Anostylostroma papillatum, Pseudostylodictyon poshanensis, and Taleastroma magnimamillatum. There are cor- responding species in all those genera without either mamelons or mamelon columns, é.g., Anostylostroma laxum, Actinostroma ex- pansum, Parallelopora typicalis, Anostylostroma hamiltonense, Pseudostylodictyon woyuensis, and Taleastroma cumingst. Mamelon columns are a rather uncommon feature of coenostea; the novelty of mamelon columns inspired Nicholson and Murie to erect the genus Stylodictyon on that basis alone, and Ozaki erected the genus Pseudostylodictyon on the presence of columns alone. On the basis of the columns, each of those genera consisted of a single species, which would indicate that the character is only a specific one. One to eight vertical, tabulate tubes may occur in each mame- 382 BULLETIN 164 lon column, as in Anostylostroma columnare (Parks) (Pl. 33, fig. 7), Stromatoporella huronensis (Parks) (Pl. 36, fig. 6), Gerrono- stroma plectile Galloway and St. Jean, and G. excellens Galloway and St. Jean, but in those species there are no astrorhizal canals transverse to the axial canals, and no astrorhizae are apparent at the surface nor in tangential sections. The tabulate mamelon tubes, without transverse astrorhizal canals, resemble astrorhizal tubes and also the axial tubes in the Idiostromatidae. It cannot be stated, however, at this time that mamelon columns without lateral branch- es are really astrorhizal columns but without lateral canals. Mamelon columns do not in general constitute a generic char- acter, but they do constitute a specific character. The genus Lophio- stroma, as yet little known, was characterized by the mamelon columns. In some specimens with mamelons, whether regular in size or irregular in size and shape, each mamelon is confined to one latilam- ina, and they are only incidentally superposed and do not make mamelon columns. Such mamelons constitute a specific character. A specimen of Clathrodictyon variolare was figured by Nicholson, showing strong mamelons, 5 to 10 mm. in diameter; he says (1888, pl. 17, fig. 14), “The laminae in this specimen exhibit rounded ‘mamelons,’ but these are by no means invariably present in this species.” Even though Nicholson did not consider mamelons even of specific importance, yet he and Murie erected the genus Stylo- dictyon on the mere presence of mamelons and mamelon columns. Parks (1936, p. 16) erected, on the basis of the columns, a sub- species named “Clathrodictyon” laxuwm columnare which is a good species of Anostylostroma. It will thus be appreciated, if not readily apparent, that mame- lon columns have been considered to be of generic, of specific, and of subspecific importance. Where there are astrorhizae, they tend to be at the summits of mamelons, and mamelon columns may also be astrorhizal columns, as in Parallelopora nodulata. The presence or absence of astrorhizal columns is only a specific character, not a generic character. 12. Dissepiments—In addition to the family Labechiidae, in which dissepiments or cyst plates are a dominant character, curved STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 383 plates occur in all other families and, indeed, in all of the genera excepting Dermatostroma and Lophiostroma. In families outside of the Labechiidae the curved plates are not regularly arcuate and imbricate, but occur in the galleries, and are of the same shape and structure as the primary plates of the Labechiidae. The genus Clathrodictyon (Pl. 33, fig. 5) is made up of highly arched plates which occur mostly side by side, and not typically imbricate, and do not form typical laminae. In the genus Actinodictyon the skele- ton is largely made of cyst plates with pillars, and in Syntheto- stroma there are typical laminae, with numerous cyst plates in the galleries. Cyst plates are also of common occurrence in many other genera, as Anostylostroma, Stictostroma, Stromatoporella, and in the genera of the Idiostromatidae. Dissepiments are small and arcu- ate in most cases; they are large and broad in Rosenella and Stromatocerium; they are large and hemispherical in the axes of Aulacera and Cryptophragmus; they are irregular in size and shape in astrorhizal canals; they are oblique and curved upward in sev- eral species of Anostylostroma. In rare cases some curve downward as well as upward, as in Clathrodictyon vesiculosum, and sporadical- ly as in some species of Anostylostroma. The function of the curved dissepiments is unknown, but their frequent occurrence in all the families of the Stromatoporoidea is proof that they were of considerable structural, physiological, and perhaps phylogenetic importance. Two possible reasons for their presence may be offered: first, they may be vestigial structures in- herited from the ancestral Labechiidae, in which the curved plates constitute the main skeletal structure; secondly, cyst plates of variable size occur where the organism has been injured and the injury repaired. A zone of overlapping, thin cysts occur where part of the coenosteum had died and was overlain by a new growth of the same species Stictostroma mcgraim Galloway & St. Jean (PI. 36, fig. 8), and a zone of cysts may occur at the beginning of each latilamina. The abundance and regularity of dissepiments is considered to be of family importance in the Labechiidae, of generic importance because of their abundance in the genera Clathrodictyon, Actino- dictyon, and Synthetostroma; in other cases, the number of curved 384 BULLETIN 164 dissepiments, whether absent, scarce or common, are of specific significance. In most cases the occurrence of an occasional dissepi- ment appears always to be compact, as it is in the Labechiidae, even in Stromatopora and Stromatoporella. The order Labecheidea Kiihn, 1927, based largely on the presence of cysts (but including the family Idiostromatidae with few cysts) is not a good order, but forms with imbricating cysts, characteristic of the Ordovician, make a natural family, closely allied to the other four families of the order Stromatoporoidea. 13. Vill1—Small, finger-like structures extend upward from the upper layer of the dissepiments in some Ordovician genera and species, as in Cystostroma simplex (Pl. 32, fig. 2), Sinodictyon (Pl. 32, fig. 7) and Cryptophragmus antiquatus (Pl. 32, fig. 8). They are biologic structures, not due to preservation, and have the same structure as the upper layer, a finely flocculent appearance. In tangential section the villi are consistent in size, abundant, and look like short pillars. They are not the same as denticles, for they are straight-sided, not conical, and not part of the median or pri- mary layer, but are secondary structures. Their function 1s not apparent, but their presence or absence may be considered of spe- cific value. 14. Lighter centers in pillars —-In several genera, as Labechia, Actinostroma (Pl. 34, fig. 2), Hermatostroma, and Atelodictyon (Pl. 33, fig. 8), the pillars have lighter colored tissue in the centers, in some cases giving the impression that the pillars had been hollow. The pillars of Aulacera (PI. 31, fig. 2), Taleastroma (Pl. 35, fig. 4), and also various species of Labechia have light centers bounded by a dark border, which condition might be mistaken for hollow pillars; but in well-preserved specimens it is always seen that the pillars have tissue in the centers, not secondary calcite, are not and never were hollow. The writer cannot, therefore, agree with Nichol- son, who stated (1889, p. 160) that in Labechia conferta “the radial pillars are hollow, each being transversed by a well-marked axial canal,” and that in the case of Hermatostroma (1892, p. 219) there are “exceedingly well developed, ‘continuous’ radial pillars, which are transversed by axial canals.” The light centers of pillars is of little systematic value, although the width of the light-colored zone, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 385 as also the width of the pillar itself, may be a specific character. Since the original structure of the pillars was frequently different from that of the cysts or the laminae, they may be more altered by recrystallization, dolomitization, or silicification, than are the cysts or laminae of the same specimen; in Labechia pustulosa (Safford) the laminae appear to be perfectly preserved, but the pillars are nearly completely destroyed by infiltration of calcite and by re- crystallization. Ring-pillars are hollow (PI. 34, fig. 1) and occasion- al hollow rings (not ring-pillars) are seen in the tangential sections of severalveenera. (Pl. 34, fies 6.) Pls 33, figs.2, 6; Pl. 35, fre; 10): 15. Foramina in the laminae—lIn many genera of all of the families, there are occasional openings between superposed galleries (Pl. 31, figs. 10, 11). Such openings are far larger than are pores in the walls and are referred to as foramina. Such openings may have been incompletions of the new lamina when it was laid down. Open- ings occur through the thick laminae of some species of Anostylo- stroma, but rare in other species. In Stromatoporella it may be dif- ficult to distinguish foramina from ring-pillars made by upturns and down-turns of the laminae (PI. 31, fig. 8). In the genus Actino- stroma the superposed galleries appear to have been connected normally by foramina in the laminae (PI. 31, fig. 9), the foramina being merely openings left between the radiating arms of the pillars. In the case of Actinostroma, at least, all of the galleries between the many laminae may have been connected with the surface of the coenosteum, and living tissue may have occupied all of the gal- leries at the same time. Occasional foramina occur through the laminae in Trupetostroma, Hermatostroma, Stromatopora, Stroma- toporella, Stictostroma, and also in all genera of the Idiostromatidae. The writer does not attach any systematic importance to the oc- currence of occasional foramina through the laminae, although they do occur more abundantly in some genera and some species than in others. Such foramina are not “‘zooidal tubes”, as used by Nichol- son, which are superposed galleries, frequently separated by tabulae. NEGLIGIPLE TAXONOMIC CHARACTERS 16. Latilaminae—Many coenostea of stromatoporoids grew in concentric or eccentric annulations, ordinarily 3 to 5 mm. thick- ness but in some cases running as high as 20 mm. Latilaminae are 386 BuLLeETIN 164 demarked by closer laminae, distorted laminae, by discontinuity of growth, and by thin layers of mud. The thick layers, or latilaminae (Nicholson, 1886, p. 40), constitute the structure most readily ob- served in hand specimens, and is the character by which stroma- toporoids are detected in the field. It was the latilaminae which sug- gested to Goldfuss the name Stromatopora (stroma, layer), for the layers are the most apparent feature of S. concentrica as figured by Goldfuss. In the hand specimen, the latilaminae of stromatopo- roids are not distinguishable from similar growth bands in Crypto- zoon and other stromatolites, and in associated corals, as Rhapi- dopora. Latilaminae are more apparent on weathered specimens than in unweathered specimens taken from excavations. At a given locality the latilaminae have much the same thickness regardless of the genus or species, because of the common ecological conditions, although it is apparent that some specimens grew faster than others, because the laminae are farther apart and latilaminae are thicker. Ordinarily growth is continued from one latilamina to the next and pillars may be continuous from one latilamina to the next. Speci- mens are found in which the latilaminae are separated in much of the specimen by layers of mud, so that growth was stopped and a new latilamina was made by overgrowth from some other part of the specimen. Latilaminae seem to be better marked in Stromatopora, Syringo- stroma, Parallelopora, and other species of Stromatoporidae; but latilaminae also occur in most of the genera of all of the families but are much less obvious in the Idiostromatidae. Specimens tend to separate between latilaminae. Where the specimens are solidly infiltrated, as at the Falls of the Ohio, latilaminae may not be ap- parent in a broken specimen. Lamination of limestone and of con- cretions and nodules simulate latilaminae, and thin sections may be necessary to show that such objects lack laminae, pillars, dissepi- ments, astrorhizae, and other structures characteristic of stroma- toporoids. It is most probable that latilaminae mark pauses in growth due to seasonal changes in temperature or other conditions of the water in which the organisms grew. At the junction of two latila- minae, the structure is usually finer than it is higher in the latila- minae, giving the analogy of annual rings of growth in wood. It is STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 387 the presence of latilaminae which enables the collector to distin- guish between stromatoporoids and mere pieces of rock in_ the field. Latilaminae should not be confused with thick laminae (Fritz and Waines, 1956, p. 116). The presence of latilaminae or their thickness, are without generic or specific significance, but they have a physiological or ecological explanation, as annual changes of seasons. It might even be possible to match the latilaminae for annual growth, as has been done for wood. It may be noted that other reef-building organisms, as algae and corals, are composed of latilaminae. (Faul, H., Am. Jour, seis 1943.) p2 579): 17. Peritheca——When specimens grew on a sediment, as clay or lime mud, they produced a wrinkled, thin, compact, lower layer, referred to here as peritheca, but sometimes less aptly called epi- theca and holotheca. The peritheca, when present, shows the lines of growth or latilaminae, as well figured by Nicholson (1886, pl. 3, fig. 7, 8) for Labechia. Such a wrinkled peritheca occurs at the base of stromatoporoids from the Middle Devonian Traverse shale at Rockport Quarry, Michigan, and at Thedford, Ontario. The peri- theca is ordinarily thin, a millimeter or less in thickness, and of more dense structure than the overlying normal skeletal tissue. In some cases it consists of cystose vesicles. Specimens which are at- tached to limestones ordinarily are broken off above the peritheca, so that it does not show. Also, specimens which have been weathered out usually have the peritheca destroyed. The presence or ab- sence or character of the peritheca seems to be entirely without systematic value. When studies of the early ontogeny of stroma- toporoids are eventually made, it will be necessary to find speci- mens with the peritheca preserved in the beginning stage of the coenosteum. It should be noted that the corrugation on the peri- theca are much wider than the latilaminae are in the same specimen, for the growth was greater laterally than it was vertically. 18. Caunopore tubes—The conspicuous, vertical tubes in some coenostea, which are about one millimeter in diameter and which have their own thick, laminated, compact proper walls, have been known as “caunopore tubes”, taking their name from the invalid generic name, Caunopora Phillips, 1841. Such tubes have 388 BULLETIN 164 convex overlapping cyst plates on the inside of the tubes, and some are infundibular, as they are in the coral genera Aulopora and Syringopora (Roemer, 1844, p. 5; 1880, p. 343). New tubes arise from the older tubes by small, short, horizontal stolonal tubes. Bargatzky’s Diapora (1881, p. 287) is an invalid name referring to a combination of Syringopora and different genera of stroma- toporoids. The caunopore tubes occur commonly in the genus Stroma- topora, and several specimens of Anostylostroma imsulare have abundant caunopore tubes. They also occur in the genus Stroma- toporella (Nicholson, 1886, pl. 10, figs. 1-7; Lecompte, 1951, pl. 24), in Actinostroma (Nicholson, 1886, pl. 17, figs. 1-6), in Stictostroma (Parks, 1936, p. 89), Gerronostroma (Yavorsky, 1955, pl. 12), but as yet have not been reported in other genera. The caunopore tubes are most abundant in Devonian specimens and only rarely found in the Silurian (Boehnke, 1915, pp. 173-174). Stromatopora with caunopore tubes occur in the top of the Silurian of New York. Caunopore tubes have not been reported in Ordovician forms. The writer agrees with Nicholson, Lecompte, Yavorsky, and most other students of stromatoporoids that the caunopore tubes are parasites of some different organism, probably the coral Syringo- pora. Kiihn (1939, p. A40) thought that the stromatoporoid at- tached itself to the caunopore organism, and the stromatoporoid was, therefore, the parasite. It may be insisted, agreeing with most students of stroma- toporoids, that the caunopore tubes do not constitute a generic or specific feature. A species may or may not have been parasitized by the colonial coral. GEOGRAPHIC OCCURRENCE OF STROMATOPOROIDEA The true Stromatoporoidea, which are confined to the Ordo- vician, Silurian, and Devonian periods, occur in abundance in the United States, Canada, England, France, Belgium, the Carnic Alps, Gotland, Estonia, Rheinland and northern Germany, Austria, Hol- land, Poland, Bohemia, Asia Minor, Urals, and southern Russia, Novaya Zemlya, Morocco, northern China, Manchuria, Korea, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 389 Japan, and Australia. No stromatoporoid has been reported from South America (not including the order Sphaeractinoidea as Stromatoporoidea). The geographic range is nearly confined to the northern temperate zone and the southern temperate zone of Australia. The main areas in North America where stromatoporoids occur are: Ordovician of Anticosti Island, Ottawa basin, Ontario, Baffin Land, Akpatok Island; Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alabama, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, New Mexico, Colo- rado, Wyoming, Nevada, and Alaska; Silurian of Quebec, Ontario, Hudson Bay, northern Canada, New York, Michigan, Ohio, In- diana, Kentucky, and Missouri; Devonian of Quebec, Ontario, Hud- son Bay, Mackenzie Basin, northern Canada, New York, New Jer- sey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, In- diana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, the northern Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada, and California. It is interesting that no Devonian stromatoporoid has been reported from Kentucky south of the Louisville areas, where Devonian limestones occur, and stromatoporoids may be expected; the writer has seen only one specimen, from the Princeton University Collections, from More- land, Kentucky. A fuller discussion occurs in Galloway and St. leans paper s(l957,opa190 STRATIGRAPHIC OCCURRENCE OF STROMATOPOROIDEA Yavorsky (1932, Centralbl. Miner., Geol., Palaeont., Abt. B, p. 613) announced the discovery of two genera of stromatoporoids from the Cambrian of western Siberia. The first form he placed in the genus Actinostroma. He remarked that the structure of that form is similar to Actinostroma from the Jurassic. Indeed, it is more like the Jurassic form than it is like Actinostroma, for the pillars are not continuous, and there are no radial processes, both of which any form must have to be placed in Actinostroma. The writer feels that something is amiss, and the specimen may be Jurassic and not Cambrian; it seems identical with Actinostroma- ria stellata Haug (Kiihn, 1939, p. A42, fig. 56). The other species Yavorsky placed in the genus Clathrodictyon. 390 BULLETIN 164 It has thin laminae with large pores through the laminae, the pillars are confined to one interlaminar space and they flare and divide upward. The structure is that of Anostylostroma from the Devon- ian. It cannot be admitted, without further checking, that such a form could possibly occur in the Cambrian, even if Archaeocyatha were reported from the same rock. Inasmuch as nearly all Ordo- vician stromatoporoids are composed of cysts, not of laminae as apply to post-Ordovician forms, one would expect Cambrian forms to be constructed of simple cysts, not of laminae and pillars. One should be skeptical if supposed Cambrian forms of any group of fossils have the structure of Mesozoic and Devonian forms. Obrutschew (1926, p. 86 et. seg.) announced the occurrence of “Stromatoporen” in Cambrian rocks of Siberia. He gave neither description nor figures of the objects he noted, so we do not know whether they were stromatoporoids or only stromatolites, as Crypt- ozoon and other algal bodies, which occur abundantly in Cambrian strata. The first undoubted stromatoporoids, the genera Cystostroma and Pseudostylodictyon, appear in the Middle Ordovician of Ver- mont, the Chazy limestone. It is probable that the horizon for stromatoporoids in Manchuria and northern China (Ozaki, 1938, p. 205) is also Middle Ordovician, about Black River in age. The Black River formations contain Crytophragmus, Sinodictyon, Rosen- ella, Dermatostroma, Labechia, Labechiella, Pseudolabechia, Strom- atocerum, and ?Lophiostroma. Stromatoporoids become more abundant in the Upper Ordovician with the continuation of the genera mentioned and the appearance of Aulacera (Ozaki’s Aula- cera, 1938, p. 217, seems to be Sinodictyon), and Clathrodictyon and doubtfully Stromatopora. Bioherms with stromatoporoids occur in both Middle and Upper Ordovician. In the Silurian the number of genera, species, and specimens increases greatly, and bioherms of stromatoporoids become more common and larger. The following genera occur: Rosenella, Pseudo- stylodictyon, Labechia, Pseudolabechia, Clathrodictyon, Anostylo- stroma, Stictostroma, Stromatoporella, Actinostroma, Lophio- stroma, Clavidictyon, Paramphipora, Amphipora, Ferestromato- pora, Stromatopora, Syringostroma, Parallelopora, Hermatostroma, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 391 and Actinodictyon. Of these 20 genera it would seem that Clathro- dictyon is most abundant and characteristic; most of them con- tinue into the Devonian. The following genera, so far as information shows at the present time, occur for the first time in the Devonian: Atelodictyon, Ger- ronostroma, Trupetostroma, Dendrostroma, Idiostroma, Stachyodes, Taleastroma, Clathrocoilona, and Synthetostroma. It would appear that the following genera are most abundant and most widespread and, therefore, most characteristic of the Devonian: Anostylostroma, Gerronostroma, Amphipora, Dendrostroma, Idiostroma, and Talea- stroma. The last undoubted stromatoporoids occur as bioherms and biostromes in the Upper Devonian of Iowa, and the late Devonian of Etroeungt of France, Belgium, and Germany, after which time the real stromatoporoids appear to have become extinct. It is a remarkable fact that no genuine stromatoporoid has been reported from the Mississippian from any place in world. The writer does not admit that Aphralysia is a stromatoporoid, but con- siders it to be an alga, similar to Girvanella. There have been few recorded occurrences of supposed stromatoporoids in post-Devenian. In America the only form from the Pennsylvanian which has been referred to a stromatoporoid is that reported by Newell (Jour. Paleont., vol. 9, p. 341), which form is surely a sponge, for it shows spicules which are recognizable as spicules by Newell. The forms found in the Permian by Waagen and Wentzel (1887, Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Pal. Indica, ser. 13, vol. 1, p. 942) and assigned by them to the Stromatoporoidea under the genera Arduorhiza, Circo- pora, Disjectopora and Irregulatopora have all the characters, in- cluding trabeculae, of the order Sphaeractinoidea. The writer does not consider them to belong to the Stromatoporoidea. Many forms have been found in the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Europe and Asia, but they are constructed of anastomosing rods or trabeculae, and they are admitted by all students of those forms to be Hydrozoa, but they belong in the order Sphaeractinoidea and not in the order Stromatoporoidea. It is remarkable that only one species of Sphaeractinoidea (called a stromatoporoid) has been de- scribed from North America (Wells, 1934, Jour. Paleont., p. 169), from the Lower Cretaceous of Texas. 392) BULLETIN 164 No forms has been referred to the Stromatoporoidea from the Cenozoic nor have the most closely related forms, the Sphaeractin- oidea, been reported from rocks later than the Mesozoic. Typical Hydrozoa, including the Hydractiniidae and the Milleporidae, occur from the Cretaceous to the Recent. In summary it may be stated that the typical Stroma- oporoidea appeared in the Middle Ordovician, greatly increased in number of forms and specimens in the Silurian, and reached their acme in forms and numbers in the Devonian, at the end of which time they became extinct. It should not be surprising if the simplest forms, Cystostroma, Rosenella, and Pseudostylodictyon should oc- cur in the Lower Ordovician. Some rare forms must have persisted during the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian and given rise to the Disjectoporidae of the Permian and the Stromatoporinidae. A table showing the stratigraphic and geologic range of the Stromatoporoidea, and their occurrence in biostromes and bioherms, was given by Galloway and St. Jean (1957, p. 58). ASTOGENY OF STROMATOPOROIDEA Nothing seems to have been published on the early coenosteal development, or astogeny, of the stromatoporoids. It would be use- ful in determining the ancestry and phylogeny of the stromatopo- roids and, therefore, the classification of the stromatoporoids, as has been done for some corals and Bryozoa. It is nearly impossible to get the early stages of stromatoporoids, especially those which were embedded in limestone, for the early developmental stages of the colonies are nearly always lost in free- ing the specimens from the matrix. Small specimens may be at- tached to corals and, in such cases, offer hope of finding the begin- ning stage. Specimens which were preserved in shale do show the beginning of the colony; but, in most cases, the early stage cannot be developed out by sawing or by other convenient means. At- tempts have been made to cut specimens through the nepionastic stage of many specimens, but the early stage could not be recog- nized in specimens which were most favorable, as Labechia huron- ensis, from the late Ordovician, and species of Stromatopora, from STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 393 the Middle Devonian of Michigan. Occurring with Cystostroma vermontense, n. sp. are bodies composed of a spherical chamber, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. in diameter, with a neck of 0.5 mm. long extending from the substratum; on each side of the spherical chamber are three annular cysts, which look like pairs in vertical sections, the lower attached to the lower side of the chamber, extending to the substratum, the second attached to the middle of the chamber, extending to the substratum, and the upper cysts attached to the top of the spherical chamber and ex- tending to the substratum. The most advanced specimen con- tinues upward into normal cysts of Cystostroma. The whole struc- ture is convex upward, 1 mm. high and 3 to 4 mm. in diameter ( PI. 36, fig. 3). The structure described is considered to be the begin- ning of the coenosteum and has been named the protocoenosteum (Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, p. 45). Four specimens in different stages of development occur in one section and are attached to and are covered by algal structures. No protocoenosteum of any other stromatoporoid is as yet known. Small specimens of Aulacera plummeri and other closely allied species of that genus from the late Ordovician of Indiana and Ken- tucky, are in reality neanic, or half-grown, specimens. In that stage specimens of Awlacera up to 30 to 40 mm. in diameter do not have any pillars; whereas, in specimens 40 to 120 mm. in diameter, there are pillars in the outer zones. Young specimens of Aulacera, in the lateral zone, recapitulate the adult stage of its ancestor, Cysto- stroma, which is massive in form and occurs earlier in the Ordo- vician. Aulacera is one of the few stromatoporoids which shows an adult stage different from the young stage. In parts of some specimens of Labechia huronensis there are groups of dividing and flaring pillars in the outer zones (PI. 36, fig. 9). The meaning of such pillars is puzzling, whether specific or a phylogerontic or a pathologic character. Ozaki’s figure of Labechiella mingshankouensis (1938, pl. 23, fig. 1d) shows cysts in the submature stage and straight laminae in the mature stage, indicating that Labechia, made entirely of cysts and round pillars, was the ancestor of Labechtella. Specimens of Stromatoceriwm canadense, which consists of wide 394 BULLETIN 164 cysts with short pillars in part of the coenosteum, a perfect Rosen- ella stage, is followed by broad cysts with long, irregular pillars in another part of the coenosteum, the Stromatoceriwm stage. One specimen shows the Stromatocerium stage followed by a Rosenella stage. Repetition of immature and mature zones is of common oc- currence in colonial corals and in trepostomatous Bryozoa. The early, attached stages of Aulacera, and Cryptophragmus must have been explanate. Yavorsky (1955, p. 71, pl. 36, fig. 3) discussed the position of Awlacera in life, figured a specimen with an enlarged attachment at the small end, and favored the idea that in life they stood vertically with the small end downward. Dermatostroma and Labechia occur together in the same beds of the Richmond group at Clarksville, Ohio (Foerste, 1916, pl. 1, fig. 1, 3), and they may be related, but the writer does con- sider that Dermatostroma is an early astogenetic stage of Labechia since it is not composed of cysts. Three other facts would indicate that the early stages of many of the genera of stromatoporoids, particularly the Clathrodictyidae and the Actinostromatidae, had ancestors made of cysts rather than of laminae. Clathrodictyon was derived from a form composed of cysts, because it is also formed of cysts, albeit arranged side by side rather than in an imbricating matter. Secondly, the presence of cyst plates in most of the genera of all of the families of stroma- toporoids, indicates that the cysts are of some fundamental im- portance. They may well be ancestral characters which are still retained in derived families. Another fact which indicates that cysts are primitive and fundamental structures in the stromatoporoids, is the presence of cystose repair tissue, where specimens were in- jured or rejuvenated; in such cases the beginning tissue, even in such advanced genera as Stromatoporella, is composed of cysts. Latilaminae, in genera with typical laminae and pillars, may start with cysts at the bases, then change to laminae and pillars (PI. 36, fig. 8). The coenosteum of stromatoporoids seems to have been a bio- logic colony, rather than an individual; hence, the use of astogeny, meaning colonial development, in preference to ontogeny, cr in- dividual development. There is little evidence, outside of the STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 395 presence of astrorhizae in some species, that the coenosteum was a collection of individuals. Most coenostea are composed either of cysts, of cysts and pillars, or of laminae and pillars, all parts of the coenosteum having the same structure, except for variations due to pauses in growth or accidents. In the case of specimens with astrorhizae, there were two kinds of structure, that without and that with astrorhizae. It was suggested in Section 10 above that astrorhi- zae may have had something to do with the reproduction of the stromatoporoids, and that specimens with astrorhizae were dimor- phic in structure and function. Inasmuch as each coenosteum was obviously produced by the proliferation of a single polyp, or early ontogenetic stage of some kind, one might think of the coenosteum as being one individual animal. The coenosteum is generally con- sidered to be a colony. ANCESTRY AND PHYLOGENY OF STROMATOPOROIDEA It is necessary to know the phylogeny of a group of organisms before a natural classification can be made, and the species, genera and higher groups discussed in correct order. Ideally, a classifica- tion is built on the basis of comparative structure, and the ap- plication of the Law of Recapitulation, checked by the known geologic range of each taxonomic group used in the classification. The ancestor of a group of organisms should be older and simpler than the oldest member of the group. The phylogeny of the Stromatoporoidea, as shown in_ the chart, p. 396, is constructed on the basis of similarity of structure of the families and genera, the simplest coming first in the arrange- ment, and on geologic occurrence, the oldest coming first. The Labechiidae must come first, because it is most primitive and the ancestor, directly or indirectly of all other families. The Clathro- dictyidae and Actinostromatidae come next being moderately modi- fied. The Idiostromatidae are highly evolved in the form of the coenosteum, and the Stromatoporidae are highly evolved in the great development of secondary tissue which is maculate. The relationship of the genera within a family is determined by the degrees of similarities and the changes judged adequate to produce another genus. 396 BULLETIN 164 NOALIIGONILIV VWOYLSOLVWY3SH V¥Od01311VYVd \ YVWOYNLSOONIYAS \ VWONLSV 3 1VL [ VYOdOLVWOYNLS || VYOdOLVWOYLS3Y 34 | [_vaoamany | VYeOdIHdWV4 Vd NOALSIGIAV 19 \ a VWOYLSONILOV \ NOALDIGONS LV IX VWOYLSOTALSONY en ees V113IH039V1 WNId 3 DOLVWOULS VIHO38V1 ~ NOALOIGOIALSOaNaSd SNWOVYHdDOLdAYD NOALOIGONIS ee VWOYXLSOLVWYS0 DEVONIAN SILURIAN ORDOVICIAN TISSUE MACULATE CYSTS T, FIBROUS, TUBULOSE OR VACUOLATE | SSSI COMPACT AND FLOCCULENT | TISSUE COMPAC AND PILLARS FORM COLUMNAR AXIAL TUBE OR NOT SKELETON OF LAMINAE, SKELETON OF DISSEPIMENTS PILLARS LONG, SHORT OR ABSENT PILLARS PILLARS PILLARS ABSENT, SHORT OR LONG savdaldOd -OLVWOUYLS S AIIWY4 3VaGILV -WOUYLSOIC! b AIIWV4 AVGILVW -OYULSONILOV € AIIWVWS SVGIALSIO -OYHLV19 2 AIIWV4 SVGIIHSS8V 1 | AIWYV4 FAMILIES GEOLOGIC RANGES AND RELATIONSHIPS OF THE FAMILIES AND GENERA OF STROMATOPOROIDEA STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 397 The oldest undoubted stromatoporoids occur in the Middle Ordovician. The simplest Ordovician forms consist of arched cysts, without pillars, and a laminar or massive coenosteum. Such a form is Cystostroma. The oldest known species of that genus is Cysto- stroma vermontense, n. sp., of the Middle Ordovician of Isle La Motte, Vermont (PI. 31, fig. 1; Pl. 32, fig. 1). One would, there- fore, expect a Cambrian stromatoporoid ancestral form to consist merely of small cyst plates, without pillars or columns, and without astrorhizae. The laminae should be thin and dense but perhaps with an inner layer of flocculent, thickening tissue. Stromatoporoidea may have evolved from the Archaeocyatha, from such a form as Exocyathus (Okulitch, 1943, Geol. Soc. Amer. Spec. Pap. 48, p. 83, pls: 16, 17) Other simple and primitive genera of stromatoporoids are Rosenella, Pseudostylodictyon, and Sinodictyon (Ozaki, 1938, pp. 208, 216, 218). On the basis of the adult earliest stromatoporoids, and the probable protocoenosteum, any Cambrian or Lower Ordo- vician stromatoporoid should be composed of dissepiments, re- sembling Cystostroma, with a spherical chamber at the beginning of the coenosteum. The method of determining the ancestry by means of the Law of Recapitulation, or Biogenetic Law, cannot as yet be fully applied to the stromatoporoids. We do not ordinarily have the beginning stage, for the specimens are attached to the rock, and in breaking them out the early stage is nearly always lost. In the case of weath- ered or silicified specimens, the early stage has been destroyed. Cryptophragmus of the Middle Ordovician may have been derived from the Cystostroma by the piling up of the cysts in a vertical column. Labechia may have been developed from Cystostroma by early appearance of the pillars. The significance of Dermatostroma is in doubt; it seems to show the development of pillars, monticules, and even incipient astrorhizae. The structural advance made in the stromatoporoids in Ordovician time was the development of long pillars, columns, and the coalescence of plates into laminae, and an upright coenosteum. Ordovician forms are characteristically composed of imbricating curved plates. The most significant paper on Ordovician Stromatoporoidea is that of Ozaki (1938, p. 205)- 398 BULLETIN 164 The small family Clathrodictyidae, characterized by cysts ar- ranged side by side, and by laminae and short pillars with remnants of cysts, might well have been derived from one of the Labechiidae in the late Ordovician (Twenhofel, 1927, p. 107) by the side by side placing of the cysts, rather than being overlapped or imbricated, as in the Labechiidae. The ancestor of the Actinostromatidae may have been Ano- stylostroma. Ozaki (1938, p. 207) calls attention to the resemblance of his Ordovician forms to Actinostroma. Great numbers of real cysts occur in the family Actinostromatidae, especially in some species of Trupetostroma. The Idiostromatidae show greatest simi- larity in tissue structure to Trupetostroma. There are specimens of Idiostroma in the late Devonian of Missouri (U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 39733) which have a massive coenosteum, like Trupetostroma or Gerronostroma, from which rise mamelon, astrorhizal columns 1 cm. or more high; the age is too young for it to have been an- cestral to the family, but it seems to show the mode of derivation of the ramose coenostea. Clavidictyon has no axial, cystose column, which shows that a column could arise without the presence of astrorhizae. The origin of the type family, the Stromatoporidae, is not clear. The family has laminae and some genera have primary pil- lars, and both long and short secondary pillars, and a considerable number of cyst plates, but it is characterized by the thickening tissue on the laminae and the pillars, which tissue is full of small, round spots giving a maculate appearance not seen in the previous families. Some of the genera of the Stromatoporidae, Stromatopora, Syringostroma, and Parallelopora, have pillars constructed of sec- ondary tissue. The pillars of Syringostroma and Parallelopora are not well marked by an outer boundary, as is true of the pillars of the first three families, which have primary pillars. Several of the genera, Taleastroma, Hermatostroma, Clathrocoilona, Syntheto- stroma, and Actinodictyon, have pillars not composed entirely of secondary, maculate material. The development within the family Stromatoporidae is in modification of fundamental structures, en- largement of pillars in Syringostroma, and development of large superposed maculae in Parallelopora. In Synthetostroma and Actino- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 399 dictyon the conspicuous development of cyst plates is the diagnostic feature, similar to Anostylostroma, and in Clathrocoilona and Synthetostroma the pillars are confined to one interlaminar space again resembling Anostylostroma. The family Stromatoporidae must have been the ancestor of the order Sphaeractinoidea. The order Stromatoporoidea became suddenly extinct at the end of the Devonian, mostly by extermina- tion, but in the case of a few genera, Anostylostroma, Actinostroma, Hermatostroma, and Stromatopora, the extinction may have been by evolution. Several Mesozoic Sphaeractinoidea resemble Stroma- toporoidea: Sphaeractinia (Kiihn, 1939, p. A55) resembles Ano- stylostroma; Heptastylus (Kiihn, 1939, p. A60) resembles Hermato- stroma, including astrorhizae, and Stromatoporina (Kiihn, 1939, p. A47), Parastromatopora, and Epistromatopora Yabe and Sugi- yama (1935, p. 176) vaguely resemble Stromatopora, including the presence of astrorhizae. The Mesozoic genera are composed of rod- like trabeculae, rather than of laminae and pillars, and dissepiments seem to be absent and the tissue structure differs from that of Stromatoporoidea, so they are typical members of the order Sphaeractinoidea. The tissue in Parastromatopora has large, oval “micropores. (Yabe and Sugiyama, 1935, pl. 41, fig. 2; pl. 44, fig. 3; pl. 45, fig. 1). The tissue of Epistromatopora is composed of expanding fibers (1935, Yabe and Sugiyama, pl. 71, fig. 1, 2). The Mesozoic family Stromatoporinidae and the Permian family Dis- jectoporidae are better placed in the order Sphaeractinoidea, since they are characterized by trabeculae. The finer structure of the tissue of most late Paleozoic and Mesozoic forms is not well known; it is usually shown as if it were dense or structureless, or with an expanding fibrous structure. The vague resemblance of Mesozoic sphaeractinoids to the middle Paleozoic stromatoporoids caused Lecompte (1956, p. F107) to intermingle Paleozoic and Mesozoic genera in the same families. It is a most remarkable fact that no example of either the order Stromatoporoidea or the order Sphaeractinoidea has been discovered from the Mississippian (not admitting that Aphralysia is a genus of Stromatoporoidea). The reason for the extermination of the Stromatoporoidea with the beginning of the Mississippian is 400 BULLETIN 164 not apparent. There are few other orders of organisms which became extinct at that time, although there was a great decline in corals, trilobites, and graptolites. There seems to have been no great geo- logic, paleogeographic, or climatic change which took place with the close of the Devonian; and there is little evidence of the sudden development of new enemies of the stromatoporoids. If a Missis- sipplan stromatoporoid were found it should look like either Ano- stylostroma or Actinostroma, or the tissue would be maculate, and the genus like some member of the family Stromatoporidae. Aphralysia could scarcely be the same as Awlacera, as stated by Ozaki (1938, p. 213), for they have little similarity. ECOLOGY OF STROMATOPOROIDEA Stromatoporoids are sessile, benthonic, marine organisms, most often associated with corals, and occur frequently in limestones, rarely in calcareous shales. They probably lived in a clear, shallow, moving water, of tropical to subtropical environment. Latilaminae indicate annual warm and cold seasons. Stromatoporoids have been reported in large numbers in_bio- herms (organic reefs), in biostromes (organic limestones) or in “banks” (Riabinin, 1941, p. 49, 82). They may also occur as randomly scattered specimens in limestone, as in the late Ordovician of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and in calcareous shales, as in the Middle Devonian Bell shale of Michigan. Some of the reefs, especially in the Devonian Traverse group of Michigan (from which the writer has collected material) con- tain angular conglomeratic fragments of stromatoporoids (Fenton, M. A., 1931, p. 200, fig. 2)*, suggesting a local, small scale, storm breccia. Such reefs must have been built near the surface of the sea, and have been subject to constant wave action, as are pres- ent reefs. Large specimens of stromatoporoids, over 30 cm. in diameter occur upside down in the great reef at the Falls of the Ohio. As modern day coral reefs are not composed exclusively of coral, so the stromatoporoid reefs are most often not composed 1 Complete references are given in Galloway and St. Jean, 1956, Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, p. 170. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 401 entirely of stromatoporoids. The diversification of kinds of organisms is not so great, however, as in the case of the Recent coral reefs (Fenton, C. L., 1931, p. 204). The lack of variety of organisms in the reefs may be due to the encrusting nature of many of the stromatoporoids; they grew over each other or over other or- ganisms, thereby completely engulfing the organisms over which they grew. More likely, the lack of variety of reef organisms is due to the relatively small number of organisms adapted or specialized for the rigors of a reef environment. Stromatoporoids, together with colonial corals and calcareous algae, form typical bioherms in the Middle Ordovician, lower Chazy- an, on Isle La Motte, Vermont (Raymond, 1924, p. 72) and in the lower and middle Chazyan of northeastern New York (Oxley, 1951, p. 92), and in the middle and upper Chazyan, and Black River of Isle La Motte (Seely, 1904, p. 144). The oldest, authentic stromatoporoid known, Cystostroma vermontense, occurs in a reef or large accumulation of stromatoporoids and calcareous algae, in the middle Chazyan, 1 mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vermont, collected by Dr. Marshall Kay, 1954. Great number of Aulacera occur two miles southwest of Deats- ville, Nelson County, Kentucky, in the basal Liberty formation; the occurrence has been referred to as the “Bardstown Reef.” A bed of limestone three feet thick, three miles west of Madi- son, Indiana, in the late Richmond, Whitewater formation, is made up almost entirely of Labechia huronensis; a bioherm of the same species, at the same horizon, occurs at the dam site of the Mascata- tuck State Farm, Butlerville, Indiana. Stromatoporoids occur in large numbers with normal marine invertebrates, where reefs were not formed, and between reefs. For example, Bassler recorded (1932, p. 113) a large invertebrate fauna accompanying large and abundant “Stromatocerium” (La- bechia) pustulosum, and Wilson (1948, p. 45) recorded a large fauna with stromatoporoids from the Middle Ordovician of Ot- tawa. Clathrodictyon occurs abundantly on Anticosti Island in the Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian, with a large invertebrate fauna (Twenhofel, 1928, p. 107). Reefs of the Silurian of Indiana (Cumings and Shrock, 1928, p. 145) are highly dolomitized, so 402 BULLETIN 164 that most of the original fauna has been destroyed, but give some evidence of having been made of stromatoporoids and _ corals. Stromatoporoids only slightly altered occur in some of the reefs, as in the Silurian at Lapel, Indiana. Stromatoporoids and a few corals make up the Silurian reefs of the Chicago region (Fenton, 1931, p. 204). A large marine invertebrate fauna occurs with stroma- toporoids in the limestone of Kitakami Mountainland of Japan, described by Sugiyama (1940, p. 99). Neither bioherms nor bio- stromes were mentioned by Sugiyama. In the Devonian bioherms at Alpena, Michigan, stromatoporoids make the bulk of several reefs, and there are a few corals, Hexa- gonaria and Emmonsia. Between reefs, as at the Potter Farm, just west of Alpena, stromatoporoids occur with abundant brachiopods and corals. At Petoskey, Michigan, stromatoporoids make bio- herms, with few other fossils, and the stromatoporoid heads and branches, have been broken and tumbled about, making a breccia (Fenton, 1931, p. 199). The breccia proves that the reefs were in shallow water and were hammered by the breakers. At Bay View, Michigan, two miles northeast of Petoskey, corals, and stroma- toporoids occur in profusion in the interreef facies of thinbedded limestones. Roemer (1880, p. 343) and Nicholson (1886, pp. 110-130) considered the caunopora tubes associated with stromatoporoids to be commensal tabulate corals, as Aulopora or Syringopora, but since in some cases the corallites are completely engulfed in the coenosteum, Kiihn (1939, p. A40) considered it likely that the stromatoporoids parasitized the corals. It is apparent that stromatoporoids could not compete with corals in a muddy habitat; for example, stromatoporoids are rare in the Devonian Hamilton shale of Thedford, Ontario, which 1s famous for its coral and invertebrate fauna, and the same is true for the Hamilton shale of western New York. The famous coral reef at the Falls of the Ohio at Jeffersonville, Indiana, consists mostly of both single and colonial corals, lying in position as left by wave action; perhaps ten percent of the organic material consists of stromatoporoid heads, from a few centimeters to nearly a meter in diameter, and specimens 35 cm. in diameter and weighing as much STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 403 as 30 pounds are found upside down. The specimens have been completely infiltrated with calcite since burial and at time of depo- sition may have weighed only 10 pounds or less, since the skeleton of most stromatoporoids were frail before burial. Lecompte (1951, p. 53) stated that corals and stromatoporoids do not normally occur together in the biostromes and bioherms in the Frasnian series of Belgium. In the late Devonian of Iowa stromatoporoids make biostromes and so do corals, but they tend to occur separately. At Nora Springs, there are two beds of stromatoporoids separated by a 10- foot bed of shale. Just north of Floyd, Iowa, in the Cedar Valley formation, large round heads of stromatoporoids, no corals, occur tumbled in a limestone breccia, probably the flank of a bioherm. Stromatoporoids are mentioned only in references in the Trea- tise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology (Geol. Soc. Amer., Mem. SK IS Sibi WE THO In summary, stromatoporoids are indicative of a clear, warm, shallow water, marine environment, with annual change of seasons, some stromatoporoid bioherms show that they could flourish in water only a few feet deep, and subject to the pounding of break- ers, as in present organic reefs. FOSSILIZATION OF STROMATOPOROIDEA The skeletons of stromatoporoids were originally constructed of calcium carbonate, apparently in the form of calcite, rather than that of aragonite, for there is little indication of change in the form of crystallization since the skeletons were made. As stated by Nicholson (1886, p. 30), there is no possibility of the skeleton having been originally siliceous and having been replaced by calcite. Indeed, the writer knows of no genuine example of replacement of an originally siliceous skeleton of any organism by calcium car- bonate, including sponges, notwithstanding statements to the con- trary in text-books. Stromatoporoids obtained from solid limestone or shaley lime- stone, and which are obtained from quarries, road cuts, and stream gorges, or other fresh exposures, are well preserved. They have 404 BULLETIN 164 been preserved by infiltration of calcium carbonate from solution in ground water, and the original structures of the laminae, pillars, and cyst plates are usually preserved in their original condition. Even finer structures are well preserved, such as the dark spots in the laminae and pillars, of forms in which the tissue is maculate, or has pores through the laminae, and the lighter centers of pillars, and even the exceedingly fine laminae of which pillars may be con- structed are also well preserved. The tissue of both laminae and pillars shows more or less leaching and recrystallization in speci- mens from porous limestone. The appearance of preservation of stromatoporoids is the equal of that of other forms which are studied by means of thin sections: Bryozoa, tabulate corals, the fusulinids, calcareous algae, and others. Stromatoporoids, which are suitable for study by means of thin sections, should be collected from rocks which have been little disturbed and little weathered. Specimens of stromatoporoids from the Middle Devonian lime- stones of Indiana, as near Logansport, Charlestown, and the Falls of the Ohio, are so well preserved that there is little to be desired. Specimens from the Middle Devonian limestones of Ohio, Ontario, New York, northern Michigan, Illinois, and Missouri, are also per- fectly preserved by infiltration of calcite, as also are specimens from the Upper Devonian limestones of Iowa. Specimens from the Middle Devonian of the Meshberger Quarry, eight miles southeast of Columbus, Indiana, are white and chalky in appearance; they have not been solidly infiltrated with calcium carbonate, and they may be slightly leached. There has been a slight amount of recrystallization of the tissue, yet most structures may be satisfactorily studied and photographed. Specimens of stromatoporoids which occur at or near the sur- face of limestones are weathered considerably and the original cal- careous structures have been modified by recrystallization, so that laminae and pillars may be destroyed, and all finer structures have been destroyed in the recrystallization of the calcite which made up the skeleton. The specimens of stromatoporoids which occur in Ordovician limestone of the Mohawk Valley have been considerably altered by weathering and recrystallization, and the tissue may be colorless, whereas the matrix is gray or dark. It seems most im- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 405 probable that the original calcite of the skeleton has been removed by solution and then replaced by calcite, as considered by Nicholson, (1886, p. 32). Usually specimens were infiltrated before any considerable pressure of overlying rocks developed on them. In some cases the originally frail skeleton has been crushed before infiltration, produc- ing a false condition of close laminae and irregular pillars. Crushed specimens of Anostylostroma columnare (Parks) occur at Marble- head, Ohio, and crushed specimens of Stromatoporella occur in southern Indiana. “Clathrodictyon” townsendi Parks (1936, pl. 4, 1-3) seems to be a crushed specimen of “C.” insulare Parks. “C.” ohioense Parks may be the same species, only slightly crushed; they are all from the same horizon and locality, Kelleys Island, Ohio. Stromatoporoids which occur in dolomitic limestone, such as the Middle Ordovician of Nashville, Tennessee, the Middle Silurian of northern Indiana, and the Middle Devonian of Petoskey, Mich- igan, exhibit latilaminae, but most of the finer structure has been destroyed by dolomitization. Such specimens are unsatisfactory for study, for the histological structures are largely or totally destroyed. Dolomitized specimens also exhibit a secondary porosity of the tissue which came about when the fossils were dolomitized. In the Silurian bioherm at Wabash, Indiana, infiltration, dolomitization, and recrystallization have destroyed all traces of fossils through- out the greater part of the bioherm, which is 900 feet long and 25 to 40 feet thick, although traces of stromatoporoids and Bryozoa occur in places. Cumings and Shrock (1928, p. 145) consider the reef rock to have been “extensively diagenized,” especially in the core of the bioherm. The Geneva limestone, Middle Devonian, just below the Jeffersonville limestone of Shelby, Bartholomew, Jen- nings, and Jefferson counties, Indiana, is brown, porous dolomite, in which the fossils have been almost completely destroyed. No stroma- toporoids have been recognized excepting Amphipora, which occurs in abundance in the form of molds and vague coenostea showing the axial tube. Specimens of Labechia pustulosa (Safford), from the type locality, the upper Trenton limestone of Nashville, Ten- nesee, are so badly dolomitized that the structure can be determined 406 BULLETIN 164 only in an occasional specimen, but the surface mamelons are preserved. Specimens found at the surface of a limestone frequently are in part or wholly silicified, in which case the structures finer than latilaminae are largely or totally destroyed. It is not widely under- stood that calcareous fossils are silicified during the last stages of weathering and destruction of the limestone containing them. At the Falls of the Ohio the upper sides of corals and stromato- poroids frequently have a thin crust of silica, produced by the running water, whereas the rest of the fossils are in their original calcareous condition. When a specimen is partly weathered, the outside may be silicified all the way round and the inside of the specimen be still more or less in its original condition, as for ex- ample, a specimen of Cystostroma from the Middle Ordovician of Frankfort, Kentucky, (299- 68, 69). It has been the plaint of Nichol- son (1886, p. 31, pl. 2, figs. 1-5) and also that of Parks (1910, p. 8) that many of the specimens were so poorly preserved that the in- ternal structures could not be made out with any satisfaction. The main reason for the poor preservation is that the fossils came from weathered rocks. In some places weathered specimens are all that are available. Black River stromatoporoids from the Mohawk Valley of New York have been in part recrystallized and in part silicified in the same specimen. In the buhrstone or silicified bed of the basal Jeffersonville limestone of Jennings County, Indiana, the calcareous matrix and galleries are replaced by silica, the fossils have been dissolved, and only the hollow molds of Amphzipora and corals re- main. In cases of incipient silicification there are small spheres of silica within the coenosteum, as well as at the surface, in which case the tissue may be destroyed at those places. Specimens with beekite or chalcedony rings at the surface show no original struc- ture. In rare cases, as specimens from the Middle Devonian, one mile northwest of Hanover, Indiana, and from the Middle De- vonian of Moreland, Kentucky, the specimens and infiltrated cal- cite have been totally silicified, but still the structure can be fairly well made out. Silicified specimens are mostly worthless for identifi- cation. Specimens in cores from oil wells are as well preserved as are corals, bryozoans, or any other fossil. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 407 Specimens may have been replaced or “injected” by iron oxide, as some of those mentioned by Nicholson (1886, p. 217, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2). In the case of infiltrated and perfectly preserved specimens, the skeletal structures in thin section have a gray ap- pearance; whereas the infiltrated calcite in the galleries and pores is nearly perfectly transparent. Specimens preserved in_ black limestone, such as the Black River limestone of New York, show dark material in the galleries, which dark appearance is due to carbonaceous material or hydrocarbons in the limestone and also in the galleries of the fossils. The material may have the appearance of clay or carbonaceous clay, but since clay is not soluble in water it could not have been infiltrated into the specimen and clay could get in only through fractures. In such cases the usual appearance is reversed, the galleries are dark and the laminae and pillars are light (Nicholson, 1886, pl. 2, figs. 4, 5). In orogenic areas, such as the Appalachians, the Ardennes of Belgium, and the Kitakami Mountainland of Honshu, Japan, speci- mens have been infiltrated by calcium carbonate and later broken in the folding of the rocks, so that the specimens have veins filled with calcite, but on the whole the structure of the fossil can still be made out satisfactorily. The general impression that the structures of the skeletons of stromatoporoids are obscure and difficult to decipher comes from studying specimens which were picked up from the soil or the weathered surface and are badly weathered, dolomitized, or silicified. It is notable that specimens obtained from glacial drift at Ann Arbor, Michigan (Parks, 1910, p. 10), may be well preserved. Even Devonian pebbles in Triassic conglomerate (Nicholson, 1892, p. 219, pl. 28, figs. 4-6) may contain well-preserved stromatoporoids. In times past it was possible to collect stromatoporoids only from scattered exposures, or from stream valleys, as south of Richmond, Indiana, or from sea cliffs, as on Anticosti Island. At present it is possible to collect fresh specimens from the hundreds of quarries, railroad cuts, and road cuts now available and made accessible by good roads and automobiles. There is, therefore, little excuse for describing new species from silicified or otherwise badly preserved specimens. 408 BuLLETIN 164 SYSTEMATIC POSITION OF STROMATOPOROIDEA The biologic relationships of the Stromatoporoidea have been discussed by many authors, and they have been placed in many different groups. A good summary of the facts and arguments of- fered by proponents of the various theories has recently been given by Lecompte (1951, p. 27; 1956, p. F121). It is not intended in the present work to present an extensive discussion of the systematic position of the Stromatoporoidea, but a brief summary of ideas is in order. There is considerable resemblance between the large, hemi- spherical, laminated masess of Paleozoic rocks, termed stromatolites (Cloud, 1942, p. 363), or calcareous algae, especially Cryptozoon, and the stromatoporoids. But the presence of definite laminae, pil- lars, galleries, cyst plates, or dissepiments, tabulae, mamelons, astrorhizae, and of fibrous, porous or dotted structures of the laminae, and the obviously more complex and more highly advanced structure of the stromatoporoids, is convincing evidence that the stromatoporoids are not algae, and the two are not in the same kingdom. The stromatoporoids do not have cellular structure as do Solenopora, Girvanella, Lithothamnium, and other calcareous algae. An attempt was made by Hickson (1934, p. 433) to show that the Stromatoporoidea are Foraminifera, by comparing the stroma- toporoid structure with that of the Recent “Gypsina” plana (Carter). In the first place, “G.” plana, which is an encrustation on corals, is not a Gypsina, whose type species is a small, globular form, Gypsina vesicularis (Parker and Jones), but is either a degene- rate Foraminifera similar to Acervulina, or more probably, is a hydroid similar to Hydractinia. “G.” plana, if it is a foraminifer, is a degenerate form similar to Acervulina and Carpenteria, and derived from coarsely perforate Rotaliidae. One should scarcely ex- pect degenerate, Recent organisms to have more than an accidental similarity with the large, but not degenerate, organisms from the lower Paleozoic. Secondly, there is no similarity between “G.” plana and any stromatoporoid, and a comparison of Hickson’s own figures of “G.” plana with the best examples of real stromatoporoids that Hickson could choose, shows their entire dissimilarity. Thirdly, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 409 there is no similarity between either “G.” plana or the stroma- toporoids to the minute Foraminifera in arrangement of chambers or in wall structure, either the hyaline, porcellaneous, or arenaceous groups. Fourthly, there are no intermediate or connecting forms between the lower Paleozoic Stromatoporoidea and any Foraminifera of the Paleozic, Mesozoic, or the Cenozoic. Fifthly, surely no one would try to show a relationship between the Stromatoporoidea of the lower Paleozoic and the characteristic Foraminifera of the upper Paleozoic, the Fusulinidae, nor with the Mesozoic and lower Cenozoic Nummulitidae and Orbitoididae. There is a_ similarity in the growth layers between Pseudogypsina ‘Trauth, 1918 (Denkschr. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturw. cl., vol. 95, p. 244) from the Eocene of Austria and Stromatopora. Pseudogypsina is most likely a hydroid, and related to Hydractinia, and would lend itself as a small item of proof that stromatoporoids are hydroids. Parks, (1935, p. 18) also made an unconvincing attempt to show that stromatoporoids are similar in tissue structure (“fiber”) and vertical tabulate tubes “like those of the milleporoid Stroma- toporoidea,” to the Foraminifera. His arguments were based on hypotheses rather than on facts. A cursory comparison of the figures of both Hickson and Parks of “G.” plana and the supposedly similar stromatoporoids should be sufficient to demonstrate their dissimilarity. It surely cannot be admitted by anyone who is fa- miliar with Foraminifera (Parks said, p. 19, “having little know- ledge of Foraminifera”) that there is any comparison between the minute, simple Foraminifera, known definitely only from the Silur- ian and later, and the massive, laminated bodies of the stromato- poroids of the Ordovician to the Devonian. Nor is the tissue struc- ture of the Stromatoporoidea similar to the wall structure of the Foraminifera, either of the hyaline or porcellaneous or arenaceous or the alveolar (fusulinid), or siliceous (especially Silurian), walls of Foraminifera. The “basal chambers” of Parks (p. 28) are dis- sepiments, and are remnants of Ordovician ancestors, which were composed essentially of dissepiments. And it may be insisted that there is no essential structural similarity, either megascopic or microscopic, other than that both groups are animals, between the stromatoporoids and the groups of larger Foraminifera, the Fusu- 410 BuLLetin 164 linidae, the Acervulinidae, the nummulites, or the orbitoids. Le- compte (1951, p. 31) has refuted Hickson’s and Park’s arguments and hypotheses effectively. The writer is familiar with Foraminifera, and sees no basis for confusing them with stromatoporoids. The idea that stromatoporoids were sponges was entertained early in the study of the group (d’Orbigny, 1850; Rosen, 1869; Salter, 1873: Nicholson and Murie, 1878), but the thorough work of Carter (1877, 1878) in comparing stromatoporoids with calcareous Hydrozoa has convinced all workers excepting two (Parks and Twitchell), since that time that the Stromatoporoidea are Hydrozoa related to the Hydractiniidae and Milleporidae. Carter’s state- ment (1877, p. 73), “All this chain of evidence seems to lead to the conclusion that the whole of these organisms, both recent and fos- sil, were species of Hydrozoa, and neither Foraminifera nor Spon- ges,” is well stated. Carter was an important authority on Fora- minifera, sponges and Hydrozoa, so that he could speak from per- sonal knowledge of all three groups, and also of the Stromatopo- roidea. Only Twitchell (1929, p. 270) made a serious effort to prove that the typical stromatoporoids are sponges. He insisted (p. 281) without sufficient knowledge that “sponges are the only modern forms of life that include foreign organisms in any way analogous to the inclusion of caunopore tubes in the stromatopo- roids,’ admitting with nearly all students that the caunopore tubes were parasitic organisms. He found structures analogous to as- trorhizae in the fresh-water sponge Spongilla fragilis, but as he admitted (p. 270) that analogy is not demonstration. Twitchell also considered many other analogies, also unconvincing. His iden- tification of spicules in “Stromatopora centrotum’” (pl. 25, figs. 1, 2) may be denied, as due to some accident of nature or of man. His specimen is probably not a stromatoporoid. The writer agrees with Lecompte (1951, p. 30) that he has seen no example of spicules in a stromatoporoid. The total absence of a spicular struc- ture in the stromatoporoids, the absence of a vaselike shape, the absence of an osculum and canals through the body, and the pres- ence of cystose and Jaminar structure, precludes them from being sponges. They may have evolved from the Cambrian aberrent sponges, the Archaeocyatha, as e.g., Exocyathus (Okulitch, 1943, p2 03; pis: 16,17). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 411 Many students of hydroids and of stromatoporoids have noted their essential similarity, particularly between the family Hydractin- iidae and the family Actinostromatidae. The similarities between the lower and middle Paleozoic Stromatoporoidea and the Cenozoic and Recent Hydrozoa are not obvious, excepting in shape of coenostea, being constructed of layers, and lacking individual polyps or coral- lites. The similarities between the tissue of stromatoporoids and the hydroids is scarcely sufficient to divide the Stromatoporoidea into a “Hydractinoid” and a “Milleporoid” group (Nicholson, 1886, pe 7/4 wcavorskys, 1955, p.07 ))- The writer agrees with Lindstrom, Carter, Zittel, Steinmann, Bargatzky, Nicholson, Waagen and Wentzel, Poéta, Dehorne, Tripp, Kiihn, Steiner, Ripper, Yabe and Sugiyama, Ozaki, Yavorsky, Le Maitre, Lecompte, and most other students of stromatoporoids of the present century, that stromatoporoids are Hydrozoa. The Paleozoic stromatoporoids are of the scale of organiza- tion of undoubted Hydrozoa, particularly the Hydractiniidae, the Milleporidae, the Muilleporidiidae, and the Stromatoporinidae, the Disjectoporidae and the order Sphaeractinoidea (Kiihn, 1939, Bd. 2A). The Stromatoporidae evolved into the Disjectoporidae of the upper Paleozoic, which in turn became the Sphaeractinoidea of the Mesozoic. The Sphaeractinoidea evolved into the Hydrozoa of the Cenozoic and Recent. It is noteworthy that the Stromatoporoidea do not form a coenosteum in which all the structures form a typical shape or individual or “person”, as is true of most sponges, including the Archaeocyatha, and the hydroid families Stylasteridae and the suborder Thectata. The nearest approach to a form which might be called a “person” is represented by Cryptophragmus, Aulacera, and the genera of the Idiostromatidae, among the Stromatoporoidea. Nor can a coenosteum of a stromatoporoid be considered a colony of separate individuals, as is true of a coral corallum. The soft parts of the animals are of course unknown, but the soft structures must have been confluent, including the astrorhizae. It would seem that the soft parts were largely undifferentiated 412 BULLETIN 164 soft tissue, which occupied the surface only of the coenosteum, built pillars on the hard stratum, built another stratum and aban- doned the galleries and cysts below the surface. The entire coeno- steum, with the soft parts, mostly confined to the upper surface, constituted a single, living creature, although there surely were individual soft polyps of unknown form (Carter, 1878, p. 304). The forms which had astrorhizae manifestly had some special living structure in the astrorhizae, perhaps reproductive polyps, or even medusae. Astrorhizae occur in the order Sphaeractinoidea (includ- ing the family Stromatoporinidae ), descendants of the order Stroma- toporoidea, and Carter figured (1878a, pl. 17, figs. 2, 6, 8, 10) as- trorhizae in Recent Hydractima and Millepora. The placing of the Stromatoporoidea in the class Hydrozoa rests upon the following considerations: (1) The Stromatoporoidea are higher in organization than are Foraminifera or other Protozoa, more complex in structure, larger in size and wholly unlike any Paleozoic or later Foraminifera in tissue structure, skeletal struc- ture, as well as gigantic size. (2) They lack the spicular structure and vaselike shape of Porifera and had no canals through the body, as do Porifera, and the skeleton was never siliceous nor chitinous, as are many sponges. (3) The scale of organization is similar to that of the Archaeocyatha, differing in the vaselike shape and lacking pores through the walls or skeleton, and lacking septa (parieties). (4) Stromatoporoidea are similar to hydroids, par- ticularly the family Hydractiniidae of the order Hydroidea, in skele- tal composition (calcium carbonate), attached form of life, gen- eral shape and size, habitat (shallow, warm, marine water ), laminar and Jatilaminar structure, pillars, mamelons, and astrorhizae. (5) Stromatoporoids do not form corallites or living chambers, nor have septa, as do the Anthozoa; they are, therefore, lower in organization than typical corals. The dissepiments of the Rugosa occur inside the corallites and are convex inward, as noted by Billings (1865, p. 405), whereas the cysts of the stromatoporoids are convex outward. (6) The wall structure of the Labechiidae (thin, dense median layer, thin outer flocculent layer and thick inner flocculent layer) is the same as that of Paleoalveolites, a coral, indicating relation- ship between stromatoporoids and early corals. (7) The presence STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 413 of typical astrorhizae in the lower Paleozoic order Stromatoporoidea, the late Paleozoic and Mesozoic order Sphaeractinoidea (including the Stromatoporinidae and Disjectoporidae) and the Recent order Hydroidea, indicates definite relationship, but not identity, be- tween the three orders. (8) The gradation in structure from Stromatoporoidea to the Sphaeractinoidea, including especially the faimily Stromatoporinidae of the Mesozoic, and on into the Cenozoic and Recent Hydrozoa, is nearly complete, and convincing that Stromatoporoidea are Hydrozoa. (9) Lecompte (1956, p. F122) noted that stromatoporoids are latilaminate as is common in coel- enterates, a feature unknown in Foraminifera and sponges. Fossils in the class Hydrozoa include: (1) the order Stroma- toporoidea, skeleton calcareous, composed of arcuate plates, laminae, pillars and having astrorhizae; Ordovician to Devonian; (2) the order Sphaeractinoidea, skeleton calcareous, composed of concen- tric and radial trabeculae and having astrorhizae; Permian to Cretaceous; and (3) the order Hydroidea, skeleton calcareous, matlike (Hydractinia) or upright (Muillepora, Stylaster), some with astrorhizae; Cretaceous to Recent. PART 2. SYSPEMATIC DESCRIPTIONS ORDER, FAMILIES, AND GENERA OF STROMATOPOROIDEA Phylum COELENTERATA Class HYDROZOA Owen, 1843 Order STROMATOPOROIDEA Nicholson and Murie, 1878 Section Stromatoporoidea Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zool., vol. 14, p. 241. Order Stromatoporoidea Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 73; Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, p. A36; Lecompte, 1956, in Moore, Treatise Invert. Paleont., Part F, p. F107. Coenosteum originally calcareous and secreted as a skeleton by the animal; laminar, massive, cylindrical or dendroid, some with basal peritheca, usually latilaminate. Coenosteum composed of out- wardly curved plates arranged in strata, or of thin or thick laminae, or rarely of cavernous tissue, usually with vertical or radial, short or long pillars, with or without vertical, superposed galleries. Skele- 414 BULLETIN 164 tal tissue compact or minutely vesicular, maculate or tubulate, without spicules and not composed of trabeculae. The horizontal and vertical structures are discrete or amalgamated. Astrorhizae present or absent. Some with symbiotic, tubular organisms. Occur in shallow, warm water, marine limestones, less commonly in shales, with corals and other marine organisms, frequently mak- ing bioherms and biostromes. Ordovician, Silurian, and Devonian, not definitely known from the Mississippian; upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic forms belong in the order Sphaeractinoidea. Forms reported from the Cambrian of Siberia by Obrutschew (1926, p. 86 et seq.) are not described and may be stromatolites; those reported by Yavorsky (1932, p. 613) from the Cambrian of western Siberia, seem to belong to a Devonian form, and to a Jurassic genus which is not a stroma- toporoid. The writer agrees with Lindstrom (1876, p. 4), Carter (1887, p. 44), Nicholson (1886, p. 72), Kiihn (1928, p. 25; 1939, p. A36), Lecompte (1951, p. 67; 1956, p. F121), Yavorsky (19555 "p: Wi7 amd other authors of the past and present that the Stromatoporoidea constitute an order of the class Hydrozoa. It is the unfortunate custom for each successive student of groups of fossils to divide the known group into more and more divisions and, at the same time, to raise the group into higher and higher taxonomic grades. The Stromatoporoidea, with their modest number of 35 genera, range from the Middle Ordovician to late Devonian, come within the systematic value of an order and are coordinate with the order Sphaeractinoidea and order Hydroidea in the class Hydrozoa. Recently Shrock and Twenhofel (1953, p. 111) recognized Kiihn’s 1939 classification, but raised the Stromatoropoidea to a class and recognized the order Stromatoporoidea, the order Labe- chioidea, and included the Permian and Mesozoic Sphaeractinoidea as an order. Kuhn (1927, p. 546; 1939; ~p. A50) recognized) theorder Labechioidea and included in it the families Labechiidae, Idio- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 415 stromatidae, and Aulaceratidae. The writer does not consider that the Labechiidae are of any greater systematic importance than a family, because it includes no more than 11 genera, and the co- enostea are composed of cysts only slightly more primitive than those of the similar Clathrodictyon and Actinodictyon. Further- more, as stressed above, cysts or interlaminar plates occur in most of the genera of typical stromatoporoids. There is little reason for including the Idiostromatidae in the Labechiidae, as was done by Kithn (1939, p. A52), for the Idiostromatidae have a delicate, ra- mose shape, and the skeleton does not consist of cysts and _ pillars. Furthermore, it is more simple and convenient to include the labechioides under the name stromatoporoids, rather than using two ordinal names for organisms naturally included under one name, Stromatoporoidea. The family Labechiidae is placed first because it comes first in time, and is the most primitive in structure. Recently Lecompte (1956, p. F126) made a new classifica- tion of 11 faimilies, combining 36 Lower and Middle Paleozoic genera, the real Stromatoporoidea, with four Permian and 22 Meso- zoic genera, which belong in the order Sphaeractinoidea. The later genera are included in families with older genera, the earliest fam- ilies come last. Such a classification is unnatural, for it takes no account of development of structures and combinations of struc- ture in geologic time. Such diverse forms as Syringostroma (ferm massive, tissue maculate, Silurian—Devonian), Jdiostroma (form ramose, tissue compact, Devonian), Syringostromina, (form massive, tissue fibrous, Upper Jura) and Trupetostroma (massive, tissue compact, Devonian), are placed in the same family on the basis of continuous pillars, and “skeletal elements with dark axis”, which later statement may be challenged. Lecompte’s classifica- tion is unworkable. It is as incongruous to intersperse the Meso- zoic genera in the families of Lower and Middle Paleozoic Stroma- toporoidea as it would be to distribute the Mesozoic hexaseptate corals in the tetraseptate families of the Lower and Middle Paleo- zoic corals. The writer has recognized the four families which Nicholson used (1886, p. 74), and has recognized the family Clathrodictyidae of Kiihn (1939, p. 338; 1939, p. A42). The five families are natural 416 BULLETIN 164 families and permit showing the relationships of all the genera and the five families in a phylogenetic diagram. The writer’s under- standing of the finer tissue structure and the importance of tissue variations does not coincide with that of Lecompte but is in agree- ment with that of Nicholson. The placement of Clathrocoilona, Synthetostroma, and Actinodictyon is uncertain; those genera re- semble Anostylostroma excepting in having maculate tissue. It would be possible to erect two superfamilies of the Stroma- toporoidea, one for families with tissue not maculate, and another for families with maculate tissue. It would also be possible to erect three subfamilies in the Labechuidae, for genera without pil- lars, with short pillars, and those with long pillars. Also, two sub- families could be erected in the Stromatoporidae, for genera with long pillars and those with short pillars or none; and also two subfamilies for forms with short and long pillars in the Idiostroma- tidae. Erection of superfamilies and subfamilies would only add to the complications and difficulties in understanding the stromato- poroids but would add nothing to our knowledge of the group. Five families are enough for a small group of 35 genera. DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS OF FAMILIES AND GENERA OF STROMATOPOROIDEA Family 1. LABECHIIDAE Tissue compact and flocculent; skeleton composed of over- lapping, convex plates, without or with pillars; coenosteum Jaminar, massive or columnar. CYSTOSTROMA, n. gen. Coenosteum massive; cysts arcuate; pillars absent. AULACERA. Coenosteum columnar; cysts small; pillars absent in young, long, round in adult. ROSENELLA. Coenosteum massive; curved plates broad; den- ticles short, conical, round. PSEUDOSTYLODICTYON. Coenosteum massive; curved plates broad, crinkled; pillars absent. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 417 SINODICTYON. Coenosteum columnar; axis not tubular; den- ticles short, conical, round. CRYPTOPHRAGMUS. Coenosteum a column of hemispherical cysts, with short villi; outer sheaths absent; if present, some foreign organism. LABECHIA. Coenosteum massive; cysts arcuate; pillars long, round, large. LABECHIELLA. Coenosteum massive; cysts in young, laminae in adult; pillars long, round. PSEUDOLABECHIA. Coenosteum massive; cysts in young, la- minae in adult; pillars long, round. DERMATOSTROMA. Coenosteum a thin encrustration of lam- inae and pillars. STROMATOCERIUM. Coenosteum massive; cysts broad and low; pillars long, broad. Family 2. CLATHRODICTYIDAE Tissue compact, fibrous or porous, not maculate; cysts side by side, or with laminae; pillars short; coenostea laminar or massive. CLATHRODICTYON. Skeleton composed of layers of cysts, not of regular laminae and pillars. ANOSTYLOSTROMA. Laminae regular; pillars separate from laminae, spreading upward. ATELODICTYON. Pillars with radial processes; tangential sec- tion areolate. STICTOSTROMA. Tissue transversely porous; ring pillars absent or incipient. STROMATOPORELLA. Tissue transversely porous; many ring- pillars. Family 3. ACTINOSTROMATIDAE Tissue compact; fibrous or porous; laminae regular; pillars long, or regularly superposed. ACTINOSTROMA. Pillars continuous, with radial processes. GERRONOSTROMA. Pillars superposed; laminae transversely porous, thick. 418 BULLETIN 164 TRUPETOSTROMA. Pillars superposed; laminae with thin pri- mary layer; secondary tissue with vacuoles. LOPHIOSTROMA. Pillars large, superposed, with upturned la- minae. Family 4. IDIOSTROMATIDAE Tissue compact, fibrous or porous, not maculate; coenosteum ramose, mostly with axial tube. CLAVIDICTYON. Coenosteum caespitose, without axial tube or column; pillars short, round and vermiculate. PARAMPHIPORA. Like Amphipora but tissue without dark, med- ian line. AMPHIPORA. Coenosteum small stems, with laminae and diverg- ing pillars; tissue transversely fibrous, pillars with dark median line. DENDROSTROMA. Laminae thickened; pillars confined to one interlaminar space. IDIOSTROMA. Laminae thickened; pillars continuous, tissue compact, vacuolate. STACHYODES. Tissue nearly filling interlaminar spaces; lam- inae transversely tubulate. Family 5, STROMATOPORIDAE Tissue maculate; laminae and pillars fused; coenosteum laminar to massive. FERESTROMATOPORA. Like Stromatopora, but pseudozooidal tubes absent, and pillars confined to an interlaminar space. STROMATOPORA. Interlaminar spaces largely filled with mac- ulate tissue, leaving small galleries and long thin pseudo- zooidal tubes, but no definite pillars. TALEASTROMA. Like Stromatopora, but with small, round, long, compact pillars. SYRINGOSTROMA. Pillars large, long and short; composed of maculate tissue; galleries small; like Stromatopora except for the long pillars. PARALLELOPORA. | Pillars large, long, with vertical tubules and rods; maculae coarse. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 419 HERMATOSTROMA. Pillars large, continuous, with outer light zones. CLATHROCOILONA. Pillars short; laminae of three layers. SYNTHETOSTROMA. Pillars superposed; laminae thick, of mic- rolaminae. ACTINODICTYON. Skeleton made of curved cysts, sphaerical cysts, and long and short pillars, and variable laminae with pores, foramina and vacuoles, and maculae. KEY TO FAMILIES OF STROMATOPOROIDEA la. Tissue compact, fibrous, tubulose or flocculate, not maculate 2a. Skeleton composed mostly of overlapping, CUVEE pO ALCS we sane acres acetate ascertains acteae 1. LABECHIIDAE 2b. Skeleton composed of laminae and pillars 3a. Coenosteum massive, tuberose or laminar 4a. Pillars short, confined between WhO Lea TOEM AC oe ete ete eee eee 2. CLATHRODICTYIDAE 4b. Pillars continuous or definitely SUPER POSEGs «scene mashes ecm ceascntecestes 3. ACTINOSTROMATIDAE 3b. Coenosteum ramose, mostly with S.C tea LOND cece art peeled ee Nr eect te eee 4. IDIOSTROMATIDAE lb. Tissue maculate; pillars long, short or Al SKS SIN El ae Sentra ew 2 a ee ea RE re ree 5. STROMATOPORIDAE Family 1. LABECHIIDAE Nicholson, 1879 Family Labechiidae Nicholson, 1879, “Tabulate Corals of the Palaeozoic Period,” pp. 28, 330. Family Beatriceidae Ulrich, in Bassler, 1915, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 92, p. 1409. Family Aulaceratidea Ktthn, 1927, Centralblatt Min.. Geol. Palaont., Adt. B, p. 548; 1928, Fossilium Catalogus, Hydrozoa, p. 37; 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Paladozoologie, Band 2A, p. A353. Family Beatricidae Raymond, 1931, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard, Geol. Ser., vol. 9, p. 184. Coenosteum laminar, massive, conical, columnar or fasciculate, without or with axial, cystose column. Skeleton composed of small or large curved, imbricating plates, forming latilaminae but rarely 420 BULLETIN 164 forming continuous microlaminae. Pillars strong, long, round or irregular, primitive or absent. Tissue of primary plates compact, usually with inner and outer flocculent layers. Primitive astrorhizae may occur. Middle and Upper Ordovician abundant, Silurian uncommon, Devonian rare. KEY TO GENERA OF LABECHIIDAE la. Pillars absent in all parts of the coenosteum 2a. Cysts small, arcuate 3a. Coenosteum massive, without axial column or Pullers es oe ee trek Mei aha Care: RR ete Sen CysTOSTROMA 3b. Coenosteum columnar, with axial column of cysts, Ginamiature)) > fect ok ee ee bee ot ee eee ee AULACERA PsEUDOSTYLODICTYON 2b. Cysts broad, flat lb. Pillars represented by denticles 2c. Coenosteum laminar or massive $e. Denticles: conical, ion thescyst plates 22... ROosENELLA 3d. Denticles absent, simulated by crenulations of the PigIce Sor Bae twas Sea nie eer eee PsEUDOSTYLODICTYON 2d. Coenosteum columnar 3e. Axial column not tubular; sheaths like FROSCWCU GSS oe. eee Baa ane ca, Oe eee oa SINODICTYON 3f. Axial column a tabulate tube; sheaths absent Or With an attached Organism .ccccssssssssenssene CRYPTOPHRAGMUS lc. Pillars continuous through several layers of cysts 2e. Pillars round in tangential section 3g. Coenosteum columnar; pillars only in mature SEAM Ese nivale See rE ae Oh elie ee hee ee ee ee ee AULACERA 3h. Coenosteum massive 4a. Pillars not in groups Sas Cysts sarched: wimlbiica ting see een ae LABECHIA 5b. Cysts convex and concave, edge to edge, Making Mayerst tte. cee ee ee eee LABECHIELLA 4b:. Pillars in’ groups, ‘diverping . 2.0. PsEUDOLABECHIA 31. Coenosteum a thin encrustation omnes DERMATOSTROMA 2f. Pillars broad, flanged in tangential section; cysts wide, low, simulating laminae <2 2.5. STROMATOCERIUM STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 421 Genus CYSTOSTROMA Galloway and St. Jean, new genus PiSsiletionde Plea. tess leas eleoO, Liste Type species, Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. (Middle Ordovician, middle Chazy, 1 mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vermont) Coenosteum massive, latilaminate, consisting of small, thin, convex, overlapping, unequal plates. Median cyst plate thin, dark, compact, with thin, outer flocculent plate and thick, inner floccu- lent layers; the lower plate may be composed of clusters of floccu- lent tissue, and between the clusters there may be pores which pass through all three plates. Pillars absent; surface smooth or with small or large mamelons and primitive astrorhizae. Middle and Upper Ordovician, middle Chazyan, Isle La Motte, Vermont: Carters limestone, Tennessee; Richmondian, Haileybury, Ontario. This genus embraces the simplest, oldest, and most primitive stromatoporoids, with skeleton composed only of arcuate cysts. It lacks the axial column of Aulacera, Cryptophragmus, and Sinodic- tyon, and lacks the pillars of Labechia and of the mature stage of Aulacera. It lacks the denticles of Rosenella and has smaller, more regularly imbricating cysts. Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. IPS Silke sie IS IRS Be hie, TUS elas, nies, S! Coenosteum massive; surface smooth. Skeleton composed of imbricating, variable cyst plates, which have a thin, compact median layer and thicker lower and upper flocculent layers. Pillars, villi, mamelons and astrorhizae absent. Middle Ordovician, middle Chazyan, one mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vermont. Holotype, Indiana University Paleo. Coll Nov KA?2: slides 300-15; 16, 117, 18,)25; 26, 27. Cystostroma simplex Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. P). 32, fig. 2 Coenosteum massive; surface smooth. Skeleton composed of regularly imbricating, highly arched cyst plates, which have a thin, compact median layer and thicker, flocculent lower and upper layers; strong villi extend upward from the upper plate. Pillars, mamelons and astrorhizae absent. 422 BULLETIN 164 Middle Ordovician, basal Trentonian, Carters limestone, at Mill Creek, seven miles south of Nashville, Tennessee. Holotype, part in the Vanderbilt University Paleo. Coll., and part in Indiana University Paleo. Coll.; slides 299-60, 61, 62. Genus AULACERA Plummer, 1843 JE ule ibe, Me IL Bye ime, Be Je air, su dele Type species (only species), Mulacera plummeri, n. sp. No species of Aulacera was named by Plummer, but the species was described, figured, and is recognizable, hence is the type species under Rules of Nomenclature, Opinion 46; “if only one species is involved, the generic description is equivalent to the publication of ‘X-us albus, n. g., n. sp.’ ” (Upper Ordo- vician, late Richmondian, near Richmond, Indiana). Type of the species, Pl 37, tags) olla-c: Aulacera Plummer, 1843, Amer. Jour. Sci., vol. 44, p. 293, fig. 1. The name is valid, under Rules of Nomenclature, Art. 2, and Opinion 46; a species is available as type species when it can be recognized from the original generic publication. Schuchert, 1919, Amer. Jour. Sci. vol. 47, p. 293, fig. 1; Kuhn, 1928, Foss. Cat., Hydrozoa, p. 38; Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. 2, p. 217; Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A53. Beatricea Billings, 1857, Geol. Surv. Canada, Rep. Prog. for 1853-6, p. 343. (Type species, B. nodulosa Billings, selected by Miller, 1889, North Amer. Geol. Paleo., p. 155, late Ordovician, Anticosti Island); 1865, Canadian Nat., 2 ser., p. 405, figs. 1, 2; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 86, pl. 8, figs. 1-8; Foerste, 1909, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 14, p. 298; Parks, 1910, Univ. TDoronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 37; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 69-80, pls. 32-42. Coenosteum columnar, with axis usually made of large, hemi- spherical, upwardly curved cysts, usually simulating a tabulate tube; in some specimens the large cysts grade into the small, lateral cysts. Lateral skeleton latilaminate, composed of small, imbricating cyst plates. The cyst plates consist of a thin, dense, median layer, about 0.03 mm. thick, a thin, outer, flocculent layer, and a thick, inner, flocculent layer. Pillars absent or absent in the inner part of the lateral zones and with long, narrow, round pillars sporadically developed in the outer zone; pillars loose in texture, with outer more compact zone, but not hollow. Surface papillate, even or with mamelons or longitudinal ridges. Astrorhizae absent or rare. ( Yavor- sky, 1955, pp. 7, 70, said he showed in 1927 the presence of astro- rhizae in Beatricea.) Upper Ordovician, abundant in the Richmondian group, North America, China, and Russia. About 13 species. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 423 The axial zone of cysts grading into the lateral zone cannot be a generic character, for several of the species have both tubular and gradational axes in the same specimen. Auwlacera differs from Cysto- stroma in the columnar form and in having pillars in the outer zone of adult specimens. It differs from Cryptophragmus in having the outer zone of imbricating cysts. Sinodictyon is columnar with cystose axis, but there are strong denticles on axial and lateral cysts. Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Pl, Bile Wwe, Be Il, ov, wie Be Il B75 ies, Iles Coenosteum club-shaped, 10 to 90 cm. long, 2 to 11 cm. in diameter, enlarging upward; surface with round or sharp, spiral ridges. Axis 5 to 10 mm. in diameter, made of superposed, hemi- spherical plates. Lateral plates are low arches, six to ten in 2 mm. radially, two to four in 2 mm. vertically, arranged concentrically, not arranged radially even in the ridge; cysts with thin outer plate and thick flocculent inner plate largely filling the chambers. Pillars absent in young stages, small, round, radial, inclined upward in ephibic stage. Astrorhizae not seen. Upper Ordovician, Richmond group, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Ontario. Holotype, Saluda formation, four miles south of Richmond, Indiana. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 285-46; 299-35, 36; 300-9. Aulacera undulata (Billings) LEAL Bile ales, 72 Beatricea undulata Billings, 1857 (for 1853-1856), Geol. Surv. Canada Rept Prog., p. 344 (Upper Ordovician, Anticosti Island). Type specimen.—Coenosteum subcylindrical, 20 cm. long and 5 cm. in diameter. Surface with sharp, discontinuous, slightly spiral ridges, 6 to 8 mm. apart. Axial column 6 to 7 mm. in diameter, with hemispherical tabulae. Lateral cysts large, 1 to 2.5 mm. in diameter, irregular cysts between ridges. Inner layer of cysts flocculent and moniliform. Pillars and astrorhizae unknown. The cysts differ from those of A. plummeri in size, shape, arrangement and _ structure. Large specimens may have pillars. 424 BuLLeETIN 164 Upper Ordovician, Vaureal formation, Battery Cliff, Anti- costi Island, Canada. Canadian Geological Survey, No. 2583, marked “type”; Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 299-88, 89, 90, 91. Genus ROSENELLA Nicholson, 1886 IRL By, Tiles a! Type species (originally designated), R. macrocystis Nicholson, 1886, Pal- aeont. Suc., vol. 39, p. 84, pl. 7, figs. 12, 13 (Middle Silurian, Gotland) ; Nicholson, 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 19; Kuhn, 1928, Foss. Cat., Hydrozoa, p. 46; Parks, 1907, Univ. Toronto Studies, G2ol. Ser., No. 4, p 23; no. 5, 1908, p. 42; Gorsky, 1935, Trans. Arctic Inst., vol. 28, p. 94; Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., sec. 2, vol. 2, p. 215; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy, Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 67, pl. 30, Moscow. Coenosteum laminar or massive, composed of large, upwardly convex or undulated plates, upon the surfaces of which are short, round, conical denticles. Tissue of primary plate compact, usually with lower and upper flocculent layers. Astrorhizae rare, obscure. Middle Ordovician: China; North America. Middle Silurian: Europe; North America. Devonian ?: Novaya Zemlya. About eight species. Pseudostylodictyon is much like Rosenelia but lacks the den- ticles, and does have crinkled plates in places. Simodictyon and Ludictyon are much like Rosenella excepting for the upright growth. Genus PSEUDOSTYLODICTYON Ozaki, 1938 12S SA, Tavs, ij, © Type species (monotypic), P. poshanense Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. 2, p. 208, pl. 24, fig. 2; pl. 25, figs. Ja-e (Middle Ordo- vician, Shantung). Rosenella (part) Qzaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. 2, p. 215, pl. 32, fig. 1 (Middle Ordovician, Shantung). Coenosteum thick laminar or massive, composed of large, convex or undulated plates, approximating laminae, with occasional small, arcuate cysts; pillars absent. There are small crenulations of the primary plate. Median layer thin, compact, with thick lower, and thin upper flocculent layers. Astrorhizae unknown. Middle Ordovician: China; Vermont; three species. Silurian doubtful. Pseudostylodictyon apparently differs from Rosenella in lacking STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 425 denticles but there are crenulations of the primary wall. Rosenella ? sp. nov. Ozaki (1938, p. 216, pl. 31, fig. 2; pl. 32, figs. la-c) is a species of Pseudostylodictyon. The differences between the two genera are small. The name Pseudostylodictyon is unfortunate, for there is no structural similarity with Stylodictyon, nor family rela- tionship. Any genus may have species with columns and other species without columns. Pseudostylodictyon poshanensis Ozaki lel, BA, aleg Coenosteum attached, thick laminar, composed of large and small, thin cyst plates, with sharp crenulations but no pillars, with strong columns. Pseudostylodictyon Kayi Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. lL, Be, Tee Coenosteum massive, with mamelons but no definite columns, composed of large, thick cyst plates, with sharp crenulations, but no pillars; lower plate of cysts thick and flocculent. Astrorhizae absent. Middle Ordovician, middle Chazyan, one mile southeast of Isle La Motte village, Vermont. Collected by Dr. Marshall Kay. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 300-21, 22, 23, 24. Genus SINODICTYON Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 PAL, Gy, sae 7 Type species (originally designated), Sinodictyon columnare Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, Sci. Rep. Tokoku Imp. Univ., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 52, pl. 18, figs. 7-10; pl. 19, figs. 2-5; pl. 20, figs. 1-4 (Middle Ordovi- cian south Manchuria) ; Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. Ps Sos PAINS Ludictyon Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. 2, p. 219 (Middle Ordovician, Shantung). Coenosteum columnar and fasciculate, consisting of large axial zones and outer concentric zones. The axial zone has large, convex tabulae of variable size, on the upper sides of which are denticles. The outer zone is made up of low, convex cysts, partly imbricating and partly side by side, simulating laminae; strong, pointed denticles extend upward from the cysts; there are some continuous pillars; tissue compact and flocculent; astrorhizae un- known. 426 BULLETIN 164 Middle Ordovician: Manchuria and Shantung, China. Two species. The axial zone of Sinodictyon is not tubular but grades into the lateral zones, as is true of some species of Awlacera, but Aulacera is never fasciculate. Ludictyon seems to be the same as Sinodictyon, supposedly distinguished by large and small cysts. Genus CRYPTOPHRAGMUS Raymond, 1914 iP ayy, sus, 8 Type species (originally designated), C. antiquatus Raymond, 1914, Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Surv. Mus., Bull. No. 5, p. 8, pls. 1-4, holotype, pl. 1, fig. 1. (Middle Ordovician, Pamelia limestone, Carden, Ontario); Bassler 1932, Tennessee Div. Geol., Bull. 38, p. 102, 214, pl. 16, fig. 9; 1935, Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 25, no. 9, p. 104; Shrock, 1937, Amer. Midland Natur., vol. 18, p. 536, pl. 2, figs. 1-3; Shimer and Shrock, 1944, Index Fossils North America, p. 63, pl. 19, figs. 6-8; Wilson, 1948, Canada Geol. Surv. Bull. 11, p. 46, pl. 25, figs. 3-5; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskugo Geol. Inst. Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 68, pls. 31, 32, 34 (doubtful). Thamnobeatricea Raymond, 1931, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard, Geol. Ser.. vol. 9, No. 6, p. 180, pl. 2, figs. 4-6 (Middle Ordovician, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania). Cladophragmus Raymond, 1931, ibid., p. 132, pl. 3, figs. 1-4. (Middle Ordovi- cian, Ottawa, Ontario). Rosenellina Radugin, 1936, Records of the Geology of the West Siberian Region, No. 35, p. 92, figs. 8, 9, 11. Coenosteum upright, cylindrical or branching, 2 to 20 mm. in diameter and up to 46 cm. long, consisting of a tube, with thin, cystose wall about 1 mm. thick; the tube is crossed by large, super- posed, highly arched tabulae or cysts. The cysts are composed of a primary, median, compact layer, and a thin inner and outer flocculent layer. Both inner and outer flocculent layers have irregu- lar villi. Astrorhizae absent. The outer sheaths, when present, are attached organisms. Middle and Upper Ordovician: Pamelia limestone, Aylmer, Quebec, Carden and Mechanicsville, Ontario, Clayton, New York; Lowville limestone, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alabama, Kentucky, Kentland, Indiana, and Ontario; Lebanon and Cannon limestones, Tennessee; lower Trenton, Ottawa, Ontario; Auburn limestone, Lincoln County, Missouri. Six species: C. antiquatus, C. parallelus, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 427 C. bifurcatus, C. arbusculus, C. gracilis (Ulrich), and C. gracilis Yavorsky (homonym), and C. ? rochensts. Most specimens consist of only the cystose column. In speci- mens from Carden, Ont., Loysburg, Pennsylvania, and Lee County, Virginia, the cystose columns are surrounded by calcite or by mud, which in turn may be covered by sheaths of organic tissue of in- distinct structure; the sheaths may be composed of concentric laminae or cysts or both, and clear, radial tubes, much like an alga. In one specimen of Cryptophragmus from Carden, Ontario, the axial column is covered directly by a well-preserved bryozoan, Monticuli- pora, different in structure and preservation from the ordinary sheath organism. C. gracilis Yavorsky has an outer sheath of fine, close laminae, and radial pillars or pores, but no axial tabulae or cysts; it may be some other organism, as an alga. There are small specimens in the Richmondian of the Cincin- nati Arch (C. gracilis Ulrich), which have the structure of Crypto- phragmus, but they may be young specimens of Aulacera. Some species of Cryptophragmus may be branched (C. arbusculus), as are Thamnobeatricea and Cladophragmus. Genus ROSENELLINA Radugin, 1936 Type species (monotypic), R. wellenformis Radugin, 1936, Records of the Geology of the West Siberian Region, No. 35, p. 92, pl. 2, figs. 8, 9, 11 (Lower Silurian (?), Gornaya Shoria, west Siberia). Coenosteum cylindrical, curved, 4-6 mm. in diameter; wall tubular, 1-2 mm. thick; overgrown by an alga; axial tube about 4 mm. in diameter, crossed by hemispherical tabulae. Age doubtfully Lower Silurian, but the fauna, Archeozoon (?), Strephocetus, Receptaculites, Rosenella, Pseudolabechia, Coccoseris, Tetradium, Lyopora, Halysites, Columnaria, and Calapoecia, have an Ordovician aspect. This genus appears to be a typical species of Cryptophragmus which is elsewhere confined to the Ordovician. Genus LABECHIA Edwards and Haime, 1851 JPALS tis nites iS" dell, Be tite, C Type species (monotypic), Monticularia conferta Lonsdale, 1839, in Murchi- son, Silurian System, p. 686, pl. 16, fig. 5 (Lower Silurian, Wenlock, England). 428 BULLETIN 164 Labechia Milne-Edwards and Haime, 1851, Mon. Polyp. Foss. Terra. Paleo., p. 155, 279; Nicholson, 1879, “Tab. Corals Palaeo. Per.,” p. 330, fig. 44; 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 81, fig. 13, A. B.; pl. 3, fig. 7-15; 1891, vol. 44, pl. 20, figs. 1-3; 1886, Ann. Mag. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 11; Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United Geol. and Prosp. Serv. U. S. S. R., vol. 50, fase. 94, p. 1408 (Devonian age doubtful); Smith, 1932, Summ. Prog. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, for 1931, pt. 2, p. 23 (Visean, doubtfully a stromato- poroid)) Ozaki, 19385. ours shangaie Scr lnst-:SeC-1 2, v.Olen 2, mips iale Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Band 2A, p. A50; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 58-65, pls. 24- Psy, Able Coenosteum laminar, encrusting or massive, possibly subcylin- drical, consisting of outwardly convex cyst plates, and large, round, long pillars. Pillars with light centers, not hollow. Tissue of primary plates compact, with inner and outer flocculent layers. Surface papillate. Astrorhizae absent or not typically developed. Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian: Europe, Russia; China; North America. Upper Devonian ?: Russia. Mississippian; England, doubtful. About 13 species. Labechia differ from Stromatocerium in being made entirely of short, convex plates and having large, round pillars instead of flat pillars; and from Aulacera in the large, round pillars in early as well as later parts of the coenosteum. Species with flat cysts and laminae and large, round pillars belong to Labechiella. (Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930; Ozaki, 1938; Sugiyama, 1939, 1940.) The genus was named for Sir Henry de Labech; it is pro- nounced la-bash-1-a. Genus LABECHIELLA Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 Jelly ag sakes, BUG) Type species (originally designated), Labechia scrotina Nicholson, 1886, Pal- aeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 45, fig. 4, A-C; 1891, vol. 44, p. 162, fig. 19, A-C (Middle Devonian, Devonshire). Labechiella Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 54 subgenus of Labechia; Sugiyama, 1939, Yabe Jubilee Publ., vol. 1, p. 443; 1940, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 2, vol. 21, p. 111 (Silurian, Japan). Actinostroma ? Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. 2, p. 206, pl. 23, fig. 1; pl. 24, fig. 1 (Upper Ordovician, South Manchuria and Shantung) Labechiellata Sugiyama (in error for Labechiella), 1941, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 48, p. 461, figs. 1-3 (Middle Ordovician, Tyosen, Korea). Coenosteum massive, composed of thin, convex, concave and STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 429 flat plates, arranged edge to edge, making laminae in places, and large, round or polygonal, continuous pillars. In the type species, the pillars have centers of darker and lighter, upwardly eccentric layers, giving a false appearance of being hollow; in tangential section, the pillars unite into chainlike groups but not in older species; tissue compact and flocculent; astrorhizae well developed or absent. Middle and Upper Ordovician: northern China; Manchuria; Korea. Middle Ordovician; North America, three species; ? Silurian, Japan, one species; Middle Devonian, Devonshire, one species. Sugiyama (1939, p. 443; 1940, p. 111) incorrectly claims credit for erecting the genus on the new species Labechiella regularts, from the Silurian of Japan. He included Actinostroma ? mingshan- kouensis Ozaki and an unnamed species (Ozaki, 1938, p. 206, 208) from the Ordovician of Manchuria and Shantung. Labechiella differs from Labechia in having continuous laminae in places rather than in being composed entirely of cystose plates; both have large, round pillars. The presence of astrorhizae is not a generic character, as Sugiyama thought. Labechiellata is an obvious lapsis memortae, for Sugiyama, 1941, does not erect a new genus but refers to an old one, Labechiella, Sugiyama, 1939, a homonym of Labechiella Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930. Genus PSEUDOLABECHIA Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930 IPL BS sale, a Type species (originally designated), P. grarulata Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 59, pl. 22, figs. 5-12 (Middle Silurian, Gotland); Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A42; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo, Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. 1 Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 66, pl. 29, figs. 1-6; pl. 31, fig. 1. Stromatocerium Endo, 1932, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 164, p. 40 (Middle Ordovician, Manchuria). Stylostroma Gorsky, 1938, Arctic Inst. Trans., vol. 101, p. 30. Type species (originally designated), 8. crassum Gorsky, p. 32, pl. 2, figs. 1-9; pl. 3, figs. 1-7 (“age unknown”, Novaya Zemlya). Coenosteum laminar or massive, the surface with mamelons and tubercles; skeleton of delicate cyst plates, with delicate, short, vertical pillars, and strong continuous, diverging, round and plumose pillars, which are aggregated into groups of a score or more, making 430 BULLETIN 164 columns. The delicate and the strong pillars are united by three to six radial processes, much as in Actinostroma; tissue compact; astrorhizae absent or present. Middle Ordovician: Manchuria; Russia. Silurian: Gotland. Age unknown, Novaya Zemlya. Seven species. This genus differs from Actinostroma in the cyst plates and the groups of pillars. The authors ally the genus with Labechia stylophora Nicholson, and with Actinostroma verrucosum (Gold- fuss), but the differences between Actinostroma and Pseudolabechia are of family rank. The genus is much like Labechia, as the name indicates, in the cyst plates and long pillars, but the groups of pillars distinguish the genus from Labechia. Gorsky’s genus Stylo- stroma from Novaya Zemlya, seems to be typical Pseudolabechia; the columns of diverging pillars distinguish it from the Labechia with which it occurs. Genus DERMATOSTROMA Parks, 1910 Pls Bs HE 74 Type species (originally designated), Stromatopora papillata James, 1878, The Paleontologist, No. 1, p. 1 (Upper Ordovician, Maysville group, Cincinnati, Ohio). Dermatostroma Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 29, pl. 23, figs. 8-10; Foerste, 1916, Bull. Sci. Lab., Denison Univ., vol. 18, p. 297, pl. 1, fig. 3. Coenosteum laminar, encrusting foreign objects, 1-10 mm. thick and up to 10 cm. in diameter, consisting of several, irregular, undulating laminae, with oval chambers. Pillars large, conical, with lumina but not hollow, extending from epitheca to surface, and some short, small, solid pillars. Tangential sections show round pillars becoming polygonal at their base; tissue compact; surface papillate, without or with small monticules; astrorhizae unknown. Ordovician, Black River to Richmond. North America. Six species. The surface resembles that of Labechia, as do the strong pillars, but the skeleton is not definitely cystose. It is not a typical stroma- toporoid. D. corrugatum (Foerste) and D. glyptwm (Foerste) are composed of radially crystalline prisms and have no characteristics of stromatoporoids, nor of Dermatostroma. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 431 Genus STROMATOCERIUM Hall, 1847 Pl. 33, figs. 3, 4 Type species (monotypic), Stromatocerium rugosum Hall, 1847, Pal. New York, vol. 1, p. 48, pl. 12, fig. 2 (Middle Ordovician, Black River group, Watertown, New York; Seely, 1904, Rept. State Geol. Vt., vol. 4. p. 144, pl. 70; pl. 74, fig. 5; Parks, 1910, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 7, p. 8, pl. 21, figs. 3-7; Kuhn, 1928, Fossilium Catalogus, Hydrozoa, p. 47: 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, p. A52, fig. 80; Gallo- way and St. Jean, 1955, Am. Novitates, No. 1728, pp. 1-11, figs. 1-7. Labechia (part) Nicholson, 1891, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 163, pl. 2, fig. 3-5. Coenosteum hemispherical to discoidal, conspicuously latila- minate, composed of cystose plates, mostly broad and flat and edge to edge or overlapping at the ends, some short and arcuate. The cyst plates are composed of three layers, a median thin, dense layer, a thin, flocculent upper layer and a thin or thick, flocculent lower layer. Pillars long, continuous through many plates, flat, flaring and flocculent, but not hollow. In tangential section the pillars are angled and branching, zigzag, joined, curved or irregular, but not round. Surface smooth, undulating or strongly mamillate and papil- late, with primitive astrorhizae. Middle Ordovician, Black River and lower Trenton: United States and Canada, doubtfully in south Manchuria and Shantung. Four described and one or two new species. Stromatoceriwm is the only genus in the Labechiidae in which the pillars are bladelike or irregular in shape, not round. It has been confused with Labechia, which has arcuate cyst plates and round pillars. The latilaminae give the impression that the fossil is com- posed of laminae, but the microlaminae are in reality broad, low cyst plates, and cyst plates edge to edge. The cyst plates and lack of laminae place the genus in the Labechiidae. Stromatocerium is in nowise suggestive of a honeycomb, as stated by Hall (he may have had in mind the associated Colwmnaria), and the contorted |atila- minae are not constant, and are without generic or specific value in the genus. Stromatocerium rugosum Hall IAL Bi, IE 8 Coenosteum massive; surface with low mamelons and primitive astrorhizae; cysts broad, low, strong, slightly overlapping; pillars large, broad, curved, with small flanges. 432 BULLETIN 164 Middle Ordovician, Black River limestone, Watertown, New York. Holotype, American Museum of Natural History, No. 590/5, eight slides, 590/5A to H. Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. Piso, tices Coenosteum massive; surface with low mamelons and primitive astrorhizae; cysts wide, low, thin, slightly overlapping; pillars small, flat, and irregular with numerous, small flanges. Middle Ordovician, late Black River limestone, new lock just above Amsterdam, New York. Indiana University Paleo. Coll., slides 235-11, 12; 299-44, 45, 46, 47. Family 2. CLATHRODICTYIDAE* Kiihn, 1939 Family Clathrodictyonidae noy. fam., Kiihn, 1939, Zentralbl. Miner., Abt. B, Geol., Palaeont., p. 338. Familia Clathrodictyonidae Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palao- zoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A42. Coenosteum laminar to massive, composed of cysts side by side in concentric layers, or of laminae, which are generally parallel, and short pillars. Galleries higher than the laminae are thick; foramina may occur between superposed galleries. Pillars normally present, confined between two laminae, but may be incidentally superposed. Tissue compact, fibrous or tubulose, especially the primary laminae, the secondary tissue on the laminae and pillars either compact, finely fibrous or tubulose or containing vacuoles, not maculate. Astrorhizae present or absent. Ordovician and Silurian, one genus; Devonian abundant, most species with laminae and pillars. Post-Devonian absent. KEY TO GENERA OF CLATHRODICTYIDAE la. Horizontal structures are cysts, in crumpled layers; pillars continuous with cysts plates wc CLATHRODICTYON 1b. Horizontal structures composed of regular laminae and separate pillars *The plural of dictyon is dictya, the stem is dicty, hence the family name is Clathrodictyidae. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 433 2a. Laminae transversely fibrous 3a. Pillars without radial processes, but expanding Lipwand} many dividing? caso. eee ANOSTYLOSTROMA Sb pe leallars with adial processes\ cas. t aaa ATELODICTYON 2b. Laminae transversely porous 3c. Without ring-pillars, may have rare rings in taneenitrall svaiew he ae ens ee ee STICTOSTROMA 3d. With regular ring-pillars made of upturns Ofrdlamiinae seat Sees hd coke eo STROMATOPORELLA Genus CLATHRODICTYON Nicholson and Murie, 1878 TPL eshals ster, G'S Jel, Bei alee 5) Type species (originally designated), C. vesiculosum Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 14, p. 220, pl. 2, figs. 11-13 (Middle Silurian, Yellow Springs, Ohio) ; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vole 39) peed wolt42.p5 147) ple line fiess 0) idl 8875 Anns Maca Nat Hist., ser. 5, vol. 19, p. 1, pl. 1, figs. 1-3; Twenhofel, 1927, Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Surv., Mem. 154, No. 135, p. 107; Ripper, 1937, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, N. S., vol. 50, p. 1; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A42; Lecompte, 1951, (part), Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 116, p. 129; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 39-49, pls. 14-18 Coenosteum massive or laminar, usually without mamelons. Astrorhizae generally present. Skeleton not composed of regular laminae and definite pillars, but of imperfect cyst plates, which are placed side by side or end to end, rather than in an imbricating manner (as is true of the Labechtidae) forming vesicles, and having much the same appearance right side up or upside down. Plates typically thin, and galleries or vesicles oval, small, 8 to 20 in 2 mm. vertically. Pillars short, generally oblique, continuous with cyst plates, not superposed. The tops of the cysts atypically are in lines, like laminae, and the down-turned ends of the cyst serve as pillars. Dissepiments common; tissue compact or transversely fibrous. Late Ordovician: Rare, Estonia and Anticosti Island. Silurian: Abundant, North America; Europe; Asia; Australia; Russia. Devon- ian: Rare, England, and Ohio. About 20 species and 20 doubtful species. The characteristic Silurian genus of stromatoporoid. 434 BULLETIN 164 Forms with regular laminae, and pillars formed separately from the laminae which include most Devonian forms previously placed in Clathrodictyon, belong in Anostylostroma. The form from the Permian of Japan: (Yabe and Sugiyama, 1933, p. 22) 1s note stromatoporoid, certainly not a species of Clathrodictyon. Genus ANOSTYLOSTROMA Parks, 1936 124, Byil, eee IHS TL. BR, ee (B57 Type species (originally designated), 4. hamiltonense Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 44 (Middle Devonian, Traverse group, Long Lake, Michigan). Clathrodictyon (part) of authors, including forms with definite laminae and pillars. Yavorsky, 1955, pp. 40-58, pls. 19-23. Siylodictyon Parks (not Nicholson and Murie, 1878), 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 5, p. 29, pl. 12. figs. 1, 2; Kuhn, 1939, in Schinde- wolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A43, fig. 60; Shimer and Shrock, 1944, Index Fossils North America, p. 61, pl. 18, figs. 23, 24 (not Silurian, but Middle Devonian, Jeffersonville limestone). Coenosteum flat to massive, composed of definite laminae and separate pillars. Laminae transversely fibrous or minutely porous, and containing small vacuities in typical species. Pillars in vertical section short, expanding, dividing and becoming vacuolate or Y- shaped at the top, or breaking into many secondary pillars, rarely superposed; pillars in tangential section round, elongate, vermicular, branching and confluent or ringlike. Galleries high, frequently with dissepiments; pillars transversely fibrous; skeleton without or with columns with uparched laminae and thicker pillars; astrorhizae present or absent. Middle Devonian: North America; Europe; Asia; Africa; Australia. Fifty or more species. The most abundant Middle Devonian genus. Anostylostroma includes forms with vacuoles in the heads of expanding pillars, as A. hamiltonense Parks, forms with pillars breaking into strands, as A. substriatellum (Nicholson), and forms with simple laminae and pillars, as A. columnare (Parks). Anosty- lostroma includes most Devonian and some Silurian species hereto- fore assigned to Clathrodictyon, those composed of laminae and short pillars rather than of cysts; it also includes Lecompte’s “Groupe [I’"(95i, p: 133). STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GaALLoway 435 Genus ATELODICTYON Lecompte, 1951 eal, Bs, IE te Type species (originally designated), 4. fallax Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 124, pl. 15, figs. 1, 2 (Middle Devonian, Couvinian, Dinant Basin, Belgium). Coenosteum laminar, discoidal or globular, some latilaminate; surface smooth or undulate; laminae definite, regular; cyst plates common; pillars short, confined to one interlaminar space, with intercalated, incomplete pillars, some superposed but not vertically continuous; in tangential section the pillars are round, with or without lumina, and joined in the laminae by radial processes, form- ing areolae and chainlike groups; tissue compact; astrorhizae well developed. Middle Devonian: Belgium, and Indiana. Four species. Atelodictyon differs from Actinostroma in lacking continuous pillars; from Anostylostroma by the radial processes. Genus STICTOSTROMA Parks, 1936 Pip sie tige6: El os) tie. elon hiss Type species (first species), Stictostroma mamilliferum Galloway and St. Jean, new name; Stromatopora mammillata Nicholson (not Schmidt, 1858), 1873, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, p. 94, pl. 4, fig. 4 (Middle Devonian, Port Colborne, Ontario); Nicholson, 1874, Rep. Pal. Prov. Ontario, p. 17, pl. 1, fig. 4; Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc., Zovl., vol. 14, pl. 1, fig. 10; Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 162, p. 124, pl. 6, fig. 4. Stictostroma Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 7 pl. 14, figs. 3-6 (Onondaga formation, Ashton’s quarry, Gorrie, Ontario Re Me Coenosteum a thin crust, cake-shaped or massive, composed of thin laminae, which in favorable sections shows a thin, transversely porous, light median layer, with thinner, darker, transversely fibrous and porous layers on each side; pillars short, spool-shaped, confined to one interlaminar space, rarely superposed; pillars in tangential sections mostly round, rarely hollow rings, but not well formed ring-pillars; galleries wider than the laminae, with a few dissepi- ments, rarely superposed with foramina between; surface smooth to mamillate; astrorhizae absent or present. Middle Devonian, Onondaga and Hamilton groups, Ontario. Five species described S. mamilliferwm G. & St. J., S. problematicum (Parks), S. alpenense (Parks), S. elevatum (Parks), and S. kayi 436 BuLLETIN 164 (Parks). The second group of Parks’ original description of the genus, in which the tissue is fibrous and there are hollow ring- pillars, obviously cannot be included in the genus Stictostroma, and is removed to Stromatoporella, including S. eriense (Parks), S. huronense (Parks), and S. insolitum (Parks). Stictostroma differs from Stromatoporella in lacking typical ring-pillars, but small rings may occur; it is much like Anostylo- stroma, but has more coarsely porous tissue, and is intermediate between the two genera. Stromatopora mammillata Nicholson is a homonym of S. mammillata Schmidt, 1858, and invalid, even if Schmidt’s species is now considered to be a synonym of Anostylo- stroma striatellum (d’Orbigny), 1850. Genus STROMATOPORELLA Nicholson, 1886 12 Sil, sdesk 5 ASS JBL Bia ie ees IOS Jelly BY, die ale JA, BG, ies Type species (originally designated), Stromatopora granulata Nicholson, 1873, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, p. 94, pl. 4, fig. 3. Stromatoporella Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 92, pl. 1, figs. 4 Oy Lo ple 4, fige6: pl. 7, figs, S965 189ll. volt 445 ps 202,mplec2ossicael (S. granulata restricted to the form from the Hamilton fm. of Arkona, Ontario) ; Parks, 1907, Univ. Toronto Studies Geol. Ser., No. 4, p. 29; 1936, No. 39, p. 90, pl. 16, figs. 1-7; Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A45; Yavorsky, 1943, Compte Rendu (Doklady) Acad. Sci. U. S. S. R., vol. 39, No. 9, p. 369; 1950, Problems of Paleonto- logy, Leningrad State University, vol. 1, pp. 243-263, 7 pls.; 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 111-128, pls. 60-67, 89; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 152. Coenosteum laminar, massive or subramose, composed of laminae and wide interspaces, which are transversed by short pillars of three kinds, (1) small, round, (2) large, hollow, cylindrical or oval, pillars making thick-walled rings in tangential section, formed by sharp upturns of the laminae, and (3) irregular. Pillars not regu- larly superposed; dissepiments frequent; superposed galleries may be connected by large foramina; tissue coarsely to finely porous and fibrous transversely, typically but rarely with anastomosing tubules, not maculate; astrorhizae largely developed. Silurian: Rare. Devonian: Abundant. Europe; North America; Asia; Australia. Carboniferous; Poland. About 55 species, plus 18 new species in Yavorsky’s 1950 paper, and 19 new species in Yavor- sky’s 1955 paper. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 437 Stromatoporella is similar to Stictostroma in vertical section, but differs in having abundant ring-pillars; from Anostylostroma in the more porous tissue and the ring-pillars. The ring-pillars made of upturned laminae are the diagnostic feature of the genus. S. erien- sis (Parks) and S. huronensis (Parks) have porous tissue, but the pores are difficult to detect; they have prominent ring-pillars. Family 3. ACTINOSTROMATIDAE* Nicholson, 1886 Family Actinostromidae Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc. London, vol. 39, p. 74. Family Actinostromatidae Stechow, 1922, Archiv. Naturg., Abt. A, vol. 88, Heft 3, p. 151. Coenosteum laminar or massive, rarely cylindrical, composed of definite laminae and continuous or superposed, strong pillars. The laminae are regular, irregular or irregularly cystose, with much secondary thickening tissue. Tissue compact, fibrous, porous or vacuolate, not maculate. Galleries usually superposed. Astrorhizae present or absent. Silurian common. Devonian abundant. KEY TO GENERA OF ACTINOSTROMATIDAE la. Pillars connected by radial processes .eeeccsesssesessen ACTINOSTROMA lb. Pillars not connected by radial processes 2a. Pillars throughout interlaminar spaces Sa Caminae tlansversely POrous. 22-2... GERRONOSTROMA 3b. Laminae not transversely porous but compact TRUPETOSTROMA 2beeEillars only an the mamelons —..s2 = seen aca LopHIOSTROMA Genus ACTINOSTROMA Nicholson, 1886 PS siecle 34. ties Type species (originally designated), 4. clathratum Nicholson, 1886, Pal- aconts Soc; vol. 39, -p. 75, ple ts figs, 98-13 pli2, tie, 11s p. 130, ple 12; figs. 1-5 (Middle Devonian, Gerolstein, Germany) ; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat., Mém. 116, p. 67; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 17-34, pls. 1-10, 23. Rosenia Waagen and Wentzel, 1887, Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Pal. Indica, ser. 13, vol. 1, p. 943, monotypic, Stromatopora astroites Rosen (Silurian, Oesel Island); Nicholson, 1889, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 42, p. 143, pl. 17, figs. 1-7. * The plural of stroma is stromata, the stem is stromat, hence the name of the family is Actinostromatidae. 438 BULLETIN 164 Actinostromella Boehnke, 1915, Palaeontographica, vol. 61, p. 162, type species( first species), 4. tubulata Boehnke, ibid., text figs. 6, 7. (Silurian boulders, north Germany). (Differs from Actinostroma only in having wall-less, tabulated tubes, probably astrorhizae). Coenosteum massive, laminar to globular, some latilaminate, composed of strong laminae, and strong, continuous pillars; pillars with or without lumina, but not hollow, connected in the laminate with 3-6 adjoining pillars by radiating processes; tissue compact; surface tuberculate; astrorhizae generally present. Silurian and Devonian: Europe; North America; Asia; Africa; Australia. Over 70 species. Actinostroma trentonense Ulrich and Everett (1890, Illinois State Geol. Surv., vol. 8, p. 282, pl. 7, fig. 3) is a sponge. Genus GERRONOSTROMA Yavorsky, 1931 124k, Bil, save, WS IL By sae 8} Type species (first species, here selected), G. elegans Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United Geol. and Prosp. Service, U. S. S. R., vol. 50, fasc. 94, p. 1406, pl. 1, fig. 12; pl. 2, figs. 3-6 (Middle Devonian, Kuznetsk Basin, south of Bachat, Russia); Riabinin, 1941, U. S. S. R. Acad. Sci., Palaeont. Inst., vol. 1, p. 91, 108; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledova- telskogo Geol. Inst. Minister Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 34-38 pls. 11, 12. Coenosteum massive or nodular, with thick laminae and wide interlaminar spaces; pillars strong, spool-shaped between laminae, superposed through many interlaminar spaces, not composed of rods nor with lumina. In tangential section the pillars are round or coalescing, without radial processes. Laminar tissue transversely porous but not maculate; galleries superposed, frequently with dissepiments; astrorhizae present or absent. Middle or Upper Devonian: Kuznetsk Basin, Urals, and Lenin- grad regions, Russia. Middle Devonian: Indiana. Twelve species. Gerronostroma is similar to Hermatostroma, but the laminae and pillars are not bordered with clear tissue. It is much like Trupetostroma, but seems to differ in having thick, transversely porous laminae. A paratype of G. elegans sent by Yavorsky (PI. 31; fig. 10) has laminae extending between short, superposed pillars, the laminae are transversely porous and the pillars are transversely STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 439 fibrous; small vacuities are spaces left by secondary thickening and without generic significance. Genus TRUPETOSTROMA Parks, 1936 ley Bl, aie, 2S RL By aig a! Type species (originally designated), T. warreni Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 52, pl. 10, figs. 1, 2 (Middle Devonian, Great Slave Lake, Canada) ; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat., Belgique, Mem. 117, p. 219. Coenosteum massive. Primary laminae typically thin, second- arily thickened on both sides, leaving a clear or dark middle line; pillars stronger than the laminae, round, regularly superposed, com- posed of secondary material, spreading on both sides of the micro- laminae; galleries superposed; dissepiments rare to abundant; tissue compact, not maculate nor with tubular pores, and the thickenings have small, ovoid vacuoles; astrorhizae and mamelons strong to weak. Middle and Upper Devonian: North America; Belgium. Five American and twelve Belgium species. Trupetostroma is characterized by (1) the continuous micro- laminae, (2) the superposed pillars and galleries, (3) the pillars and secondary thickening on the microlaminae, with oval vacuities. The type species almost lacks cyst plates but they are abundant in most species. Trupetostroma seems to differ from Gerronostroma in lacking pores in the laminae, and in the presence of vacuoles in the pillars and secondary tissue. The laminae, pillars and superposed galleries resemble Parallelopora but the tissue lacks the large maculae, tubules, and rods in the pillars. Trupetostroma might better be placed in synonomy with the older Gerronostroma, since there is no essential difference in the two genera which can be seen in figures enlarged 10 times. Genus LOPHIOSTROMA Nicholson, 1891 Poston Type species (monotypic), Lophiostroma schmidti (Nicholson) = Labechia ? schmidtiit Nicholson, 1886, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 18, p. 16, pl. 2, figs. 6-8 (Silurian, Oesel Island). Lophiostroma Nicholson, 1891, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 44, p. 160, footnote; Kihn, 1928, Foss. Cat., Hydrozoa, p. 46, (part); Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, Sci. Rept. Tokohu Imp. Univ., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 57; ?Ozaki, 1938, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., ser. 2, vol. 2, p. 214; Kiihn, 1939, in Schinde- wolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A51. 440 BULLETIN 164 Chalazodes Parks, 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 5, p. 33, pl. 9, fig. 7; pl. 11, figs. 1, 2, 7, 8 (type species, C. granulatum Parks, Middle Silurian, Drummond Island, Michigan). Coenosteum laminar to massive, consisting of continuous laminae which are sharply inflected upward into small columns, without pillars between the columns. Tissue compact; surface strongly papillate; astrorhizae absent. ?Upper Ordovician: China. Silurian: Europe; North America. Six species. Crystallization and_ silicification obscures the structure, as stated by Nicholson (1886b, p. 17), so that the genus is imperfectly understood. Family 4. IDIOSTROMATIDAE Nicholscn, 1886 Family Idiostromidae Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, pp. 74, 98. Familia Idiostromatidae Kithn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, p-ASz2: Coenosteum cylindrical, dendroid or fasciculate, the erect branches usually with axial tube, which gives off branches, the superposed galleries or pseudozooidal tubes. Skeleton composed of thick laminae and irregular pillars, mostly short; skeletal tissue transversely fibrous or porous, not maculate; astrorhizae absent. Silurian: Japan; and Russia. Devonian, widespread. Carboni- ferous improbable. KEY TO GENERA OF IDIOSTROMATIDAE Jae (Coenosteum: withoutsaxial= tubers. eee CLAVIDICTYON 1b. Coenosteum with axial tube, or intermittent 2a. Skeleton with large marginal vesicles 3a. Tissue without dark median lime oem PARAMPHIPORA 3b. Tissue with dark median line AMPHIPORA 2b. Skeleton without large marginal vesicles 3c. Tissue not tubulate; galleries open 4a. Pillars confined to one interlaminar SP ACC ae eek ere tee Merce ce eae ee DENDROSTROMA 4b. Pillars continuous or regularly SUPerpOSse dl eae cerca uate ne eis ee enter ro IDIOSTROMA 3d. Tissue finely tubulate; galleries largely fillet cee fe kaa e Se hal Sens ent eee er arene eee STACHYODES STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 441 Genus CLAVIDICTYON Sugiyama, 1939 1PAL, eva sine, Type species (originally designated), Clavidictyon columnare Sugiyama, 1939, Yabe Jubilee Publ. vol. 1, p. 441, pl. 25, figs. 6-8; 1940, Sci. Rept. Téhoku Imp. Univ., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 21, p. 109, pl. 14, figs. 7-9; pl. 15, fig. 7; pl. 16, figs. 1, 2; pl. 29, fig. 4 (Middle Silurian, Kawauti Series, Hikoroitimura, Japan). Amphipora Sugiyama (part), 1939, Yabe Jubilee Publ., vol. 1, p. 445; 1940, Sci. Rept. Tohoku Imp. Univ., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 21, p. 114. Coenosteum consisting of small, isolated or fasciculated cylin- drical columns, without axial tube, composed of thick, concentric laminae; in cross section the axis is broad and shows round and ver- micular pillars; peripheral area concentric and clathrate. Pillars confined to one interlaminar space. Galleries rectangular, usually not superposed; tissue structure undescribed; astrorhizae and mamelons unknown. Middle Silurian, Kitakam: Mountainland, northeastern Hon- shu, Japan, and ? Niagaran of Gaspé, Quebec. C. columnare and C. japonicum seem to be the same species; C. delicatulum 1s unrecognizable. Clavidictyon differs from other Idiostromatidae in the lack of an axial tube, although the axial tube is missing in some branches of other genera. Clavidictyon does not have the large peripheral vesicles of most species of Amphipora and Paramphipora, and the laminae tend to be parallel with the axis rather than transverse. Genus PARAMPHIPORA Yavorsky, 1955 IPL Bit es, 83 Type species (first species, here selected), P. mirabilis Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 154, pl. 84, figs. 3, 4 (Upper Silurian, northeast slope of the Salair, Russia). Coenosteum small, ramose, 3-7 mm. in diameter, with intermit- tent axial tube with curved.tabulae, and large vesicles near the surface. Skeleton composed of vague, upward curved laminae and short, diverging pillars and large galleries; tissue amalgamated, transversely fibrous but without dark, median line (differing from Amphipora); surface smooth; astrorhizae absent. 442 BuLLeTiIn 164 Upper Silurian, eight species; Lower Devonian, one species; Middle Devonian, two species; Upper Devonian, one species. All in Russia. Not yet distinguished from other countries. Paramphipora occurs with Amphipora and differs from it only in lacking the dark line in the tissue. It is scarcely possible to dis- tinguish the two genera from figures, even the excellent figures of Yavorsky. Some species of Paramphipora have few large, marginal vesicles (P. tschussovensis Yavorsky, 1955, pl. 88). In Clavidictyon there are neither axial tube nor marginal vesicles, and the laminae tend to be parallel to the axis rather than nearly transverse, as in Amphipora and Paramphipora. Genus AMPHIPORA Schulz, 1883 JBL Bubs ies alee IIL Seis Takes 8y/ Type species (monotypic), Caunopora ramosa Phillips, 1841, Paleozoic Foss. Cornwall, p. 19, pl. 8, fig. 22 (Middle Devonian, South Devon, England). Amphipora Schulz, 1883, Jahrb. Konigl. preuss. geol. Landesanstalt, for 1882, p» 245, pls 22) figs. 5; 6: ple 23, figs 1» Nicholson, 1886, PRalaeconts Socs vol. 39, p. 109, pl. 9, figs. 1-4; 1892, vol. 46, p. 223, pl. 29, figs. 3-7; Felix, fig.; Yabe and Sugiyama, 1933, Japanese Jour. Geol. Geog., vol. 11, p. 19; fig.; Yabe and Sugiyama, 1933, Japanese Jour. Geol. Geol., vol. 11, p. 19; Ripper, 1937, Jour. Roy. Soc. Western Australia, vol. 23, p. 37; Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, p. A54; Sugiyama, 1942, Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 49, p. 112; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 321; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznugo Nauchno- issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst. Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 149-154, pls. 80-84. Coenosteum consisting of slender, vermicular stems which may branch at long intervals, with large, variable, axial tube, and large vesicles near the surface. Both tube and vesicles may have irregu- lar, curved tabulae; skeleton composed of anastomosing galleries and pillars; tissue transversely fibrous, with darker median line in the triple walls; surface tuberculate around the apertures; astrorhizae absent. Upper Silurian: three species, Russia. Middle Devonian: Eng- land, Belgium, France, Germany, Moravia, Poland, Estonia, Italy, Yunnan, Russia, Turkestan, China, Australia, Indiana, Montana, California, Alberta. Upper Devonian: Russia, Belgium, Montana. Carboniferous: Urals. ? Permian: China, Japan. Ten species or more. Amphipora resembles a tabulate coral; such as Cladopora (Coenites). Opik, (1935, Ann. Natur. Soc. Tartu University, No. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 443 41, p. 3) considered Amphipora to be calcareous sponge, but the lack of spicules, and lack of corallites and septa, ally the genus with the stromatoporoids. It is one of the most widespread forms of stromatoporoid, and a good index fossil of the Middle Devonian be- cause of its abundance. Genus DENDROSTROMA Lecompte, 1952 eal, Bb aie, ts} Type species (originally designated), Dendrostroma oculatum (Nicholson) ; Idiostroma oculatum Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 29, p. 101, figs. 14, 15; 1892, vol. 46, p. 225, pl. 29, figs. 10, 11; text figs. 32, 33 (Middle Devonian, Btchel, Germany). Dendrostroma Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 320 -spla 61, wtig) Ie Idiostroma (part) Ripper, 1937, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, N. S., vol. 49, pt. 2, p. 195; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. AS3, fig. 81; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledova- telskogo Geol. Inst. Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 138, pls. 74, 75, 81, 83. Stromatopora caespitosa Quenstedt, 1878, Petref. Deutschlands, Abt. 1, Bd. 5, Schwamme p. 584, pl. 152, fig. 14. (Pillars short.) Coenosteum dendroid and cespitose, with irregular axial tube and thick, concentric laminae; pillars thick, short, confined to one interlaminar space, rarely superposed, vermiculate and confluent in tangential section; galleries oval to irregular in shape, with infre- quent interlaminar septa, some superposed and with connecting foramina; tissue transversely porous and fibrous in both laminae and pillars; astrorhizae unknown. Middle Devonian: Paffrath district, Germany; Russia; Michi- gan. Three species. This genus differs from /diostroma in the short pillars, rather than superposed pillars. The tissue is not maculate as that of Strom- atopora nor as clearly transversely porous as that of Stachyodes. Dendrostroma appears to be identical with Clavidictyon Sugiyama, 1939, excepting for having an axial tube. Specimens from Kegomic quarry, Mud Lake, one mile northeast of Bay View, Michigan, lack a well-formed axial tube but do have elongate vacuoles in the coenosteal axis. Genus IDIOSTROMA Winchell, 1867 IAL Bil, wee aye Te BY dies ©) Type species (first species, selected by Nicholson, 1886, p. 11), Stromatopora caespitosa Winchell, 1866, The Grand Traverse Region, Appendix, p. 91 (Middle Devonian, Traverse group, Petoskey formation, cliff, north edge Petoskey, Michigan). 444 BULLETIN 164 Idiostroma Winchell, 1867, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Ady. Sci. p. 99; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc. vol. 39, p. 10, 99, pl. 9, figs. 6-11; Grabau and Shimer, 1909, North America Index Fossils, vol. 1, p. 43; Grabau, 1910, Michigan Geol. Biol. Sury., Pub. 2,’ Geol. Ser. 1, p. 94; Kuhn, (part) 1928, Foss. Cat., Hydrozoa, p. 40; 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palao- zoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A52; Ripper, 1937, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, N. S., vol. 49, pt. 2, p. 194; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 311, pl. 66, figs. 3, 3a, 3b; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 136, pl. 73. Coenosteum dendritic or cespitose, the surface with confluent papillae and grooves; stems with irregular axial tube, with smaller branches; stems composed of thick, arching, concentric laminae, with thin primary layer, and long, thick, spool-shaped, superposed, radial pillars, round, irregular and confluent in tangential section; laminae and pillars fused, consisting of compact, vesicular tissue; galleries oval to irregular in shape, superposed, often appearing as long, thin, tabulate, pseudozooidal tubes; astrorhizae doubtful. Middle Devonian: North America, Europe, Asia, and Austra- lia. About 13 species. Neither Winchell’s types nor authentic topotypes have ever been figured. He said, (1866, p. 91), “A longitudinal section shows the characteristic layers arching across the stem . . . a transverse section exhibits radiating lamellae.” The original generic diagnosis emphasized the branchng masses and “lamellar system, represented by radial structures” (1867, p. 99). The types of /diostroma caespi- tosum Winchell, which the writer sectioned, (PI. 31, fig. 12) has superposed pillars, as understood by Nicholson, (1886, pl. 9, figs. 6, 7,05). and ‘by, Lecompte, (1952, p- 31il, pl. G6, figs. 35 3a, Sbyrelee= compte’s [diostroma crassum (pl. 66, fig. 2, 2a) and I. roemeri irregularis (pl. 67, fig. 1, la) are Stachyodes. Yavorsky’s J. comulus and I. oculatum Nicholson (1955, pp. 138, 139, pls. 74, 75, 81, 83) are Dendrostroma. Genus STACHYODES Bargatzky, 1881 Pl. 34, fig. 10 Type species (monotypic) Stachyodes verticillata (McCoy) = Stromatopora (Caunopora) verticillata McCoy, 1851, Brit. Palaeo. Foss., p. 66, text figs. a, b. = Stachyodes ramosa Bargatzky, 1881, Zeit. Deut. Geol. Gesell. vol. 33, p. 688. (Middle Devonian, Germany) ; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 445 Soc., vol. 39, p. 107, pl. 8, figs. 9-14; pl. 11, fig. 5; 1892, vol. 46, p. 221, pl. 29, figs. 1, 2; Ktihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, p. A52; 1942, Zool. Anz., Leipzig, vol. 140, p. 250; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 298. Sphaerostroma Girich, 1896, Paleoz. Polnischen Mittelgebirges, p. 128, pl. 1, Fig. 2a-c (Middle Devonian, Poland). Coenosteum dendroid, with tabulate axial tube, composed of thick laminae which are separated by thin dark lines, so that the laminae themselves represent the interlaminar spaces of most strom- atoporoids; the thick laminae are traversed by numerous, tabu- late pseudozooidal tubes or superposed galleries, which branch near the surface, and also by minute tubules parallel to the larger tubes. Pillars, indefinite, confined to one interlaminar space; astrorhizae absent. Middle and Upper Devonian: Europe. About 14 species. The laminae are thicker and more definite than in /diostroma and are finely tubulate. Family 5. STROMATOPORIDAE Winchell, 1867 Family Stromatoporidae Winchell, 1867, Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 98; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 74; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, p. A44. Coenosteum massive to laminar, composed of latilaminae, laminae and short and long pillars, the interlaminar spaces more or less filled with secondary tissue; tissue finely or coarsely maculate and amalgamated; pseudozooidal tubes common; astrorhizae and mamelons common. Upper Ordovician doubtful: China; Japan. Silurian common. Devonian abundant, not definitely known above the Devonian. Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoic forms probably do not belong to the order Stromatoporoidea but to the order Sphaeractinoidea. KEY TO GENERA OF STROMATOPORIDAE la. Pillars absent or indefinite 2a. Pseudozooidal tubes absent or indefinite; pillars indefinite, confined between two laminae FERESTROMATOPORA 2b. Vertical pseudozooidal tubes dominant «cco STROMATOPORA Ib. Pillars long, definite 446 BULLETIN 164 Jeo) Pillars narrow, Of Compact tissue saat arene TALEASTROMA 2d. Pillars large, dominating vertical sections of maculate tissue 3a. Pillars without lighter borders 4a. Maculae small, not making parallel AUD WES = AF ctee. Seat enol ie ea ens 2, SYRINGOSTROMA 4b. Maculae coarse, making parallel tubules and POU Si antie. oo) tae AA Ee eee ee mere PARALLELOPORA Sb, billarswath lehtensbordens sees. HERMATOSTROMA Ic. Pillars short, not passing through laminae 2e. Laminae of three layers; pillars incidentally super- POSE So dectee Medan cere ce sects ravers eon oareaaa CLATHROCOILONA 2f. Laminae of microlaminae; pillars normally SUpehPOSed* Ait taeit Melis naatt eoenemuatneceae SYNTHETOSTROMA 1d. Pillars long and short; skeleton mostly of GISSEPUIMENCS: a cecalies scare carte ae teeta aneo ee meaeeaels ACTINODICTYON Genus FERESTROMATOPORA Yavorsky, 1955 Pl. 36, figs. 1, 2, 4 Type species (first species, here designated) Ferestromatopora krupennikovi Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 109, pl. 58, figs. 1-5 (Middle Devonian, Kuznetz Basin, Tyrgan, Russia). Stromatopora concentrica (not Goldfuss) Lecompt2, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 271, pl. 53, figs. 2-4 (Middle Devonian, Belgium) ; 1956, in Moore, Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, p. F133, figs. 91, 2 ands 108,72: Coenosteum laminar to massive, latilaminate, the latilaminae in turn composed of laminae, with the interlaminar spaces largely filled with finely maculate and amalgamate tissue, leaving oval to oblique galleries, but without definite pillars, and without or with short and obscure pseudozooidal tubes; dissepiments and tabulae rare; astrorhizae present. Silurian: Canada. Middle Devonian: Russia; Belgium; Ger- many; Indiana. Ten species. Ferestromatopora differs from Stromatopora in lacking definite, vertical pseudozooidal tubes. It lacks the small, round pillars of Taleastroma. Ferestromatopora includes F. krupennikovi Yavorsky, F. krupennikovi talovensis Yavorsky, F. tyrganensis Yavorsky, F. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 447 compta (Poéta), F. dubia (Lecompte), F. obscura (Galloway and St. Jean), F. marpleae (Galloway and St. Jean) F. larocquet (Gal- loway and St. Jean). Genus STROMATOPORA Goldfuss, 1826 Pl. 35, figs. 1-3; Pl. 36, fig. 5 Type species (monotypic), Stromatopora concentrica Goldfuss, 1826, Petre- facta Germaniae, Ist ed., vol. 1, p. 22, pl. 8, fig. 5 (Middle Devonian, Gerolstein, Germany) ; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 91, pl. 11, figs. 15-18; 1891, vol. 44, p. 164, pl. 21, figs. 1-3 (topotypes) ; Ripper, 1937, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, N. S., vol. 49, p. 184; Kuhn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Paladozoologie, p. A44; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Bel- gique, Mém. 117, p. 263; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno- issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 81-109, pls. 42-57; Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 162, p. 164. Coenostroma Winchell, 1867, Proc. Am. Assoc. Adv. Sci., p. 99, type species (selected by Miller, 1889), Stromatopora monticulifera Winchell (Middle Devonian, N. Michigan). (Supposedly distinguished from Stromatopora by mamelons and astrorhizae.) Lioplacocyathus Ludwig, 1866, Palaeontographica, vol. 14, pp. 139, 142, pl. 72, fig. 1 (Stromatopora renamed). Prisciturben Kunth, 1870, Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Gesell., vol. 22, p. 82. (A combination of a stromatoporoid and a coral.) Pachystroma Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. London, Zool., vol. 14, p. 214, 223. Monotypic, P. antiquum Nicholson and Murie (Silurian, Ontario). ? Caunopora Phillips, 1841, Palaeoz. Foss. Cornwall, Devon and W. Somerset, p. 18, pl. 10, fig. 29. Type species, Coscinofora placenta Lonsdale (Middle Devonian, Devonshire). (An unknown stromatoporoid with symbionts.) ? Stromatopora Yabe and Sugiyama, 1930, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 14, p. 58, pl. 19, fig. 1, pl. 21, figs. 1-4 (Ordovician). (May be a sponge.) Not Stromatopora Lecompte, 1956, in Moore, Treatise Invert. Paleont., Part F, p. F133; Fig. 91 = Ferestromatopora; Fig. 109, 1 = Taleastroma; Figs 88 and 92, 1 are Stromatopora, s. s. Fig. 89 is indeterminate. Coenosteum massive to laminar, composed of latilaminae, which in turn are usually composed of thin, close-set, discontinuous micro- laminae, which are thickened by secondary, maculate tissue, leaving small galleries, tabulate pseudozooidal tubes and filling tissue which serves as pillars. The tissue is greater in amount than the galleries and is fused. Tissue finely to coarsely maculate, not compact nor with tubules, the maculae consisting of small, light and dark, spheroidal dots; astrorhizae well developed; some specimens with mamelons; dissepiments usually rare. Ordovician: Japan, doubtful. Silurian and Devonian: Europe, North America, Asia, Arctic, and Australia. About 60 species. In 448 BULLETIN 164 addition to S. concentrica, as determined by Nicholson (1886, p. 91; 1891, p. 164), some other typical species are: S. hiipschi ( Bargat- zky), S. typica Rosen, S. laminosa Lecompte, S. dybowsku Yavor- sky, and S. divergens Galloway and St. Jean. Stromatopora concen- trica of Lecompte, (1952, pl. 53, figs. 2-4; pl. 54, fig. 1) is not a Stromatopora, much less S. concentrica Goldfuss, but 1s Ferestroma- topora tyrganensis Yavorsky. Stromatopora lacks the large pillars of Syringostroma and the small, compact pillars of Taleastroma. Typical species of Stromato- pora have the interlaminar spaces largely filled with maculate, amalgamated tissue, as stated by Nicholson (1886, p. 91), and pseudozooidal tubes are dominant over laminae. Genus TALEASTROMA, new genus JL ai, es a Type species Stromatopora cumingsi Galloway and St. Jean, 1957, Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 162, p. 182, pl. 15, fig. 4 (Middle Devonian, Logansport limestone, Logansport, Indiana). Coenosteum massive, latilaminate, the latilaminae in turn composed of thin laminae, with the interlaminar spaces largely filled with maculate and amalgamate tissue, leaving small, round and irregular galleries. Pillars long, thin, 0.06 to 0.2 mm. in diameter, with light, compact centers and borders of dark maculae; pseudo- zooidal tubes short, lighter and larger than the pillars; dissepiments and tabulae scarce; astrorhizae usually well developed, small. Middle Devonian: Indiana; Belgium; probably Russia. Five species, 7. cumingsi (Galloway and St. Jean), 7. pachytextwm (Lecompte), 7. cooperi (Lecompte), 7. conicomamillatum (Gallo- way and St. Jean), 7. magnimamillatum (Galloway and St. Jean). Stromatopora has conspicuous pseudozooidal tubes but no pillars; Ferestromatopora lacks both pseudozooidal tubes and pillars; Taleastroma has small, compact pillars and imperfect pseudozooidal tubes. The pillars of Syringostroma are large and composed of maculate tissue. The name ta/ea means a small rod and refers to the narrow pillars. Genus SYRINGOSTROMA Nicholson, 1875 1B, Bi, sores, yo Ib BiH, rales, Y/ Type species (selected by Nicholson, 1886, p. 98), S. densum Nicholson, STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 449 1875, Palaeont. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 251, pl. 24, fig. 2. (Middle Devonian, Kelleys Island, Ohio) ; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 97, pl. 11, figs. 13, 14; 1891, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 7, p. 326, pl. 10, figs. 8, 9; Girty, 1895, 48th Ann. Rep. State Geol. New York, for 1894, p. 289; Parks, 1909, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 6, p. 8}; Ripper, 1937, Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, N. S., vol. 49, p. 179; Kuhn, 1939, in Schinde- wolf, Handbuch Paldozoologie, p. A46; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 195; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo, Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 128-136, pls. 68-72. Stylodictyon Nicholson and Murie, 1878, is probably a synonym. Coenosteum massive or tuberose, composed of latilaminae and thin, porous laminae. Interlaminar spaces largely filled with macu- late tissue, leaving small oval, and narrow, superposed galleries. Pillars large and long, and short and spool-shaped; the large pillars are usually marked by sharp upturns of the laminae, and are filled with more compact, maculate tissue. In some species the laminae are flat. Tangential section with large, roundish pillars or concentric circles, round, or irregular small pillars and round and anastomosing galleries; tissue fused and conspicuously maculate; astrorhizae largely developed. Silurian and Devonian: North America; Europe; Australia. About 20 species. Syringostroma differs from Stromatopora only in the large, continuous, round pillars, which are in the groundmass, as seen in tangential section. It resembles Parallelopora but has smaller maculae. Syringostroma of Lecompte (1951, p. 195) is not typical, and most of his species belong in other genera. Genus STYLODICTYON Nicholson and Murie, 1878 Type species (originally designated), Syringostroma columnaris Nicholson, 1875, Geol. Surv. Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 253, pl. 24, figs. 1, la. (Middle Devonian, Columbus limestone, Sandusky, Ohio). Stylodictyon columnare Nicholson and Murie, 1878, Jour. Linn. Soc. Zool., vol. 14, p. 221, pl. 3, figs. 4-8; Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 79, pl. 7, figs. 7-11; Grabau and Shimer, 1909, North American Index Fossils, p. 41, fig. 65. Not Stylodictyon Parks, 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 5, p. 29, pl. 12, figs. 1, 2 (not Silurian but Devonian, a species of Anostylo- stroma); Kihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie, Bd. 2a, p. A43, fig. 60; Shimer and Shrock, 1944, Index Fossils North America, p. 61, pl. 18, figs. 23, 24. Coenosteum massive. Laminae thin and close, rising sharply 450 BULLETIN 164 into large pillars or small columns; interlaminar spaces largely filled with secondary tissue, leaving small, oval galleries; large pillars solid, without axial, astrorhizal tubes; pillars between columns small, short, spool-shaped; tissue amalgamated and probably finely maculate; astrorhizae large. Middle Devonian, northern Ohio. One species. Stylodictyon seems to be a Syringostroma with small columns. The presence of columns made by upturns of laminae is not a generic character but a specific character, occurring in many genera. The type species of Syringostroma columnare Nicholson has never been found, and no one but Nicholson and Murie has added a species to the genus. Stylodictyon columnare of Parks (1908, p. 29), Kiihn (1939, p. A46), and Shimer and Shrock (1944, p. 61), is a species of Anostylostroma, from the Jeffersonville limestone, not Silurian, from near Louisville, Kentucky. Genus PARALLELOPORA Bargatzky, 1881 JL Bal, shes, IUHe Il, Bs, sakes, Type species (first species, selected by Nicholson, 1891, p. 193) P. ostiolata Bargatzky, 1881, Die Stromatoporen des rheinischen Devons, Verhandl, naturhist. preuss. Rheinland u. Westfalens, vol. 38, p. 291 (Middle Devonian, Germany); Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 95, pl. 2, figs. 6, 7; 1891, vol. 44, p. 191; Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 53; Kiihn, 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palaozoologie Bd. 2A, p. A45; Lecompte, 1952, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mem. 117, jon PA. jolla Sily ives, 8, eee Not Parallelopora Newell, 1935, Jour. Paleont., vol. 9, p. 341; a sponge. Not Parallelopora Johnson and Pfender, 1939, Jour. Paleont., vol. 13, p. 515; may be Ferestromatopora. Coenosteum laminar to massive, composed of thin laminae or multiple microlaminae with maculate tissue between, above, and below the microlaminae. Pillars large, continuous, composed of small, parallel, vertical tubules and vertical rods or columns of dark dots; in tangential section the pillars are roundish in the inter- laminar spaces and irregular and connected in the laminae. Galleries superposed, making pseudozooidal tubes (the parallel pores of Bar- gatzky ), not characteristic but occurring in other genera with con- tinuous pillars; dissepiments uncommon; tissue coarsely maculate. In tangential section the galleries are round, vermiculate and anas- tomosing; astrorhizae large and numerous. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 45] Silurian, Middle Devonian: Europe, North America, and Aus- tralia; Permian ?, Japan. About 10 species. Many species in Kiihn (1928, Foss. Cat., p. 51) belong in Syringostroma or Stromatopora. This genus differs from other genera of the Stromatoporoidea in the coarse superposed maculae. It differs from the Actinostroma- tidae, which have superposed chambers but lack maculate tissue. Genus HERMATOSTROMA Nicholson, 1886 IP Bs) WOES, Type species (monotypic), H. schliiteri Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 105, pl. 3, figs. 1, 2 (Middle Devonian, Hebborn, Germany) ; Nichol- son, 1892, Palaeont. Soc.. vol. 46, p. 215, pl. 28, figs. 12, 13; Parks, 1907, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 4, p. 34, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2: pl. 6, figs. 3, 4 (Middle Silurian, Guelph, Elora, Ontario); Ripper, 1937, Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. 50, pt. 1, N.S., p. 29; Lecompte, 1952, Proc. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 117, p. 247; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno- issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, noy. ser., vol. 8, pp. 140-149, pls. 72, 76-79. Coenosteum massive, tuberose or discoidal, composed of strong laminae and large, continuous, or definitely superposed pillars with darker or lighter centers, the dark tissue typically extending into the laminae. Pillars and laminae not originally hollow. Pillars in tangential section round and frequently coalescing, not connected by radial processes. Galleries superposed, some species with cyst plates. The margins of both pillars and laminae are lighter in color and appear coarsely vesiculate; tissue coarsely maculate; astrorhizae generally well developed. Silurian: Canada. Middle Devonian: Europe; North America. Nine or more species. This genus differs from Syringostroma in the light borders of the pillars. It is much like Parallelopora, but the light borders of the pillars and lack of tubules and rods in the pillars distinguish it. The laminae are stronger than in Trupetostroma which lacks the light-colored layers on pillars and laminae but does have vacuoles in the tissue. Gerronostroma lacks both the light-colored layers on pillars and the laminae and the vacuoles. Coarse maculae are ob- vious in H. logansportense and obscure in H. schliitert. Genus CLATHROCOILONA Yavorsky, 1931 Bl By re tS Type species (monotypic), Clathrocoilona abeona Yavorsky, 1931, Bull. United 452 BULLETIN 164 Geol. and Prosp. Service, U. S. S. R., vol. 50, fase. 94, p. 1407, pl. 1, figs. 9-11; pl. 2, figs. 1, 2, 2a (Middle Devonian, S.W. border Kuznetsk Basin, Russia) ; 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 38, 39, pl. 13, figs. 1-7. Stromatoporella (part) Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 152. Coenosteum lamellar to massive; laminae thick, tripartite, with white median layer. Pillars mostly confined to one interlaminar space, spool-shaped in vertical section and frequently superposed, oval in cross section but not hollow rings. Galleries round or oval, scarcely higher than the laminae are thick, with thin dissepiments, and additional larger, round or elongate oval cavities with tabulae, the astrorhizal canals. Yavorsky said, “Tissue fibers compact,” but Yavorsky’s tangential section shows maculae or pores, and Indiana specimens of Clathrocoilona are coarsely maculate. Mamelons and astrorhizae may occur. Middle Devonian: Kuznetsk Basin, Russia; Belgium; Indiana. Thirteen species. If the tissue were solid, this genus would belong in the Actino- stromatidae near Trupetostroma. The large cavities (astrorhizal canals), which Yavorsky said distinguishes Clathrocotlona from Clathrodictyon, occur in many genera. The triple laminae, with median light zone, occurs in the type species of Trupetostroma, and in Stromatoporella, Syringostroma, and Stictostroma. A recently figured form close to Clathrocoilona is Stromatoporella saginata Lecompte (1951, pl. 22, fig. 62, which has “Une vague structure alveolaire,” p. 173). Genus SYNTHETOSTROMA Lecompte, 1951 124 by, sus ot) Type species (originally designated), S. actinostromoides Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 193, pl. 20, figs. 3, 4 (Middle Devonian, Givetian, Dinant Basin, Belgium). Coenosteum thickly laminar and undulating; laminae thick, composed of interlaced microlaminae, separated by wider galleries with numerous dissepiments; galleries oval, superposed, without connecting pores; pillars large, regularly superposed, round in tan- gential section, not connected by radial processes; tissue “cellu- laire”, or finely maculate; astrorhizae present. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 453 Middle Devonian: Belgium. One species. This genus is much like Clathrocoilona, differing in the larger number of microlaminae and superposed pillars, and _ tripartite laminae. It has no ring-pillars as does Stromatoporella, nor radial processes on the pillars, as does Actinostroma. The tissue is maculate rather than transversely porous as it is in Gerronostroma. This genus may include Actinodictyon vagans Parks and other species like Actinodictyon but with definite laminae. Genus ACTINODICTYON Parks, 1909 JE, Baq. iesfee, Al{0) Type species (first species, selected by Bassler, 1915), 4. canadense Parks, 1909, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 6, p. 30, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2 (Middle Silurian, Southampton Island, Canada); Bassler, 1915, U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 92, p. 16; Kiihn, 1928, Foss. Cat., p. 25; 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Paldozoologie, Bd. 2A, p. A43, fig. 59; Parks, 1936, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 39, p. 113, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2; Lecompte, 1951, Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, p. 149; in Moore, 1956, Treatise Invert. Paleont., Part F, p. F130 Coenosteum cylindrical to massive, latilaminate. Laminae var- iably developed, dissepiments conspicuous, pillars short and super- posed, appearing continuous. In tangential section the pillars are round to irregular, both solid and maculate, joined by curved dis- sepiments, but not by radiating processes; dissepiments may be cut as rings; tissue maculate and porous; astrorhizae present or absent. Silurian: Canada, four species. Devonian: Canada; Ohio, In- diana; Belgium; Germany. Seven or more species. The maculate tissue, predominance of dissepiments, and short and superposed pillars are characteristic. The genus only faintly resembles Labechia or Labechiella. Laminae are subordinate to dissepiments in Silurian species and in some Devonian species of Actinodictyon. APPENDIX TO STROMATOPOROIDEA INVALID NAMES AND FORMS NOT STROMATOPOROIDEA Genus APHRALYSIA Garwood, 1914 Type species (originally designated), 4. carbonaria Garwood, 1914, Geol. Mag., p. 268, pl. 21, figs. 3, 4 (Lower Carboniferous, Westmoreland) ; Kuhn, 1928, Fossilium Catalogus, Hydrozva, p. 38. 454 BuLLETIN 164 Body nodular, a thick incrustation surrounding fragments of various organisms, up to 10 mm. in diameter, composed of minute, blisterlike plates, 0.2 to 0.5 mm. broad and about 0.12 mm. high, convex outwardly, more or less concentrically arranged, over- Japping irregularly; tissue dense; no pillars, zooidal tubes or astro- rhizae. Lower Carboniferous, England. One species. It is doubtful to which group this organism belongs; it may be an alga, as suggested by Garwood. It bears little resemblance, other than in the curved plates, to the Labechiidae, which are con- fined to the Ordovician and Silurian. The cyst plates are much smaller and less regular than those of Cystostroma and Aulacera. It is the only stromatoporoid-like organism so far reported from rock of definite Mississippian age. It has much the appearance of Girvanella, an alga. Genus AULOCERIUM Parks, 1909 Type species (monotypic), 4. savagei Parks, 1909, Univ. Toronto Studies, No. 6, p. 44, pl. 18, figs. 13, 15 (Lower Silurian, Wilmington, Illinois). Coenosteum laminar, composed of vesicular cystose tissue, with- out pillars but with large, vertical, thin-walled, tabulated tubes and lunaria; tissue dense; astrorhizae absent. Lower Silurian, Illinois. One species. The writer has studied the type slides of Aulocerium and recog- nized it as the bryozoan genus Fistulipora. Genus CAUNOPORA Phillips, 1841 Type species (designated by Miller, 1889) Coscinopora placenta Lonsdale, 1840, Trans. Geol. Soc. London, ser. 2, vol. 5, p. 697, fig. Caunopora Phillips, 1841, Paleo. Foss. Cornwall, Devon and W. Somerset, p. 18, pl. 10, fig. 29 (Middle Devonian, Devonshire); Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, pp. 110-130; Yavorsky, 1955, Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, p. 14; Lecompte, 1956, in Moore, Treatise Invert. Paleont., Part F, Geol. Soc. Amer., p. F108. The nature of Caunopora, both as a genus and a structure, was thoroughly discussed by Nicholson. He reached the conclusion, as many students had previously, that “Caunopora,” Phillips is a com- posite of various stromatoporoids and a coral, Syringopora, rarely STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 455 Aulopora, and that the generic name is invalid. Subsequent workers have been in agreement with Nicholson. The tubes occur in many genera of Devonian stromatoporoids and in a few Silurian forms. The tubes have been referred to as “Cauwnopore-tubes,” “cauno- pore tubes,” and more recently as Syringopora. Genus DIAPORA Bargatzky, 1881 Type species (monotypic), Diapora laminata Bargatzky, 1881, Die Stromato- poren des rheinischen Devons, Verhand. naturhist. Vereins, Preuss. Rheinland u. Westfalens, vol. 38, p. 287, figs. 8, 9 (Middle Devonian, Paffrath and Biichel, Germany). Fig. 8, tangential section, is an Actinostroma and Fig. 9, verti- cal section, appears to be an Anostylostroma. According to Nichol- son, Diapora from Biichel, is a Stromatoporella, with larger verti- cal tubes with walls, probably the coral Syringopora (Nicholson, 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 93, pl. 10, figs: 1-4). The name Diapora refers to the combination of a stromatoporoid and a coral; it has been considered nomenclaturally invalid and unrecognizable by all workers on the stromatoporoids since Bargatzky. Genus DICTYOSTROMA Nicholson, 1875 Type species (monotypic), D. unmdulosum Nicholson, Geol. Surv., Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 254, pl. 24, fig. 6 (Middle Silurian, Louisville, Kentucky; 1886, Palaeont. Soc., vol. 39, p. 85; 1892, vol. 46, p. 232; Rominger, 1886, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia, p. 54; Parks, 1908, Univ. Toronto Studies, Geol. Ser., No. 5, p. 56, pl. 14, figs. 3, 4; pl. 15, figs. 3, 4; Bassler, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 92, p. 428; Hill and Stumm, in Moore, Treatise Invert. Paleont., Part F, p. F466. Dictyostroma is generally considered to be a tabulate coral near to or identical with Coenites. Genus KENTLANDIA Shrock, 1937 Type species (originally designated), Kentlandia imbricata Shrock, 1937, Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 18, p. 537, pl. 1, figs. 5-13; pl. 2, fig. 4. (Middle Ordovician, Kentland, Indiana) ; Bassler, 1950, Geol. Soc. Amer- ica, Mem. 44, p. 292. Synonym of Paleoalveolites Okulitch (1935), a coral of the family Tetradiidae. Genus KITAKAMITA Sugiyama, 1940 Type species (monotypic), Kitakamiia mirabilis Sugiyama, 1940, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., Sendai, ser. 2, vol. 21; p. 112, No. 2, pl. 32, figs. 3-6 (Silurian, near Sakarimati, north of Sendai, Japan). 456 BULLETIN 164 Corallum thick laminar, in vertical section consisting of thin curved plates, which are arranged in irregular, vertical tiers, the junctions of the tiers making zigzag walls, mistaken by Sugiyama for vertical pillars. Corallites crescentic, four times as thick as the walls. Walls apparently solid with some indications of mural pores; septa and tabulae apparently absent. Silurian, northern Honshu, Japan. This form is surely a species of the coral Alveolites, which genus occurs at the same locality as the supposed stromatoporoid. The genus has no particular similarity to either Stromatocerium, Lophto- stroma, or Chalazodes, as claimed by Sugiyama. Genus TIENODICTYON Yabe and Sugiyama, 1941 Type species (monotypic), Tienodictyon zonatum Yabe and Sugiyama, 1941, Proc. Imp. Acad. Japan, vol. 17, No. 5, p. 139, figs. 1-6 (Middle Devonian ?, Eastern Yunnan, China ?). Coenosteum massive, with granulate surface, composed of thick laminae, which in turn are composed of densely crowed trabeculae. Some thicker, round trabeculae connect the laminae across the inter- laminar spaces, which are divided in a general horizontal direction by thin, undulating plates. Upper part of interlaminar space with vertical trabeculae prolonged from the upper lamina; lower part with vermiculate trabeculae, and rarely with tabulae. “All trabe- culae radially fibrous, without exhibiting any other structure.” Astrorhizae apparently absent. Middle Devonian?, eastern Yunnan, China. One species. This genus, being composed of trabeculae or rods, can scarcely be a stromatoporoid. It fits better in the family Sphaeractinidae of the order Sphaeractinoidea. The structure is like that of Mesozoic hydroids, not like that of any known Devonian stromatoporoid. The age of the specimen, and its locality, might be questioned, since it was found, “in an early collection of Chinese fossils stored in the Institute of Geology and Paleontology.” All too often old specimens lose their original labels! Order Sphaeractinoidea Kuhn, 1927, Zentralbl. Min. Geol. Paleont., Abt. B, p. 546-551; 1939, in Schindewolf, Handbuch Palazoologie, Bd. 2A, p. ASS. Skeleton calcarous, composed of concentric and radial trabe- STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 457 culae or rods, with superposed galleries and reduced astrorhizae. Permian to Cretaceous. Families, Disjectoporidae, Stromatoporin- idae, Sphaeractinidae, Heterastriidae, Spongiomorphidae, and Mille- porellidae. REFERENCES The following bibliography includes only the most important references on structure and classification of the Stromatoporoidea. A bibliography of over 500 items was published by Galloway and St. Jean, 1956, and a supplement of 88 items by Flugel, 1956. Bargatsky, A, 1881a, Stachyodes, cine neue Stromatoporengattung. Zeitschr. Deutschen Geol. Ges., vol. 33, pp. 688-691. 1881b, Die Stromatoporen des rheinisches Devons. Verhandl. naturhist. Vereins Preuss. Rheinlande Westfalens, vol. 38, pp. 233-304; separate pp. 1-19, 11 text figures. Bassler, R. S. 1932, The stratigraphy of the Central Basin of Tennessee. Geol. Sur. Tennessee, Bull. 28, pp. 214, 226, pl. 16, fig. 9; pl. 22, figs. 10, 11. 1935, Descriptions of Paleozoic fossils from the Central Basin of Tennessee. Jour. Washington Acad. Sci., vol. 25, p. 104. Billings, E. 1857, Ordovician and Silurian rocks of North America. Geol. Sur. Canada, Rept. Prog. 1853-56, pp. 343-345. 1865, Notes on some of the more remarkable genera of Silurian and Devonian fossils. Canadian Nat. and Geol., ser. 2, vol. 2, pp. 405-409, bigss) eZ. Boehnke, K. 1915, Die Stromatoporen der nordischen Silgurgesciebe in Norddeutsch- land und in Holland. Palaeontographica Beitr. Natur. Vorzeit, vol. 61, pp. 147-190, pls. 16-18, 35 text figures. Carter, H. J. 1877, On the close relationship of Hydractinia, Parkeria, and Stroma- topora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 19, pp. 44-76. 1878a, On new species of Hydractiniidae, Recent and fossil and on the identity in structure of Millepora alcicornis with Stromatopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 1, pp. 298-311. 1878b, On the probable nature of the animal which produced the Stroma- toporoidea, traced through Hydractinia, Millepora alcicornis and Caunopora to Stromatopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 2, pp. 304-324. 1879, On the mode of growth of Stromatopora including the commen- salism of Caunopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 4, pp. 101-106. Cumings, E. R., and Shrock, R. R. 1928a, The geology of the Silurian rocks of northern Indiana. Ind. Dept. Cons., Div. geol., publ. 75, pp. 59, 189. Endo, R. 1932, The Canadian and Ordovician formations and fossils of south Manchuria. U. S. Nat Mus. Bull. 164, p. 40. Felix, J. 1905, Ueber die Gattung Amphipora. Sitzungsbericht Naturforsch. Ges. Leipzig, vols. 30, 31, pp. 73-76. 458 BULLETIN 164 Fliigel, E. H, 1956, Zur Bibliographie der Stromatoporen. Mitteil. Naturwiss. Vereins Steinmark, Bd. 86, pp. 28-31. Graz. Foerste, A. F. 1909, Preliminary notes on Cincinnatian and Lexington fossils. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Uniy., vol. 14, pp. 298-300, pls. 7-9. 1910, Preliminary notes on Cincinnatian and Lexington fossils of Ohio., Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. SS Joins GO, B75 yole ie 1916, Notes on Cincinnatian fossil types. Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. 18, pp. 297-304, pls. 1, 2. Fritz, M. A., and Waines, R. H. 1956, Stromatoporoids from the upper Abitibi River limestone. Proc. Geol. Assoc. Canada, vol. 8, pt. 1, pp. 87-126, pls. 1-3. Galloway, J. J.. and St. Jean, J., Jr. 1955, The type of the stromatoporoid species Stromatocerium rugosum Hall. Am. Mus. Novitates, no. 1728, pp. 1-11, figs. 1-7. 1956a, A bibliography of the order Stromatoporoidea. Jour. Paleont., vol. 30, pp. 170-185. 1957, Middle Devonian Stromatoporoidea of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio. Bull. Amer. Paleont., vol. 37, No. 162, pp. 25-296, pls. 1-23. Garwood, E. J. 1914, Some new rock-building organisms from the Lower Carboniferous beds of Westmoreland. Geol. Mag., ser. 5, vol. 11, p. 268, pl. 21, figs. 3,4. Goldfuss, A. 1826, Petrefacta Germaniae. List and Francke, Leipzig, 1st ed., p. 21, pl. 8, figs. 5a-c. 2nd ed., 1862. Gorsky, I. I. 1935, Some Coelenterata from the Lower Carboniferous beds of Novaya Zemlya. Trans. Arctic Inst., vol. 28, pp. 7, 9-23, 70, 71, 73-76, 82-97, pls. 1-5, text figs. 1-4. (Russian with English summary.) 1938, Some Stromatoporoidea from Palaeozoic beds of Novaya Zemlya. In Gorsky, I. I., and others, Palaeontology of the Soviet Arctic. Arctic Inst. U. S. S. R., vol. 101, pt. 3, pp. 7-45, pls. 1-7. (Russian with English summary.) Grabau, A. W., in Grabau, A. W., and Sherzer, H. W. 1910, The Monroe formation of southern Michigan and adjoining regions. Michigan Geol. and Biol. Survey, publ. 2, geol. ser. 1, pp. 87-94, pls. eh ies Grabau, A. W., and Shimer, H. W. 1909, North American index fossils. A. G. Seiler Co., New York, vol. 1, pp. 34-37, figs. 56-74. Hall, James 1847, Palaeontology of New York. Nat. Hist. New York, vol. 1, pp. 48, B23, OL WA, sey 2, Ze) Ab. Hickson, S. J. 1934, On Gypsina plana and on the systematic position of the stroma- toporoids. Quart. Jour. Micro. Sci., new ser. 303, vol. 76, pp. 433-480, 2 pls., 13 figs. Johnson, J. H., and Pfender, J. 1939, Parallelopora goldfussii from the Devonian near Cody, Wyoming. Jour. Paleontology, vol. 13, pp. 515, 516, pl. 60. (A species of Fere- stromatopora.) STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 459 Kiihn, 0. 1927, Zur Systematik und Nomenklatur der Stromatoporen. Zentralb. Min. Geol. Palaont., Abt. B, pp. 546-551. 1928, Fossilium Catalogus 1. Animalia. Pars 36: Hydrozoa. W. Junk, Berlin, pp. 1-114. 1939a, Eine neue Familie der Stromatoporen. Zentralb. Min. Geol. Palaont., Abt. B., pp. 338-345, figs. 1-3. 1939b, Hydrozoa: in Schindewolf, Handbuch der Paldozoologie. Band 2A, pp. A36-A68, figs. 51-96. 1942, Die Gattung Stachyorles. Zool. Anz., Leipzig, vol. 140, pp. 250, 251. Kunth, A. 1870, Beitrage zur Kenntnis fossiler Korallen. Zeitschr. Deutschen Geol. Gess, vols :22) p: 82: Lecompte, M. 1951-1952, Les Stromatoporoides du Dévonien moyen et superieur du Bassin de Dinant. Inst. Roy. Sci. Nat. Belgique, Mém. 116, pp. 1-215, pls. 1-35; Mém. 117, pp. 216-369, pls. 36-70. 1956, Stromatoporoidea, in Moore, R. C., Treatise on Invertebrate Paleon- tology, Part F, Geol. Suc. Amer., pp. F107-F144, figs. 86-114. Le Maitre, D. 1949, Sur Quelques genres de Stromatopores Dévoniens et leur micro- structure. Bull Soc. Géol. France, ser. 5, vol. 19, pp. 513-526, pls. 16- 18, figs. 1-8. Lonsdale, W., in Murchinson, R. I. 1839, Corals, The Silurian system, founded on geological researches. John Murray, London, pt. 2, pp. 676, 680, 681, 711, pl. 15, figs. 31, 31a-d. Nicholson, H. A. 1873, On some new species of Stromatopora. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 12, pp. 89-95, pl. 4. 1874, On the affinities of the genus Stromatopora with descriptions of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, vol. 13, pp. 4-14, figs. 1-3. 1875, Descriptions of Amorphozoa from the Silurian and Devonian forma- tions. Geol. Survey Ohio, vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 245-255, pl. 24. 1879, On the structure and affinities of the Tabulate Corals of the Palaeozoic period. Edinburgh and London, pp. 28, 29, 330-337, figs. 12) 44- ple 5; figs: 4° 4a. 1886a, On some new or imperfectly known species of stromatoporoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 5, vol. 17, pp. 225-239, pls. 6-8. 1886b, On some new or imperfectly known species of stromatoporoids. Ann. Mag. Nat. 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Sugiyama, T. 1939, Geological and geographical distribution of stromatoporoids in Japan, with notes on some interesting forms. Yabe Jubilee Pub., vol. 1, pp. 427-456, pls. 24-26. 1940, Stratigraphical and paleontological studies of the Gotlandian deposits of the Kitakami Mountainland. Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ., ser. 2, vol. 21, pp. 86, 88-91, 93-96, 98-114, pls. 13-18, 22, 23, 25, 29, Sis: 1941, A new form of the genus Labechiellata from Chosen (Korea). Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 48, pp. 461-463, figs. 1-3. 462 BULLETIN 164 1942, Amphipora from the Devonian of China. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. 49, No. 587, pp. 112-116, pls. 4 (3), 5 (4). Twenhofel, W. H. 1927. Geology of Anticosti Island. Canada Dept. Mines, Geol. Survey, Mem. 154, No. 135, pp. 16, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 37, 44-46, 49-54, 56, 60, 64-67, 69, 70, 75, 83, 104, 107. Twitchell, G. B. 1928-1929, The structure and relationship of the true stromatoporoids. Amer. Midland Naturalist, vol. 11, pp. 270-306, pls. 18-24, figs. 1, 2. Ulrich, E. 0., in Bassler, R. 1915, Family Beatriceidae, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 92, p. 1409. Ulrich, E. 0., and Everett, 0. 1890, Description of Lower Silurian sponges. Illinois Geol. Survey Bull., Wolk & jos ZAI AY folk 7, ite So Sey sly Sy Sey Slo Waagen, W., and Wentzel, J. 1887, Salt Range fossils. Paleont. Indica, ser. 13, pp. 925-939, 943, pls. 120-1215 Wilson, A. E. 1948, Miscellaneous classes of fossils, Ottawa formation, Ottawa-St. Lawrence Valley. Canada Geol. Survey Bull., No. 11, pp. 5, 45-50, pls. 22-25. Winchell, A. 1866, The Grand Traverse Region; a report on the geological and in- dustrial resources of the counties of Antrim, Grand Traverse, Benzie and Leelanaw in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Dr. Chase’s Steam Printing House, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 1-82; Appendix, pp. 83-97. 1867, Stromatoporidae: their structure and zoological affinities. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., for 1866, vol. 15, pp. 91-99. 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Min. Geol. Pal- aeont., Abt. B, pp. 613-616, 5 figs. 1943, Devonian Stromatoporellidae and their role in the study of the stratigraphy of the Kuznetsk Basin. Acad. Sci. U. S. S. R., Comptes Rendus (Doklady), vol. 39, pp. 369, 370. 1950, Devonian Stromatoporella and their significance for stratigraphy. In Voprosy Paleontologii, vol. 1, Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo Gosudar- stvennogo Universiteta, pp. 243-263, pls. 1-7. 1955, Stromatoporoidea Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vrudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno- issledovatelskogo Geol. Inst., Minister. Geol. i Ochrany Nedr, nov. ser., vol. 8, pp. 1-173, pls. 1-89, text figs. 1-11. ILI hiahs Explanation of Plate 31 Finer tissue structure. Original drawings from vertical sections. Num- bers in parentheses are numbers on slides in the Indiana University Faleontological collections. Figure il Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -...--..-... Cyst plates with compact median layer, minutely crenulate in places, with thick, flocculent lower and upper layers; X 20. From holotype. Middle Chazy ls., 1 mi. SE. of Isle La Motte, Vite Cele 32) tis, 1) (00-1): Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.........2-.....-.- Primary plates of cysts compact and dusty, with vertical pores in places; chambers largely filled with dusty and flocculent lighter tissue; X 20. From topotype of the genus. Late Ordo- vician, Elkhorn Creek, 4 mi. S. of Richmond, Ind. (282-58). Mabechiae contents (zonsd a) cee eee Tissue showing compact median layer, with upper and lower dusty layers; secondary layers confluent with pillars; X 20. From topotype. Wenlock ls., Trowbridge, England. (301-93). Clathrodictyon vesiculosum Nicholson and Murie _ .................... Tissue dusty and minutely fibrous and porous transversely; X 40. From typical specimen. Middle Silurian, Charlestcwn, Ind. (303-65). Anostylostroma hamiltonense Parks _......-.....200-.-.-.---2..------------ Tissue with transverse fibers and pores in the laminae, and finer, transverse fibers in the pillars; X 20. From topotype. Lower Traverse group, 8 mi. N. of Alpena, Mich. (Pl. 33, fig. 6) (282-51). Stictostroma mamilliferum Galloway and St. Jean .............-.. Tissue with transverse fibers and conspicuous pores in the laminae, and transverse fibers in the pillars; X 40. From typical specimen. Onondaga ls., Ashton’s quarry, 1% mi. E. of Gorrie, Ont. (300-91). Stromatoporella granulata (Nicholson) —...................--.----.-------------- Tissue compact and finely granular, with minute median branching tubules; X 40. From typical specimen. Hamilton sh., Thedford, Ont. (282-38). Stromatoporella /Eriemsiss (Parks) ice ccec see oaee cece ereeessencsensceeeeeee Tissue finely fibrous and porous transversely; X 20. From typ- ical specimen. Columbus Is., Columbus, Ohio. (303-9). Actinostroma expansum (Hall and Whitfield) —........-..--............. Tissue minutely granular, compact and nearly homogeneous, showing upward growth lines in the pillars, which were not hollow; X 20. From topotype. Upper Devonian, Shell Rock fm., Nora, Iowa. (302-36). Page 421 427 433 434 435 436 436 437 464 10. He 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. nie 18. BULLETIN 164 Gerronostroma elegans Yavorsky .............---00-0---------.---- Tissue transversely fibrous and porous; X 20. From paratype. Middle Devonian, Kuznetsk Basin, Russia. (306-44). Trupetostroma, warren Parks (4.12202 ee Tissue compact, minutely granular and nearly homogenous; laminae with light microlamina with secondary upper and lower, dark layers continuous with pillars, and foramina; sec- ondary tissue with commcn, roundish vesicles; X 20. From topotype. Middle Devonian, Hoosier Ridge, Northwest Ter- ritories, Canada. (282-26). Idiostroma caespitosum Winchell ...............................22-------eee eee Tissue compact, minutely granular, mottled; laminae with light microlaminae with secondary tissue with abundant roundish vesicles, but not maculate; X 20. From Winchell’s type spec- imen. Traverse group, Petoskey ls., Petoskey, Mich. Univ. Michigan Mus., No. 32701. BASHA YD ENT O Nisa Mec A NINO Sede (Cle Fain 1 SS) ee eee Tissue transversely fibrous, with dark median line in the pil- lars; X 20. Jeffersonville ls., Independent Quarry, 4 mi. S. of Dupont, Ind. (306-6). Ferestromatopora tyrganensis Yavorsky —.... 0. Tissue amalgamated, strongly maculate; maculae dark circles with light centers, irregularly distributed, strongest around galleries, varying from 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter, laminae, pillars and pseudozooidal tubes obscure; X 40. Middle De- vonian, Gerolstein, Germany, Royal Ontario Mus. Paleont., No. 2412D. Indiana Univ. Paleont. Coll., (301-94). Syringcostroma densum) Nicholson) = eee Tissue amalgamated, with minute, dark specks; maculae small, 0.02 to 0.03 mm. in diameter, mostly fuzzy, tending to be ar- ranged in diverging lines in the long, large pillars; X 40. From topotype. Columbus Is., Kelleys Island, Ohio. (306-8). Parallelopora nodulata (Nicholson) ...........................-22.2222-------- 361, Tissue amalgamated, full of minute black specks; maculae large, 0.03 to 0.05 mm. in diameter, with light lumina, arranged in vertical files; galleries superposed, mak’ng the “parallel pores” of Bargatzky; X 40. From topotype. Middle Devonian, Kelleys Island, Ohio. (282-22). Hermatostroma logansportense Galloway and St. Jean ............ Tissue amalgamated, with minute, dark specks; maculae large, and fuzzy, 0.03 to 0.05 mm. in diameter, not to be confused with the large light areas, 0.07 to 0.10 mm. in diameter sur- rounding the pillars; X 40. From holotype. Middle Devonian, Logansport, Ind. (279-2). Clathrocoilona cf. abeona Yavorsky .................---------22---22--200000220---= Tissue finely but unequally granular, with flocculent maculae, 0.02 to 0.05 mm. in diameter, some with light lumina, and larg- er l ght spots and streaks; light median line in the laminae; X 40. Middle Devonian, 6 mi. NE. of Logansport, Ind. (285-14). 439: 443 442 350 350 450 363 358 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 31 ee a ¢ ptt NOE By ene > ~ K (5 ada eal Soh a e: ory ,, 3. es Set Ld ser Fa aes mage) Pe. i ee c Res 8 es eRe dae JAS) cai ana PNR oes be ! i eh Soe cite fers Bo. ae AD Praede a, “Faas TET ES avenge, een P © (ei . : eens Raa } . ay ~ + ots 5 ¥ H & rs > Sa * ow of a. gees °o 3 4 A ie, | Soller tte eee TR? Bi 18 PLATE 32 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 “af yn? ! Vs Od dt : See + ef EA these tin cetibatare ig Saga: thet cal a * oT m ow \ a = Z>— PD Glig LEAL ES, ‘ eS Sa areag, eae ‘ STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 465 Figure ie 10. Explanation of Plate 32 Vertical section on left, tangential section on right Family 1. Labechiidae Cystostroma vermontense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -........... Compact and flocculent layers of cyst plates; pillars absent; X 10. Original, from holotype. Middle Ordovician, m‘ddle Chazy ls., 1 mi. SE. of Isle La Motte, Vt. (Pl. 31, fig. 1) (300- lyf, Zi). Cystostroma simplex Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. -.......----..... Villi on upper plate of cysts; X 10. Original, from holotype. Middle Ordovician, Carters ls., 7 mi. SE. of Nashville, Tenn. (299-60). Aulacera plummeri Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ................---. Vertical and cross section showing oblique pillars in mature region; X 2. Original, from topotype. Late Ordovician, Elk- horn Creek, 4 mi. S. of Richmond, Ind. RosenellasmacroGyStisi NicMOlls Griese ee Denticles on cyst plates; X 12. After type figures by Nicholson, 1886; -pl. 7, figs. 12, 13. Pseudostylodictyon poshanensis Ozaki -.......................-...------..--- Crenulations of cyst plates; X 8. After type figure by Ozaki, IB, Jol, AD, os all Pseudostylodictyon kayi Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. ~.......... é Crenulations of plates show ng as rings in tangential section; X 10. Original, from holotype. Middle Ordovician, middle Chazy. 1 mi. SE. of Isle La Motte, Vt. (300-21, 23). Sinodictyon columnare Yabe and Sugiyama .........................-..- Vertical section. Strong denticles on plates; X 8. After type figure by Yabe and Sugiyama, (1930, pl. 19, f'g. 3). Cryptophragmus antiquatus Raymond ..........................---------- 384, Vertical section. Sheaths are not connected with the cystose axis, which is the real Cryptophragmus. After Raymond (1914, pl. 2, fig. 2, X 4; pl. 3, fig. 4, X 3). Paratype. MaAhechia coments (Moms alley eres aee saa eee cere eeee Large pillars and strcngly arched cyst plates; X 10. After topo- type by Nicholson (1886, pl. 20, figs. 1, 2). Mabechiella serotalas CNiGholsom)) yes eee eee Cysts approximate laminae; X 12. After type figure by Nichol- son (1886, p. 46, fig. 4). 421 421 423 352 425 426 427 428 466 BULLETIN 164 Explanation of Plate 33 Vertical section on left, tangential section on right. Family 1. Labechiidae Figure Page 1. Pseudolabechia granulata Yabe and Sugiyama __........................ 429 Cysts and groups of diverg ng pillars; X 8. After type figures by Yabe and Sugiyama (1930, pl. 22, figs. 11, 12). 2; Dermatostroma papillatum’ Games) 2.222) 2. 430 Attached to Herbertella; showing pillars and_ indefinite laminae; bases of pillars are polygonal; X 10. Original. Upper Ordovician, Richmondian, Kentucky end of Madison, Indiana, bridge. (299-50). 35) SULOMALO CELLU oO SUM eee Leen ee 431 Pillars large, broad and irregular; cysts in part tend to make laminae; X 10. Original, from holotype; slide 590/5 E. Black River group, Watertown, N. Y. 4. Stromatocerium amsterdamense Galloway and St. Jean, n. sp. 432 Pillars irregular in shape and branching; cysts approximate laminae; X 10. Original, from holotype. Black River ls., Am- sterdam, N. Y. (235-12). Family 2. Clathrodictyidae 5. Clathrodictyon vesiculosum Nicholson and Murie ...................... 433 Cysts tend to be in horizontal layers; X 12. After type figures by Nicholson, 1886, pl. 17, figs. 10, 11. Middle Silurian, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 6. Anostylostroma hamiltonese Parks -............22....22222:00.0c220ccecceeeeees 434 Pillars short, div-ding upward; laminae transversely fibrous; dissepiments common; X 10. Original, from topotype. Tra- verse group, 8 mi. N. of Alpena, Mich. (Pl. 31, fig. 5) (282-51). 7. Anostylostroma columnare (Parks) _.............. ie aii 434 Laminae strong, pillars short, columns strong, dissepiments few; X 10. Original, from topotype. Columbus ls., Marblehead, Ohio. (282-65, 66). 8: Atelodictyon fallax Lecompte 2.0. ---6 5. 3 eee 435 Laminae strong; pillars short, joined in chains; X 12. Modified from type figure by Lecompte (1951, pl. 15, figs. la, 1d). 9. Stictostroma mamilliferum Galloway and St. Jean, n. name .... 435 Laminae porous; pillars short, not making regular rings; X 10. Aftenseanks 936) plea ticsee4 eo) es 10. Stromatoporella granulata (Nicholson) —...................2...2.-.....------- 436 Laminae porous, ring-pillars large, abundant; X 10. After type figure by Nicholson (1892, pl. 26, figs. la, 1b). BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 PLATE 33 NO “i = PLATE 34 BULL. AMER. PALEONT., VOL. 37 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION STROMATOPOROIDEA: GALLOWAY 467 Figure ile 10. Explanation of Plate 34 Vertical section on left, tangential section on right. Family 2. Clathrodictyidae Siromatoporelia Mal le antillea, Heterostegina PBS GW, GS), S77 Heterosteginoides te 320 Miogypsina 26, 28,29 317-321, 324- 326 Antillean Islands ..... - Seal Antillean region ............ 19 Antillocaprina ......... See okie kD iS JUS) aquitanicus, Biradiolites 12, 3} cf. aquitanicus, Biradio- It ES IES. reas te: 11 PAC CIATAS HE eevee eee sce 313, 328 /Nifantovuse AU ewll eee eeetacesee 316 IAGLOYOM MONG ON ene: 14 asterodisca, Lepido- Gy Gliimageee sateen ar eece os 328 NUS ETIIGCEAS eee ee 20 B BaGuliitesieee eee tee 20 Bikes, 1B WY Seeeaba nectsence 20 Bat badOsmee ee ee 328 Barker, R. W. and Grimsdale, We. 319 BARRE bee ese cemee este JF. 6 barretti, Bournonia ........ 8 Barrettia he is ares 5-19 Barrettia gigas limestone 18 Barrettia limestone ........ 7 Barrettia sandstone ........ U7 313, 316, 321- 323, 327-329 Barro Colorado Island... Barroisiceras ..... LS. 20 Bartlete Groughes 2... 19 basraensis, Miogypsina .. 322 Bermudez, Pedtoy Ja. bermudezi, Chiapasella.. Mockhantiaeee Miogypsina Miogypsinella .... Biradiolites | Bohio formation ISOM, VE, Gecsosncns: ch bournoni, Bournonia.. Bournonia .... bracuensis, Miogypsina.. bramlette1, Muiogypsina.. Bronnimann, Paul . bronnimanni, MCS: Sinla= a2 heed Miogypsinita Bs alesis bullbrooki, eae Pina... on G Caimito formation California | Camaguey Province, Cuba Cambridge, Jamaica, Be Wile er nte sce. Camerinidae Campanian ......... = cancellata, Bournonia .... canellei, "Lepidocyclina.. Gap iii aa Caprinuloidea ........ Caribbean GCatadtpaae eee ee ceibarum, Hippurites Orbignya cee oe Cenomanian @hiapas; Mexico... Chiapasella ..... Chubb, L. J. Rudist Assemblages of the Antillean UEP Cretaceous Ghubby esa Ciego de Avila, guey . Coalcomana ..... Cama- 481 The right hand light figures 31, B68 S2I 324, 327-329 320, 321 16-18: 121 323, 324 323 324 3135, 5165.52 — 329 323 ieee ee 2 18 327 16-18 8, 13, 14 321, 323, 326, 55 LOY 203 313, 316, 325 18 INDEX Cobban, W. A. and D Reeside, J. B. .. ect 16 ‘ Cole, W. S. deformis, Inoceramus .... 16 Late Oligocene larger Desmophyllites .............. 20 Foraminifera from deWieticr DE Ree BarronGolordords: Dominican Republic .... 20, 322 land, Panama Canal Douvallle eee 8-11, 18 Zone (with a detailed Droogetn Ca We eee 318, 319, 323- analysis of American : 326 Miogypsinids and Duraniae se Te eShadele Heterosteginids) ...... 313 12, 15 GOlewWwiaS cere 316, 319, 321- E 326 Collier County, Florida. 326 complanata, Miogypsina 318, 319 See ee nee ee) Miogypsinoides .......... 319 se a BYP 322. 323 complanatus, Miogyp- sg, Miolepidagclina > eae Miogypsinoides ...25 316, 318, 325 aa ate Bee meee ee compressa, Orbiculina .. 328 Roe be cast Raptzee 18 compressus, Archaias 24 313, 326, 328 sie cS Canes Pole ee ee 323 Goniactanw=s eee eee 16, 7 pa es scree _ Conrad Trail, Panama 316 SLR HA Re oa coral Piromea s.... 12 trale” 318 Cornell University ........ Ba, eke ok Cieeg Ce lee Oi coronata, Globotruncana 16 corrugata, Tepeyacia...... a al F coryi, Thyrastylon ...... 8 GostapRicain scicnee oe Bt sitalcomis Actas eee. 8 “Couches a Barrettia’.... 8 First British Caribbean “Couches a Bournonia’’.. SE) Geological Confer- crassitela, Antillocap- ence, Antigua ............ 3} rina . ah ils JBlOTidases. tee aera 316, 321-328 Gretalceousm erect ee 5, 6, 9, Florida Geological Sur- 16-21 Vy eter esteter steer: 316 Crioceras ..... Been ie 20 © ©fluminisagni, Sauvagesia 8 Gubageew ee: SENN, PON ee 55 9-215 _ Foraminiferays..... 02... NGS 75 Bik 319, 321, 328 313, 316, 318 GaubaneGale OuleGom: forbesi, Biradiolites ...... 8 srt ice age 91 fornicata, Globotruncana ly) cubana, Heterostegina ... 327 forresti, Operculinoides.. 324 cubensis, Biradiolites .... 11 Fort Haynes limestone... 16 G@hiapaselllameves sees 12 Prac bartetia oy ccs.8c ce: 13 Gc Culebra formation |... 321, 325 Curacao, Netherlands galofrei, Radiolites ........ 12, ie) Wiest ilimdltesixeys ssn. 8 Gatun Lake area .......... 325 curasavica, Durania ..... 8, 11, 12 giganteus, Titanosar- Cushman, J. A. and